The Worst People in the World

Excess weight is a real disaster of our time. Excessive kilograms cause significant harm to our health. However, there is a reverse trend: people, in pursuit of a beautiful figure, exhaust themselves with diets and physical exercises to an absolutely terrible state and their low weight becomes a threat to life.

In some people, the desire to lose weight becomes a real obsession( this is more true of the beautiful half of humanity).This desire can turn into a mental disorder, which doctors call a nervous or mental anorexia. In this case, the desire to lose weight turns into a pathological fear of the appearance of excess weight. Most often this disease is inherent in young women.

However, an excessively low body weight of a person can be associated with various diseases. Usually, these are diseases of the endocrine system, which lead to metabolic disorders. It should be remembered that excessively low weight is a serious danger to human health and his life. We have compiled a list for you, which included the worst people in the world .


Lucia Sarate

The Worst Person in the History of

The worst person, , who ever lived, is officially recognized as Lucia Zarate. This woman was born in Mexico in 1863.Her thinness was associated with a serious pituitary disease( this gland regulates the growth of a person).

At seventeen the girl's height was only 43 centimeters, and she weighed 2.3 kilograms. When Lucia for a long time sat without moving, many others took her for a doll. To say that the girl's life was full of suffering is impossible. She was able to use her uniqueness and earn money on this. Lucia got a job in the circus and enjoyed great success with the public. On the day she could earn up to twenty dollars - very serious money for that time.

However, the circus numbers were given to her with great difficulty and training took a very long time. Over time, her weight reached 5.9 kilograms, but the waist remained only 16 centimeters.

The girl died as a result of an accident: the train on which she was traveling was stuck in the mountains, most passengers and she, including, died from hypothermia.

It is unlikely that someone will be able to beat this record, because the weight of Sarate was the result of her unique growth, which in turn was the result of a serious illness.


Lizzie Velasquez

The Worst Man Today

The most thin person to date is officially considered to be Lizzie Velasquez, she is a native of the US state of Texas. This fact is officially recorded in the Guinness Book of Records. The height of the girl is 157 centimeters, and its weight is only 28 kilograms. The appearance of the girl is simply horrifying.

The most interesting and most sad thing in this story is that the reason for this thinness of a girl is completely incomprehensible. She normally eats, is not addicted to any diets. Velasquez says he tries to eat three times a day, while he prefers high-calorie food. However, to correct it, it can not recover even by one kilogram.

Most likely, in this case we are dealing with a violation in the metabolism, but with what it is medically connected doctors can not say.

Lizzy has brothers and sisters, but they do not have similar problems.

In the cases listed earlier, we dealt with diseases that caused unnatural thinness. However, there are cases when too low weight is a consequence of diets and self-restrictions in nutrition. This behavior is difficult to call rational or rational, rather it can be called a certain mental disorder, which can lead to very tragic and sad consequences.


Valeria Levitina

Deadly Beauty

One of the most thin women in the world is Valeria Levitina, a native of Moscow, who now lives in the US.In 1989, the girl moved with her parents to the USA.She had a very attractive appearance and became the winner of the beauty contest "Miss Chicago".It was then that Valeria decided to lose weight.

Today, Valeria resembles the revived Egyptian mummy: its height is 172 centimeters and it weighs only 25 kilograms.

Now Valeria lives in Monaco, due to the high temperature of the air and sunny weather, she feels more or less normal. But even a small walk turns into hell for her. She tried several times to get better, but her digestive system no longer absorbs nutrients. Valeria already does not feel the taste of food.


Isabel Caro

The Worst Model of

One of the worst women who work in the modeling business is Isabel Caro. The girl has anorexia from the age of 13.

Her mother suffered from obvious mental disorders and did not release her daughter from home. A little later, the girl herself started to limit herself in food to please her mother.

At 28 she weighed 28 kilograms, her height was 163 centimeters. Isabel clearly understood that she was sick and tried to get rid of her condition. However, this did not work for her and in 2010 she died. And after a short time, her mother committed suicide. This is such a sad story.

Isabel actively participated in actions directed against anorexia.

Ioana Spangenberg is another well-known for her leanness girl who works in the modeling business. Because of the extreme thin waist, this Romanian model is also called a "live hourglass".

At the same time, Ioana does not adhere to diets and declares that she does not suffer from anorexia. The weight of the girl is only 38 kilograms, and the waist is 50 centimeters. At the same time, the height of the girl is 167 centimeters. At the mention of Joana, doctors only make a helpless gesture. It can also be noted that the girl enjoys great success with designers.

A girl does not limit herself to food, but she can eat only a little chocolate - she has a very small amount of stomach.


Jeremy Gillitzer

Men's beauty can also be dangerous

Usually men are not too "bother" with their appearance and extra pounds can not spoil their mood. But there are exceptions. Jeremy Gillitzer worked in the modeling business and decided to get rid of extra pounds. A few years ago he died at the age of 38 years. Before that, for twenty years, he had struggled with anorexia unsuccessfully.

Before his death, he weighed only 30 kilograms. An anorexic guy has suffered since his earliest childhood - at the age of eleven he was diagnosed with this terrible diagnosis. To reduce weight, he took laxatives. Then, for many years, Jeremy tried to return to normal weight, but he could not defeat the disease.

There are a few more examples of excessive male leanness, but they belong to a rather old past. In 1797, Claudius Ambrosima Seuarta was born in France, who at the height of 160 centimeters weighed only sixteen kilograms. As it could be - it's unclear, because even bone tissue usually weighs more. The reason for this thinness remained a mystery to the physicians of the time. Their current colleagues believe that the guy had a metabolic disorder. Another "record" in the sense of thinness was Hopkin Hopkins, who lived in the XVIII century in England. His birth was atrophied cartilaginous tissue, and at the age of seven he weighed only 8.6 kilograms. He died at the age of seventeen and weighed only six kilograms at that time.


Maria and Cathy Campbell

Anorexia for two

Another interesting case of painful leanness is the twin sisters Maria and Cathy Campbell. In their early childhood, they made a vow not to become fat, and, unfortunately, fulfilled it.

Now the weight of each of the sisters is approximately 38 kilograms. They suffer from anorexia, while both have a medical education. At the age of thirty, the sisters looked 50 years old.

They tried to treat them, but it did not bring any result. Women believe that their lives are already ruined.

Striving for an ideal weight is excellent and deserves respect, but most importantly - do not cross the line and be careful.