Magnetic treadmill: how it works, how to choose

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Running - effective exercise for the maintenance of tone and health of the body. This is a natural sport, as man begins to run from early childhood. It helps to reduce weight and keep the body in good shape.

The quality of training depends on the correct choice. There are different kinds of sports cardio machines: elliptical trainer, exercise bike. Knowing their characteristics, we can choose the best option.


  • How does the magnetic treadmill
  • Advantages and disadvantages
  • How to select magnetic treadmill
  • Exploitation
  • Precautionary measures
  • Faults and repairs

How does the magnetic treadmill

Description, operation principle

Treadmills are divided into:

  • mechanical - begin to move under the force of the impact member. Training begins with the slow step and gradually accelerated, thereby web is driven.

Braking occurs by gradually reducing the speed.

  • electrical - suitable for professionals and amateurs. Built-in on-board computer is a personal trainer. The disadvantage is the high cost.
  • magnetic - driven by user forces, but they have several options for loading and smooth braking system. It is considered the best option by the criterion price - quality.

They are divided into types of use:

  • professional - for use in gyms;
  • for home use used small-sized mini-simulators;
  • rehabilitation - minimum load, which are used in ReA centers.

Available in:

Treadmills without handrails - a budget model

Treadmills on wheels - convenient peremeschet

Magnetic treadmill

Magnetic - a kind of mechanical, but the quality of the training is similar to electricity. Different dimensions, load. For home use right for the magnetic model.

They are compact and most compact varieties are added, so a lot of space not occupied. Economical, since the mechanism is driven by the power of the user's movements.

Not connected to the mains, so the device can be installed on a terrace or balcony. Load level is controlled by changing the angle of inclination of the web. Is not equipped with fan speed selector, it depends on the action taken.

The principle is simple mechanism - when accelerating movement of the user, the web is spinning faster, and at lower speed slows down. To slow down the movement, the web is pressed down.

This sport apparatus is suitable for professionals, as produced by the load is much higher than that of an electric simulator. He compactly folded and moved, yet weighs slightly.

Mechanical model of functionality closer to the conditions similar to the natural run. After all, people are not constantly running at the same speed, it accelerates or decelerates.

Trainings are held on the same principle as running down the street. This sports equipment has a simple mechanism that is rarely exposed to breakdowns and malfunctions.

The main distinguishing feature of the magnetic mechanical - Ride and magnetic braking system. It is achieved by a magnet mounted on one side of the upper platen, which rotates the blade.

It is located on level control blade tilt. Adjusting plane increases or decreases the load. Rational option. On the quality of racing is not inferior to the electrical and the price is much cheaper. Considered safe.

Advantages and disadvantages

Advantages and disadvantages


  • compact dimensions allow to install the simulator anywhere, even on the terrace or balconies;
  • low cost in comparison with an electric;
  • the ability to set the pace natural body load;
  • with increasing load less noise than the mechanical;
  • smooth motion while running and speed regulation;
  • cushioning provides a comfortable run;
  • smooth braking.


  • the price is higher than the mechanical;
  • no software;
  • without prior training hard just start running.

How to select magnetic treadmill


Magnetic stripes - ideal for home use. It consists of a frame, circular rubber belt that is stretched between two rotating rollers and an onboard mini-computer. Because of the small size it will fit into the interior.

The main advantage - relatively low price and the smooth running of the tape. What is the treadmill of the magnetic type and what to look for when purchasing:

Cloth magnetic treadmill

Canvas - a virtual road on which the athlete runs. An important part of the selection.

  • web width should be at least 40 cm, length - 120-200 cm. The choice depends on the foot size, weight and user stride length. Guide, who will use the treadmill, weight and height.

If it is calculated for a family, then you need to focus on the largest of its users;

  • Level tilt angle and the degree of adjustment. If you set the canvas above, then you need to run up the hill, and it is difficult, respectively, above the load. This level is set manually, but there are options with automatic adjustment of the angle.

There is a program of "hills" that simulates the mountainous terrain, the load varies, making a run varied;

  • The presence or absence of depreciation. This factor is important, it is responsible for running comfort. If depreciation is not, then we run, if the asphalt. When the track is amortized, running becomes a pleasure jog across the lawn;
  • Deca - is the thickness of the tapeCriterion, which does not indicate in the passport characteristics. The thicker it is, the web is maintained longer. Distinguish bilateral fabric.

When will wear the outer rubber layer, fabric is turned inside. In this case, the simulator will last longer.

Frame magnetic treadmill

Buying sports equipment, pay attention to the strength of the frame and user-friendliness. The less separable parts, the longer it will last. It is better that the frame was aluminum, then it stronger and lighter. It costs more than the machine with a steel frame.

But steel frame rust, so storage in the garage or on the balcony is contraindicated due to high humidity premises. A still frame must have an aesthetic appearance and the like to the user, it gives an extra incentive to training.

Built-in control panel

Control panel - it is a personal trainer. It is important that training conditions established by lightly pressing the button. The simpler the menu, so it is more convenient to operate it. The panel must be on an accessible distance from the user while running.

If you need an effective training with the result of the achievement, you have to pay a premium for the additional features. But the panel will contain all sorts of control regimes and training.

Appearance and warranty

Buying a treadmill, it is necessary to explore the brand and features. There are online resources that you can explore information, read the reviews about a particular make and model.

Be sure to verify with the seller that the guarantee card provides after-sales service. It is important that in addition to the characteristics of the simulator is suitable for users in appearance, it will further stimulate training.

Appearance and warranty

transport regulations

Buying a treadmill in the store, you need to agree on transportation. It is desirable that it is made carriers outlet. Otherwise, in the case of self-transportation and any damage to the warranty card will cease to operate.

  • transported exclusively in its original packaging;
  • packaging stored to complete the warranty period;
  • the preparation is checked for damage;
  • sports installation is transported in disassembled form;
  • transported in closed vehicles or covered with polyethylene.


operating rules
  1. Before use, you need to read the instructions.
  2. Sports equipment is installed on a flat surface, departing at least 5 - 10 cm from the walls, mirrors and objects. When the track comes into action when the vibrations will strike the near standing objects. In order not to damage the floor mat rests.
  3. Recommend stored in a dry place at room temperature.
  4. To avoid injury, it is necessary to restrict access to the trainer of children and animals.
  5. Do not allow users with a weight that exceeds the permitted limit in the data sheet.
  6. While running, make sure that the clothes away from moving parts, otherwise you can be injured and damage the treadmill.
  7. You can not use additional subjects during training.
  8. It is important to check the technical serviceability every three months.
  9. In the event of failure can not be opened independently. Warranty service in that case refused to free service.
  10. Shoe made soft cloth soaked in detergent solution.

Precautionary measures

Precautionary measures
  • When running necessarily used athletic shoes. If the shoe laces, they need to carefully tighten or hide inside the shoe. It is better if the shoes will be Velcro;
  • Running begins with smooth walking, gradually increasing speed;
  • Before stopping should gradually slow down to avoid falling or accidental injury or damage to the fabric;
  • You need to run through the middle. If you run from behind, it is possible to fall back, as if in front, then the damage to the track;
  • Initially, training is necessary to hold on to the handrails until you get used to the slope and speed, otherwise you can stretch the ligaments and injured;
  • Increase the speed and degree of the tilt blade should be gradual, then the body can get used to the load.

Faults and repairs

Common faults and solutions

To avoid malfunctions, you must strictly adhere to the instructions and rules of operation on the simulator tracks. Magnetic devices are running a simple mechanism, they are considered to be long-lasting. But there are moments in which the trainer will come to a fault:

  • the web may deviate from the centerIn this case, it is sufficient to correct manually, this can be done without causing service workers;
  • on-board computer is running on batteries - if the display stops working, the batteries are replaced;
  • frame Crean. If the frame makes sounds from the vibrations, then alone can tighten bolts or adjust the instructions.

The benefits of running is invaluable to human health. It helps to keep the body in shape and lose weight. It often happens that two months popolzovavshis person stops exercising.

Lack of motivation - one of the factors. But it is also believed that the additional incentive to exercise is properly chosen treadmill.