Frying pan with marble non-stick coating: what is it, the pros and cons of pans with marble chips, which firm is better

Over the past few years, cookware with various non-stick coatings has become very popular. This material is one of the solutions that appeared not so long ago. Other products are simply called marble or granite. Marble is not fully used for such options - it means only the spraying present in the composition. Teflon is also at the heart of the marbled frying pan.

The kitchen utensils market provides a large assortment of high-quality and reliable pans.


  • 1 What is Marble Coating in a Frying Pan
  • 2 The harm and benefits of marble pans
  • 3 Features of pans with marble chips
  • 4 Which is better, ceramic or marble
  • 5 Correct use of non-stick marble pans
  • 6 Selection of quality marble cookware
  • 7 Service life of pans made of marble chips
  • 8 Caring for Marble Pans
  • 9 The best firms of marble pans
  • 10 About additional subtleties
  • 11 Conclusion
  • 12 VIDEO: Cooking in a marbled pan.

What is Marble Coating in a Frying Pan

A polished surface that remains absolutely smooth is the main feature of products, whose coating is granite. The design is built on standard cast aluminum pans. The non-stick layer is double when it comes to cheap products. This is followed by a layer of marble chips. The frying pan is based on aluminum, because it is characterized by high thermal conductivity.

The Marble Frying Pan is an interesting kitchen utensil that is crafted from durable stone coated material.

Marble spraying always comes from the top. But there are also more complex options, with the addition of marble chips to each layer. Then the durability wins, but the prices of the marble-coated pans also increase, the pros and cons of which will be discussed separately.

The total cost of the product depends on how many non-stick layers. Three or five - for the most expensive models, the rest are supplied with only two. The factor affects the strength, wear resistance.

The cooking process will be more comfortable and convenient.

Korea and China are the largest producing countries for such pans, although they are produced and sold all over the world. Polished marble chips also give a certain color scheme. The Russian type of products also takes this into account.

The harm and benefits of marble pans

The main differences from the closest analogs include a structure known for its heterogeneity. A long service life is ensured by proper care. The degree of wear resistance depends on the total thickness of the coating, including the benefits.

Marble is a natural stone that ideally combines strength, reliability, safety, excellent environmental friendliness and naturalness.

A marble frying pan is almost synonymous with Teflon. The material cannot be called terribly poisonous, but it is also not absolutely harmless. The structures remain harmless only if the operating rules are followed. First of all, this concerns overheating. It should not be allowed under any circumstances. Otherwise, the product will only do harm.

Manufacturers have succeeded in creating a marble non-stick coating for comfortable use when preparing food.

Features of pans with marble chips

There are several parameters to watch out for.

  1. Resistant protective film that prevents active interaction with the environment. During long-term operation, the products have proven themselves from the best side, the appearance and original qualities remain for a long time. Unusual external design also attracts.
  2. Resistance to mechanical stress is also greater than that of other similar materials.
  3. China and Korea are factories that have become suppliers of most of these products.
  4. Affordable prices, each buyer will choose the appropriate option for the current operating conditions.
  5. Marble pans can be used even on induction hobs. The ceramic option is not suitable for this.
  6. Beehives, diamond-shaped and cellular surfaces - they produce various models of such pans. If desired, it is easy to increase the quality of the cooking process, the same area to cover the heating.
  7. The dishes do not have strict requirements for washing and care; any family member can handle this without any problems.

Maximum strength and resistance of the coating to external loads. This protects the product from negative mechanical stress.

The specific service life depends on the manufacturer of a particular product.

Which is better, ceramic or marble

Choosing between the two, marble pans are by far the best solution. Ceramics are distinguished by high prices, because they are presented as an absolutely environmentally friendly product. But one cannot say that there is no evaporation at all, that complete safety is guaranteed. Therefore, it is necessary to answer in more detail the question of which pan coatings are better, ceramic or marble.

It does not take much time to heat the surface, so you can create the most comfortable and practical conditions for cooking.

The service life of ceramic pans is only a few months. Even if you follow all the recommendations regarding care.

Pottery is often too slippery. Because of this, problems arise when any food needs to be turned over. Even wooden, silicone spatulas cannot fix the problem.

The coating heats up quickly and cools down for a long time, which allows you to cook food in any mode.

Marble chips are characterized by a rough surface, which is easy to catch on when turning over.

Correct use of non-stick marble pans

The natural wear and tear of heat resistant coatings is reduced if the manufacturer's instructions are followed. Certain tips are also given by those who have already purchased a frying pan and have been using it for some time.

There are different types of pans with this coating to be able to choose a model according to the type of hob.

  • Regular lubrication with small amounts of oil is one of the main conditions. It is necessary to rub the composition on the surface with a small damp cloth. It also absorbs the remaining fat. This increases the service life.
  • It is better to leave the use of machines for cleaning products as a last resort. Hand cleaning is much safer for such items.
  • Too frequent, long soaking for such dishes is prohibited. Otherwise, the marble layer will gradually deteriorate.
  • It is not recommended to use any sharp objects to get rid of dried food debris. The problem can be easily solved by simply pouring a small amount of warm water diluted with detergent.
  • Storage is not part of the pan's purpose. It is better to take ordinary containers for this.
  • Compared to conventional spoons and forks, it is much more efficient to use special spatulas. Then the non-stick layer does not suffer.
  • When washing pans of this type, hard brushes should be discarded.
  • It is better not to put a marble frying pan up a hill when close contact with other dishes is allowed. Manufacturers and users are advised to set aside a separate place for this.
  • 250 degrees is the maximum temperature that must be adhered to when using stone dishes.

Marble-coated cookware is easy to clean to maintain quality and safety.

Selection of quality marble cookware

You should study the negative, positive properties of each product before proceeding with the purchase. Pans are no exception to this rule. Price is considered the main negative factor for this product. There are also cheap options, but their quality is also decreasing. If the cost is above average, the buyer can be sure that he sees not a fake. Including - for products from a country like Russia.

The use of modern technologies in terms of processing products allows you to maximally preserve all the taste properties of the dish.

Packaging with a label deserves a separate examination. Italy or Germany are words that are often added at the bottom so that the buyer does not definitely abandon his decision. These are just names that have nothing to do with the manufacturer. In this case, few people are alarmed by low prices, because new companies can do this to attract more consumers.

The material has passed special tests, thanks to which full safety and reliability is ensured when used as a means for cooking.

A certificate is required for every frying pan that has a granite finish. For this reason, for the purchase of goods, it is recommended to contact the employees of stores with a certain specialization. It is unlikely that official certified products can be found on the market. If it is possible, the risk of running into fakes remains too high.

The product is light in weight, so no inconvenience is created when using it in the kitchen.

Certain nuances exist in relation to the appearance of such products. There are a large number of options on the market with different parameters.

  1. Wall thickness.
  2. The size.
  3. Price.
  4. Color scheme.

Colors and sizes have no effect on food preparation. As for the cost, it has already been said above. The thickness of the layer - here the decision is made by the buyers themselves, for many this factor remains a real mystery.

A stone-sprayed product has a long service life with proper care.

6 millimeters of the bottom, 3.5 millimeters of the walls is considered the best option for most cases. Failure occurs faster with thinner walls. It is better to choose thicker products, but the indicator affects the price, changes it upwards.

Service life of pans made of marble chips

The answer to this question depends on which pan you purchased. Proper care and high initial quality increase the rate. Products last only a few months if taken carelessly. If all recommendations are followed, the service life is 2 years.

The degree of wear resistance directly depends on the thickness of the coating.

It is very easy to notice that a frying pan is deteriorating. Under these conditions, food begins to adhere to the surface, and this is not corrected by any oil. If this happens, it is better to throw out the pan and buy a new one. The main thing is that the product is also durable.

Among the disadvantages is the higher cost of products in comparison with dishes with other types of spraying.

Caring for Marble Pans

Immediately after purchase, the pan must be thoroughly washed and dried. But granite surfaces sometimes require extra attention, just like ceramic ones.

It is possible to cook dishes without adding oil, so that you can get the appropriate convenience in terms of preserving the benefits of the products.

In addition to the recommendations already written above, it is worth listening to other tips.

  • Washing is allowed both by hand and inside dishwashers. But the first processing option is considered more reliable. Including - for coatings based on stone.
  • Washing involves using an equal amount of cold or hot water.
  • Immediately after use, the surface must not be poured with cold water only. You need to wait a while until the dishes have cooled down.
  • It is forbidden to beat the shoulder blades, break the eggs on the edges of the pans. Otherwise, the surface suffers due to the appearance of microcracks.
  • To turn food, only silicone or wooden, plastic spatulas are suitable. In this case, it is easier to obtain a high-quality result.
  • The use of rigid metal blades is prohibited.
  • When washing, it is better to choose mild detergents. Abrasive varieties only spoil the surface.

After washing the pan, you need to wipe it dry and grease it with a little warm oil so that the coating does not dry out and retains its practical properties.

The best firms of marble pans

The market offers a large selection both by the models themselves and by the companies that manufacture them. Automated machines are often located in Korea and China, although companies themselves often obtain patents for certain technologies to create high quality coatings.

It is not recommended to wash the pan in a dishwasher, as this can damage the condition of the material.

The most famous are the following manufacturers.

  • Fissman.

Danish brand. He opened his own online store, with a wide selection of any utensils and accessories. Pans with marble surfaces - one of the areas of work.

  • Stoneline.

A German manufacturer, the quality of which is beyond doubt. Stone ware has become one of the areas the company is most focused on.

  • Fissler.

Another company of German origin. Including - has established itself as one of the manufacturers of stone ware at a high level of quality.

It is undesirable to store food in such a frying pan, as this leads to a violation of the quality of the material.

  • Noryoku.

A Japanese company that has developed a unique technology for the production of relevant products. The products are notable for their high cost, but they are based on manual labor, practically without automation. But the final quality also remains at its best, production guarantees the preservation of all parameters.

  • Art Granit.

Italian name. The company has long been known among a wide range of buyers.

  • Kukmara.

This company is originally from Russia. Creates durable products with practicality and ease of use. The technical properties are absolutely thought out specifically for Russian consumers.

Do not scratch the frying pan's coating as damage could damage the non-stick coating.

  • SCOVO.

Produces marble-coated pans. Appearance in high positions in the ratings is associated with high wear protection, quality of finished products.

  • Gevura.

The company has appeared on the market recently, but it is already gaining the attention of consumers.

About additional subtleties

Before buying, you can pay attention to other characteristics on which consumer properties depend. First of all, this concerns safety, which appears due to the development of reliable structures. A secure fit for removable accessories like a handle is important. A saucepan must also comply with this requirement.

Stone-sprayed pans retain their basic technical and practical properties more.

Parts subject to melting at high temperatures deserve special attention. Because of this, harmful substances can be released into the surrounding space.

Chips, cracks and other similar damage on the surface must be free. Including - if the material is natural.

During operation, it is worth following the recommendations from the manufacturer itself.

The dishes are easy to use and have a long service life.

The so-called grill pans deserve special attention. They are often equipped with several modes of operation, including:

  • steam treatment;
  • closet;
  • grill.

For the steam treatment to work, a certain amount of water must be poured inside. The outlet is covered with small amounts of water. The full function of the oven allows you to bake food while maintaining all the useful qualities. It is important to ensure that you can cook on the gas burner when the pan is in operation.

The gas grill pan is a barbecue in your kitchen.

The grill function involves several steps.

  1. Place a frying pan on the burner in the center. This is how the stone version works.
  2. A special depression is filled with water.
  3. Turn on and heat the dishes for about 5 minutes.
  4. Install the grill with the layout of the products.
  5. Cover the dishes with a lid.

An even roast and a beautiful crust is always characteristic of meat heated with the help of devices such as a frying pan.

The gas grill pan will allow you to enjoy the taste of your favorite dishes of meat, chicken, fish and vegetables, cooked on the grill at home.


Spray pans have come into use not so long ago. But marble coverings are already beginning to be in demand. The products are distinguished by a large number of positive aspects. A worthy alternative to Teflon pans, which do not always please with high quality. Or ceramic products, because their price seems unreasonably high to many buyers. Ease of maintenance and long service life are becoming the main benefits for consumers.

VIDEO: Cooking in a marbled pan.