The expensive cars the problem of sound insulation is achieved by the manufacturer at the stage of creating Concept. In another way, this is the case in low-cost models, where noise control is ignored or carried out the minimum amount of work on soundproofing two or three knots.
The noise spreads through the air, produces engine and transmission. Also noisy exhaust mechanism, tires and door seals - sound interference depend on the degree of elaboration of the design of these units.
Another kind of noise, which is called a structural arises from the vibrations of the power unit, transmission mechanism and the chassis. The suspension elements are conductors of vibrations on the composite body panels and floor elements.
Ride comfort in these cars is reduced to a minimum.
Constant irritability, fatigue driving, failure to listen to music - all these factors push the driver to take action on car noise insulation with high-quality materials and modern technology.
- Kinds of car sound insulation
- Principle of operation
- Features and advantages of sound insulation for cars
- disadvantages
- How to choose
- What better insulation for the car
- Exploitation
- Guarantee
- manufacturers
Kinds of car sound insulation

This bituminous mastic tile affixed to the cleaned metal car body. Basis vehicle soundproofing which extinguishes the vibration wave motor, transmission and suspension transferred to the body.
Thickness and structure vibrodempfera selected thickness of the car body. Vibration isolators selfadhesive-deposited first layer of soundproofing body, giving it extra strength.

A second layer stacked on top vibrodempferov. They have a double function: protect vehicle interior from external noise and insulated hood of the car.
Soft and highly porous structure, absorbing sound waves. The absorption coefficient reaches 95%.
Sealers (antiskripy)
Remove scratches, beats sealing joints of panels and rods in the car. It sounds insulators machine parts.
Principle of operation

Reduce the amplitude of vibrations and mechanical vibrations of the machine components. Sound arises in the vehicle units, when hitting the surface is transformed into a full-range vibration.
To absorb them and convert the vibration energy into heat, uses special materials with viscoelastic properties. They consist of viscous bitumen and mastic and covered with the top layer of foil.
The resilient material rubs against the foil, and the mechanical oscillation energy is converted into heat. On the reverse side to vibrodempfera sheets applied the adhesive composition, anchoring the sheet on the floor or the ceiling of the car.

It acts as a barrier for vibration suppressing them to the minimum values. The flexible structure allows shumoizolyatorov install them on the details of complex configuration - in the interior and on the car trunk.
The area of contact with the acoustic wave shumoizolyatorom so extensive due to the cellular structure that the sound is lost in the multiple cavities.
Features and advantages of sound insulation for cars

Here is a list vibrodempfernyh materials and list their characteristics, which have been confirmed by research laboratories:
BiMast Bombs
The basis of bitumen and mastic. Top of the base is covered with aluminum foil. Area recommended treatment is limited to 50% of the total surface of the vehicle.
This is to avoid worsening the design, because the proportion BiMast Bombs is 6 kg / m2. Chetyrehmillimetrovye sheets are cut into pieces of 0.4 m2.
Super BiMast

Lighter than the previous type, but replaced by a layer of foil paper. Warm-up is required before installation on the car. Characteristics thickness, size and specific gravity are the same as the previous mark BiMast.
BiMast Standard
Formed elastic and elastic, it is applied without heating. For strong adhesion on difficult surfaces can be slightly warmed, it improves the adhesion of glue. Bitumen-base mastic topped nonwoven.
Material thick - 3 mm, and sheets formatted size 0,53h0,75 m Given that a third material lighter than others BiMastom processed to 60% of the surface..
vibroplasta Silver

The product was used for vibration protection and plastic composite surfaces by specific weight characteristic is 3.0 kg / m2. The sheets are mounted in cold condition.
The width and length of the sheets are the same, but they are thin (2 mm). Processed to 70-80% of the vehicle component parts.
vibroplasta Gold
For practical application in those places where undesirably burden the structure (surface of the door). Due to the elastic structure is mounted without heating.
The thickness reaches 2.3 mm, the rate of specific gravity - 4 kg / m2. They can handle up to 80% of the car. Sheet 0.53 m wide and 0.75 m long.
Vizomat PB-2

Moisture resistant bitumen, adhesive base. It withstands aggressive impacts from the environment, resistant to decomposition. When processing surfaces Vizomat warmed to 40-50 degrees. The relative weight is negligible.
Suitable for insulation of doors and ceiling car.

The first type of sound insulation materials on the basis of structural fiber refers structure "felt - bitumen", and the felt - made of natural or synthetic fibers.
Natural fiber absorbs moisture intensely. Over time, this leads to the rotting material and the rust on the metal in those places where it was applied. The disadvantage disappears in artificial felt: it's water resistance and does not decompose.
The second type are synthetic gas-filled formulations.

Motorists often use these types shumoizolyatorov:
Shumoizolyator Accent
A practical, convenient to use and lightweight material having a weight of 0.5-0.8 kg / m2. Synthetic top layers coated foil protecting from moisture; below a layer of the adhesive composition.
absorption coefficient (ETC) when tightly mounting reaches 70-90%. The thickness of sheets is 10, 15 or 20 mm. They are cut into rolls of 0.75 m2.

It looks no different from Accent, but different internal structure. Small cell capable of catching and suppress frequencies from 600 Hz to 4000 Hz, while at Accent upper limit of the suppressed frequency is 3000 Hz.
The upper cover is made as a perforated PVC or Mylar film. Bottom - adhesive layer. IZOTON thickness of 10 and 20 mm with the size of 1x2 or 2x2 m m. Weight - 0.25-0.5 kg / m2.
soundproofing BitoPlast

Sound-absorbing material and protivoskripny. Dampens sound waves reflected nature, absorbing them in the unfolded state. It comes in two versions - a thickness of 5 mm and 10 mm. Weight - 0.4 kg / m2. PPC reaches 60%. standard sheet size - 1h0,75 m.
soundproofing BiPlast
Improved sound absorption in terms of the previous version of the silencer. They are glued over the plastic panels. Sound absorption coefficient reaches 85%. Specific gravity less than Bitoplasta, and is 0.35 kg / m2. The area of the sheet - 0.75 m2.
soundproofing Splen

The material with the adhesive layer insulates sounds and heat fluxes, made on the basis of foam. Thermal conductivity - 0.038 W / K. Working temperature range: -70 to + 80 ° C. The manufacturer supplies sheets 4 or 8 mm thick, with dimensions 1x2 m.
The material is recommended for use in the wheel arches and partition the engine compartment where high temperatures occur. Dampens noise to 18 dB.
Seals for vehicles

In the role of seals motorists often use improvised lining materials: foam, Carpet (Carpet), plasticine. They are short-lived, decompose under the influence of external factors. Tools factory production much more efficient.
BitoPlast Gold
Plumping technology gaps while absorbing noise. When compression of BitoPlast directs the previous state has "memory", so to limit fills the joints. It realized in the form of samples 1h0,75 m at a thickness of 5 mm. Weight - 0.4 kg / m2Bullpen - 60%.

Improved brand BitoPlasta is an open structure of thousands of cells. Replaces emphasis on complicated surfaces configuration. The material is elastic and flexible, dampens vibration to low values, is provided with an adhesive surface.
The sound absorption reaches 85%. The thickness and size the same as that of the BitoPlasta, but it weighs half as much.
Antiskrip for auto Madeleine

We are a dense decorative fabric with applied adhesive composition below. Thoroughly seals the minimum clearances in places docking ducts.
Thickness Madeleine - 1 or 1.5 mm, it belongs to the category of materials with low weight (0.34 kg / m2). Each standard size plates - 2 m2.
Of liquid noise insulating materials widely used:
Nuxodol 3100

Pasta Swedish company AUSON AB issued in the form of an aerosol spray for spraying. Made polymer-based plastic, converts the vibrations into heat.
Applied by roller, spray or brush on degreased metal or plastic surface in several steps, layer by layer, until a desired thickness of the film (from 1 to 2.5 mm).
At baseline surfaces thickness of 0.5 to 5 mm obtained solid polymer coating, protection from noise and having a water-repellent and anti-abrasion properties. Per square meter material lacks 2-4 kg.
Soundproofing Dinitrol 479

The composition contains a synthetic rubber, which is a noise insulation and anti-corrosion material. It is used for application to the underside of the vehicle, protects against damage to gravel.
1-1.5 mm film applied by brush or spray gun, is polymerized for 6-12 hours.
Mastic Noise LIQUIDator
Vibration-absorbing and corrosion mastic gives reduced noise by 3 dB. It is recommended to apply it on the hard parts with a relief surface (on the arches). We use a putty knife.

Lack vibrodempferov - their large weight due to the incoming of the bitumen. The total weight of the vehicle in the processing of vibration isolators is increased by 50-60 kg.
When operating such a vehicle fuel consumption rises 2-2.5% reduction in dynamic motion and maneuverability. In addition, it increases the risk of sagging treated bitumen vibration isolator door.
Sheet bituminous materials do not isolate the noise from the car completely:
- Thickness 4 mm does not protect against vibration, impact is achieved at 10 mm, but this drastically increases the additional weight of the vehicle.
- Sheet poorly glued and folded on the complex spherical surfaces.
- Materials not operate at temperatures above 30 and below 20 degrees.
How to choose

Select samples for vibration isolation according to the specifications - specific gravity and the ILC. the first indicator becomes crucial in many cases. The higher the value, the better and more efficiently material dampens vibration.
Consumers should be interested in these features:
- how difficult the material is mounted;
- whether it is subject to slight flexion and extension;
- whether the ductility;
- behave as if the label on the curved surface;
- whether heat is used for heating the dryer.

Sealers are compared in the following properties:
- how tightly the contact parts between which they are established;
- how effectively eliminate squeaks;
- What is the resistance to abrasion;
- for a time restored the old form, what is the elastic deformation;
- how can shrink when used in small gaps between the parts.
Noise insulation protects against mid and high frequency audio band noise. Efficiency is directly proportional to the thickness of the material.
Display specific weight for noise insulation blocks is not critical, for their principal recognized sound absorption coefficient. Ideally, the EWC is 1, but the materials with a value in the 0.8-0.9 PPC considered most suitable for sound insulation of the car.
sound- and heat-insulating products group have a number of advantages in the form of low cost, resistance to moisture, good teplootrazheniya. However, materials of this type can not be the main, they are used as thermal insulation under the hood of a car.
What better insulation for the car

- When choosing a vibration control materials, consider the structural characteristics of the substrate sheet - mastic. If during the rolling surface of the sheet mastic is squeezed out, it spreads after heating, the material quality is poor.
Pay attention to the stickiness and the quality of the top layer, because the foil acts as a reinforcing coating. Too thin material breaks during installation.
- It is important to take into account the technical characteristics of vibromateriala. The Commission had to be as much as possible, and the proportion - as little as possible. Isolator selected non-toxic, does not emit odors in place after installation.
Lifetime is equal to the life of the car, and even exceeds it.
- For gaps formed between the casing door, suitable BitoPlast and the edge of the glove compartment lid, mm joints are glued on the panel Madeleine.

Use of the vibration control materials is achieved, if it is possible to reduce the vibrations coming from the engine compartment, wheel arches and transmission. Plates glued to 50% of the body surface, which is not critical to the overall weight of the car.
The installation procedure of the insulator against vibrations takes place in several stages:
- The body surface clean of dirt, rust and dust, degrease.
- First, remove the protective layer and the anti-vibration sheet lay on the surface.
- Preheat sheet using a hair dryer construction by adhesive layer evenly without boiling.
- Glue sheet to the surface laminated thereon and the mounting platen.
Wiring method, when heating takes place inside the machine after sealing up one end of the sheet is not recommended. He can damage components inside the car, melting coatings.

When buying a noise insulation materials of documents of interest, giving a guarantee of compliance of sanitary and hygienic standards. These findings suggest that the goods are high quality, and it is harmless to humans.

A major manufacturer in the Russian market. Through a network of regional representatives StP delivers on the popular market of sound insulation, sound insulation and sealing materials.
They have passed the certification, which is confirmed by hygienic conclusions. Products "Standartplast" affordable.

The company's products "SGM-Techno" is also widely known to consumers specific products. It is a diversified company that designs and manufactures special products and materials for avtoshumoizolyatsii under the brand name "SGM-vibration (SGM)».
Products are characterized by good quality and low cost.
Teknikal Group

Buyer with high demands on the quality of products will suit the Russian firm "Teknikal Group".
Scientific-Production Company develops and creates noise and anti-vibration materials for motor vehicles, based on modern innovative materials and technologies.

Designer and manufacturer of self-adhesive webs find application in anti-noise car tuning. One third of the professionals surveyed states that the company's products meet the criteria of a modern shumoizolyatoram.
The company's products take the average price segment of the market and fits the parameters for most car models.