Saws are used in all industrial sectors, as well as in everyday life. The choice depends on the complexity and amount of work.
- How to choose a saw
- Most cordless saws
- Most petrol saws
- Most circular saws
- Most electric chain saws
- Top Hole Saws
- Most bandsaws
- Best desktop saws
- The best plunge-cut saws
- Most versatile saws
- Most circular saws
How to choose a saw
important parameters

the following characteristics should be considered when choosing any type of blade:
- engine power (as electric and gasoline have saws), it affects how well tool to cope with loads;
- blade speed for circular saws;
- a mechanism for maintaining a constant rotational speed under load;
- Chainsaw important feature is the length of the bus (on its size depends on the workpiece);
- operating time with a fully charged battery for drinking (the higher the battery voltage, the longer the time of operation of the tool during the same capacity);

- tool weight (the most powerful saws have more weight, but a heavy saw impossible to work for a long time);
- protective mechanisms (increased safety);
- producer (well-known brands are much more expensive, but are of high quality performance and reliability);
- additional functions (laser pointer, a device for extraction of sawdust, soft start the motor);
- how convenient to carry out the tool adjustment (more different adjustments, the tool has a large functional);
- cutting depth and the ability to dive (for circular saws);
- ease of operation (for hand tools);
- voltage required for electric saws (220 W to 380 W domestic and some industrial applications).
secondary options

When selecting a tool is not worth paying attention to:
- The absence in the set with the tool replacement discs for circular saws and chains for chain saws. These materials are consumable, they are easy to be purchased separately.
- The length of the electrical cord to the power tool, if other features are fully satisfied.
- Unsightly appearance (the tool should work, not to show off at the show).
- The lack of a set of tires with a plunge-cut saws, since they are easy to pick up on their own.
Most cordless saws

In case you need to saw one or two of the bar, you can use the manual hacksaw. But if you want to perform a large number of cuts, it is necessary to apply the battery saw.
Using a pre-charged battery will extend the time, and no extra cables to ensure a comfortable work.
TO benefits relate:
- the simplest services;
- low noise;
- high maneuverability;
outs They are:
- high cost in comparison with the network tools;
- gradual decline in runtime during operation;
- reduction of the operating time at low temperatures.

Depending on requirements, may acquire:
- professional tools that can carve the board and timber of all sizes;
- Compact, designed for cutting small bars, sheets of chipboard.
Most petrol saws

Chainsaws are divided into professional and consumer. First designed for permanent and long-term large load, for example, fell trees and saw logs of large diameter. Household not suited for serious work.
TO positive qualities gasoline saws applies regardless of the source of electric current, so they can be used as a nature and at rest, and in his farm.
TO shortcomings relate:
- gasoline necessity of preparing a mixture;
- harmful emissions;
- cost;
- Maintenance harder similar electric models;
- a rough cut, compared to circular saws.

- Husqvarna 365 It is a leader in professional chainsaws. Technical performance, reliability and ease of operation ensured a leading position in the ranking.
The maximum bus length of 75 cm when the engine power of 3400 W carve allow practically any timber, without jamming.
- Stihl MS 260 It refers to semi-professional models and can compete on performance with professional models, in spite of the lower weight and power.
As domestic saws, it is better to use for cutting small brevnyshek for firewood, construction works. Engine power (2400 W) and bus length (40 cm) allow to saw logs of large diameter, but it is not necessary to constantly use it for that.
- Household gasoline saw Makita EA3203S-40 suitable for a small amount of work in the country, carrying out repairs.
If necessary, you can even gather firewood, but we should not forget that the 1350-watt motor is not designed for permanent loads.
Most circular saws

Circular saws conventionally divided into professional, who are able to dissolve even the oak boards, and everyday, which is not recommended to overload. Cutting accuracy at the tool is much higher than that of the chain saw.
Used as storage (not characterized by high capacity and are unable to work for a long time without charging the battery), and working on an electric saw network.
The main advantage is considered to be a clean and smooth cut during butchering longitudinal planks and beams.
When using circular saws can not perform the cut in a curve, it refers to the shortcomings.

It should be divided into three models, which are leaders in their respective classes:
- From budget prosumer models of the most functional bosch PKS. Among its advantages are the high speed of rotation (4500 rev / min), the spindle lock, presence outlet for connecting a vacuum cleaner reliability.
However, there are disadvantages and inherent to most cost models: weak motor (600 W), a rotation speed and a small diameter of the cutting disc (130 mm).
For home use, this model is the best choice for a relatively low price.
- Makita SP6000 Set It recommended for people who are constantly working with sawing boards, sheet materials.
soft-start system, enhanced user protection from exposure to the saw blade, power 1300 W, adjustable engine speed (up to 5200 rev / min), the connection of a vacuum cleaner and the electronic motor protection - dignity this model.
There is no shortage, except for the price, but a professional tool is always more expensive than domestic, so the frequent use should buy this model.
- You can save by purchasing saw less well-known Russian manufacturer. ELITECH AP 1255P 14 should be used for cutting wood blanks at an angle, sheet materials, including aluminum.
Refers to a submersible saws, so it can help to make the sidebar into the countertop, cut out the rotten floor area or make slots in the appropriate places.
Impressive specifications allow to compete with more well-known brands: power 1200 W 5500 rev / min, cutting depth adjustment, a connection to a vacuum cleaner and user protection.
High noise and the absence of laser pointer are minuses.
Most electric chain saws

Conventionally, electric chain saws are divided into professional, semi-professional and domestic. Professional equipment used in industry, due to the high prices rarely purchased for work around the house, garden.
For the construction, domestic work, requiring frequent use without heavy loads, used semi-professional equipment. Household allow to saw wood, sawn planks, beams, even foam.
The correct choice of instrument depends on how comfortable they work and whether he will cope with the task.

This tool is a competition petrol saws, thanks number of advantages In front of them:
- the noise level is lower than that of gasoline counterparts;
- absence of exhaust gases;
- serve the engine is not required during use;
- fuel mixture is not required;
- low weight;
- price, compared with petrol saws, with similar characteristics, below.
In addition to the positive qualities and are negative:
- small hours of battery models;
- the presence of the cord requires increased caution when working.

- makita UC4030A is representative professional tools at 2kW power bus length of 40 cm. Power only from the mains.
Provided lightweight, easy adjustment of the chain tension, high and low assembly cost with good productivity.
Soft start, user protection, chain brake, ensure safety of operation.
- From semi-models released Bosch AKE 30 S. Engine power 1800 W, weight of 3.6 kg with a 30 cm length of the bus provide flexibility and allow to perform cuts with one hand.
SDS system facilitates the chain tension.
- The best combination of price / quality has Interskol HRC-16 / 2000TN.
Engine power 2000 W, bus length of 40 cm at a weight of 6 kg.
Unlike other brands does not stand silent in operation, engine capacity, but low cost, high performance, availability and safety devices slightly poorer quality performance determined its location On the market.
Top Hole Saws

The tool is intended for cutting large diameter holes in concrete walls, wood, stainless steel and other materials. The design of hole saws present pilot drill, which allows precise Drill Center.
Available in collapsible models to use a saw several diameters on the same track, and collapsible model.
When selecting a tool it is important to take into account the nature of the work.
If you need a large number of holes of different diameters, it is necessary to give preference collapsible tool.
In case you need to make a lot of holes of the same diameter, it is cheaper to buy not folding hole saw.
Be sure to know exactly what material will work as a saw, for concrete, not suitable for drilling metal or wood.
Large holes are required for piping, electrical installation sockets, chandeliers, The manufacture of furniture.
If you use a different tool is difficult to get a straight edge, so the circular saws are widely used both in industry and in everyday life.

Available for multiple sets of professionals to ensure the required results when working with different materials:
- bimetallic kits IRVIN made of a combination of two metals. For the manufacture of the cutting part used high-alloy tool steel ensuring durability and reliability.
Designed for cutting holes in steel, zinc and aluminum workpieces.

- For wood, plastic and chipboard should buy a set of brand KRAFTOOL. Kits are available in different kits, so choose the right is not difficult.
- Professional set for work on concrete, are of the highest quality and durability, produced BAHCO. It recommended for people who are constantly engaged in work on the laying of communications.
Most bandsaws

Band saws are designed for wood, chipboard sheets, plastic, metal.
Unlike the disk and chain saws allow you figured cuts, which expands the range of applications. The working tool (saw) annular, with a toothed edge on one side.
Structurally, the band saws are different:
- across the web;
- composition (web may be homogeneous or consist of hardened teeth and soft body).

Band saws are divided into:
- professional (stationary) models, designed for large volumes of work;
- semi (board) which are used for small productions;
- domestic (hand-operated), intended for use without undue stress.
In addition, depending on the field of use, there are:
- vertical band saw machines (cutting tool plane is perpendicular to the table), widely spread in the wood;
- horizontal are used for cutting very large workpieces, logs hardness;
- manual.

Compared with any other types of saws, band equipment has the following benefits:
- cut obtained does not require further processing;
- cutting width obtained less than chain saws and that provides a saving of material;
- size workpieces and processing speed higher than that of other types of saws;
- safety of the operator, provided that it does not need to hold the instrument in his hands;
- sections blanks may perform oblique, straight, curly, at a predetermined angle;
- Professional models are fully automated, which ensures the supply and cut the workpiece without operator assistance.
The disadvantages of band saws include:
- It is impossible to operate the electric current source;
- need for periodic removal of the cutting blade for removal of the fatigue stress and sharpening.

- Professional tool suitable for small workshops is WoodTec LS When the machine power 2.2 kW it copes with workpieces 280 mm height, allowing cuts 0.7 mm in width and 460 mm.
In addition, this machine works with angular and curly notches. There is a tap for sawdust, easy blade tension, adjustable speed. Corner cuts are carried out by tilting the desktop to an angle of 45 degrees.
- Because most domestic tool is made qualitatively bandsaw makita 2107FW.
Power 710 W, the width and height of cut of 210 mm, weight 5.7 kg, a set of additional functions allow use it for cutting both sheets and beams, planks, plastic respective sizes.
- Semi-functional tool is Gongyou Group MJ.
Engine power 7.5 kW, the automatic feeding, cutting height 200 mm, width 500 mm processing, quick adjustment to different size and machine feed rate provided a positive recommendation.
Best desktop saws

For home use, in addition to the hand-held circular saws, used circular desktop machines. They are designed to get a straight cut along the entire length of the workpiece.
Unlike portable circular saws, when the cutting tool does not move, all the actions performed by the workpiece.
Compared with manual or stationary power tools, table saws have the following benefits:
- are safer to use;
- more precisely perform cuts;
- equipped with supports to provide for the entire length of the material is run;
- cutting depth is adjusted by means of the object stage;
- compared with stationary machines are much easier to perform transport.

- shaped cut-out is not provided due to the design features;
- dependence on electric current sources.

- BOSCH PTS 10 wins on functionality. Cut to 75 mm, speed 5000 rev / min, the presence of the guide and the possibility of cut at a predetermined angle will enjoy the work machine.
- ELITECH CP 1221 greatly exceeds the price range. It has a full-featured branded machines. Small diameter of the disc, not allowing saw blanks is greater than 45 mm, the thickness limits the application.
- BOSCH GTS 10 XC Professional equipped with all possible basic and additional functions can be applied in industry. only the price of the downsides.
The best plunge-cut saws

The main difference from circular saws - a mechanism that allows you to perform blade adjustment of immersion into the material.
For right choice of plunge-cut saw is necessary to evaluate the following characteristics:
- ease of use (to determine enough to hold a tool in the hands);
- motor power;
- speed and availability of their control;
- difficulty settings (easier than the adjusted depth of immersion, the work will be done faster);
- the presence of soft-start system;
- range of diameters of cutting disks;
- weight in working order.

dignity submersible saws:
- precision material processing is higher than in other species;
- the ability to perform internal cuts and cut-outs.
The main shortcomings They are:
- high, compared with other types of hand tools, the price range;
- processing complexity parts.

- Makita SP 6000 Users allocated a high degree of protection (cutting part is completely closed casing) and a low weight. It refers to a semi instruments can therefore be used in small industries.
Has a soft start, maintain and speed adjustment system, easy adjustment of immersion, possible to perform cuts at an angle. The only drawback - the price.
- Interskol PP-165 / 1300EM - inexpensive model with more features. Engine power and functionality is not inferior to branded models. Disadvantages - increased noise, the absence of the guide bar as a set.
- To a professional model designed to work in producing refers BOSCH GKT 55 GCE601.675.001.
Advantages of the model with high quality performance and reliability with the full range of functions. Disadvantages - the price and weight of the tool.
Most versatile saws

Universal saw blade designed for cutting sheet materials such as plasterboard, ceramics, stone, chipboard and fiberboard. The design allows you to make shaped cutouts, despite the fact that the cutting tool - disk.
universal dignity saws:
- closed cutting wheel;
- adjustable cutting depth;
- weight of the tool;
- price.

- low power, does not allow to work with a large material thickness;
- low precision cutting;
- there is no possibility of angular cuts;
- the minimum set of functions.
- BOSCH PKS 16 Multi It allows you to make cuts up to 16 mm deep. Of the domestic tool is released high quality performance, ease of replacement of the disc, an automatic maintenance system turns reliability.
- Vector VDMP-810 It refers to the semi-professional instrument of domestic production. Possible applications in small industries and in the home, as the price of saw lower than branded counterparts.
- The advantages STURM CS5060MS It is a type of battery power supply and a low price range. Not intended for use in industry, but in everyday life can become an indispensable tool.
Most circular saws

Circular machines - a powerful device for processing wood, plastic and other sheet materials. Used in industry, except for the low-power models. They are divided into three types:
- Professional. Have the greatest power, designed for continuous operation, consume a lot of electricity.
- Household. Feed 220V from the power supply Suitable for small workshops or home use.
- Semi. More compact than a professional, have a smaller set of features. Can be used in the workshop or home. Characterized by a large set of features and relatively high cost.

- Metabo TKHS 315 M It released a series of semi-professional models used in the industry, the highest quality of workmanship.
Powered by a three-phase 380 V, motor power 3kW. Equipped with a device for feeding blanks, closed motor soft starter system.
- dewalt DW729KN Professional device, possessing a high degree of operator protection, adapted for permanent working practices.
Management of the cutting blade console. The set of functions allows you to saw the workpiece at a right angle from anywhere. In everyday life it is not applicable due to the high price and weight.
- By low household devices powered by the line 220, applies Hitachi C 10 RE. It is used for small-scale production or in household. This machine Multifunctionality at an affordable price.