Humanity is increasingly think about environmental conservation on the ground. This is not surprising, since each year of harmful emissions into the atmosphere becomes more and more. But even more than the global challenges, people speculate about the possibility of saving on electricity bills and heating, which makes sense in light of the steady increase of tariffs for services of housing and communal service. Today we will talk about how to make your home more autonomous, which technologies are used for this, and if this is possible under Russian realities.

Read article
- 1 The main elements of the house, promoting energy efficiency
- 2 The use of solar energy in the home Autonomization
- 2.1 How does the electrical supply system using solar panels
- 2.2 Heating and hot water using solar energy
- 3 Wind power or water, and how to use it
- 4 Water supply and sewerage system for private homes
- 5 Auxiliary elements of energy-efficient homes
- 5.1 Independently to reduce energy consumption
- 6 Where to begin installation of the various systems of energy-efficient homes
- 7 5 signs of energy-efficient houses with a minimum score
- 8 Fotoprimery ready energy-efficient stand-alone houses: schemes and projects
- 9 Finally
The main elements of the house, promoting energy efficiency
Everyone understands that the less heat loss in the room, the less it will have to warm up. And then, most importantly, what it takes to create a truly energy efficient home - a high-quality thermal insulation. It is necessary not only to maintain the temperature, but also, if possible, to increase it without using the centralized systems. In this regard, it will help increase the number of windows, especially on the sunny side. But not always such a move can completely solve the problem heatingAnd, therefore, these measures should be used in combination with other innovations.

The use of solar energy in the home Autonomization
First, consider the options regain lost both thermal and electrical energy, and then we shall understand with a question it more sustainable. Today in Russia is becoming more and more people who switched from a central power supply on a stand-alone. It should be understood that there is no way that man has established, for example, solar panels and immediately became a noticeable savings. The equipment is cheap can not be called, and therefore the first time, it will only work on self-sufficiency. The duration of this period will depend on the intensity of the electric energy consumption, number of solar panels and batteries.

How does the electrical supply system using solar panels
Not available in all regions of our vast country have the opportunity to complete abandonment of centralized power in favor of solar panels. In many areas, the sun may just be enough to provide electricity at home on a regular basis. Of course, this problem is solved, we just need to install more panels and more capacious batteries, but it once again rests against the finance. And here, in the presence of the initial capital, many are beginning to feel sorry for the money by buying a minimum of equipment. In fact, you just need to understand that these costs are similar to long-term deposits in the bank. Man gives the here and now, and dividends received after the specified time.

It is because of lack of sunlight, the installation of such power source, Connection to centralized power save, setting him on a separate cutter. At the end of charge in the batteries and the absence of sunlight can always switch to the central transmission line. In any case like this would occur infrequently, and therefore energy bills will be minimal.

Heating and hot water using solar energy
The sun's rays help to produce not only electricity, but also heat. To provide hot water at home set special collectors, which heat transfer fluid is heated by solar radiation. The coolant is circulated passing through the battery-tank, where water gives warmth. In the same tank an additional heater which is switched on only if the coolant temperature is reduced significantly - this can happen in cloudy weather.

Wind power or water, and how to use it
In some regions of sunny days it is very small, but the winds blow constantly. For these areas the best solution is to install wind generators. Several wind turbines it is able to provide heat and electricity to two-storey cottage. They are installed on rooftops or on the high rack in the yard. The wind turns the blades, the torque of which is transferred to a generator that produces electricity.
Likewise arranged and generators installed on the rivers (if there is next to the house). But this is more difficult to install networks and often requires permission from the water protection services.

Water supply and sewerage system for private homes
If you plan to make the house completely autonomous, it will not be possible to do without the well. However, water from the well is not always perfectly clear, so in addition to the pump will have to install and filtration system. But this applies only to groundwater, with little depth.
If you invest in the drilling and completion of wells more money, you can get up to interstratal waters. In this case there is no need of installation and periodic maintenance of the water pump and the filter elements. Mizhplastovi underground water are pressurized, moreover, they are almost perfectly cleaned biofilters.

Construction of sewage - is another important aspect. Best of all the processing and wastewater treatment handles three-level septic tank, where they are cleaned with the help of aerobic microorganisms, after which it is purified pass in the last compartment. There the water is absorbed into the ground.
Auxiliary elements of energy-efficient homes
One of the most effective auxiliary members can be called a system of "smart house". Many people underestimate the importance of the electronic control systems, including their thoughtless waste of resources. In fact, smart home helps as much as possible to properly distribute the waste of electricity and heat. For example, the system automatically turn off the lights if the room is unoccupied and, on the contrary, will include when the person appears in range of motion sensors or sound.
Copes smart home and adjustable heating. If there are no people, the system automatically reduces the intensity of the heat radiators and, on the contrary, increase to the optimum in the presence of people in the room. The same applies to the air conditioner in the summer.

Independently to reduce energy consumption
To do this, there are a number of rules that must be followed. Among them:
- Mandatory replacement of all incandescent lamps and CFL to LED emitters. This greatly reduces power consumption.
- Proper use of electrical appliances. If the kitchen is often included an electric kettle, it is not necessary to fill it to the brim. It is necessary to pour water into it as much as is currently required. Otherwise, power is consumed for heating of unused water several times.
- Use of a refrigerator. It should be clearly understood for what it opens the door. The algorithm should be as follows - "thought-opened-took-closed" and not "opened-thought-took-thought again-took-closed". If a person clearly understands what is required to take, the refrigerator will be opened less frequently and for shorter periods of time, allowing it to not produce extra cold.

Where to begin installation of the various systems of energy-efficient homes
It should be understood that the energy-efficient house begins with the project. It is possible to mount all the system and the structure is already finished, but it will be more difficult. Besides, the main energy criterion, namely the thermal insulation, is laid at the design stage and is carried out in the course of construction.
Despite the fact that the construction of the energy-efficient house - quite expensive, its construction costs can be reduced. The first thing to consider - this material. Build follows from the fact that does not require transportation over long distances. For example, for forest and boreal areas is wood, for areas that are close to industrial zones - concrete, bricks or cinder blocks foaming.

In order to maximize autonomized home and make it more energy efficient, it is better to turn to professional designers. Despite the fact that it is again the cost of their remuneration, such a project will allow to minimize the bills in the payment documents for housing and communal services. We can say more in the preparation of projects aimed at certain times of the owner and do not have to pay a dime.
5 signs of energy-efficient houses with a minimum score
Let's try to summarize the features of energy-efficient homes, helping to minimize or altogether nullify bills for heating and electricity in the common list.
- Compulsory and quality thermal insulation of walls, ceilings, floors and roofs.
- Installing solar panels and collectors.
- Installation of wind turbines and mini-hydro.
- "Smart House" system device.
- Drilling wells for water supply to the house and septic apparatus for cleaning and filtration of sewage.

One very important piece of advice. When installing wind turbines or solar panels in a private home, it is imperative, in writing, inform the prominence of energy sales companies. There are many cases when the owner abandons the central power, and then starts receiving fines for alleged illegal connection. Of course, everything is decided in court, but the nerves will not return. Therefore, it is better "work ahead of the curve."
Fotoprimery ready energy-efficient stand-alone houses: schemes and projects
Please find some projects and ready-made buildings, minimally dependent on centralized energy supply systems, water supply and sanitation.
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Despite the apparent high cost of building a truly energy-efficient home, after 5-7 years costs fully repaid, after which the system starts to work exclusively on the owner, saving it facilities. In this case, the owner is always aware of the status of all systems that it can track from a home computer or smartphone from anywhere in the world. In Russia, like home yet are very rare, it can be said that their building only as a pilot housing. But individual autonomization systems are increasingly applied. Hopefully that will become more common, and hence available in the near future, energy-efficient home.

We hope that the presentation of information in today's article will encounter the reader to certain thoughts and will help make the right decision on the question of organization of autonomous energy-efficient home. Any questions, should they arise, you can specify in the comments below. Our editorial staff will try to answer them as soon as possible.
Perhaps you have already installed in my house one of the systems described. In this case we ask you to tell whether the economy is felt, what forecast the payback period. If you enjoyed today's article, do not forget to rate it. And finally, we offer you a video that will tell you about energy efficient homes a little more.