Vices: types, device manufacturers, how to choose what is best

Bench - a mechanical device which is used for fixing the workpieces. The tool is used in situations where you need a safe distance from the work piece, hard fixture or hands free.


  • the grip device
  • types of clutches
  • Benefits
  • Problems
  • How to choose a vice
  • What better vise
  • Guarantee
  • Faults and repairs clutches
  • manufacturers clutches

the grip device

Principle of operation

Simplistically vise structure consists of two jaws and a locking mechanism with a handle designed for a tight clamping of the parts during machining.

One jaw is fixed as attached to the frame or static body of the grip, and the other support by sliding movement.

The locking mechanism consists of the following elements:

  • Spindle - coupled with sponges passes through the grip structure. In most cases, it has a trapezoidal thread and is made of steel. Movement of the screw is controlled by a handle, which is disposed at the outer end.
  • The base plate or frame usually made of cast iron. There are solid steel and lightweight duralumin variations.
  • Sponges - often interchangeable screw. The movable lip is usually of cast iron. Soft variations involve the production of parts made of plastic or non-ferrous metals.

Fastening tool comes to the surface with screws or clamps. Less common model with magnetic fixing. Design with a flat base or overweight available without fasteners.

When you rotate the screw clockwise moves the movable jaw to the frame, so that the fixation part. By rotating counterclockwise the handle moves the sliding jaw away from the fixed clamp and opens the gap between them.

Rigid fixation helps in cutting, drilling or other machining of the clamped parts.

types of clutches

Types and Characteristics

The main types of clutches - metalwork, machine, joinery and hand.

bench screw


All-metal tool, which is mounted on a workbench or table and is attached at the bottom bolts.

  • By different designs Stulova and parallel vises.
  • Available in fixed and rotary variations, which allows operation at different angles.
  • The width of the jaws is 45-200 mm.
  • The length of the moving stroke lip average reaches 140 mm.

parallel vise

  • Divided into rotary and swivel. The first rotate around an axis parallel to the base 60 and more degrees. Swivel model rigidly fixed, intended for work in one position.
  • The movable jaw is moved by the rotation of the screw parallel to the fixed part.
  • The base of the tool is cast iron and the movable parts - carbon steel.
  • Overhead sponge high models made from tool steel U8, complemented by cruciate incision, after quenching attached with screws to the main lips.

Stulova vise


Outdated design type. Previously fastened on the base in the form of a chair. Modern devices are fixed at the benches.

  • The design is made from forged steel. It consists of a body, complete with sponges.
  • The working surface of the jaws is enhanced screwed hardened plates or her steel layer is welded U8A.
  • The working surface is coated inside notches for fixing the workpieces in a solid grip.
  • The fixed jaw is provided with a claw for fixing the rod is clamped bracket.
  • The width of the jaws is 100-180 mm. Along the length of the available options disclosure 90-180 mm.
  • Sponges are moved by rotating the screw thread with a rectangular, and are moved apart by introduction into a tubular nut screw.

Models often equipped with platform-anvil. The frame is a structure of the base and the rotary disc are connected by screws or fixed center further reflux ring.

When loosening the screw ring unlocks mobility.

In accordance with GOST 4045-75 bench screw types differ from those presented. Stated three types:

  1. General purpose;
  2. with rotating sponge;
  3. with additional lips for pipes.

The standard applies to models with a width of 63-200 mm sponge. Assumed to swivel and swivel options manufacturing accelerated idling or not.

Machine vise


Instrument of high accuracy, which is characterized by the absence of models of plumbing backlash or small running start. Designed for production work.

  • Fixed on industrial workbenches for machining large parts.
  • For ease of tuning parts often equipped with a turning mechanism.

And are divided into basic sine further provided a different number of axles:

  • Basic or landline - piece attached perpendicular to the tool.
  • Sinus - blank is fixed at an arbitrary angle.
  • Axis - turn supports several coordinate axes.

And Machine Vise available for home use, but they are less overall, than the production model.

Hand vices


Compact tool for handling small parts, needs no fixing to the table. There are two types different locking system.

  • With sponges - it consists of a jumper with a screw, steel lip and handle. Toe jaws is achieved by rotation of the handle. The cone is located on the reverse side, is included between the jaw shanks, causing its compression.
  • With arms - reminiscent of pliers with a latch. Have a locking mechanism, which consists of two levers, clamping jaws.



Used when working with wood and plastic workpieces. Often fixed with screws to a table or bed. Available variations with front clip.

  • For the lips usually mounted wooden spacers to hold the workpiece, without messing with the surface of the workpiece.
  • There are overlays that no traces on the details of a bright or soft wood.
  • Models with front fastening suited to vertical surfaces.
  • There are models with a combined clamping device - a combination of iron and wood.

Some carpentry models are equipped with quick-vise screws for easy positioning of the movable jaw and initial tensioning.



Advantages of the grip is usually considered according to their type.

Pros bench screw

  • Sponges often hardened, which makes them extra durability.
  • Anvil present in most models, resistant to mechanical damage.
  • Models with swivel support mechanism to turn 360 °.
  • Weight and dimensions increasingly small.

Pros Stulova clutches


Stulova models differ from other types of set of advantages:

  • The possibility of clamping long parts.
  • Due to the spring loosening screw sponges rapidly decompressed not required to perform complete revolutions to lower the workpiece.
  • Simplicity and structural strength.


  • The increased clamping force ensures suitability for fixation of large metal parts.
  • High-strength body can withstand severe mechanical loads.
  • In most cases, a protective coating is provided which counteracts the housing corrosion.
  • Suitable for work increased accuracy.
  • No backlash - fixing blanks tough.

Pros hand clutches

  • Support for easy dismantling of the audit.
  • Do not require fasteners and workspace organization.
  • Backlash in the joints is minimal, and often non-existent.
  • Suitable for small precision work.
  • The handle is covered santoprenom often, so the tool does not slip out of hands at work.
  • Possible clamp flat parts with expanded surface area.
  • The most common manufacturing material - carbon steel.
  • The only type of clutches, suitable for quick and correct operation with a mounted aluminum profile with metal.

Pros holdfast

  • Suitable for working with blanks made of soft materials.
  • Locking jaws flush with the surface of the workbench can handle large parts in a single plane.
  • Increased stroke sponges solution.
  • A wide range of fastening systems, models without the trails are suitable for clamping directly on the finished structure, it does not require pre-disassembly.



Copies of iron are less strong compared with the steel products. The other disadvantages associated with the individual characteristics of each type.

Cons bench screw

  • More often than not have a backlash.
  • It needs alignment jaw, which is not always possible without the use of a professional tool.
  • Rapid wear of lock washers requires regular replacement.
  • Lengthy details difficult to clamp across the jaw.

Cons Stulova clutches

  • The fragility of the tool attachment to a workbench and capture.
  • Capture narrow items in clip is possible only the upper portions of the jaws, and wide - the bottom. This is because their working surfaces are not parallel to each other in all positions.
  • Clips cut into the piece, leaving a dent.
  • Screw open thread is polluted and prone to rapid wear.

Cons machine vice

  • Oriented lifting parts due to skew jaw vertically, so the uneven stacking traces remain on the workpiece vise.
  • To mitigate warping under the base of the movable jaw has to slip foil or use a vise, capturing the top edge parts only.

Cons hand clutches

  • The small width of the run and sponges do not permit processing large elements.
  • The correct clamp is provided only for soft metals, but the teeth, which is equipped with most handheld models, leaving a dent on it.
  • Not suitable for working at an angle without tools.
  • It is not possible to clamp an overall part in position.

Cons holdfast

  • Not suitable for machining with high rigidity.
  • Most useful only as household suitable tool.
  • Models without benches unpopular due to low-stringency capture.
  • Variations with benches often are in the extended configuration, demanding to space and lighting.

How to choose a vice

How to choose

When you select the grip is taken into account their scope and size of workpieces, which are planned to be installed in them.

Locksmith - imply an increased clamping force during the processing of parts, are therefore preferred stringent model of steel instead of a powdered metal.

  • The lead screw with a triangular metric thread wears out quickly, and the clamping force is not sufficient to handle the overall blanks.
  • Weight indirectly characterizes the structure its strength.
  • For machining upright bench screw modernized selected. Their base is rotated 360 °. Often equipped with enlarged anvil.
  • For round billets preferred model, the housing equipped with the prisms. These clutches increasingly used with the slider.

Joinery - pay attention to the screw diameter and uniformity of the alignment rods. It is assumed parallel movement when fitting.

  • If the tool has been uneven, the risk of damage to the workpiece increases.
  • Further examined lining clips, selecting checked on a piece of plastic. It is important not to leave traces and dents on the surface.
  • On models with the bed or bench visually checked plane evenness. To do this, stand up so that the nearest corner of the frame was on eye level - flaws become visible when the plane looks like a string.
  • Front clutches are available only with a screw mechanism and guide rod. It should consider whether it is convenient for current operational needs.

Machine - selected to handle the increased hardness of materials, so the functionality is a priority.

  • Sponges for fixing the workpiece lower height than in other types.
  • Compared with the bench screw design is more rigid.
  • The tool is attached detail under the specific angle and supports turning around a vertical axis.

It is taken into account when selecting the material from which made the tool. Preferred models of hardened steel.

If such a scenario does not fit the budget, try to choose a device with steel moving parts, so they are subject to the greatest wear.

Important tool corrosion treatment - coating often is applied to threaded parts, but there are whole.


double Lathe - supports simultaneous processing of multiple parts, but for a permanent home operation inconvenient.

sinus - are used in the treatment of complex parts. They support mountings bias in several mutually perpendicular planes.

Hand - If you select should check the parallelism of the jaws, a convergence of the quality and size of the gap.

  • The backlash of the handle - a sign of the tool, which will be difficulties.
  • The width of the working gap in the open position - defines whether the blank enters the instrument. The gap in manual models are generally small, so you should carefully try on size.
  • Check whether the teeth are left dents on the soft metal. In this case, preferably a lower tool height of the thread clamp.

Swivel base fixing tool is easy to operate, but reduces the stiffness of the structure. steering gear - the weakest link tools, so this functionality is selected only in cases where the operation is not possible without it.

When the choice is to determine the value of the angle, which is often required during the works. Available variations with a minimum angle of rotation and models, rotating at 180 or 360 degrees.

Static model of reliability, but the selection of the attachment point is difficult parameters bench. With unconventional preforms additional devices for fixation often used: baiting with bolts or clamp grip.

What better vise

what better

Determining the best clutches of the type can not be correct, since their functionality is different. In this case a design evaluation work items.

  • Dimensions sponges. Wide jaws prevent slippage of billets at work. The effective surface area is increased by using pads, but preferably vise, which originally are a wide jaws.
  • The course of the movable jaw. Vise is rarely disclosed during operation over the entire width, but a deep stroke provides a universal clamp. If the tool is not selected for a single operation, preferably a model with a maximum stroke length.

When choosing, remember that progress depends not only on the height of the workpiece - also need to enter the details of the stock.

  • Lever. It should be convenient because with this piece main interaction will occur. Metal handles large diameter is more convenient than a stick-type counterparts.

Adjusting the pressure when the clamp parts should not be tight. This parameter depends on the operating portion of the handle length - the distance from the center to the screw tip.

How to use a vise


Correct operation of the clutches is timely care instrument and subject to certain precautions.



To save a vise in working condition, comprises a threaded and moving parts clean, it is sufficient to wipe them with a cloth with solvent after each use.

grease - parts and components are processed oil for the engine to maintain the smooth opening of the flexible jaw. Procedure and promotes corrosion protection:

  • fully spread the jaws and apply a layer of grease;
  • somknite and open the details of a few times to distribute the coating evenly.

Rust - cleansing mechanically inefficient, often additionally used special anti-corrosion compounds.

  • apply a substance to rust and leave for the night;
  • Strip brush tool for metal surface until rust descend;
  • substance rinse water and completely dry the vise.

Precautionary measures

Precautionary measures

Vices are calculated for certain load. Failure to follow instructions conditions facing tool premature failure.

  • Locksmith models sensitive to difference of volumes of parts - it weakens the locking lips. This type of equipment is not suitable for machining steel parts are heated.
  • Inadmissible extension of the grip handle, especially in clamping models, since it increases the load on the structure.
  • Models with the base fixed on a level surface for safety reasons and to prevent the fracture of blanks.

In parallel models it is important not to allow inflection clamped parts in order to avoid damage to the mechanism.



Warranty applies to equipment with the correct set of documents:

  • Ticket with serial number, specifying the date of purchase, the seller's stamp. In some cases, a customer's signature.
  • Proof of purchase: invoice, cash or sales receipt.

manufacturers does not cover the following elements:

  • interchangeable accessories - depending on the model, it is often the lips or jaws;
  • Device for mechanical protection of the surface - housings, couplings;
  • parts with the rapid wear and tear or a limited resource - guides or rollers made of plastic and rubber bearings.

This warranty will be refused if the instrument has traces of mechanical damage, misused, or subjected to wear and tear as a result of improper care.

Faults and repairs clutches

Faults and repairs

Most functional wear of the tool or casing.

The destruction of the body

The destruction of the body

It is due to excess loads or metal weakness. Break off pieces of models made with iron elements. Repair involves sealing the damaged element and the substrate. Executed or when the home.

Most often used nickel or iron-nickel electrodes. welding tiskovyh nuts operate buildings gaspowder method.

wear of the screw

wear of the screw

Removed the rod and nut with trapezoidal thread, and then replaced by an analogue.

For lack analogue independently milled using turning tools:

  1. Alternatively, a suitable piece to grind using a drill press or hacksaw, Grinders with cutting wheel.
  2. From the stem cut off the threaded portion.
  3. In the remainder of the stem hole drilled axially symmetry.
  4. Details are aligned by a pin, and then welded.

Wear locking pin

Wear locking pin

Symptom - shaft can be turned out, although part remains clamped and can not be removed. Repair time-consuming, requires a full parsing tool and vytachivaniya new pin. The main problem in preparing a replacement assembly. It depends on the correctness of performance clutches:

  1. On clean substrate looming main lip as far as possible to a side body (usually located on the left).
  2. Installed and fastened on the strap line, then for their rigid fixation is required to move a little lip in the opposite direction.
  3. Inside the screw clamp is inserted and the lead screw itself, after which the structure is fixed with a nut.
  4. Mounted in a new pin, pre-lubricated lithologic.
  5. Fits protective casing and fastened with screws.
  6. The tool is screwed to the base.

These faults can not be repaired without improvised equipment or similar parts. If they are not, the tool will require a service repair.

manufacturers clutches


Some manufacturers do not provide guarantees for the consumer handheld tool commitments apply to professional models.



Ukrainian manufacturer of hand tools and equipment. Vice metalwork swivel function. Warranty 1 year.


Producer from Canada. Low-end models of electric and pneumatic hand tools. Vices board and machine tool warranty on hand tools is not stated.


American manufacturer, focused on hand tools. Vice metalwork with an anvil of the fine iron. Lifetime manufacturer's warranty, but dealers in Russia say a period of 1 month.


The manufacturer from Germany. Represented mainly hand tools, including a vice with clamps. The warranty period of 12 months.


Russian producer of several brands of budgetary tool. Available Locksmith vise and frame. The warranty period of 14-25 months, depending on the instrument.


German manufacturer specializing in tools for homework. Bench aluminum and versatile machine. 5-year warranty.


Manufacturer of Russian-oriented budget manual and power tools. Available vise rotary, joinery and hand, there are models with clamp. The warranty on hand tools is not stated.