🔧-pipe heating system of a private house: nuances, materials, installation

It is time to reflect on the theme of a private home heating. Single-pipe system - is the most common variant, which is successfully used in most suburban households. How does it work, what materials will be required for its installation, and about some nuances worth remembering - in this review from HouseChief edition.

One-pipe heating system - the simplest and most effective, time-tested and opytomFOTO: techno-comf.ru
One-pipe heating system - the simplest and most effective, time-tested and experience
PHOTO: techno-comf.ru

Read article

  • 1 In general: how to construct one-pipe heating system of a private house
  • 2 What are the structural elements of such a system is
  • 3 Two types of pipe system: how to choose
  • 4 What type of circulation selected
  • 5 On the advantages and disadvantages of one-pipe heating system
  • 6 Some of the nuances of designing a single-pipe circuit
  • 7 How to pick up equipment for one-pipe system
    • 7.1 Boiler
      • 7.1.1 Calculator for the required heat output of the boiler
    • 7.2 radiators
    • 7.3 tubes
    • 7.4 Pump
      • 7.4.1 Calculator for calculating the circulating pump head
      • 7.4.2 Calculator for calculating the performance of the circulation pump
    • 7.5 Expansion tank
      • 7.5.1 A calculator for calculating the necessary volume of the expansion tank
  • 8 Algorithm mounting pipe system

In general: how to construct one-pipe heating system of a private house

The reason for the popularity of such a system - the reliability and economy of operation. Moreover, a single-tube principle forces coolant to circulate continuously on the premises of the house. This coolant may be ordinary water, air, steam, or antifreeze.

Most often found in such systems it is water - cheap and reliable heat transfer fluid, which amount can be easily replenished with neobhodimostiFOTO: realwire.com
Most often found in such systems it is water - cheap and reliable heat transfer fluid, which amount may be supplemented, if necessary, without any problems
PHOTO: realwire.com

The operating principle of one-pipe heating is the physical property of water to expand when heated, and also on natural gravity, forcing the fluid to move downward. All this allows the hot water to travel through the system, heating radiators, and then cooled down water returns to the boiler and the whole process is repeated again.

What are the structural elements of such a system is

Heating private homes, regardless of its architectural features and the area consists of the following elements:

  • boiler - thermal energy source. The boiler can operate on different fuels, from wood to electricity;
  • of radiators - conventional batteries or water circuits under the floor;
  • of pump or accelerating portion, Depending on the principle of coolant circulation - natural or forced;
  • of pipe and compounds nodesProviding coolant circulation around the premises.

Two types of pipe system: how to choose

There are two types of heating mechanisms: open and closed.

Indoor and outdoor option is to use expansion tank to compensate for the excessive pressure caused by the expansion of the coolant when heated.

In an open system, the tank is installed at the highest point of the highway just beyond kotlomFOTO: openstroi.ru
In an open system fuel tank is installed at the highest point line immediately behind the boiler
PHOTO: openstroi.ru

excess water drained into the sewerage system at overpressure. Typically, such tanks in suburban households put in attics or lofts. To facilitate the maintenance of such capacity, it is provided with a float valve, which regulates the level of liquid.

In an open system has its drawbacks, which must always be remembered that the tank is required to constantly replenish, pipes and appliances in this mode of operation quickly rust. In this embodiment can not be used as an antifreeze coolant.

On the other hand, you will not need to worry about the danger of burst pipes due to high pressure. Even with small faults, such a system will continue to operate, giving you the ability to choose the right time for repair.

Closed system also uses an expansion tank, but its design and location are quite different.

In this embodiment, the tank is sealed, and its construction includes an inner membrane, which regulates the pressure. An abnormal increase in pressure tank is depressurized excess vozduhFOTO: glavsantex.ru
In this embodiment, the tank is sealed, and its construction includes an inner membrane, which regulates the pressure. An abnormal increase in pressure tank is depressurized excess air
PHOTO: glavsantex.ru

Locate a tank can be not only at the top, but, in principle, in any place, which is very convenient for maintenance. Most often the owners choose a point in the bottom of the trunk in front of the boiler.

This system virtually requires your attention, there is no need to add water periodically.

What type of circulation selected

Again, the choice is between two options: forced and natural circulation.

Natural circulation would work in all circumstances, including during a power failure. This primitive circuit in which coolant motion ensures booster line portion positioned obliquely in the upper part.

Hot water from the boiler rises upwards under the influence of gravity and tends to radiators located magistraliFOTO below: greypey.ru
Hot water from the boiler rises upwards under the influence of gravity and tends to sinks located at the bottom line
PHOTO: greypey.ru

If the upper house wiring to the radiators, then simply smooth rotation of the pipeline, while the horizontal wiring installed further booster manifold having a height of not less than one and a half meters from the first battery.

Note! Pipe diameter in the boost phase must be greater to ensure successful operation of a natural circulation.

It is important to note that for this type of circulation is important to choose the correct trunk pipe cross section to the number of radiators. Also have to give up part of the locking mechanism, which can complicate the repair work.

Forced system makes it possible to use thin and neat tube radiators with an arbitrary number of complex circuit razvodkiFOTO: greypey.ru
Forced system makes it possible to use thin neat pipe and any number of radiators with complicated wiring scheme
PHOTO: greypey.ru

Its main drawback - the volatility. The pump can be placed anywhere in the pipeline, so if you do not want to listen to the constant noise - choose a basement or annex. With this solution, each radiator may be equipped with control system controlling the temperature in each room individually even in a two-storey house.

On the advantages and disadvantages of one-pipe heating system

The main reason for the popularity of one-pipe heating lies in the fact that its installation is not necessary to attract professionals. Get this circuit in a position to homeowners, especially because modern devices and pipes can be joined without welding, using sealed fittings.

By itself, a single pipe system hydraulically stable, is easily replaceable parts and requires a minimal amount of communication that does not spoil intererFOTO: narodna-pravda.ua
By itself, a single pipe system hydraulically stable, is easily replaceable parts and requires a minimal amount of communication that does not spoil the interior
PHOTO: narodna-pravda.ua

This mechanism allows you to quickly and efficiently warm up the room, and use the minimum amount of coolant.

With the help of locking elements single-pipe system can be adjusted to your own settings for each of the rooms of the house.

This type of heating is connected to the smart home control devices without problems.

The main disadvantage of a single-pipe mechanism is non-uniform warming radiatorovFOTO: pbs.twimg.com
The main disadvantage of the mechanism is a single pipe uneven heating radiators
PHOTO: pbs.twimg.com

The farther the radiator from the boiler - the less heat it receives. So that such systems work best in homes with a small living area. To compensate for this shortcoming, establish a greater number of radiators in remote rooms and try to place the circuit in such a way to be the first in line movement of coolant were the premises, which is especially important in temperature, for example, children's room and bedroom.

Some of the nuances of designing a single-pipe circuit

Projecting of heating required to take into account all the features of the house, including the number of floors, area and layout of the rooms. The smaller the house - the easier it is to prepare an effective scheme. Lodges sufficiently small pair of three radiators and samotochnogo circuit.

For large homes easier to think about circuit with forced tsirkulyatsieyFOTO: termoresurs.ru
For large homes easier to think about circuit with forced circulation
PHOTO: termoresurs.ru

Connecting to the radiator circuit can be lower, lateral or diagonal. The most effective is a diagonal connection, providing minimal heat loss.

Option side connection ensures uniform heating of the entire radiator. With this connection, the inlet and outlet connections are on one side of the radiator.

Bottom connection is not as common as the first two. It is justified if there is a need to hide the pipe under the floor. But we must remember that such a scheme - the neeffektivnayaFOTO: santehnika-nk.ru
Bottom connection is not as common as the first two. It is justified if there is a need to hide the pipe under the floor. But we must remember that such a scheme - the most inefficient
PHOTO: santehnika-nk.ru

How to pick up equipment for one-pipe system

It is important to choose the right materials and equipment for the establishment of an effective circuit.


The boiler is selected according to power, it should be sufficient to heat all the rooms at home, but not excessive, otherwise the costs will be justified.

Boiler type depends on what fuel is available for ispolzovaniyaFOTO: modernsys.com.ua
Boiler type depends on what fuel is available for use
PHOTO: modernsys.com.ua

The boiler output is possible to calculate the calculator below. It takes into account many additional parameters such as wall material, number of door and window openings and the like. But if you want to make a preliminary calculation, then take as a basis a simple formula by which to heat one square meter of living space you need 100 watts of heat energy.

Calculator for the required heat output of the boiler


Today's manufacturers offer a wide range of radiators: from vintage to modern bimetallic iron models. The choice in this case depends on your financial capabilities and plans for the interior design.

It should only be mentioned that a stable popular inexpensive aluminum model with a high heat dissipation and long life ekspluatatsiiFOTO: klimatstandart.com
It should only be mentioned that a stable popular inexpensive aluminum model with a high heat output and a long service life
PHOTO: klimatstandart.com


For creation of a circuit using the traditional steel pipes or modern Metal options. Steel considered to be more durable, but they are susceptible to corrosion and are more complicated to install. You can use the products of stainless steel, but this circuit will cost you a considerable amount. Besides, its installation will require exactly the welder with professional equipment.

The most expensive are copper pipes, are selected for aesthetic appearance and extraordinary resistance to high davleniyuFOTO: images.assettype.com
The most expensive are copper pipes, are selected for aesthetic appearance and extraordinary resistance to high pressure
PHOTO: images.assettype.com

Metal-plastic pipe does not corrode. It is easily installed with modern fittings without the help of professional tool. These tubes can be bent, if necessary, which is not true of polypropylene products. The last to be joined by special welding.


The power circulation pump is not a decisive factor in the choice. Such devices do not consume a lot of energy, so that a more important point is the performance and level of produced pressure.

Simply put, how high the pump is able to lift water in the circuit, the speed with which to move the coolant for sistemeFOTO: stroy-podskazka.ru
Simply put, how high the pump is able to lift water in the circuit, the speed with which to move the coolant in the system
PHOTO: stroy-podskazka.ru

These calculations are best left to professionals, since they involve a number of variables, including - resistance fittings. For the calculation of the averaged ratio can take is 150 Pa / m at 1 meter pipeline or convenient to use our calculators below.

Calculator for calculating the circulating pump head

Calculator for calculating the performance of the circulation pump

Expansion tank

Type expansion tank depends on what kind of circuit you have chosen: open or closed. For open systems can be used as an expansion tank cans, barrels or cans.

Closed tanks are of different volume, pay attention to it. The more your loop - the bigger the need bachokFOTO: surejust.co.uk
Closed tanks are of different volume, pay attention to it. The more your loop - the larger the required tank
PHOTO: surejust.co.uk

A calculator for calculating the necessary volume of the expansion tank

Algorithm mounting pipe system

Work on the assembly pipe system from the beginning to the boiler. Here is a simple collection algorithm.

IllustrationDescription of the action
Winter soon: one-pipe heating system of a private houseAs you can see in the figure, this system includes a contour consisting of a pipe for the heat carrier
Winter soon: one-pipe heating system of a private houseThe boiler expansion tank and the pump are typically installed in one place for easy maintenance. Before you put the expansion tank shut-off valve to be able to remove the device for cleaning and maintenance if necessary
Winter soon: one-pipe heating system of a private houseTap for pouring coolant in the system is also better positioned in the control group
Winter soon: one-pipe heating system of a private houseThe pump can be installed anywhere in the system, but it is better to do it in the boiler room, where you will not interfere with the noise of the device, with the output, where the coolant temperature is below
Winter soon: one-pipe heating system of a private houseThat due to the movement of coolant tube does not vibrate, on areas of extended necessarily set the fixing terminals
Winter soon: one-pipe heating system of a private houseThe most effective one for connection of the diagonal is considered in which the inlet and outlet are located on opposite sides of the radiator. Remember that in this system, all radiators must be placed at the same height. In the absence of pump slope should be less than 1%, i.e., each meter pipes - 1 cm
Winter soon: one-pipe heating system of a private houseIn places where the door openings, the pipe is lowered under the floor

About the common mistakes made when installing such a system - this footage:

When the system is assembled, it is necessary to fill it with water and check the pressure. This process is called crimping. So you see, there are places for leaks.

And what heating costs in your home? Share opinions about her work in the comments!