Scissors as driven and non-driven - grade separation equipment for metal forming.
They take their place in the park harvesting machinery engineering and metalworking industries, are widely used in construction.
Shears for metal used rescuers and small models of aggregates of data are available, even in home workshops. Portable Scissors are used for exterior use: fit the fence fragments of profiled sheeting, construction of steel roofing, etc.
The principle of operation and the function of scissors for metal

By dividing operations forming include:
- cutting - metal separation at open circuit, with the original and the workpiece is a sheet metal profile: channel bars, rods, tubes, etc.
- Nadrezka - A process comprising partial separation of one part from another blank. It is used if necessary forming the holes with a volumetric configuration integral sheet metal.
- cutting - separation operation preformed metal cards into two parts.
- punching - separating a portion of a metal blank from its rest part, wherein the detachable portion is a waste (at large amounts of waste it is used as a single-piece blank for the subsequent production of smaller parts sizes).
- Otrubka - the separation of bulk workpieces by introducing into them a wedge-shaped tool. V-blades often used when cutting pipes.
- felling - separating a portion of a metal blank from its rest part, wherein the detachable portion is a part.
- Punching or perforating - successive shaping of small holes having the same configuration in the strand (the tape roll, at least - band).
Some of these technological transitions are implemented and specialized stamping equipment - presses or machines, but in this case required the production of special stamps.
For example, punching, cutting - parts of the transition in the manufacture of sheet metal parts in the multi-position sheet-stamping machines, and the cutting wire is used in all constructions machines for cold and hot landing.
However, in the above situation requires stamps - a tool that includes at least two mandatory parts: core and cavity.
Stamps are not universal tooling (except group bystroperenalazhivaemyh stamps for group piecemeal or punching), and therefore their use negatively affects the final cost products. Especially if production - small series or single.
Therefore, modern design under consideration units are focused on maximum diversity of operations carried out by them dividing. It is believed that a tool for metal separation operations on scissors - knives - are easier to manufacture, commissioning and maintenance.
The sequence of separation of the metal to the cutter

Separation of metals into separate fragments by means of forming equipment is made only for a relatively ductile materials.
The criterion of the segments with the required quality is considered an indicator εmax - introduction of the separating tool relative to the initial preform in which the material starts cracking spalling.
This parameter determines the power characteristics of the cutting process and the quality of the workpiece surface after separation.
When the deep cracks chipping quality cutting impossible or require special techniques that complicate maintenance of the separation equipment. This applies cutting- stockpiling facilities.
For various metals and alloys of the relative values of introduction, depending on the thickness or diameter of the initial billet shown in the following table:
Metal / alloy | εmax, % |
The deformable aluminum brand AD1 | 18…20 |
copper M1 | 13…14 |
Steels with a low content of carbon, tin | 20…22 |
medium carbon steel | 18…20 |
high-carbon steel | 16…18 |
Alloy and stainless steels | 14…16 |
ductility brass | 19…21 |
Leaded brass, silicon bronze | 12…14 |
Cutting of metals and alloys with εmax indicator relative ductility less than 11%, is not recommended in the usual scissors. The deformability of metals and alloys deteriorates with increasing percentage content of alloying elements and impurities: manganese, silicon, zinc, sulfur and carbon.
Conversely, an increase in the percentage of vanadium, boron or nickel reduces the risk of cracks during shear cutting.
- surface collapse, during which the metal is pressed under the influence of the deformation effort. More split the workpiece does not occur, because the specific force does not exceed the shear strength of the metal.
- Implementations of the knife blank into a shared in which cutting begins.
- Cracking spalling, which is caused by the emergence of a metal workpiece of stress raisers. Cracks occur simultaneously on both surfaces, the propagation of which occurs on the shortest path to each other.
- Brittle workpiece along the surface of contact with the knives. During this phase separation does not operate knives and pushing a cut portion of the workpiece into the nip between the moving and the fixed tool.
Thus, the basic separation factor in metal cutting shears is a relative shift of its parts.

- crumple zonesWhich visually manifested as sink marks on both sides of the deformable preform. Sink Mark - an unavoidable factor of cutting ductile metals and alloys. For high-speed equipment (pulse machines) it is due to inertia of the material being cut, is not present;
- shear zone ( "Brilliant girdle"), which dimensions are determined by the metal portion of the plastic deformation. With an increase in the area of the brilliant cut surface of the girdle quality increases. The zone has the form of a crescent, and easily recognized by visual inspection of the workpiece;
- Zone brittleWhich starts from the cut zone by the movable knife and from the crumple zones - the part fixed. The macrostructure of this zone - is rough, since the metal fracture occurs in an uncontrolled manner at grain boundaries of its structure. By increasing the brittle fracture zone size cut surface quality deteriorates.
In addition to visual defects due to non-simultaneous occurrence of separation stages in cutting, forming and other defects even at the ends of workpieces.

The end clearance required to cut the workpiece placed in the working space equipment.

For precision cutting axial clearance trying to make a zero, and the remaining cases it should not exceed 10% of the thickness (diameter) of the workpiece being cut.
- It reduces the size of the cleaved zone;
- It reduces the force at the beginning of the introduction of the movable blade in the metal;
- Evenly wears knives.
It plays a special role in the inclination angle of the tubular cutting processes rolled. Minimum collapse after cutting the tubular blank is marked in those cases where the sharpening angle of the wedge knife edge is within ± 5 20.Vidy and purpose scissors metalAre classified according to the following criteria:Drive mind. Distinguish equipment manual (lever), or motorized drive. The latter, in turn, is a pneumatic, electromechanical and hydraulic.For technological purposes. Shears which cut the sheet metal, called leaf (there is an everyday name such units - "guillotine"). Cutting rods and wire are varietal.
In combined scissors cut, in addition to the sheet and bar material, various metal profile - angle, channel, etc.

- Crank sheet with a canted cutter - GOST 6282,
- varietal - GOST 8248,
- Alligator - GOST 15032,
- Disc - GOST 8249,
- Hydraulic - GOST 12.2.118,
- Nibblers - GOST 16829,
- Combined - GOST 7355.
The choice of equipment is the size of the cross-section of metal to be cut. It is assumed, that the ultimate strength of the metal is 500 MPa (required to perform recalculation for other indicators). High-quality scissors are distinguished by the nominal force on the slide.For cutting the sheet using the cutting scheme, wherein the movable blade has a bevel 3... 60But not more than the friction angle, i.e., 90. That is why this equipment is called a scissors with raking knife. The design of such tool harder than knives with parallel cutting edges, but in this case the introduction of the tool into the metal takes place gradually. As a result of a suit deformation force is reduced. Reduced power consumption and operation, however less electric power installed for the drive. Cutting blades with parallel cutting edges has become popular in the schemes equipment that is designed for cutting narrow and thick strips of metals and alloys with low plasticity. At the initial instant of cutting, when introducing a metal knife, there occur reactions deformation resistance. This is expressed in the overturning and / or rotating portion of the preform under load. Therefore, in the structures necessarily present technique considered pressing mechanism. It has a mechanical (spring, for the thin sheet) or a hydraulic drive.
It is significant that with the increase of the moving knife angle in fewer strokes.

- Motor.
- V-belt transmission.
- Flywheel.
- Foster shaft.
- Gear (usually - open) transmission.
- switching system.
- The main shaft with two eccentrics or cranks.
- The blade beam.
- Backgauge.
- The front stop.
- Clamp.
- Desktop.
- lubrication system.
- Control block.
- The machine frame.
- Rail truck to collect the cut strips.
How it works: the torque from the electric motor (asynchronous motors are used in the designs of scissors AC squirrel cage) is transmitted through the V-belt transmission Foster shaft on which mounted flywheel.
Its purpose is to smooth out the torque fluctuations arising from operating and idling.
For safety reasons in the automatic inclusion complex of the main actuator made two-button control panel, and the travel of conventional crank scissors made after clicking on pedal.

This fact affects the structural elements incorporating shears system: pnevmofriktsionnye clutch - single disc and the brake - the ribbon.
Scissors with pulling rods smaller but described items during the working stroke work primarily tensile and push rods - compression.

The springs are installed in the chassis. Clamping force is adjusted by adjusting the equipment, and makes up 10% of technological effort art.
For the convenience of manipulating sheet metal shears are equipped with a table.

- The presence of one-piece, but because - rigid bed frame type.
- Mechanism pressing bar (which may be mechanical or hydraulic).
- Provision assembly of backwater cut portion of the workpiece, which prevents its folding at the final moment of the cut.
- Rear adjustable stop is provided, by which the volume is provided by cutting on the workpiece metal of a certain length.
- Actuator - mostly eccentric performance: it gives the host the necessary rigidity, and reduces the size of scissors.
- Connecting rod - a short, one-piece.
- Elongated rails, adjustable gap which is produced by an eccentric finger, placed on one side.
The principal feature of high-quality shears - hydraulic clamp rod.

- Active transverse clamping rod before cutting differentiated type (with a different force on both sides of the bar)
- Additional components increase the rigidity of the frame.
- Remote-controlled focus.
- Simultaneous cutting of several bars, which more evenly distributes the force acting on the slider equipment.
- Increased performance metal separation are different automated systems (AC) on the basis of high-quality scissors. They include:
- Automated rack bars.
- Dispenser rod from the rack to the drive conveyor.
- Dispensing apparatus adapted for counting the number of workpieces cut.
- Node walking feed rod in the cutting zone.
- The mechanism of sorting workpieces, with rejection of off-gage rod ends in a separate container.
- Node aligning end portions of the rod before cutting.
Marking CIS production equipment is designated by a combination of H1 _ _ _. First following figure indicates the degree of cutting accuracy (3.8 - precision cutting, 5 - a conventional cutting), the other two indicate the rated force: with manual transmissionIn the practice of business activities of small enterprises and individual business, which is related to metal cutting processes, sometimes it is enough to have a pair of scissors, resulting in muscular force operator. In its structure, circuit and layout are reminiscent of the drive, but do not have a mechanism of inclusion, and the blade beam displacement is performed by means of a lever.
Hand shears advantageously used to direct and shape cutting mild steel, tinplate, aluminum.

- Motor.
- V-belt transmission.
- Foster shaft.
- Spur gear.
- The crankshaft.
- Rod.
- Swing on the slide axis.
- Balance with the punching mechanism.
- Table for the fixed part of the tool.
- Frame.
Operating principle: cutting material to be prepared for the separation: the band is placed around the fence on the table, and metal products - by stops. The workpiece is set in the respective fixed knives which are arranged in the guiding slider.
When the drive slide performs a pivoting movement, slitting the initial rolling to length.

- High-speed transmission in which places without intermediate transfer.
- Urging the punch mechanism by which blanked significant inertial loads on the slider.
- The shaped guides by means of which is separated by a predetermined shirokopolosovoy metal circuit (a set includes a set of several guide).
- The lack of inclusion of the system - clutches and brakes, which is why starting and stopping of the equipment produced by the electric motor.
- Eccentric bushing to the main shaft, rotation of which changes the magnitude and stroke amount of the slide strokes per minute.
Manufacturers of scissors metalluLVD The Belgian company It produces a wide range of equipment and tools for sheet metal processing - produces drive scissors. ScanTool GroupOsnovnoe direction of the German company ScanTool Group - production of grinding and polishing equipment for metal, also makes the drive scissors. JouanelDeyatelnost French company Jouanel, (Russian representation Jouanel) - TOOLS and equipment for metal processing, this press brakes and sheet benders, Pressing machines, gilontiny for metal cutting tools, the product range also includes drive scissors. "Stroymash" OOO Company LLC "Stroymash" St. Petersburg is located in addition to the production of equipment for the metal working and processing raw material, designs, develops hardware, it also offers driving model scissors. JSC "Valley" The main direction JSC "Valley" located in Kuvandyk, Orenburg obl.proizvodstvo forging equipment, produce shears, as well as spare parts for equipment rezhushemu own production. Produce goods for municipal services - iron hatches for cable and manholes, for agro - cultivators, plows and the press.Popular brands:
- MetallMaster (Poland, produces hand guillotine)
- Makita (Japan, produces lever) – Russian representation Makita.
- Tapco (USA, manufactures and lever shears model)
- Bosch (Germany, produces a nibbler)
- Avalon (France, produces roller devices for slitting and strip).
Some types of non-driven equipment are tips for curly or straight cuts, which are designed for installation under electric drills or other electric hand tools.
The thickness of the sheet metal, mm | 1,6 | 2,5 | 4 | 6,3 | 10 | 12,5 | 16 | 20 | 25 |
standard size | 12 | 14 | 16 | 18 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 24 | 26 |
The maximum rod diameter, mm | 56 | 85…90 | 125…140 | 160 | 200 | 220 | |||
Nominal force. MN | 1,0 | 2,5 | 6,3 | 10 | 16 | 25 | |||
standard size | 30 | 34 | 38 | 40 | 42 | 44 |