Veyping, which is considered an alternative to the standard of smoking, gaining more and more popularity
- 1 What is veyping
- 2 What it is in Weipa
- 3 types Weipa
- 4 Settings Weipa selection
- 5 What is more harmful - hookah or Weipa
What is veyping
The term "Weipa" comes from the English word "vape", which literally means "guy" (with the production of the stress on the first syllable). To carry out the process, veyper, or the man who soars, using a special electronic device. Its purpose is to produce vapor that is inhaled by the person.
NOTE!(Click to see)
It is believed that veyping much safer cigarettes as in tobacco smoke contains more than 400 different compounds which are toxic for the human organism.
The term "Weipa" means "steam" in a translation from English
In fact, the question of security veypinga not so clear. Proponents of this process insist that there smokable liquid mixture containing no nicotine. Veypinga Opponents say that in the process of evaporation emit harmful substances.
The appearance of the first patent on the evaporator is dated 1927 year. But it was precisely smokeless cigarette instead Weipa in its current form. The first steam generator, which resembled modern samples, appeared in 60th years of the twentieth century. Its creators believe the Chinese medic Hon Lik.
A variety of models allows you to select the device on their own needs and desires
Shortly before the device of the invention for evaporation, his father had died, suffering from lung cancer. This was the impetus for scientists to come up with a device that would be able to replace the usual cigarette, but not carried so much harm to health.
On the territory of the rest of the world steam generators It came only in the 2000s. Since the mass production of evaporators which were gaining popularity has been established since 2012.
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Modern veyping - it's not just inhaling steam, this is a real subculture that has its followers.
Scheme electronic vaporizer device
What it is in Weipa
To clearly understand what Weipa and how to use it, you should know the principle of operation of this gadget, its internal structure and composition of the fluid.
Structurally, the device has the following parts:
- a battery, which is needed for the gadget works. The most frequently used in rechargeable lithium-ion batteries;
- corrector, which is a spiral, a heating device activation;
- atomizer or aromatic liquid storage chamber;
- power button;
- mouthpiece required for inhalation of vapor.
The device is the traditional e-cigarettes
Operation is as follows:
- veyper presses the power button;
- this leads to heating spiral which heats the liquid;
- formed during boiling vapor inhaled by human being.
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Some devices, usually - a higher price category further can be equipped with microchips, air pressure sensors, small screens and other elements.
Mehmod is the most simple modification Weipa
types Weipa
There is a large variety of devices for the guy. Selection of a particular model will depend on individual preferences veypera and the final product cost. Most of the presented budget Weipa make Chinese products, which are of poor quality, short life and the likelihood of a real risk to health.
Self spiral wrapping in dripke allows you to adjust the generation of steam
NOTE!(Click to see)
If you wish to do veypingom and benefit from it only fun, it is recommended to buy quality products from well-known US brands or Europe.
Desktop vaporizer
Desktop or stationary evaporators used to hover at home. The main purpose of such patterns is to allow evaporation herbal blends for therapeutic purposes. When heating the filler combustion occurs, and only heating it, ensuring the emission of steam, without having harmful effects on human.
Initially desktop vaporizer designed for medical purposes
A distinctive feature of the stationary devices is their increased power that is provided by connection to the mains. There is also a model, running from the car battery through the cigarette lighter socket.
Portable and Pen-Weipa
The next type - a portable vaporizer, which may be issued in the following variations:
- Disposable Electronic CigaretteHaving low power. Most often, they are admitted in the form of pens and pen-called otherwise Weipa;
- ego-formatRepresenting advanced format having large battery capacity and the atomizer;
- tube. Option, which is designed specifically for those who like exotics. Externally, the device is an analog of a conventional pipe having electronic stuffing. Such devices have the greatest capacity.
PEN Weipa - a small portable device which has a small capacitance accumulator tank and
Other modifications
Fashion, or modifications - a more advanced species Weipa that involve customization, and increased battery capacity.
The main types is mehmod. What it is? This is the most simple design Weipa, which is a metal tube, inside which are placed the battery box and the liquid. The evaporation process is activated by pressing only one button, resulting in a contact closure occurs. This requires the user of certain skills and understanding of what he was doing to prevent the release of the gadget down.
For aesthetes modifications produced in the form of a pipe of this
Another modification is dripka Weipa. What it is? This is a special device that is used to replace the atomizer or tank for the liquid. In such gadgets aromatic filler immediately hits the wick and spiral, that allows to achieve greater clouds of steam. The features of the modification is the presence of a massive die in which liquid needs to be added, and the need for self-winding spiral. Dripka enables customization Weipa maximum, and by increasing the efficiency of separation to achieve complete steam disclosure smoking flavor characteristics of the mixture.
Quality products from well-known brands can have a rich package bundle
Often users unfamiliar in veypingom, the question arises, what is different from Weipa electronic cigarette. This kind of smokable devaysa has no liquid, and as a source of flavor and smoke used cartridge. ultrasonic vaporizer is achieved by the combustion process. Activation of the work is done by tightening as when smoking a conventional cigarette.
Settings Weipa selection
When choosing the best device for steaming is required to pay attention to a number of indicators that will determine the quality and fun. The main criteria for selection are:
- Battery capacity. This parameter depends on how is an avid smoker. Gradation of capacity as follows: 650, 900, 1100, 2000, 300 mAh. With little capacity and the frequent use of the device will have to be recharged several times a day.
In Weipa lithium-ion batteries are mostly used
- Variety atomizer. There serviced and maintenance-free components. For beginners, it is recommended to choose the second type, because if not properly carrying out technical work is likely release the gadget down.
- The amount of steam. The amount of generated steam depends on the spiral resistance. The smaller it is, the greater is the evaporation process.
- type of management. There is a device that includes at the touch of a button, and there are those where evaporation starts after tightening.
- heat exchange system. This is a parameter that determines the safety of use of the device. Equipped with special systems remove exhaust gases Soup safer.
With minimal resistance spiral is possible to achieve the maximum amount of steam
What is more harmful - hookah or Weipa
There are disputes in which the adherents of the different kinds of alternative smoking trying to figure out what is more harmful: the hookah or Weipa. In fact, both devices are safe for the health, because the person veypinge inhaled only steam which does not contain harmful impurities.
The hookah smoke from the tobacco passes through the water bowl, which ensures reliable filtration and retention of almost all toxic contaminants.
The main difference is that a hookah does not cause addiction so strong that due to the complexity and duration of its preparation, as well as the high cost of ordering services in the cafe. Therefore, most often, hookah smoking - it's just a way to relax than to receive nicotine charge.
Hookah smoking - it's more a ritual, rather than a full nicotine
Smoking Weipa can not be considered completely safe, but it is much safer than normal cigarettes. So if you want to quit, but lack of will power, it may be advisable to do veypingom. Once again, learn the secrets of this process can be represented by a roller.