Question pots and pans - one of the most pressing. After all, you see, from the order in the kitchen depends on the mood of the hostess, and hence the quality of her cooked dishes. It turns out you can not just create a perfect order in the kitchen, but also to make it the most stylish and comfortable.
Storage of utensils and accessories - a topical issue for homing housewives.
- 1 Devices and methods
- 1.1 Private method
- 1.2 Roof Wall
- 1.3 Dispensers for towels
- 1.4 Special stand
- 1.5 wall hanger
- 1.6 Separator
- 1.7 Holder for a chef's cap and spoon
- 1.8 Holders for caps with their hands
- 2 VIDEO: Keeping lids from pots in the kitchen.
- 3 50 supports options for lids of pots in the kitchen:
Devices and methods
It is worth noting that today there are ample options of various solutions for storage of kitchen utensils. And if in your case a suitable model is found, do not worry, it's only a matter of time.
Private method
Perhaps the hottest version - indoor or inside the cabinet. The advantages of this method are obvious: everything is hidden from prying eyes and protected from dust. After all, not every woman can boast of a modern set of pans (or pans), and perfect condition (with time will inevitably appear chipped or contamination from which has not get rid of). A closed storage method will leave for public viewing only an attractive facade of the kitchen cabinet.
Indoor storage type practiced by the majority of housewives.
Giving preference to the closed method of storage, you need only select the appropriate for this kitchen cabinet (All depends on the number of pots and their sizes) and determine with the method of installing the kitchen utensils. For example, some prefer a version of "matryoshka", neatly placed in a large pot, those that less, in a strict order. A cap in this situation are usually arranged in any order between the pots. Just note that the option is not the most ideal, because, first of all, need a rather big kitchen locker, and secondly, the cover will be constantly "on the move", even without your consent.
Taken into account its size, the amount of furniture, and allocated funds for special kitchen accessories storage departments.
Another idea - is the storage of covers strictly pans belonging to them. Again, an obvious drawback: it needs more space than in the previous case. And yet, this option is the favorite for some housewives.
Sometimes you can find even more interesting option - cover stack. Then do not understand due to what design remains stable, because the protruding handles do not allow you to create even remotely monolith. And usually at the most inopportune moment, this pyramid will cease to exist and scatters in different directions. It becomes apparent that this variant, alas, is also far from perfect.
To ensure the rightful place of storage of utensils, it is important to consider the size of the cabinet and the amount allocated to finance.
Another type of closed storage method - is on special roof rails inside the cabinet. Typically, the device is attached to the cabinet door. The main thing to make a correct measurement, and then, as they say, it all depends on dexterity. If desired, these can be made self-fixing, and to use a solid metal rod or a thread instead purchased railing. And the result is a comfortable and functional holder covers from the pots by hand.
This way we can preserve good order, ensuring secrecy of objects through cabinet doors.
Roof Wall
The principle of fixing exactly the same as inside the cabinets, just to the wall. The advantage of this method of storage of pots - the ability to determine what size it will be the hardware, and perform it at the desired height. In addition, with conventional railing created whole organizers for kitchen utensils. For example, attaching two railing at different heights and providing them with additional hooks, you can easily place them ladles, graters, pot, grater, as well skimmer and ladle. And on top of all this splendor fit easily into even the lid.
It is truly amazing and convenient option.
The only "but": if you prefer to wall rails, watch covers state (and other kitchen utensils), since everything in sight. And if you can not continually buy new dishes, then let them having a different worthy appearance.
To ensure the rightful place of storage of utensils, it is important to consider the size of the cabinet and the amount allocated to finance.
Dispensers for towels
Yes, there is no error, the most common towel holders help you to conveniently place the lid on the cookware. A sort of life hacking of our time. The secret is this: for each cover you need at least two hooks. Sami hooks can be attached to the inside of the cabinet door. If there are Velcro holders, the attachment process does not bring any problems.
Special stand
Here we are talking about the stands, made specifically for the cover of the pan or pans. There are many varieties of them. They are made of metal or plastic, customize the size of a tiny kitchen furniture for kitchens or create huge size. With such a range of important to understand exactly what you need and buy your own version.
If you do not want to spend money on additional special furniture parts, some things you can do on your own.
As a rule, stand ready calculated still on the kitchen impressive size, and then it is not surprising that it is necessary to allocate a box lids.
The kitchen is replete with many small things for which allocated a special place.
wall hanger
It is also very common model for vertical storage. It is a metal frame structure with multiple spokes. This hanger is attached to the wall in any convenient place for you: on a desk, mounted near the lockers or near a sink.
It is important that they be ordered - it's easier to cook or clean up.
The main advantages of the budget is considered cost savings and functionality of the workplace - the right items are always at hand, it is possible without any additional effort to take the necessary cover, or, on the contrary, the hang of it after washing.
The main principle - all at your fingertips, but did not interfere.
It's kind of a box in a drawer. All familiar with dividers cutlery: knives forks and spoons. Something similar exists today and pans with pans, as well as their covers. The large compartment is installed plastic (or wooden) structure, in which you put the desired items.
Different sizes, dimensions do not allow them to be placed in a stack, as happens with the dishes.
If you stop your choice on this embodiment, the main thing to guess the size. Firstly, the very plastic design should fit the size of your closet. And secondly, it must fit the dates of your items.
By the way, these spacers can be entirely self-supporting. Then they, like the wall hangers, just on as a convenient location for the hostess. A larger capacity for such a device, if desired, "complementary" hook.
Many keep the lid on the pan just that sometimes not very practical - so ware takes up more space.
Another life hacking is no requirement to purchase a special separator, try to "organize" his own. To do this in a large drawer, which is usually stored your pan, cut off two small compartments on the sides - it will be a place for the covers. The process of creation of this know-how will take you no more than 15 minutes, and comfort that you will be provided, save time and energy while cooking or cleaning.

Post can help desk adapted to fold it round and flat objects.
Holder for a chef's cap and spoon
Relatively recently in our lives have become part of the spectacular palm spoon chef. Thanks to them, we have ceased to torment the question: "Where to put the spoon after stirring?". Their bright "appearance" has brought to the process of cooking a lot of positive emotions.
Holder covers from the pots pretty simple device.
However, over time, there was another question: "Where to put the lid when you open it, to prevent the meal?". Therefore, it is a logical continuation of the history of the emergence of a holder for a chef's cap and spoon.
The main advantage is that you do not need to look for anything - they are always at hand and mind in one place.
Such a device can be purchased in the usual hardware store. Well, if you are looking for something sort of, bright and unusual, it offers numerous online shops offering a huge range of similar devices in all shapes, sizes and flowers.
Holders for caps with their hands
To create a cosiness in the kitchen necessarily spend a fabulous tool. Some elements are easily made with their own hands and make the kitchen is not just comfortable, but also creative, unlike others.
This Stand for lids of pots has a stylish look that complements any decor.
For example, by using a perforated board and a few metal hooks, a very stylish and functional kitchen. The hooks are inserted into the holes at random. This "device" is quite roomy and simple.
Devices are available in different form, we can only choose the best and most suitable for kitchen.
Roof (wall-mounted or attached to the door of the cupboard) - it is also an excellent option hand made, which does not require large financial investments and super skills.
Budget "analog" railing - stranded copper wire and screws. This "device" can be attached to the door of a wooden cabinet, even the hostess herself.
All of them have the main goal - to restore order in the kitchen.
Obviously, the question: "How to keep the lid on the pan in the kitchen" must have your answer. Holders for caps - a necessary thing. Thanks to them, the kitchen will not have the chaos, and the woman will quickly find the required "accessory". And let someone similar devices seem superfluous, for the most part they will be a worthy addition to the interior. And what exactly to buy the holder (or to do), it's up to you.