Kitchen scales help reveal culinary skills, helping to regulate the amount of ingredients and becoming an indispensable tool in domestic affairs. They will help measure the ingredients and complement the design of the kitchen.
The main thing when choosing - to define the future purpose and budget for the purchase. So, acquiring mechanical buyer sacrifices some accuracy and ease of measurement, but keeps the money that the additional costs of electronic.
Bowls with depression are more suitable for the mass market, for home use, they are more convenient than flat and are designed for standard measurements, cereals, flour, etc.
- Types of kitchen scale with bowl
- bowl design
- functions
- How to choose a kitchen scale with bowl
- Exploitation
- malfunctions
Types of kitchen scale with bowl
Libra meet two types - mechanical and electronic.
- The mechanical spring inserted basis for measuring stretch and move when weighing up arrow division mark of the measuring table.
- E created based on constructive computing mechanism, with a display and control panel. They resemble a kind of "kitchen computer" irreplaceable helped the cook to prepare meals. Electronic scales are more mechanical, but acceptable for people to maintain their own health, following a healthy diet and diets.
Libra weighed from the smallest to the huge mass of volumes, depending on the characteristics of the specific model.
Better suited for the kitchen options to the measurement of 2-5 kg. Price division "minimum" can also vary, but the best fit option is believed to cooking, with the division in 1 gram.
bowl design
Bowls are manufactured with two types of surfaces for products:
- Flat platform;
- Bowl with a recess.
For the first type is characterized by weighing the ingredients, except the original container, a kitchen bowl, the cup, which are mixed just two (or more) types of products. On this side there is a preferential convenience in cases where such ingredients are weighed, which are not placed in a bowl at all.
The second type is mainly for those who like to cook from powdery formulations - pastry, pies, cakes and more. Convenience is present in the balance "Reset tare" button. Thus, it is easy to pour the correct amount of another product, if the display indicates "0 g".
This feature is primarily for people who are just learn cooking skills dishes, as proportioning with it much easier.
The cup may be fixed or removable. The latter are easier to clean after use.
Ease gives the bowl a large volume, part of the package. Thus, the device is placed inside it after use and stored till next use in compact form. Appearance also affects the attitude to cooking, so you should choose an attractive model for himself.
Design decoration attract attention and complement the device.
The latest models are created by manufacturing companies with the addition of wood, glass, plastic and other materials. Devices different forms of property, fixtures for surface areas - the walls and tables. Externally applied in a variety of colors: white, black, colored, drawings, patterns and so on.
Weights can not only measure the different ingredients. Other features:
- Tare;
- Consistent use of the mass via reset to "0" allows the component parts alternately weigh dishes;
- Automation functions incl. / Off .;
- Measure liquids;
- timers;
- Built-in clock;
- Selection at measurement: oz, grams, kilograms, pounds, and others;
- Nutritional value of brief or detailed (proteins, fats, carbohydrates, calories);
- pressure indicators.
Advantages and disadvantages:
- Power supply: mains, battery or batteries;
- Precision measurement;
- Own function (memory for tare, memorable setting, the food component of product value, timer, clock, etc.);
- More suitable for weighing the exact weight in grams than weights.
This type is suitable for those who follow the diet and for novice cooks.
- inexpensive;
- weight range up to 5 (or more) kilograms;
- They do not need a power source;
- error seen when the spring is deformed with time. At this time, it needs to be adjusted or replaced;
- suitable for weighing weights, with small masses having errors;
- low functionality.
Depending on your own wishes, select a specific type, model, appearance, a set of kitchen scales functions. Precise electronic scales can help to measure the products that you can not eat for some diseases: diabetes mellitus, and other acute and chronic diseases for which the required control over food.
For spins and preservation better suited scales to measure the measures of 3 kg, which allows you to use the device for its intended purpose.
How to choose a kitchen scale with bowl
Before buying pay attention to the case - he must hide and protect the inner mechanism. Glass devices more attractive, but the metal longer operated. The plastic below the price bracket, but reliably protects from humid environment, though deformed with time.
But here you are relying on their own preferences and tastes. It is better to take, as it was written above, these scales, which safely isolates corps cover and protect the internal device.
Pay attention to your own keypad.
Touch keys much longer able to serve, and if the coating is complete, extending to the surface of the push-button fully.
If you prefer the balance on batteries, then pay attention to the fact that they attended the indicator, which is convenient to fix the remaining charge. It will also be convenient version of the battery-mains. So, in case the battery runs out, you can connect the device to the network.
That the device has served the longest time, it is necessary to choose such models, which have a relatively high quality. This often contributes to a well-known manufacturer specializing in the field.
Of course, much depends on the storage method. That's why some prefer to purchase scales with wall mounting and folding in the packaging of the kit.

In many ways, this will tell you, of course, instruction manual, which must be present in the kit.
The scheme is described that:
- The device is installed on a hard surface (and, preferably, do not change their positions after the installation for a more accurate measurement);
- Best stored in a dry place;
- After the work is finished, wash all washable parts and the remainder with a damp cloth;
- In any case impossible to lower the device into the water, and add detergents when rubbed;
- Own body can not be opened, even if the device is out of order;
- To the battery is not discharged quickly, it is better to keep the mechanism in the horizontal (natural for them) position;
- You can not shake, throw and hit against other objects;
- The surface should not be any objects when not in use;
- The tool is only suitable for home use and strictly for its intended purpose;
- Take care that objects do not touch the surface during weighing;
- The batteries are inserted in the correct position (pay attention to the "+" and "-" side);
- The lid covering the battery should be tightly closed;
- Batteries should not be stored next to the metal surfaces and objects;
- Once the batteries are exhausted they must be replaced immediately or pull out of the device;
- For proper operation and work with a particular model, you need to refer to the manual attached to it;
- If the device is not equipped with an automatic switch, then the completion of the preparation of his hand cut off;
- If necessary, reread the instructions.
If you notice that your scales began to falter, off, show clearly incorrect results and there are other reasons, in which case it is necessary to establish the cause of their failure.
Perform actions in the following order until you find the cause of the failure:
- Check the batteries under cover. Usually it is easy to open, but in some cases this will require a screwdriver. Remove the cover and remove the batteries. If you do not have special equipment to check the battery, you can check their performance on any other running device having the same slot for the battery. If the batteries are not suitable for a use, they only need to be replaced;
- If the food is all right, it is necessary to examine the trail connecting the board to the display. If he is not very tight, it may also be the cause of the fault. To fix the problem, you need to charge as much as possible and tightly against the surface of the display, after raising it. You can use a small beam of wood, which is set in the middle of the board and the lower part of the body;
- Check the device contacts. They must cling to the legs during the operation. If the metal has become noticeably thin, replace the relay contacts the same parameters as in the original design. For this, use a soldering iron or other convenient means;
- Clean the surface and the available space on the dirt. It should be done very carefully, without making any sudden movements, avoiding direct pressure. Wipe with a damp cloth special, and on top - dry to prevent moisture remained surface, since even a slight evaporation causes oxidation processes on the surface mechanism;
- Think long and if you remember, were placed on the surface of heavy objects that are not permitted for this device. If it was, and now you have wrongly shows the dial, then this is the case. In particular, this leads to the shaking of the device, and therefore it is recommended not to beat or shake. For the calibration, click on the appropriate button and hold for as long as not hatch «CAL», after which Put on your work surface the necessary weight and expect to complete the calibration - «PASS», or failure - «FAIL».