How to clean the pan with non-stick coating of soot and grease in the home as clean baked-pan inside and outside

For decades, the heart of most housewives are given non-stick cookware. This cookware is best for frying, especially in today's fashion on a healthy diet. Pan itself can be made of any material, but is most commonly used aluminum - this is a very lightweight metal, which reduces the overall weight of the frying pan, non-stick coating reinforced.

You need to know how to clean the pan with non-stick coating without harming him.

Such coating eliminates the main disadvantages of aluminum pans - tendency to deform, low scratch resistance. Since the inner surface is completely coated with a special coating, such crockery is significantly longer with proper care.


  • 1 What features has a non-stick coating
  • 2 What is important to know about the non-stick coating
  • 3 As may be contaminated coating pans
  • 4 How to clean the pan with non-stick coating in the home
  • 5 How to wash the outside of the pan baked-on
  • 6 How to wash the pan from the stale sludge and fat
  • 7 What tools are not recommended for cleaning utensils with non-stick coating
  • 8 Recommendations regarding the care of the dishes
  • 9 Terms of Use and the preventive measures
  • 10 VIDEO: How to clean non-stick frying pan.

What features has a non-stick coating

Non-stick coating makes the bottom and walls of utensils thicker, which improves heat transfer and allows them to expend less energy for cooking. Also, when cooking, you can use a minimum of oil or fat, which allows you to save in the products of vitamins and nutrients.

the so-coated pans are longer to cook them more easily, and in the care they are not demanding.

One of the market leaders in this cookware since 1956 is a company Tefal. One of the patented inventions is the famous Spot Point - a red circle in the center of the pan. It shows the optimum temperature of heating the pan, becoming monotonous bright red color.

Teflon is a chemical substance manufactured in the form of powder or aqueous solution.

What is important to know about the non-stick coating

Non-stick coating - is the application of the pan, usually aluminum, special coating that is resistant to drop temperature, which is easily washed and cleaned, and protects the food from burning due to its structure and sticking to bottom. Formulas such coverage is constantly being improved and further developed, depending on the identified weaknesses and problems.

Types of coatings:

  • Ceramic coating Ceralon - a reliable, environmentally friendly and safe. However, do not like sudden changes in temperature. And try not to drop the dishes - may appear chips and cracks. In addition to these features - it is one of the best coverage options, also quite economical.

Pottery is heated very quickly and retains heat well.

  • Teflon Teflon - the most common. It is polytetrafluoroethylene. Very convenient, but does not like the use of metal items - there are scratches, the quality deteriorates. There were rumors that when heated releases harmful substances - but studies have not confirmed this.

Casually discovered substance, used today in various spheres of production.

Important! Still buy Teflon cookware trusted manufacturers, as they conduct research and improve technology. Unfortunately, the market is flooded fake tableware, especially pans Tefal. Buy in proven stores and do not forget that a good-quality dishes can not be cheap.

  • Granite stick coating Granite - typically Teflon, supplemented with granite chips. This makes it more resistant to damage metal objects, as a result - more durable.

Granite is not separated from the product when exposed to high temperatures

  • Marble floors - most often as Teflon with the inclusion has marble chips. It makes dishes visually attractive, and the coating - more stable and secure.

The big advantage is the elimination of soot cookware and high strength surface layer.

  • Titanium coating Whitford QuanTanium - multilayer coating reinforced titanium. The most durable and resistant, suitable for use on all types of plates.

Non-stick coating Whitford QuanTanium® of today is one of the leaders in its class in terms of duration coatings, reliability, durability and safety for humans.

As may be contaminated coating pans

When the cookware is widely used - it can not escape contamination. the remaining oil after frying the dough, jam drops and so on - every woman is familiar with this list. Despite the fact that for cooking on a pan requires a minimum of fat or oil - all the same after each use, it should be cleaned. And then in front of each hostess the question arises - how to clean the pan with non-stick coating?

The Teflon coating is easily scratched, so it is impossible to use acids and alkalis.

Important! Non-stick coating is specifically designed for ease of maintenance and cooking, resistant to dirt - one of the most important qualities. If you notice that the pan has become stronger resist dirt inside, it became more difficult to wash - be sure to look at the coaster. Most likely, it is damaged. In this case, the pan is not recommended, especially Teflon. Unfortunately, it should be replaced.

How to clean the pan with non-stick coating in the home

Very important time to wash and clean the dishes. At home, it's worth doing right after the end of cooking - of course, when the pan has cooled - using a soft sponge and liquid detergent that does not contain acid.

The service life will increase considerably, to use wooden or silicone blades.

Recommended specially designed for such dishes gels and "Domestos" creams, "Mr Muscle", etc. However, remember that, for example, Teflon coating does not suffer abrasives and powdered cleaning funds. Is it possible to clean a dish, without resorting to chemical agents, at home?

Folk remedies offer these options:

  • Laundry soap. This first aid for pollution is the dish with non-stick coating. grate ordinary soap to produce a soap solution. Recommended boiling soap solution in a pot for about 20 minutes, depending on the soil. Then rinse and wipe with a sponge.

It is necessary to make a choice in favor of the more benign folk methods.

  • Food or soda ash. Small dirt - enough to fill a soda on the stain and rub gently with a damp sponge. If the spots are more serious - pour some water Stir in 3 tablespoons of baking soda and boil 10-20 minutes. Then sponge rinse under water pressure.

Soda - abrasive, it is very careful to be used in the care of non-stick cookware.

  • Soda and dishwashing detergent. Pour into a dish a few spoonfuls of baking soda, pour a few drops of liquid dishwashing detergent - and put on fire. Let pokipit 10 minutes - 20. Then wipe the hard side of the sponge. In this method you can use as soda ash and baking.

After using soda ash do not forget to rinse thoroughly with plenty of water.

  • Baking soda and silicate glue. Please note - the adhesive must be precisely silicate, PVA does not work. Dial water in a large pan, vsypte polpachki soda and tube adhesive. Immerse the soiled dishes. Put on the fire, bring to a boil and simmer for 15-25 minutes, depending on the degree of contamination.

After the procedure, you will only get the dishes and wipe with a sponge.

  • Activated carbon. It should be milled to a fine powder, pour into a bowl and leave for 30-40 minutes, then pour the cold water. Leave on for 15-20 minutes, rinse under running water.

Non-stick coating continues regularly to perform the basic function only in the absence of damage.

Attention! Do not rub the wall with charcoal or bottom of pans in the powder state, it can act as an abrasive and damage the nonstick coating. Just leave it in the pot.

Of course, there are other ideas - vinegar, citric acid, whey. In this case, it is difficult to recommend them, because then the active ingredient - acid, even natural. You need to pay attention on the instruction to each pan, cover whether the contact with acid say or not. Do not forget, before you begin to operate, even a frying pan - it is better to read the instructions. This will significantly extend the life of any product. Of course, if these instructions are not only read but also to be observed.

Exposure to aggressive chemicals quickly covering hurt, corroding it with dirt.

How to wash the outside of the pan baked-on

So, it is required to solve the problem is more difficult - how to clean the pan with non-stick coating inside and out. Remove any dirt from the outside is much more complicated. One of the most effective methods - the use of baking soda and vinegar. Grate - outside! - pan ash and abundantly watered with vinegar. After closure hiss rinsed with sponge under water pressure.

It is important not to use on the inner surface of the detergent to chemicals do not penetrate into the food, and then -in the human body.

You can also try to clean by mechanical cleaning, using a stiff brush, planted on a drill.

Note! With such cleaning may fly off small pieces of dried sludge, carefully carry out such work in goggles. And do not forget that this method is absolutely unacceptable for the internal cleaning - dirty come together with a covering.

But the method is not suitable incandescent categorically, nonstick pans can not nakalivat empty, it leads to deformation and the pan, and cover.

Any non-stick cookware can not tolerate harsh cleaning and scouring powders.

As scrub clean small contaminants outside pans may also be used on thick natural coffee. He cleans - but only from the outside, remember about his abrasive properties and do not use for cleaning coating.

No need to rub with force, even with a soft sponge to try to wash the oil.

Note! Not chronic and small spots can also be removed by boiling the dishes in the usual Coca-Cola. This drink has been repeatedly observed in cleaning properties - and from the frying pan he copes as easily as with coins and rust.

How to wash the pan from the stale sludge and fat

How to clean the pan Tefal of a deposit or to another non-stick coating of fat - a task more difficult. Most often in the home it can be solved in this way - in a large saucepan combine grated soap, soda ash and silicate glue. Drops soiled dishes, put on fire, brought to a boil. How to boil - determined by the degree of contamination. It is even 30-40 minutes. More usually not required. After this procedure, the dishes must reach and wash with a sponge under a strong pressure of water.

You must enable the hood at full power, or open a window for ventilation.

One popular method - a mixture of ammonia and boric acid. But here it should be noted, firstly, the type of coverage - not all of them suffer acid, and secondly - the duration of exposure. Even for the strongest PTFE is not recommended long-term contact with the acid.

You can try to clean up old pollution toothpaste. It should be applied to the surface, smudge a soft brush, hold it so for half an hour - and rinse under the pressure of the water with a soft sponge.

Pasta eats away fat and soot, so contamination is easily washed off with a sponge.

What tools are not recommended for cleaning utensils with non-stick coating

Important! Do not forget that any type of non-stick coating is sensitive to abrasive materials.

Scouring powder, metal scrapers should be excluded from the arsenal of dishes for such care. And note - the popular strong chemical compositions can also cause permanent damage to your favorite frying pan Tefal. Therefore, a powerful household chemical type amveevskogo cleaner for ovens, Shumanita or "Blazing cauldron" - set aside, it is not for your favorite dish with non-stick coating.

It is not recommended to eat from a frying pan - cutlery scratch the surface.

Recommendations regarding the care of the dishes

Any utensils should be washed after it has cooled down, it is not necessary to expose the non-stick coating is a sharp change in temperature. If the cold water dip pan, only removed from a plate - it can be deformed, the coating may crack and the further use of such dishes already be unsafe and ineffective.

To restrict the use of Teflon pans is unlikely, in view of its advantages and unique sound.

Before soaking and boiling is best to unscrew or remove the detachable handle, or simply do not immerse it in water. Do not forget that handles are often made of a different material and impose other requirements to care.

Terms of Use and the preventive measures

Whatever may be the mistress of a neat, still keep the pan from scale and dirt can not be anyone. So do not execute themselves, seeing a dirty frying pan, it is better to listen to the simple guidelines.

Important! Never calcined empty the pan before using. This method is good for the old cast-iron pans, but hopelessly spoil your new Teflon.

It is not recommended to heat the cookware with non-stick coating to a temperature above 250 degrees because the coating begins to break down the structure, its integrity. Such use significantly degrades the properties of pans.

Kitchenware is recommended to use plastic, silicone or wood - even if the manufacturer assures that the coating is super-tough.

Metal objects, especially knives, can leave cracks, hairline cracks, cuts, which undoubtedly impairs the quality of dishes.

At home, a bowl can usually be washed in the dishwasher, but in any case, carefully review the instructions in the same way as for detergents for dishwashers.

Always ensure that the detergent can be used for washing dishes with Teflon and other types of coverage.

It is recommended to wash the dishes immediately after use, preventing fat and oil residues prisohnut. So long as you save your favorite frying pan with non-stick coating in working condition.

VIDEO: How to clean non-stick frying pan.