Heat certain amount of water to allow a sufficiently high temperature electric water heaters. Manufacturers offer a wide range of models that can satisfy the needs of each particular family. We offer to meet with the existing species and their distinctive features make it easier to choose the best option.
Electric water heaters can be mounted in different rooms PHOTO: keramis.com.ua
Read article
1 Design and Function
2 types of heaters
3 Electric water heaters: the main performance
4 Advantages and disadvantages
5 Choosing a water heater: main criteria
5.1 In the method of installation and management
5.2 According to the power consumption and heating type
Cumulative electric water heater is a tank located inside with a heating element. The device works on the principle of the thermos. It is provided a thermally insulating layer located between the inner layer and the outer tank. pressure level in the system is controlled via the relief valve.
In more detail with the unit of storage electric water heaters can be found on the video:
After heating the water to a temperature 50-85ºS heater switched off and the apparatus itself continues to maintain the temperature at a certain level. The degree of heating fluid is controlled by a thermostat. After collection of some amount of hot water entering the cold tank, the heating element is turned on again to again warm the fluid to a predetermined value.
Main elements PHOTO: termoformat.md
types of heaters
Depending on the performance of electric storage water heaters can be:
embedded. They are part of the water supply system. Connected to it by means of hoses or pipes. There are floor and wall;
tankers. I am working autonomously. Do not have a water supply system. The required number of user pours himself. Installed mainly in cottages and private homes that are not connected to the water system. Water, as needed, comes from a well or well.
Embedded Electric storage water heaters are more in demand PHOTO: probower.ru
Electric water heaters: the main performance
The main performance characteristics of electric storage water heaters should include:
volume of the tank;
type of shell;
form a protective coating;
installation method.
Several characteristics of the water heater requires attention PHOTO: dekablogword.files.wordpress.com
Advantages and disadvantages
Demand for storage electric water heaters dictated:
low power heating element. This greatly reduces operating costs and eliminates the installation of a separate line and install the machine;
possibility of installing the heater at a distance from the point of water intake;
simple design performance and convenient operation;
the possibility of a single heating a certain volume of water to a sufficiently high temperature;
support degree of heating in a specified range.
The unit can be placed horizontally PHOTO: cap-cap.md
The disadvantage is:
large size. Dimensions water heater depend on tank volume;
the need for advance water heating.
Large storage water heaters take up space PHOTO: elit-klimat.net
Choosing a water heater: main criteria
To the selected electric water heater able to meet the needs of the family, the choice should pay attention to a number of criteria. This will allow to buy a model that can satisfy the needs of households in the hot water.
The choice depends on the needs of families PHOTO: teplota.ua
In the method of installation and management
Depending on the method of installation of electric storage water heaters are divided into:
wall. Equipped with a capacity volume of 100-150 liters. Installed in the apartments. Inlet and outlet pipes connect below. Make high demands to perform installation and base strength;
floor. It has a large volume. To position it requires a lot of space. Often mounted in separate rooms.
Floor has a large amount of PHOTO: stroikairemont.com
Ease of operation of the electric water heater is dependent on the type of control. manufacturers offer devices with electronic and mechanical control. The first type has a neat appearance, provides precise adjustment of the degree of water heating. However, it will cost much more expensive than buying a unit with the same features and volume, but mechanically controlled.
Attention! If an electric water heater will be operated in the region with the private power outages, buy a device with complex electronic filling is inappropriate: it could be damaged when the near jump voltage.
Electronic water heaters are sensitive to voltage surges PHOTO: akva-vent24.ru
According to the power consumption and heating type
For efficient and timely heating a certain amount of water storage water heaters can be equipped with one or two heating elements. In this case, the power of the heating elements can vary.
If the tank is designed to display 15 l of water, it will usually have a capacity of 1 kW. When equipped with capacity of 50 liters, the power will increase up to 1.5 kW. A larger device will consume 2-2.5 kW.
Capacity may vary PHOTO: cdn.rbt.ru
Depending on type heater installed in the storage electric water heater, may be:
classicalWhich is directly in contact with heated liquid. It is sometimes called wet;
dry. The heating element is located inside a special capsule, eliminating its contact with water.
When you select should be borne in mind that the first type will cost expensive, but will last for long. The second is more expensive but more durable and more reliable. On its surface scum is not formed.
Configuration of PETN may differ PHOTO: k-m24.ru
By coating the inner volume and tank
The volume of the storage electric heater must correspond with the number of people living in the house and available sampling points. The volume of heated water must be economically justified, so as not to overpay for the expended energy.
The more people in the family, the greater should be the tank PHOTO: showplumbing.com
Manufacturers offer models of 10-150 liters. If the tank is only sold for food, enough 10-25 liters. Bathroom need 50-70 liters. If the family enjoys a shower, consumption will drop to 30-50 liters.
Attention! To meet the needs of the family, consisting of two people, quite the model of 80 liters. For more people should choose a bigger device.
Wall-mounted electric water heaters have a small amount of PHOTO: santehniks.rf
Regular contact with the inner surface of the water leads to the fact that it starts to corrode. This significantly reduces the service life of equipment. Help remedy the situation the protective coating, which give the inner surface a more attractive appearance. As such, most often acts glass porcelain, enamel or titanium plating.
The first type (glass ceramic) is cheaper. However, during operation due to sudden temperature variations on the surface of the protective coating eventually cracks. Therefore, the warranty period is limited to the storage water heater 5 years.
tank coating can be different PHOTO: aquatools.com.ua
Advanced Features
The cost of storage electric water heaters depends on their functionality. Some models may include the following additional features:
accelerated heating. With this option, it will be possible to heat up certain amounts of water to a comfortable temperature, without resorting to heat the entire tank;
antibacterial protection. If present can prevent the growth and reproduction of bacteria, which greatly simplifies the maintenance of equipment.
Time of heating of water in the electric storage can be reduced vodonagrevatile PHOTO: cdn1.ozone.ru
Safeguard options
List of protective options may differ materially. You can opt for a unit with:
additional protection against corrosion. On such models are installed magnesium anodes. They are mounted on almost all modern models;
Tan protected. Additional protection will increase the service life of the heating element and the equipment as a whole.
Additional protection has many electric water heaters PHOTO: mtk65.ru
leading manufacturers
With a large assortment of products should give preference to trusted manufacturers. These companies care about their reputation and offer only quality Electric storage water heaters. We advise to pay attention to:
Electrolux. Products are of high quality assembly;
Thermex. Durable high quality water heaters, each capable of without repairs will last at least 7 years;
Ariston. The manufacturer offers high quality and reliable equipment.
In addition, pay attention to the production of Siemens, Bosch, AEG4, Haier, Zanussi, Gorenje.
Qualitative models have many manufacturers PHOTO: 4-stihii.ru
Popular models
Despite the large range, some models are in high demand. They have a high build quality, ease of use, long service life. We offer to meet with an overview of some.
Electrolux EWH 50 Quantum Pro: Rating 4.5 / 5
The modern model. Tank Volume 50 liters. Allows the maximum heating to 75 ° C. Power 1.5 kW. It has a high build quality. Allows fast heat up water to a high temperature. Allows connection to multiple water intake points. Mechanical control. It provides protection from switching on the device without water and heat. The tank is covered with enamel.
Electrolux EWH 50 Quantum Pro - convenience is manifested in the details PHOTO: metropark.ru
Feedback on the model Electrolux EWH 50 Quantum Pro:
More on Yandex. Market: https://market.yandex.ru/product—nakopitelnyi-elektricheskii-vodonagrevatel-electrolux-ewh-50-quantum-pro/13574646/reviews? track = tabs & lr = 213
Electrolux EWH 50 Quantum Pro
Hyundai H-SWS14-50V-UI555: Rating 5/5
Contemporary wall-mounted type, the body of which is made of high heat-resistant plastic. The inner part - stainless steel. Having optimized overflow system provides uniform heating water. Supplied tank 50 l. It consumes 1.5 kW. It can be connected to multiple water intake points. mechanical control. Copper heating element. Mounted vertically. Water is supplied from below. It weighs 12.6 kg.
Hyundai H-SWS14-50V-UI555: Only quality materials PHOTO: static.onlinetrade.ru
Review model Hyundai H-SWS14-50V-UI555:
More on Yandex. Market: https://market.yandex.ru/product—nakopitelnyi-elektricheskii-vodonagrevatel-hyundai-h-sws14-50v-ui555/102887004/reviews? track = tabs & lr = 213
Hyundai H-SWS14-50V-UI555
Thermex Mechanik MK 30 V: Rating 4.5 / 5
Compact model. At a power of 2 kW is completed tank 30 l. It allows to heat the water to 75 ° C. Powered by a 220 V network Pressurized model that can be connected to multiple points. Mechanical control. Provided the indication. It provides protection against overheating. stainless steel inner tank. Copper heater. Wall. The water supply from below.
Thermex Mechanik MK 30 V provides rapid heating PHOTO: gejzer.nashsajt.ru
Review model Thermex Mechanik MK 30 V:
More on Yandex. Market: https://market.yandex.ru/product—nakopitelnyi-elektricheskii-vodonagrevatel-thermex-mechanik-mk-30-v/1729615491/reviews? track = tabs & lr = 213
Thermex Mechanik MK 30 V
Gorenje OTG 50 SLSIMB6 / SLSIMBB6: Rating 4.5 / 5
Modern model allowing to heat 50 liter of water to 75 ° C for 115 minutes. It consumed 2.2 kW. Pressure model. The outlet pressure to 6 atm. mechanical control. Provided the indication. The degree of heating of water is limited. There is a protection against frost, excess pressure and overheating, corrosion (magnesium anode). Enamelled tank. Wall model with vertical installation. It weighs 24 kg. Available in white and black case.
Gorenje OTG 50 SLSIMB6 / SLSIMBB6: choice of body colors available PHOTO: elit-klimat.net
Review model Gorenje OTG 50 SLSIMB6 / SLSIMBB6:
More on Yandex. Market: https://market.yandex.ru/product—nakopitelnyi-elektricheskii-vodonagrevatel-gorenje-otg-50-slsimb6-slsimbb6/10588097/reviews? track = tabs & lr = 213
Thermex Blitz IBL 15 O: Rating 4.5 / 5
Compact electric water heater is equipped with a tank of 15 liters. It has a capacity of 2.5 kW. It allows to heat the water to 65 ° C. Mechanical control. There is a limit on the degree of heating. Provided safety valve and protective. Copper heater. Wall mounting. The vertical arrangement. Weight 6.5 kg.
Thermex Blitz IBL 15 O: modern model with stylish design PHOTO: dush78.ru
Review model Thermex Blitz IBL 15 O:
More on Yandex. Market: https://market.yandex.ru/product—nakopitelnyi-elektricheskii-vodonagrevatel-gorenje-otg-50-slsimb6-slsimbb6/10588097/reviews? track = tabs & lr = 213
Thermex Blitz IBL 15 O
Rules of operation and maintenance
To prolong the life of the water heater, it is necessary to carefully follow the manufacturer's recommendations for use of equipment, providing it with timely care. In this case, the device can work without serious damage the entire warranty period. Also worth:
Avoid prolonged operation at the maximum cylinder temperature. Work at extreme conditions contribute to the wear of equipment, reducing the term of its operation;
in a timely manner to carry out servicing. tank cleaning is recommended 1-2 times a year;
connect the water heater through the stabilizer, if its operation will be carried out in the region with significant surges.
Share in the comments, if you use an electric water heater? Which model decided to give preference?