How to clean a pan of grease and soot at home: how to clean and wash the pots and pans

It is impossible to imagine a kitchen without utensils such as frying. Modern mistresses are also many variations of the most different materials. But all of them are subject to the same drawbacks: the accumulation of dirt, which not only spoil the appearance of dishes, but also They constitute a danger to health, because the chronic fat is able to allocate carcinogens that cause deadly disease. Therefore, the question arises: how do you clean the pan from the old fat?

Any owner sooner or later faces the problem of removing carbon from utensils.


  • 1 Which is why there is fat and carbon deposits on the walls of the pans
  • 2 How to clean different types of pans of stale grease and soot at home
    • 2.1 Cast-iron pan
    • 2.2 Frying enamelled
    • 2.3 aluminum pan
    • 2.4 How to wash burnt fat with stainless frying pan
    • 2.5 Cleaning ceramic pans from the old fat
    • 2.6 Nuances cleaning pans coated with Teflon
  • 3 How can we clean the pans and pots
    • 3.1 The mechanical cleaning methods
      • 3.1.1 heat method
      • 3.1.2 Clean household cleaning
    • 3.2 Traditional methods of cleaning
  • 4 safety rules when cleaning the dishes from the sludge and fat
  • 5 VIDEO: An effective method of cleaning the pan.

Which is why there is fat and carbon deposits on the walls of the pans

The cause of fouling is simple - carelessness and unwillingness to wash the dishes immediately after cooking. Fat layer deposited on the walls and bottom, gradually increases, it is mixed with soot, creating an explosive mixture, harmful to the organism. The appearance of such contamination occurs in pans in a similar manner. Therefore, cleaning utensils should become habitual and obligatory procedure for everybody.

How to clean different types of pans of stale grease and soot at home

As previously mentioned, the pan can be made of any material, each, however, demands to itself its own approach. It can not be a heavy frying pan made of cast iron to clean as well as Teflon. Knowing simple recommendations will be pretty easy to clean all the pans, no matter what they are made.

A thick layer of burnt oil not only spoils the appearance of dishes, but also affects the quality of food prepared in it.

Cast-iron pan

One of the most common varieties, which has a mass of useful qualities, but has a significant flaw adhering soot so strongly eats into the porous structure of the iron, which is enough to wash it problematic. But this is a solution. Since iron coating is not sensitive to hard impacts, it can be cleaned with metal sponges, powders or sand. At the service station there are special machines that sand and compressed air can clear any pollution. Extravagant method of removing a deposit: put the frying pan into the fire. After some time, soot will start to descend pieces. It remains only to rinse and wipe dry with a towel.

Modern chemical cleaning products "antizhir" effectively fight fat burnt.

Frying enamelled

Enamel is a thin coating which does not tolerate rough action and corrosive agents. To remove fumes and plaque have with less methods. Good will or folk remedies use of whiteness. It is important that after the procedure utensils thoroughly rinsed, because getting the detergent in the body with serious consequences. It is better not to risk it.

Clean dishes can be a grandmother and methods, and modern, but has some limitations.

aluminum pan

Aluminum - lightweight metal, and utensils out of it turns out the same. Rub the sides of the iron sponge is impossible: remain unsightly scratches. But the combination of a mild detergent, such as tooth powder, baking soda and soap, are perfect. They do not spoil the appearance and relieve pot or pan by a layer of fat.

It is not recommended to wash aluminum utensils in the dishwasher.

How to wash burnt fat with stainless frying pan

Stainless steel was invented in order to make of it the dishes, not subject to corrosion. But from the accumulation of oil and grime it is not insured. Features that require a unique approach to cleaning, this pan is not. Good cleans the fouling strong saline solution of soda and vinegar mixture, activated charcoal. Wash better soft sponges after to rinse under running water and dry.

As a result of the aggressive impact scratches are formed.

Cleaning ceramic pans from the old fat

Calcined clay requires careful cleaning. It would be better if, after every cooking hostess will wipe the cooled pan with a paper napkin, which absorbs all the fat. But if it turned out that the dishes already heavily contaminated, then there is nothing left, how to use the "grandmother's" recipes. For example, pokipyatit with soda water. Also it helps to good aeration. A bottle of Coke or Pepsi poured inside dishes, and kept there for several hours. When contamination soak, sponge brushes them.

Wash the pan and give it a shine can be with the help of a sponge and soapy water.

Nuances cleaning pans coated with Teflon

Teflon - a very delicate coating, which in any case can not scratch the forks or knives. Even coarse salt is able to leave a deep impression. What to do?

Dried mud can pour a little hot water and leave wither. After her loosen spatula or sponge. From detergents amiss soda.

It is better not to postpone such a wash pan for later, and do it immediately after use.

How can we clean the pans and pots

Ways to clean a pan of grease and soot in the home, a great many. All of them have both pluses and minuses. Here are listed the most famous.

The mechanical cleaning methods

method name speaks for itself: the elimination of deposits is due to the use of brushes, brushes, sandpaper sometimes driven by the rotational mechanism. The advantage is low cost and easy cleaning. The disadvantage: the risk of cracks, scratches, destruction cookware material.

heat method

Under the effect heat-understood gas burner at contaminated sites. To carry out such cleaning is possible only outside the home. Pan put on some basis, will include a burner and treated pockets of fat. Once placed in the water tank. The temperature difference will cause the peeling of dirt which is removed with a scraper.

It is important to be careful because of the heat of the pan material may burst.

Clean household cleaning

Using chemical means can effectively clean the dishes, both inside and outside.

  • "Schumann"

This is quite a serious tool, using which you need to wear gloves. Clears old carbon deposits on time.

Schumann to clean from scale pans.

  • Means for removing plaque

There are many types of funds: "Pemolyuks", "Mr. Proper", "Zepter" and others. All of these materials are well wash grease from dishes, but to eliminate the strongly ingrained soot, they are not suitable.

Special tools can easily cope with the carbon deposits on the dishes.

  • Chemicals for cleaning sewers

The use of such funds is sometimes justified, when it comes to serious pollution. The liquid is poured into a separate container, into which a pan or pot. After waiting some time, the dishes are removed and the well washed.

When cleaning chemicals will not have to put a lot of effort.

  • Cleaning means, "Mr. Muscle Antizhir"

This magnificent substance penetrates the most remote corners, eroding dirt. And if anyone still thinks about how at home to clean the pan from the soot and grease, even if it means buying and parted with dirty pans forever.

"Mr. Muscle" for removal of burnt fat.

Traditional methods of cleaning

Chemicals much better and will clean the dishes quickly, but they can do much harm to man, hitting a bad meal with the washed surface. The use of the same familiar tools that every home store cupboard, safe.

  • glue

Silicate adhesive mixed with soda and water, creates a unique structure which removes any fouling within a few hours. The solution is prepared in a separate container, which is placed in the pan, boil for an hour, and then just keep the same number.

The duration of the digestion will depend on how thick and stuffy layer covers the wall of the pan.

  • Vinegar and salt

Vinegar - great liquidator of pollution, and combined with the salt and do give a stunning result. The water is poured 50-100 ml. vinegar, dissolved three tablespoons of salt, the resulting solution was poured into the pan.

Remove fat chronic paste can be prepared from a 9% vinegar and salt.

  • Peroxide and baking soda

The combination of hydrogen peroxide and soda hissing and gives good cleaning mixture. The only drawback - you need a lot butylkov peroxide.

The softened fat easily removed by a scraper or steel wool.

  • acetic acid

Any acid is a powerful weapon against deposit. If one burnt porridge, then remove traces of acid will help that to the best action can be heated on the stove.

After boiling, allow the solution to stand for a couple of hours. Then rinse the pan well.

  • activated carbon

Cheap remedy fat and plaque. Tablets finely crumble and rubbed into the pollution, that both the sponge absorbed into the pores of the coal. Suitable for medium and fine coke extent perennial layer fails to overcome it.

Activated carbon is used for many cleaning products from cast iron.

safety rules when cleaning the dishes from the sludge and fat

Cleaning the dishes require compliance with safety regulations:

  • When working with chemicals wear gloves, and maybe a face mask;
  • During the procedure is necessary to open the window;
  • In the kitchen there should not be animals and children;
  • Upon completion of cleaning all working surfaces must be washed with soap and water.

The most obvious and effective means of prevention - timely removal of greasy deposits.

VIDEO: An effective method of cleaning the pan.