Top cultivators 2019: Ratings and Top 8 products

To choose the best cultivator, you need to know about important characteristics of these devices and have an idea how they relate to preferred types with square and relief area for which they purchased. This is what we describe below, as well as 8 Let us examine the best cultivators models and answer the most popular questions.


  • 1 What is cultivation?
  • 2 What are the advantages of cultivators? they need someone?
  • 3 What guided the choice of
  • 4 Top products
  • 5 The comparative table of the best cultivators
  • 6 FAQ

What is cultivation?

It implements or machines (for motor equipment) for loosening the soil, weed control, earthing up, and perform other tasks related to cultivation.

What are the advantages of cultivators? they need someone?

Used cultivators gardeners. They greatly facilitate plowing and tilling the land, and some models also allow to deal with hilling, cutting furrows and so on. Because widespread - this is one of the most important devices for all who work with the land.

What guided the choice of

To choose the best cultivator, you need to look more to the characteristics of the devices - important to be kind (They are divided into manual, electric and petrol), the power if the cultivator is equipped with a motor - type, reducer, and so Further.

All of these characteristics, we still see exactly on. But before we delve into the details, let us give some general guidelines for choosing cultivator:

First determine how to process the large area required portion. If the site is small, that is no more than 40 acres, it is enough to buy a light cultivator. For areas up to 100 hectare need to average, and at an even greater area rather heavy suitable. But medium and heavy device, as a rule, are not suitable for weeding, because often for this purpose also acquired and ultra-light cultivator.

It is also important whether the need to perform other tasks in addition to the main one. If you want to use the device for specific applications, it can greatly narrow down your choices, since not every tiller adapted to meet them.

Another factor to be taken into account - the relief. If it is difficult terrain with large angles of inclination should be selected device designed for operation under such conditions - many cultivators are effective at greater angles of 15-20 °.


All cultivators can be divided into two broad categories - manual and automatic. The latter, in turn, are divided into equipped with a gasoline and an electric motor.

Hand the most simple. Work is carried out of human effort, and it has its pluses and minuses. The advantages of handheld devices include:

  • low cost;
  • ease of use;
  • small size and weight, and thus a high level of mobility;
  • they do not require fuel and maintenance mechanisms.

Disadvantages are:

  • low productivity;
  • can only be used on small areas;
  • they can not be processed virgin lands.

These disadvantages are unusual self-cultivators, even though they have their own. In electric models can be identified such advantages as:

  • low weight in comparison with gasoline;
  • performance is much higher than the manual;
  • do not pollute the environment;
  • easy to maintain.

But cultivators dependent on electrical power supply - they limit the length of the cord, which is inconvenient in large areas. In addition, the soil is treated with the help of their relatively shallow.

Cultivators with gasoline engines, on average even more powerful than electric, as well as:

  • suitable for sites of any size, because their movement is nothing to limit;
  • deep processing of soil;
  • able to perform a wide range of functions to use by allowing attachments.

Of the minuses can be identified unless the need to fill and serve them.

Thus, each species has its own application, but some of them will approach better depends on the area and the problems that need to be performed.

Weight and Power

According to these parameters cultivators are divided into 4 categories:

  1. ultralight - it weighs about 10 kilograms and equipped with an engine capacity of 1-1.5 horsepower. With their help, you can loosen the soil shallow - they usually are used for weeding. Due to the small working width can be used in remote locations where it will be useless heavier unit. Because of these characteristics and the low cost of these cultivators are often purchased as an extra.
  2. Lungs - their weight averages 15-20 kg, the motor may have a capacity of up to 4 liters. sec., more often it is electric. Cultivate the soil to a relatively shallow depth, as little weigh, because used in areas where the soil is already well cultivated. But they are mobile and inexpensive, using them easier to handle small, fragmented plots.
  3. average - is much more impressive aggregates, weighing about 40-60 kg, a capacity of 4-6 liters. from. They are more deeply loosen the soil, allowing even to cope with the heavy ground.
  4. severe - weighing more than 60 kg and have a capacity of engines in the 5-10 hp They can even plow new ground, and they are designed for large areas - per hectare or two, and the most powerful - to five.

engine's type

They are two:

  1. Two-stroke - if such an engine has the same dimensions as the four-cycle, it will be more powerful and thus less expensive to manufacture. But during the operation it consumes more fuel, besides that you use only high quality, as a two-stroke engine is very sensitive to this. His life is significantly lower than the four stroke and nedoshev repair, so that the damage is often more profitable to simply change a new one. Such motors are used generally in lung cultivators.
  2. four-stroke - in addition to more resources and economy, obldayut other advantages: they are much less noisy and produce a certain so much harmful emissions during operation. Weigh more stroke with the same power - and often it is only a plus, because it allows deeper plowing the land.


No less than from the engine life, the service life of the cultivator depends on the reliability of the gearbox. You can find several types:

  • chain gearboxes are designed for devices with a horizontal crankshaft. It is better if such a collapsible gearboxes will - it will be possible to repair it if necessary. The most frequent breakdowns related to the chain - it may tear or stretch, and quite easy to remove.
  • worm gearboxes installed in the vertical crankshaft, usually in the lungs cultivators. They are not designed for heavy load. Lose a lot of energy due to friction, and the parts wear out quickly.
  • gear - the most reliable and can be used for a long time. Usually installed in the most powerful devices, the main drawback - the production is expensive.
  • Gear-chain - perehodnyn options between two types of gear. Allow to achieve higher performance, and their manufacturing cost is not much higher than the chain.


Far from being in every cultivator has an opportunity to reverse, but it is very useful for maneuvering. If the device is stuck, it can often manage to get out. Light cultivators usually do not have it, because it is useful for them much less - they are much less likely to get stuck in the ground, and they are easier to obtain.

Top products

Cultivators of all varieties on the market, we chose for a model or two in each major category - it's the best device in terms of price and quality.

Top Hand cultivators


Collapsible cultivator "servant" model has a simple and efficient design, allowing you to perform basic tasks on small sites and significantly speeding up. Handle, steering wheel can be adjusted depending on the employee's growth and to strengthen the attachments to your device. Included with this product Front ploskorez with high carbon steel blade. The cost is about 2500 - 2800 rubles. Additionally, you can purchase hanging tools such as a plow-Hiller or borozdovik.

Price: ₽ 2 600

Don Gazon 126-1200

This model has a simple device, even when compared with the previous one. It allows you to perform agricultural work much faster than if you do not use the specialized tools. It can be used in the presence of a very small area, or as a complement to motorized cultivator to loosen the corners of the site, and other hard to reach places. Especially because the price is quite small - 800 - 1 000 rubles.

Price: ₽ 878

Best lightweight petrol cultivator

Mantis 2T Kioritz 7921

Unit weight is quite low (11.3 kg), easy to control, Working width is 23 cm, which makes it suitable for narrow areas. Engine stroke, 1.1 liter / sec. The model has all the useful features for its class, but it is not cheap call: will cost between $ 37 000 to 42 000 rubles.

Price: ₽ 37 900

Best average petrol cultivator

Hammer RT-65A

Designed to operate in an area of ​​up to a hectare - treatment will be fast, a lot of effort will not have to make: the device can confidently cope even with difficult soil. Weight almost 60 kg, which is closer to the model of a heavy class, as well as a powerful engine of 6 hp is provided for the motor air cooling, it is equipped with a filter, through which excluded from entering the ground particles during operation. It stands for its performance a little: 28 000 - 32 000.

Price: ₽ 29 999

The best gasoline heavy cultivator

Husqvarna TF 338

It is heavy, even in comparison with most other models of heavy (93 kg), allowing you to work with virtually any land. It allows in the short term to cope even with a large plot. Four-stroke engine with a capacity of 4 hp It is equipped with a fuel tank, calculated at 4.8 liters. The cost is 42 000 - 48 000.

Price: ₽ 44 990

Electric light the best cultivators

Champion EC1400

Designed for small areas, it weighs 11 kg and has a removable handle that provides mobility. 1 has a motor of 400 W, rotation speed milling - 280 rpm. Cultivate the soil to a depth of 21 cm, which is sufficient to permanently cultivated land, and the model reliable and is quite inexpensive - about 8000 rubles.

Price: ₽ 6 897

Eurosystems Lucciola

This miniature elektrokultivator designed specifically for processing highly rugged portions - capture his entire width 16 cm and depth - 12 cm. The device is a low-power (250 W) and light (4.8 kg), for use where the need really neat job, and the soil before use should be prepared. Eurosystems Lucciola worth 11 000 - 13 000 rubles.

Price: ₽ 11 105

Best average electric cultivator

GreenWorks G40TLK6

More serious device, but it is also designed for small areas. The width and depth of treatment (25 and 20 cm, respectively) are quite sufficient for fast operation with a sufficiently soft soil. It should be from about 26 000 to 30 000 rubles - this price is justified quite good for a relatively small and mobile cultivator characteristics, as well as reliability and ease of use.

Price: ₽ 27 990

The comparative table of the best cultivators

TitleMain characteristicsPrice
It has a simple and efficient design, allowing you to perform basic tasks on small sites and significantly speeding up.₽ 2 600
Don Gazon 126-1200
Has a simple device can be used in the presence of a very small area, or as an addition to motorized cultivator.₽ 878
Mantis 2T Kioritz 7921
Weight 11.3 kg, working width 23 cm, two-stroke, 1.1 liter / sec.₽ 37 900Buy
Hammer RT-65A
Weight almost 60 kg, a powerful engine to 6 hp? It equipped with a filter, through which excluded from entering the ground particles during operation.₽ 29 999
Husqvarna TF 338
Weight 93 kg, the capacity of 4 HP, equipped with a fuel tank, calculated on 4,8 liter.₽ 44 990
Weight 11 kg, has a removable handle, the motor 1 400 W, rotation speed milling - 280 rpm.₽ 6 897
Eurosystems Lucciola
Width 16 cm, depth - 12 cm, capacity 250 W, weight of 4.8 kg.₽ 11 105
GreenWorks G40TLK6
The width and depth of treatment (25 and 20 cm, respectively) are quite sufficient for fast operation with a sufficiently soft soil.₽ 27 990


Cultivators can weed beds?
Yes, if the track is suitable for this purpose - it is best to do it in the same device by which to fit.

Why tiller deep into the ground?
Overly strong venture unit can be one of several reasons. Most often, the problem is too dense ground - you need to give it to dry, or if it is not cultivated for a long time, to process twice, the first setting is the least penetration opener. The problem can be covered in bad adjusted coulter or improperly installed cutter.