Furnishing a house or apartment, the proper placement of the elements is a natural and non-alternative way to decorate the interior. The person can not imagine his life without these things, whether it's a chair, a table or a bed. However, every thing has its own life span, eventually it comes out of whack. For some, it is easier to throw away an old chest of drawers, a sofa that broke, lost look, out of fashion. Some believe that the best solution would be the restoration of furniture.
To repair resort lovers of antiques, who can be found in the house, even specimens of the 16-18th centuries. Restored elements are evidence of the taste preferences of the owner. Especially important to use old things in different styles, for these purposes, especially furniture give aged look, or buy your favorite model at various venues.
- Features furniture restoration
- The advantages of self-updating furniture
Small defects and partial restoration - how to resolve them
- Stains and dirt
- Removing scratches
- Chipped wooden surface
- Paint Damage
- Veneering / veneer
- Decoupage
- Craquelure
- Furniture patina
- Lacquering and polishing
- Inlay
Full restoration
- Materials and tools
- Dismantling and removal of furniture fittings
- Paint Removal
- Eliminating external damage
- Preparation for the finishing coat
- Application of the topcoat
- Installation hardware and assembly products
- Features of the restoration with the replacement of the elements
- The nuances of the restoration of upholstered furniture
- Tips for care of furniture
- conclusion
Features furniture restoration
Furniture acquire not for one day or even one year, consequently treat it very carefully. Quality options are quite expensive, and few can afford to frequently change the tables, chairs, sofas, beds. But even with the most careful treatment of the subjects could not avoid small defects, sometimes serious damage. In such situations, things restored, with most parts can be restored with his own hands at home.
Experts divide the process of return former beauty to different elements into two main types: partial and complete. Any work begins with the assessment of the subject, its visual inspection. During the restoration should adhere to certain rules:
- In identifying the mold, rot necessary to evaluate the condition of the wood, there is a possibility it clean and handle special structures or she is completely rotted.
- As a result, temperature changes, high humidity, human activity on the surface may appear cracks. In this case, the affected part or completely removed, or processed and are masked.
- After removing the lacquer recommended disinfect wood or other material to prevent bugs and mold.
- If the surface has not displayed spots conventional methods, you have to bleach the wood.
- Full recovery will require certain skills and experience of DIY. For example, when the waist armchairs or sofas, replacing the springs.

Work with antique models are best left to the professionals. In this case, you need not only to replace the trim, some of the details, but also to preserve the unique style products.
The advantages of self-updating furniture
Most people who have old furniture, do not wish to get rid of good-quality, durable products, prefer to restore them, change the color, fit into the style of the existing interior. Some want to increase the value of the object before it is sold. Whatever the motives, but to save money, how to repair, and the purchase of new things, many people prefer to carry out restoration work with their hands. Such actions have a number of significant advantages, namely:
- Small, cosmetic repairs can be performed using available tools, use the remnants of wallpaper, textiles, leather and other materials.
- After a qualitative renewal of the product will last for a long time, will not give in appearance to new models.
- During the restoration the owners can show their creativity, make the subject that will complement any interior.
- With self-recovery of a person gains experience, develops interesting techniques and methods, and subsequently be able to use them to carry out such actions more efficiently.

Small defects and partial restoration - how to resolve them
With a simple, fragmentary recovery, including a fight with spots, resurfacing, strengthening joints, able to cope anyone, even in the absence of professional skills. The process consists of certain steps, some of which may be omitted, depending on the type of defect:
- Visual inspection - assessment of the damaged place, the definition of the plan and the amount of work.
- Dismantling - need for bulky objects is to remove drawers, shelves, handles.
- Cleaning - dust removal, wet cleaning, degreasing the surface.
- Maintenance - Update polishing, sealing of cracks, chips, working with breakdowns.
- Decorating - gluing veneer, drawing patterns, painting, painting.

Stains and dirt
Any spot spoils the appearance of furniture products. Under the influence of substances turned into pollution deteriorates the surface of a concrete object. It is therefore very important time to clear things from flying, divorce, blotches. But even experienced housewives can not boast of knowledge about how to deal with a blurred spot. Consider the options:
For all surfaces:
- Cleaning products. Before restore element, check the effect of the selected cleaner to cover the inconspicuous area. If remains trail, you will have to choose another way.
- Vinegar. Is used to remove the strong, long-contamination occurred.
- Brine sauerkraut. It acts similarly to the previous substance.
Natural wood:
- Baby soap. The raw material is crushed, diluted in warmed water, with a soft textile is applied to the mud.
- A mixture of lemon essential oil and water at the rate of teaspoon per cup.
- Lemon juice. Squeezed fruit are mixed in half with water. Used to remove streaks.
- Ammonia and water at the rate of 1: 6. Used for most types of pollution.
Polished furniture:
- Raw potatoes. Used to remove iodine drops to wooden surfaces, as well as fingerprints with lacquered furniture.
- Laundry soap. It helps restore after coating streaks spilled liquid.
- A mixture of vinegar with olive oil.
- Vegetable oil. Applicable for complicated stains.
- Baby powder to remove fat.
- Dissolved in boiling beer wax.
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To clean the polished surfaces forbidden to use acetone, alcohol. Upon contact with these substances topsheet may become whitish turbid.
Upholstered furniture:
- Gasoline is used for removing fatty stains.
- Methanol is used to remove traces of gum if necessary.
- A solution of ammonia and acetic acid is applied to the mud resulting from vegetables, fruits.
- Laundry soap to remove coffee, chocolate plaque.
- Salt saves from red wine, ice - white.
- Saline solution for all kinds of pollution.
Removing scratches
On a smooth cover often gets scratched, that spoil the facade of furniture set. Therefore, they must be eliminated. There are several ways to solve the problem. Consider the most common:
Special equipment:
- Pencil. It helps paint the damaged area
- Hatch. Poured into potholes and fills them.
- Wax for wood. It is divided into soft and hard. It is used for cosmetic purposes, in the restoration of chips.
- Mordant. It will help clear up any scrapes.
Traditional methods:
- nut kernel. When the friction surface on the gap filled raw grains become invisible.
- Mayonnaise. Used for natural wood. Poured into the groove after a few days the place is polished.
- Flax oil. It is mixed with alcohol and applied to the crack.
- Tea leaves and iodine. Only used for painting, masking.
- A solution of vinegar and vegetable oil.
- Mastic. A mixed solution of wax, turpentine and alcohol at the rate of 4: 3: 1 is applied to the damaged place.

Chipped wooden surface
Getting Rid of how much more difficult task than eliminating the usual scratches, materials to address this problem less. But deal with it under force everyone in the home. Work can be done by using the following materials:
- Visual masking. Temporary measure. In the absence of funds for the purchase relevant coating damage simply painted over with the help of available means, for example, iodine, tea leaves.
- Decorative corners, protective profile angles. In some cases, you can simply close the defect site with the help of special items, which are often sold in specialized stores.
- Putty for furniture. Not suitable for commonly used items, whether it be table top or a retractable element, except polyester expensive options.
- Hard furniture wax. The molten soldering iron, the lighter material is applied to the damaged place with a surplus. After the surface is leveled, sanded, lacquered.
- Furniture edge. There are many kinds of paper to plastic. It allows you to replace the old coating with no traces of repair.

Paint Damage
Eliminate defects in the paint facing difficult enough at home. First we need to determine the type of varnish, which is covered by the product. To detect this, perform the following steps:
- On an inconspicuous area, apply a drop of 10% alkali solution. If after a few minutes a substance dissolved, then inflicted on the surface of lacquer based on alcohol.
- To determine nitro lacquer acetone is used.
- If under the action of the solvent the upper layer is not dissolved, thus, the article is covered with polyester, alkyd substance.
After determining the kind of the coating acquire appropriate composition and color substance. Areas not requiring restoration, covered with paper or Vaseline. Old material is removed by a solvent or sandpaper. Then applied to a new raw material in several layers.

Veneering / veneer
Due to the pasting surface veneer products can significantly transform old furniture to give it the appearance of expensive wood. Large selection of colors and patterns allow natural skinned thing turned into an integral part of the interior, corresponding to any style. There are several methods of veneering:
- Hot. Veneer is glued to the object with an adhesive solution.
- Cold. The material is pressed to the base by means of special equipment.
- Membrane. Industrial vacuum method a compound material with complex surfaces.
At home, use only the first option. The process is as follows:
- Preparation of the base. Involves the removal fitting, removal of the old lining layer, elimination of possible defects, alignment surfaces using putty to perfectly smooth state, grinding with emery paper.
- Preparation of the veneer. The roll is unwound, the material is wetted with moist sponge or cloth coated packaging paper, placed between two flat sheets of plywood, fiberboards. After drying, it becomes straightforward.
- Veneering. On the one hand, and for splicing a thin layer of adhesive, a manufacturer usually specifies the desired mark but will approach based on PVA. After the first layer has dried, a second applied. The sheet is applied to the product via heated to 50 ° C Iron, smoothed through the paper. Then levels off a piece of wood. Each subsequent part of the stacked overlap by 3-4 cm.

Very simple and interesting method of restoration of furniture, which will be interesting to do, even for children. Cut from the fabric and paper designs, ornaments glued to products covered by the varnish. There are several varieties of decoupage:
- Standard. Pictures pasted on the front side of the subject and varnished.
- Contact. It is suitable only for glass surfaces, for example for a coffee table. Picture is stuck under the glass.
- Bulk. individual elements stand out below. To do this, some of the same pieces are glued in several layers.
- Art. Performed a single image in the entire plane, simulating a real painting. Thus between the object and the background picture is not visible boundaries.
- Dekopatch. With the help of paper, napkins, torn into pieces, filled the entire front side of the product.

For the restoration of furniture used many techniques Crackle. After drying it cracks, giving the effect of old furniture. To get the cracks, using special paints, which are divided according to the type of structure: one-step and two-step. This division is conditional, for each subspecies number of steps more.
- Single-phase craquelure. The coating has the form of cracked paint cracked under which the base layer is viewed or timber. The effect is achieved by varying the drying speed of the first and second layer. However, it does not always use the base paint, sometimes only enough paint coating. Krakelyurny varnish is applied to the surface and not fully dehumidified within an hour. Once applied topcoat acrylic paint using a brush or a roller. On the density of the composition will depend on the size of the cracks.
- The two-phase. There is not cracked paint and lacquer, wrought over the finished image. This technique gives the maximum similarity with the old. Is the following, is applied to the prepared substrate a first base layer of lacquer, which is dried to "tack". Further, all covered by the second layer after drying crack overwritten powdered pigments. Harvesting is washed under a jet of water and completely dried. At the final stage is covered by a layer of varnish.
See also:Evrochehol on the sofa and armchairs

Furniture patina
The raid on a wooden base shows its defeat by microorganisms but on oak surfaces this is a sign of antiquity. Patina naturally very difficult to obtain, so the use of modern ideas - a method of artificial patina. The construction market offers several types of compositions: a thick paste, liquid, facetted varnish. Despite the applied material, technology is almost the same, is as follows:
- Preparation of the base. It erased a metal brush, degreased.
- Padding. After drying overwritten with sandpaper.
- Varnishing. The composition must be completely dry.
- Application patir composition. Not dried until dry, the excess is removed with a sponge.
- The product is covered by a second layer of patina, it is left to dry.
- To fix the result of clear varnish applied.

Lacquering and polishing
Varnishing is quite popular form of cladding pieces of furniture. The transparent coating protects the surface of the product from moisture and dirt, give it a shine and contrast. For this purpose, oil, alcohol used, as well as nitrovarnishes. New trim may be needed with the appearance of scratches or cover the loss of the original form. To this old layer is completely removed, the base is polished, ground, is applied lacquer.
The final stage of the works will be finishing polishing paste. For repainting the furniture can be used, but many prefer the car. Work is in rubbing using a special composition of felt on the varnished surface. To expedite the process, you can use a sander. After the above actions furniture has a mirror, shiny lining.

One of the oldest techniques of decorating furniture known since ancient Egypt. Drawing of figure picture tree wood called intarsia. perform this type of mosaic is quite difficult at home. Wooden plates that make up the overall picture, tightly fitted to each other and stick together. The front side is smoothed, varnished, polished.
Due to the fact that the inlay is a free technique, block mosaic can be diluted with glass, stone, plastic elements. We use sophisticated details, bumping into each other. Texture of the individual components may be different. The surface is painted in different colors using stains, varnishes, dyes.

Full restoration
Give new life to various items of furniture can be full restoration. It is difficult to part with your favorite things, so the absolute alteration is a topical solution when creating a new interior. They will long to please the eye, keep the tradition and history, if step through the recovery steps outlined in the master class. Should be approached responsibly to the choice of materials for a job well prepare the surface beforehand to think about style.

Materials and tools
To conduct quality restoration tables, chairs, tables must possess certain skills and knowledge. You must learn how to work with wood, fabric, metal, proper use of auxiliary equipment, such as a glass cutter, a hacksaw. Need to stock up on the following tools:
- Chisels (4 to 40 mm);
- A set of clamps;
- Plane;
- Drill, drill bits;
- Sander;
- Various screwdriver;
- Hacksaw;
- jigsaw;
- Furniture stapler;
- Materials for cleaning (sandpaper, a piece of leather, felt).

If certain skills to work with the materials for the restoration of no better start training with simple and netsennyh furniture. Spoiled the road surface structures will be very difficult to restore.
Dismantling and removal of furniture fittings
Old furniture in the repair of surfaces should be disassembled only in extreme cases. One embodiment need parsing - damage to the internal parts of a fungus, rodents. Begin with the separation of the least fixed parts that are easily removed, unscrewed. It can be metal plates, locks, doors, feet, shelves, drawers and other parts.
Upholstery, soft parts removed, if weakened finger joints. The soft lining of an old sofa or chair can be quite valuable, especially when using the original fasteners. Its dismantling should be done with extreme caution. Complex, bulky compounds dismantled on the floor, medium and small on the bench, placing them under the cloth, foam rubber. Before you apply a force to the separation of elements, you must ensure that no fastening parts. Nails, screws are removed with special tools, glue can be removed, if applied to the joint a little alcohol.

Paint Removal
At home, to deliver restorative furniture from the old nail polish using special tools. Solutions with high penetrating ability and a metal spatula to help clean the surface of any shape quickly. Please note that the furniture can be treated with various types of varnish, for its safe removal is required to find a suitable solvent.
A thick layer of lacquer is removed by grinding cracked. You can use a simple sandpaper or a special tool. Paintwork quickly depart with hot air from a hair dryer building.

Eliminating external damage
Quite often, the furniture requires repair due to a defect faces. The reason for external defects can be rough handling during operation, transportation, improper use, natural wear and so on. To eliminate the use of different types of damages appropriate to the specific case solutions:
- Dents without damaging the wood. On the surface of the recess is carried out with a force of a chisel, knife several times along the grain. After stripping the cover dent sukonkoy wet, dried iron.
- Nick with the destruction of the tree. Defective seat pedestals clearing chisel, cover pre-prepared patch of plywood, solid. Can be used to bond the adhesive resin, urea resin. After 2-3 hours the repaired area may be prepared for final coating.
- Elimination of peeling veneer from the substrate. Repair is more difficult, especially when performed fanerirovanie urea resins. Planed need undercut portion and cleaned old adhesive solution, then introduce the resin and hardener. When using bone, hide glue is sufficiently pressing and heating power tool.
- Embedding through cracks in the tree. Degreased soiled surface cracks and administered 10% solution of oxalic acid. After 30 minutes, pour the resin and contractible by means of clamps.
- Elimination of small holes, roughness, scratches. Most apply adhesive putty. Before applying the cleaned place with defect After - 30 minutes and kept polished;
- Repair of surfaces affected by pests. sodium fluoride is used to eliminate such defects. The solution was injected into the affected site and rubbed surface. After soaking the affected places is embedded in paraffin.
See also:How to paint furniture made of particleboard at home

Preparation for the finishing coat
The application of the topcoat - work quite simple, but it must take place in several stages, from preparation surfaces. If the work will take place in the home, you should prepare the room for such a procedure. There should be clear of debris and dust, since during the coating small particles can settle on the varnished surface and spoil the appearance of the product.
Once the room is prepared, you can proceed to the wood itself. All wall parts should be well sanded. Remove the resulting dust can be a cloth or vacuuming. For better adhesion use a primer varnish.

Application of the topcoat
There are many types of paints. They differ in the composition, terms of drying. For the application, you can use any tool. Depending on the type of material and its properties selected from the following instruments:
- Brush. Used when working with oil-based formulations. The layer should be as thin as possible, so it is necessary to periodically brush pressing. So as not air bubbles appeared, polishing should smoothly.
- Tampon. Suitable for alcohol varnishes. The material applied fast movements along the fibers. Care should be taken in order to smear the edges are not on each other, otherwise the color will be uneven.
- Gun. Suitable for all formulations. It allows with minimal time spent accurately process the surface of any shape. The device should be kept at the same distance from the timber to move with identical speed.

Installation hardware and assembly products
After restoration elements and technical shutter begin to build. At the initial stage, pre-assembly is carried out. Check the density of the finger joints, prepare the wooden spacers, clamps, clamping straps.
Final assembly is carried out by gluing all the structural elements of carpentry mixture. The hot adhesive is applied with a brush, and tightening the connecting timber. Excess adhesive must protrude from connecting points. Under the pressure of the furniture is left for 12 hours, then for another day. Only now you can begin to spray decoration, installation accessories, hanging doors.
Hardware, responsible for the usability and functionality of the furniture is set to last. If the old holes loosened, you must update them to close up and drill new ones.

Features of the restoration with the replacement of the elements
It is advisable to restore the only high-quality wooden furniture. In some cases, surface repair can not do, we have to completely change one or more design elements. It can be a chair leg, chest, a broken door kitchen set, spilled a box. If the item is a whole, is at least part of the attachment, it is possible to build and glue epoxy glue.
When gluing the furniture is not saved, it is necessary to make a new one, the same part of the design. Often in full replacement parts need armchairs, chairs, tables, shelves, cabinets. You must select the wood identical structure independently produce new fixtures.

The nuances of the restoration of upholstered furniture
Most often, the repair involves replacing the upholstery. You can pick up an identical material or replace it with any other, for example, natural, artificial skin. Old coating removed, check the state of filling material, cutting is performed and a new lining mount it in place.
Most sofas and armchairs models have sliding mechanisms. Their failure sometimes requires a full parsing of upholstered furniture for the appropriate repairs. It may also need to repair the bars, gain. If any repairs frame, the entire structure must also be separated.

Tips for care of furniture
The maximum delay the need for restoration is possible, if properly and timely care for furniture. Design of different materials require certain care:
- Upholstered furniture. Objects covered with cloth cleaned with a vacuum cleaner, steam cleaner, special chemicals. Leather upholstery wiped with a damp cloth and then treated with water-repellent impregnation;
- Wood. Wipe off dust with a dry cloth only. Restore the shine can be with the help of lemon oil. Small scratches triturated colored wax crayons or special pencil;
- Polished. It requires especially careful maintenance, wiping with a felt cloth polishes application. Replace tool can be simple burdock;
- Cabinet made of MDF, chipboard. The wood is protected by a decorative waterproof layer, so the furniture is resistant to contact with moisture, cleaning agents. Do not use powders and brushes to clean glossy surfaces, metal fittings.

Buying new furniture - not always a rational decision in case of breakage of old. In some cases, the restoration can cost much cheaper. For the old, favorite subjects repairs - the only option of prolonging life. Any element of a wooden structure, not lost strength can be qualitatively updated on a variety of technologies.