Top 10 Most Unusual New Year's Traditions

The meeting of the new year has always been surrounded by traditions and rituals. Many of them originate in the depths of centuries, others - a tribute to modern fashion. Be that as it may, the New Year traditions are always interesting and create a holiday atmosphere. That is why we bring to your attention Top-10 most unusual New Year traditions of from different countries of the world.


  • 10. New Year in Bulgaria
  • 9. New Year in Great Britain
  • 8. New Year in Japan
  • 7. New Year in Scotland
  • 6. New Year in Spain
  • 5. New Year in Greece
  • 4. New Yearin Norway
  • 3. New Year in India
  • 2. New Year in Italy
  • 1. New Year in Hungary

10. New Year in Bulgaria

Bulgarian children on the eve of the holiday receive from their parents dogwood sticks. On January 1, the children accompany the congratulation on the holiday with a light slap stick. By the way, Bulgarians are considered a good sign if someone sneezes at the New Year's table.

9. New Year in the UK

The old British tradition of distributing New Year's gifts is amazing - by lot. Under the tree in advance, put a lot of boxes, and then spend the best New Year's gifts among all members of the family.

8. New Year in Japan

Approximately in the 20-th of December, the Japanese celebrate "seeing off last year" - bonkunkay. And I do it in the company of the labor collective, as respect for the collective in the blood of every Japanese.

7. New Year in Scotland

The Scots invited for the New Year holidays bring with them a glass of wine, a piece of coal and a slice of cake. Such gifts are promised for the whole year to provide home drink, warmth and livelihood. And on the eve of each New Year a roasted tarragon rolls along the streets of Scottish cities, the ceremony symbolizes the "burning" of the old year.

6. New Year in Spain

During the midnight battle of the clock on New Year's Eve, every Spaniard hurries to eat 12 grapes, each of which symbolizes one of the months of the coming year. If you have time and eat the whole dozen, then surely will come true cherished desire. This unusual New Year's tradition was adopted by many South American countries - the former colonies of Spain.

5. New Year in Greece

At midnight, the head of the Greek family should go out into the yard and smash the pomegranate fruit against the wall. In the new year, the family will certainly live happily if pomegranate seeds scatter around the yard.

4. New Year in Norway

New Year gifts are brought to small Norwegians by a goat. For bait at night, children put dry oats in their shoes, and in the morning they find cherished gifts in shoes and shoes.

3. New Year in India

It is believed that for happiness, wealth and good luck in the New Year on a festive night, it is necessary to eat a few leaves of the tree by him. The trouble is that the magic leaves taste terribly bitter.

2. New Year in Italy

The unusual New Year's custom to throw old things out of the windows is gradually becoming a thing of the past. But the love of Italians for the local Grandfather Frost does not fade - Babbo Natal in a red fur coat. Therefore, men on New Year's Eve certainly wear something red, even if it's clothes or socks.

1. New Year in Hungary

Hungarians on the eve of the New Year are burning stuffed so-called scapegoat. Burning scarecrows are carried along the streets, thus saving all from the troubles of the outgoing year. By the way, on a New Year's table Hungarians never submit a bird.