Carob coffee: how to choose the functions, the fault

If you are a lover to start the day with a cup of espresso, you probably already thought about buying coffeemakers. This drink is produced only in the machine horn type.


  • Features
  • How to choose a coffee maker carob
  • Functions carob Coffee
  • Precautionary measures
  • malfunctions


How to choose a coffee maker carob

The carob coffee makers - a drink prepared with the help of high-pressure steam. Hot steam is passed through a portion pressed into a special horn ground coffee.

With this method of preparation is extracted from grains greater amount of the active ingredients than the standard boiling. This approach reveals excellent taste aromatic characteristics of the drink. Also saves coffee, and drink a cup is formed so beloved by many people skim.

Water is heated in a special container, with two methods are used to further prepare a beverage:

  • The beverage obtained with steamGenerated from the heated water in a special container. The steam reaches 4 bar pressure, then passed through the ground coffee powder. The superheated steam removes the caffeine from the beans more active and fuller than hot water. As a result, the drink becomes quite bitter and strong, sometimes to the detriment of taste characteristics.
  • For preparing a beverage water is usedHeated to a temperature of 92-95 degrees Celsius. coffee machine design It is somewhat more complicated, because it is used for water pumps and temperature sensors which determine its temperature. However, the drink turns frothy and fragrant. Perhaps a little less strong than in the first case.

The main advantage - quality beverage to ease and control the cooking process. Not being a professional barista, you will prepare a delicious coffee. To use this machine is no need for long and complex studies. Favorite drink is prepared with minimal effort and time. This machine - one of the most popular kitchen appliances.

Before you begin, see the user's manual. During operation of the device observe the precautions, otherwise a high risk of injury.

Devices of this type require regular thorough cleaning. This significantly prolongs the service life, but will require time-consuming.

How to choose a coffee maker carob


Picking carob coffee maker, pay attention to a number of factors affecting the taste and easy preparation process:

  • Material horn. Horn in a coffee machine made of metal or plastic. Metal horn better heated and uniformly distributes heat to the loaded ground coffee. Due to this metal cone turns out delicious and aromatic coffee. Coffee produced in the device with a plastic horn somewhat watery, with a sour taste.
  • The preparation of several dishes. COMPONENTS Coffee maker provides equipment for water reservoir volume, from 0.2 to 2 liters. Large water tanks are placed on devices that use in their work high pressure fluid.
  • Cappuccino. Cappuccino lovers appreciate its tasty, delicate milk froth. Carob coffee machine equipped with a manual or spumatore. To use the manual spumatore need to drop into the container with the milk of a tube with a nozzle.

Spumatore not require your participation, obtaining high foam without automation will require a certain skill.

  • Pods. In some coffee makers provided the use of filter bags. This "tablet" is made of two layers of perforated paper, between which the ground coffee is compacted. With such packaging the taste and quality of coffee constant. One pod is designed to provide a single serving.

Using pods device boots faster and much easier to clean after use. As a technical improvement - use pod affects the price of the device.

Functions carob Coffee


Coffee - espresso, in various models, equipped with a number of additional devices and features that facilitate its use and empowering.

  • To prepare two cups simultaneously - Some devices are equipped with two nozzles.
  • If the device is equipped with multiple pumps, this device is capable of at the same time to cook and espresso and cappuccino.
  • So that the machine will last longer and delivered less trouble with the repair - it is desirable that its equipment option of automatic shutdown in case of overheating.
  • Automatic heating the finished coffee and milk It lets ignore the decision of a matter of urgency and to return to the hot coffee, not the hopeless ostyvshemu and lose the taste. Such a feature is useful to coffee connoisseurs.
  • removable tanks facilitate cleaning after use. This improvement saves a lot of time and nerves spent on care for the unit.
  • emergency stop button. If necessary, this function stops the operation of your coffee machine, and run it again.
  • Indication of the cooking process and the state of the coffee maker. set of indicators, which controls all the processes Thanks to the work of sensors can be fully controlled cooking, and be caught in trouble, take care of their elimination.
  • The presence of tempera. quality of the drink depends on how close to the horn is pressed ground coffee. Temperature is designed to facilitate this process. If tempera not difficult to get a drink having a high performance flavor.

Precautionary measures

The machine should be installed on a flat, hard surface. We need to be monitored closely to ensure that the housing and the power cord did not get wet, as water droplets or natokshaya under water unit - can cause a short circuit. Before switching on, make sure the integrity of the body and the power cord.

When a fault occurs - contact the service center as unprofessional repair attempts may eventually cause the coffee machine in disrepair or injure the owner.


common faults

In the operation of most of the people found devices with faults:

  • Damage of the sealing ring. The fault may be caused by contamination of the ring body fat or presence of a contamination. Carefully disconnect cone and ring seal from the device body. Thoroughly rinse the ring of debris, in accordance with the instructions - reassemble.

Being exposed to coffee oils or salts contained in the water, the ring loses its elasticity. In some designs, except for the sealing ring is required to monitor and carefully cleaned positioned at the same location of the filter mesh. In the case of unavoidable contamination or mechanical damage of the sealing ring - it must be replaced.

  • Leaks. After 3-5 years of continuous use, made of rubber, silicone or plastic elements wear out. During operation they are exposed to pollution and the constant-pressure hot water and steam.

Determine the location of the leak, replace lost elasticity or the bursting of the item. Periodic monitoring, cleaning, and replacement requires all the elements working in the conditions of high temperature structures. To prolong the life of the device, it is necessary to do regular decalcification.

Use it only specialized tools as not intended for such care for a coffee machine washing and cleaning compounds can damage and spoil it.

  • Bing, the weakening of the fluid flow from the horn. Often, this problem is caused by clogging horn. If the liquid is filtered by passing through the cone - the cause of the problem may be clogged filter.

It requires thorough cleaning device. Check the condition of the pump, as well as pump failure provokes this fault.

  • The device turns on, but coffee is not brewed. Check whether water is supplied from the reservoir. If the water is supplied, and the device does not work - perhaps in the tube system was formed.

Pass the water through kapuchinator, it will help get rid of it. If the problem persists, the system will require the full washing, use it only specialized tools!

In the case when the problem persisted and after a complete wash, you must contact the service center to check and repair the control circuit.

common faults
  • The device is not activated. Check the integrity of the power cord, if it is intact - plug the unit into an outlet. If this does not work - replace the power cord.

In case of detection failure - contact the service center.

  • The buttons do not respond to pressing. Perhaps the problem is contamination of the buttons. As stated in the instruction manual - Clean button.

If you need a deep cleaning to remove the front panel coffeemakersAnd this operation is not carried out at home - contact a specialized center.

  • atoutwardly normal operation - a fault signal is present. All signals on emerging faults originate from sensors located at strategic points of the device.

Verify correct assembly loosely inserted or skewed tank - sufficient to cause tripping of the sensor. Clean contaminated place machine wash it. In the event that problems caused by clogged - enough to resume the smooth operation of the device.

If, after a thorough check you are unable to get rid of the alarm - charge further concern about the machine service center technicians.