TV often takes pride of place in any city apartment, country house, is its decoration. Someone he hangs in a niche on the wall bracket, the usual table, which is not always convenient. Modern designers invented many kinds of supports, which put TV - as the the vast majority of TVs are now flat, this design takes up less place. To learn how TV benches placed in the interior, from which they are made of materials, what are the shape, functional qualities, details in the text of this article.
- Materials for the manufacture of pedestals
types of structures
- With bracket
- Suspension
- On the chest of drawers
- corner model
Basic rules of selection
- The dimensions of the TV and flat
- The style and colors of the interior
- The ability to place accessories
- additional elements
- accommodation rules
- conclusion
Materials for the manufacture of pedestals
production of materials of this type are subject to different subjects:
- solid wood;
- different kinds of metals;
- chipboard;
- plastic;
- transparent, colored glass.
As decoration for some models used ivory, mosaic of colored glass, natural veneer. Wood is applied all possible species: oak, beech, basswood, pine, hornbeam, Wenge, walnut, pear, mahogany, and others. This design is extremely reliable and last a long time. Suitable for loft-style, classic, Provence. Some manufacturers produce tables, decorated with fancy hand-carved. Material is afraid of water, but the rooms with the "blue screen" rarely have high humidity.

Very moistureproof laminated chipboard, durable, practical, has excellent sound insulation. There is such a piece of furniture is relatively expensive, and is suitable for many interior styles. Plastic tables are available all the known colors. If the material is high quality, then they will last for a long time, original fitting into the style of minimalism, futurism, modernism.
Glass side table give the room lightness, a certain space, that much important in small rooms. Glass is a variety of colors, even with textured patterns. The product looks elegant, but too overload it is not worth it - not all models have sufficient strength. This material is not recommended for use in rooms where there are small children. This cabinet will fit into the original high-tech style, minimalism, and others.

Stand of the metal is very reliable, looks stylish, harmoniously fit into the high-tech, loft, industrial design. Wrought iron looks expensive, it is well suited to the interior is decorated in Baroque style. The combination of wood with a metal locker make a real decoration of the hall.

types of structures
TV stand are different by design:
- suspended;
- with brackets;
- a chest of drawers;
- corner.

Each type has its own characteristics - not every bedside table suitable for a large TV "Soviet" model. The size, shape, color scheme must also comply with the area, the stylistic decision room. Many stands are equipped with handy storage space.

With bracket
This cabinet is quite high, it has a tilt-swivel arm, via which it is possible to easily change the screen viewing angle by turning it from side to side. The main plus of this stand - no need to drill the wall to hang a flat TV, a wire from him carefully hidden, in the integrated cable channel. This plazmostend easy to move to any place - model is often provided with wheels, allowing the most convenient to watch TV, either alone or with the whole family. The basis of such tables - metal, and additional materials are glass, wood, plastic.
See also:How to put the bed in the bedroom

With a large capacity, it is ideal for limited room space. Suspended structure at any convenient height. In most ornamental shelf it has a greater length decorating a room and visually expanding the space, introducing into the interior of lightness, a sense of spaciousness. At the bottom is a space that allows you to comfortably do wet cleaning of the room. The organic combination of stand open, closed shelves, drawers, on its top surface is enough space for souvenirs brought back from different countries, magazines, newspapers, favorite ficus. manufacturing materials are preferred lightweight, yet strong. On very thin wall of drywall hanging a cabinet is not recommended.

On the chest of drawers
Floor Stand has a long countertop, usually rectangular in shape. It is very interesting, functional - it's not just the design to accommodate media equipment, but also a great repository of disks with movies, books, and other miscellaneous items. In closed cabinets pedestals enough storage space for clothing, often in the middle of an open shelf is located under the DVD, tuner. There are many different models with a side console for easy placement Speaker, Drawer, where you can arrange the photos within, cute trinkets and more. production of materials - wood, chipboard, glass.

corner model
In the bedroom, the kitchen, the living room is best tight angle to put the bedside table - it saves space without cluttering up the room. The design resembles a regular floor, can have the shape of a triangle, an oval, a polygon. It is very stable, but the model with a depth of more than fifty centimeters shelves are able to "cut" a significant chunk of the room. The cabinet can be placed a plurality of closed, open shelves, drawers. production of materials can be virtually any.

Basic rules of selection
Choose the cabinet should be in accordance with the size of the existing TV or one that planned to buy. Style, floor space, and it should be noted - some rooms suitable for large monumental kind of Stand tree, overlapping an entire wall, in others fit to be fine only look modest corner transparent glass. Above all, care should be taken to place all kinds of accessories - it will also require a certain type of model forms. The modern interiors are often found tables with drawers, without handles - to open them a little push on the door enough.

When this piece of furniture should be evaluated:
- fixings, the quality of all moving parts, if any;
- size - the size selected by 15-20 centimeters longer than the length of the greater side of the screen;
- mobility - for rooms, which will soon be re-planning, angle model is better not to acquire. Lightweight design for easy traveling apartment;
- Security - materials are preferred clean, odor-free. It is desirable that the edges are rounded off and none of the family members were not injured by accident, far from projecting fittings should be the minimum amount;
- functional - if the cabinet has a lot of space, the large chest of drawers or cabinet may not be necessary;
- color schemes - black, white, shades of wood structures deemed to be practically universal, but when you make room in other colors too, nightstand choose appropriate.
When choosing a model for the child or teen room, you should take into account its view on the matter.

See also:Bunk beds in the interior of child
The dimensions of the TV and flat
Good TV is expensive - often to buy new rather problematic. Therefore, it is important to place it so that the downside risk was minimal. For this cabinet is chosen long enough to the edge of the TV do not extend beyond its borders - the likelihood of accidentally catch it with his hand or clothing edge is vanishingly small.
TV size in relation to the area - a very important feature. The larger the room, the larger screen it can be harmoniously placed. The recommended distance from the screen to the viewer's eye for a comfortable viewing are approximately:
- 32 inch - 1.6-2.3 m;
- 37 inches - 2-2.8 meters;
- 40 inches - 2.5-3 meters;
- 50 inches - 3,1-4 meters;
- 65 inches - 3.5-4.5 meters and others.

The distance also depends on the picture quality for Full HD it will be less for the 4K Ultra HD - more. The large screen is placed in the spacious living room, and small - in the bedroom, nursery, kitchen. To mid-height of the screen ideally of 1.5 meters from the floor.

The style and colors of the interior
Well-matched cabinet fits perfectly in any interior. For classic style, neo-classical, art deco fit carved wooden structure, covered with a thin layer of lacquer. The space around the TV can be made out of the same frame carved in color matching with a support. Other furniture is also preferred wood, with natural texture, sculpted legs.
Tumba in Scandinavian style has a simple rectangular shape, and the color is mostly white, gray, pale pink, ivory. This floor or suspended structure made of wood, chipboard and plastic. Total interior design of this style is also very bright with a point a small amount of bright contrasts - black, slate gray, brown. Welcomed a large number of natural materials.

For a loft-style suit rough metal floor design, but in order to avoid injury should not have sharp corners. Tumba will organically look at the background of brick walls, "Brick" wallpaper, it can be beautifully combined with the decorative coloring of radiators or any other pipes. This model is often convenient wheels may be partially made of wood, recalling old trunk.

Bedside table in a fireplace - very original purchase. For the style of Provence, certain ethnic she would be the best solution. This series refers design, stylized Russian stove - it is almost entirely white, and closed shelves are in the "tube". For successful placement of this piece of furniture will need a lot of space - in close quarters item will not look good enough.

If the apartment is decorated in the style of art believe the TV stand, you can put together yourself from the pallets, which are sold cheaply, many firms or give the gift shops. Pallets are held together by nails, painted in any color, covered with varnish. It is desirable that all the furniture around was made of the same material. Still it is very important that the surface is well sanded, the design itself out strong enough to shield it from accidentally falling.
See also:Rocking chair with his hands

The ability to place accessories
Accessories for TV stands are:
- a variety of boxes, through which the cable is pulled;
- all kinds of lighting, including electric heater or elektroakvarium;
- spring support;
- anti-vibration wheels;
- additional shelves, drawers;
- additional racks the acoustics.

Many of the parts are universal and therefore suitable for all tables. When you purchase the original design forms, the presence of the above mentioned components, the possibility of fixing should check with the seller.

additional elements
Each bedside table has different features that increase its functionality and appearance. These include:
- wheels - they are attached to the bottom of the floor structure, which greatly facilitate moving from place to place. It is important that they can be fixed stationary, or at any awkward movement cabinet can go to the other end of the room, and the TV fall break;
- technological holes - are placed on the back wall. They threaded cable from your TV, DVD, sound system, gaming console, so they are not confused and were undistinguished;
- storage space - be it open shelves, drawers, compartments, rotating racks, consoles on the sides, etc .;
- design doors - hinged or sliding. The latter allows to save a bit of space, as disclosed on the basis of a coupe. There are doors without handles, open with one click, in hanging pedestals they swing open both downwards and upwards.

accommodation rules
Inside the living room TV is usually placed in the center of a large wall - here it occupies the place of honor.
Such an arrangement is justified for several reasons:
- beautiful cabinet, fits well into the interior, improves the appearance of the room;
- with some models, creating the illusion of free space on the abundance of very small area;
- spacious cabinet can store in it a lot of useful things;
- design living room becomes more functional;
- if the design is long and narrow, then the screen it is combined well.

The interiors, designed "antique", TV is often disguised as a picture, with the appropriate environment - wall lamps, picture frames, large clock. Curbstone with the TV should be so that it is convenient to watch, eyes, and neck did not get tired.

Low and high tables - a great opportunity to conveniently place the TV, while decorating the room. Bedside table to buy, make to order, or even their own hands out of scrap materials - own unique sketch. Once in the apartment, your home, there are several "blue screens", then to each of them pick their own unique design stand. If there was a problem selecting appropriate for a particular room, the style, you should consult a professional interior designer.