Dining table - an important piece of furniture for any home. Behind it you will collect guests and all households. Therefore, the choice should be approached carefully.
- Types of dining tables
- Types of dining tables
- materials
- Pros dining tables
- Problems dining tables
- How to choose
- Which is better
- Care
- Precautionary measures
- Faults and repairs
- Manufacturers dining tables
Types of dining tables

Conventionally classified in several ways.
- folding;
- not folding.
The first type is designed so that, if necessary, you can change the size of the working surface. The second type - with solid tabletop. The group includes folding tables and transformers, turning from magazine during lunch.
They are popular with owners of small apartments. They prefer for use in offices with a small staff.
In geometric form:
- round;
- square;
- rectangular;
- oval;
- non-standard type, made to order.

According to the materials used:
- wood;
- glass;
- chipboard;
- plastic;
- rattan;
- a rock;
- ceramics.
Such a variety of materials makes it difficult for the buyer. Taken into account when buying and interior design, and the conditions in which it is supposed to use.
It can be furniture to be used indoors or outdoors, for each day or just for special occasions.
Types of dining tables

If neraskladyvayuscheysya furniture constant size, then the products with the possibility of increasing the countertops have the following options for the transformation:
- book;
- sliding;
- Reach section;
- transformer.
The first two are familiar to buyers. The classic book and sliding padded. "The book" Folded used as a nightstand. If necessary, one or both of the folded part of the rise and set on the sliding support.
The sliding embodiment can have a circular, oval or rectangular shape. Symmetrical halves apart and under the worktop additional inserts are installed between them, increasing the working surface.
Number of inserts depending on the model varies from 1 to 4. The standard width of the additional sections are 35-45 cm in an amount of one or two pieces.
Another type of transformation of the furniture for the dining areas - additional sections, retractable with the end part. The mechanism used in wooden and glass furniture. Section are provided on one or both sides of the article.
Coffee table, turning into a dining - the solution for small apartments and offices.
Its base is made of metal with adjustable height, of chipboard or MDF, wood. In the first case the support arranged crosswise similar to the ironing board. If necessary worktop is rotated 90 degrees and displayed. Since the surface area is increased twice.
In the second, from under the table top, which was later also doubled, extended and additional support rises.
Both options are available mainly transformers with wheels to be able to move this design easily.

They are made of various materials.
Under the concept of wooden furniture fall dinner groups with worktops:
- plywood;
- MDF;
- array.
Tables made of plywood and MDF decorated with natural veneer or paint exposed. Are more likely to use a cherry veneer, cherry, tree Hevea, oak. Standard thickness worktop is 25-35 cm.
Products from the array due to the presence of alternative materials such as MDF, are not produced in large quantities. Often they are made to order. For array fabrication using oak, pine and larch.
Dining tables made of pine and larch are designed for use outdoors, since it does not affected changes in temperature and humidity.

Glass coffee tables are made of tempered glass or laminated-glass. Glass thickness thus should not be less than 1 cm. Tempered glass is produced by heating to high temperature values, followed by slow cooling.
This material is durable: not afraid to shock and can withstand a lot of weight. But he fights, if you drop a heavy object on the table from a height of more than a meter. In this case the glass breaks into small rounded fragments.
Fragments thus not fly for a long distance, unlike nonhardened glass, and do not pose a danger to others, thanks to the rounded edges.
Triplex - glued together by a resin glass cloth.
This glass is more tempered. Even bumps it is not broken, and covered with cracks. But because of the difficulties associated with processing the edges of laminated glass, it is used less frequently than tempered glass.
Articles made of artificial stone are neraskladnuyu monolithic work surface.
For their manufacture is used:
- acrylic polymer;
- Quartz agglomerate.
They are durable and resistant to mechanical stress. Furniture manufacturers of artificial stone provide consumers the opportunity to choose the design and making an order in accordance with the worktop made of artificial stone color.
With a plastic coating suitable for interior design in a modern style. They are characterized by low weight compared to products made from other materials. The plastic cover does not require special means on a surface care.
Dining tables with natural stone are made of:
- marble;
- granite.
These surfaces do not absorb odors and little susceptible to mechanical and chemical attack.
The standard height from the floor to the upper surface of tabletops - 75 cm. It is considered a comfortable landing. But, taking into account individual characteristics and wishes of customers, some manufacturers make furniture height 70 and 85 cm.
Supports for furniture can be of several types:
- standard wood or metal support in the amount of four pieces;
- one support in the middle. It is massive in appearance. It accounts for the entire load. Such supports are used in the manufacture of small tables diameter or length, depending on the geometry of countertops, no more than 1.2 meters;
- two or three supports, located perpendicular to the length of the countertop. Such a support can comfortably placed during the meal at the surface length of more than 1.2 m.
Insert folding folded products are placed under the sink. If the amount of the additional inserts more than two, then they can not be stacked in this manner, and require additional space. Such furniture forms are rare.
Some models are equipped with side drawers for storage devices.
Chairs should be selected in accordance with the appearance of the furniture. The kitchenette is more convenient to use the stools. When using cloths, she is chosen to match the fabric on chairs or textiles on the windows.
To prevent surface damage is recommended to use wipes for serving.
Pros dining tables

Tables of chipboard have a number of positive properties:
- Affordability material.
- Easy to clean. It is enough to wipe with a damp cloth.
- The shape and size of chipboard tops are diverse, so it can easily fit in any size room.
Distinctive features of the dining tables made of wood and natural veneer covering:
- Use and in kitchens and living rooms thanks to the appearance.
- Environmentally friendly materials.
- Security.
- Durability.
Pros glass dining tables:
- Do not look bulky even in a small room.
- Look stylish.
- Suitable for any interior.
- Resistance to high temperatures.
- Ability to use in caring for the surface as special agents, and conventional glass cleaner.
- Glass does not absorb odors.
- Possible to use in humid environments.
- As part of no harmful and dangerous substances.
- Hypoallergenic.

Tables plastic coated:
- Suited to modern interiors, including a high-tech.
- A variety of shapes and sizes.
- Not susceptible to contamination. To maintain the purity of the wipe with a damp cloth is sufficient.
- Are not affected by humidity.
- Withstand high temperatures.
- Are lightweight, so reshuffle would not take much effort. I deal with it one adult.
- Affordable price.
Dining tables with tabletops made of artificial stone:
- Are not affected by fat. Got fat is removed with a damp cloth.
- Opportunity to make an order for the production of any shape and size.
- Surface without seams looks aesthetically pleasing.
Tables made of natural stone:
- No fear exposure to temperatures up to 800 C.
- Cold-resistant.
- If necessary, subject to restoration.
- The service life is more than 10 years.
- Do not change appearance under the influence of oil and household chemicals.
Problems dining tables

You should be familiar with possible problems when using them before buying dining room furniture from chipboard:
- When used in a humid environment worktop swells and deforms.
- Artificial coating can not withstand high temperatures. On the surface there are traces from hot pots.
- The composition includes formaldehyde chipboard plates, which can cause allergic reactions. In some cases, it contributes to the development of cancer.
Furniture of the array and coated with natural veneer:
- With the lack of humidity in the room rassyhaetsya tree. Cracks. Unfolding becomes problematic.
- When there is excess moisture deformation of wood, making it impossible for the further exploitation of furniture.
- To care for veneer furniture and furnishings from the array Do not use polishes, it can spoil the appearance of the product.

Glass tables:
- Left numerous traces and divorces. thorough cleaning is required.
- When serving, during contact utensils and appliances with a working surface, loud sounds are heard. Therefore, use a napkin.
- Glass quickly scratched and loses the initial view. Polish such a surface is not possible.
- Despite the apparent external elegance, glass furniture is heavy. Rearrange or move it without assistance is unlikely to succeed.
- In the presence of corners in this table, you have to be careful and accurate in order to avoid injuries.

Tables made of artificial stone:
- The high cost compared with tables of chipboard, plywood, MDF.
- In order to put hot on acrylic, you must use a special stand.
- Susceptible to mechanical damage. There are scratches, which can only be removed by a conservator.
- If used for the manufacture of quartz agglomerate, can be safely put a hot. These tables are not afraid of scratches. However, it should be borne in mind that they are amenable to the restoration difficult tables made of acrylic.
Tables made of natural stone:
- They are almost impossibly high. In order to make a permutation of furniture will need the efforts of several people.
- Products made of granite and marble create a background radiation, so it is best to avoid using them in residential areas.
How to choose

Fundamental factors when choosing furniture for the dining area:
- the size;
- the form;
- material of construction of the furniture;
- cost.
Select a size dictated by:
- size of the room;
- the number of people who will be placed at the same time at the table.
For decorating the dining area in small rooms is better to opt for a round-table of small diameter or square. Well in this case, the look of glass products, to facilitate visual space.
In case you need to accommodate more people (during the festivities, for example), it is necessary to buy a folding variant of this type of furniture. In the house where there are small children, it is better to avoid sharp corners in the interior. Preference should be given to the round and oval shapes.
The dining tables are pertinent massive rectangular or oval. In this case, the choice of material depends on the total interior room.
Most economical, but not long serve options - products of chipboard, and the most expensive - from natural stone.
Which is better

If we leave aside the question of cost, the furniture should have the following qualities:
- security;
- convenience and ease of use;
- reliability;
- ease of care;
- beautiful appearance.
The selected option should be calculated on daily use, and holiday dinners. Therefore, the folding model is preferable.
For use in the kitchen need a table easy to clean and easy to movement, safe. These qualities have oval, round, rectangular with rounded corners pattern with a plastic coating.
If the furniture is installed in the living room, the appearance is no less important than the number of seats and safety. In this case, suitable wooden table with natural veneer coated or painted with a top made of MDF.

- Avoiding mechanical damage liable to cause chipping and occurrence of dents on the working surface.
- Do not use outdoor products intended only for indoor use.
- Avoid exposure to direct sunlight for a long time in order to avoid fading countertops.
- Not exposed to excessive moisture parts made using natural wood materials.
- Do not use polishes surfaces of wood, laminate, melamine in order to avoid the formation of fatty stubborn stains.
- Do not use abrasives, scrubbing brushes, sponges with a rough surface, metal sponges for cleaning contaminants from the surface of the dining room furniture. This leads to damage to the coating.

- It is desirable to avoid direct contact with the working surface of the objects whose temperature exceeds 50 C, and to use a stand. It concerns chipboard, wood veneer and wood covered with lacquer and acrylic worktops.
- Polished countertops require regular maintenance with special cloths and polishes.
- Try not to exceed the allowable load on the table surface in 50-60 kg. This applies, above all, wooden tables.
- To avoid deformation of wooden parts, tables must be at least 1 meter from the device emitting heat.
- To avoid loosening of the fasteners, they should pull up at intervals of once a year.
Precautionary measures

- Do not use table group in the manufacture of which used wood and lacquer, near an open flame.
- Do not drop sharp objects on a glass table.
- Do not stand on tables to avoid breakage and fall from a height.
- Keep small children away during the installation or removal of additional inserts the table in order to prevent injury by them.
- With self-assembly is not over-tightened fasteners.
- Do not use tables with sharp corners in the house where the children live.
- Avoid contact with reactive liquid (gasoline, acetone, alcohol) in the surface of natural wood, glass, plastic, artificial stone.
Faults and repairs

Parts that fail in the first place:
- countertops;
- legs;
- sliding mechanisms.
Abrasions and scratches on wood or acrylic are corrected by resorting to the help of restorer. If you come into disrepair piece of chipboard or glass, it is necessary to change it or to buy new furniture.
You can cover the scarred surface of the cloth, and it will continue to serve. It is more difficult when there is a breakdown of support. If the standard metal bearings, they can be easily bought at DIY stores or organizations that specialize in furniture fittings.
Replacement is carried out independently or with the help of professionals. It is more difficult to replace the support, if they are not produced in large quantities and sold in specialized stores.
Then it is necessary to contact the company, which purchased the goods, with a request for replacement, if a warranty case or buying new parts.
Pull-folding models fail for two reasons:
- they are clogged;
- bent or broken.
In the first case it is sufficient to clear the mechanism of the accumulated dirt, then lubricate parts wax or paraffin. In the second case will require replacement of defective rails. They are replaced either by themselves or with the help of the wizard.
Manufacturers dining tables

A variety of dining furniture items is large, so select only leader among manufacturers is not possible.
Rather, it is a group of countries represented in the furniture market:
- Italy;
- Spain;
- China;
- Russia;
- Malaysia;
- Germany.
Chinese are popular with buyers because of the low price compared to goods produced in Europe. Sometimes the quality suffers.
Chinese manufacturers are cleverly copied novelties famous factories in Europe. In pursuit of appearance, buyers forget to consider how much will serve one or the other thing. This does not mean that you should avoid buying furniture accessories in China.
Many Chinese factories make durable furniture. Malaysian model of production and sold at an affordable price. Not to be mistaken with the choice, use the available customer reviews, web sites.
Italian factories start production in China. During this process strict quality control of products.
German factory offer concise variants with the corresponding level of quality. Afford such furniture can only people with incomes above the average.
Russian producers are trying to keep up with fashion furniture. Therefore, in the stores are models using both wood and glass. The advantage of the Russian product - fast delivery times compared to imported tables are sold to order.