Silk liquid wallpaper: advantages and disadvantages, how to choose

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Besides the traditional paper versions of wallpaper, use washable typesSuch as vinyl (including foam, hard, flat or flat). There are textiles, non-woven, metal and even glass fiber.

Lately, buyers are interested in liquid silk - beautiful, practical, strong, durable finishing material. If properly applied and gently operate, it will last twenty years.


  • Features
  • application
  • The advantages of liquid silk wallpaper
  • The disadvantages of liquid silk wallpaper
  • How to choose silk liquid wallpaper


How to choose silk liquid wallpaper

It is a natural product. He's harmless, Fire resistant, meets the safety requirements for human health. Security is provided by using the natural components: silk, cotton fibers, silica, mineral fillers, dyes, adhesives.

Excluded sand and cement. The composition of various substances are added to the structural features of accentuation, giving the original decoration, change shades.

Original look, liquid wallpaper, a structure in which there is mother of pearl, mineral grit, gold threads, and other such components.

Embossing is achieved by using straw or other lightweight material. Curly spatula, flock, wand, glitter or stencil coating provides a variety of decorative solutions.

Due to the diversity of its texture, this material is universal. They can change any interior, giving it an unexpected stylistic decision. Mainly used in the form and under the painting. Various additives achieve a desired color.



If you buy a building material in question for painting, staining it is important to observe the technology. The aim is to achieve an even tone. For this purpose, in water, in the amounts indicated in the manufacturer instructions, the dye is dissolved and only then add the dry mix. Otherwise, the color will turn "rough."

It is advisable not to stain the wallpaper applied on the wall, because the effect of a pleasant, warm sensation of texture, for which they are so valued, loss.

Instead of the usual rolls in stores merchandise is available in bags or packets containing granules that dissolve easily in water. If the repair is made with your own hands, you can safely choose this option.

Each packing (contains 1 kg) attached detailed description of a solution to the application and the process finishes. 1st kg enough to paste over 5 - 6 m2 flat area. In cases of irregularities of one packet is enough for 3rd - 4th m2.

The undeniable quality finishing liquid wallpaper belongs comfort. They do not require such careful preparation of the walls, as other species. However, the surface should be smooth, without visible defects and free from previous coatings.

If the walls are of poor quality, it is better to use a special primer. This is true, if there is an assumption that:

  • original color through the newly applied tread solution;
  • structure to which the liquid composition is applied, it is made of reinforced concrete;
  • base strongly absorbs moisture.

Pre-treatment depends on the construction material. Used universal primer. Before applying the plaster on the surface to treat them better:

  • processing, filling joints between plasterboard sheets;
  • applying a layer of a special water-resistant paint on the heads of nails, screws, screws;
  • primer, putty;
  • re-priming due to the fact that the drywall strongly absorbs moisture.

The same operation is performed when coating concrete surfaces. A special primer for concrete base. It is desirable to apply multiple layers. Also use acrylic or universal. Instead, they are used practice proved solution - water-based paint with the addition of PVA glue.

It is important not to abuse glue, as they can tread yellowish spots. If the finishing material is supposed to be applied to the surface of the wood, the primer doing well. When pasting observe temperature. The air temperature should not fall below 10 degrees Celsius.

If the room where the used liquid wallpaper, wet, after drying the surface better lacquered.

After applying a special tool - building plaque, a paint roller, a plastic float, spatula, and even spray gun with a compressor - this material fills the remaining bumps, cracks and roughness.

The nature and quality of the tools to determine the direction of laying the silk fibers and other additives creating a relief. Before starting work, good "experiment" to determine which texture created a tool you like: single, multidirectional or circular.

The fiber texture is obtained only manually applying plastic trowel. The coating thickness varied from one to three millimeters.

No problems accurately spreading glue and pasting difficult terrain or joints, matching picture, Loss when cutting bands. In addition to savings, seamless method of coating enhances the aesthetic effect achieved is much easier than working with roller types.

The advantages of liquid silk wallpaper

  • In favor of the choice of liquid wallpaper and says their elasticity. If you use them in a new house, you do not have to be afraid of shrinkage of the structure. On the cover it will not affect. In addition, this material breathes, it is hygroscopic, which means - to absorb moisture.
  • Do not fade when exposed to sunlight, absorb sound, keep warm, do not accumulate dust and do not absorb odors. Pets can not scratch the wall. The surfaces may be contaminated or corrupted in another way. But such injuries restore coverage is easy.
  • Stripping and again dissolved in water treated pellets after drying of the wall is no different from the rest of wall space. When pasting wallpaper roll color restored part brighter and harmony of space is violated.

For the possibility of correcting the remains of liquid wallpaper is stored in a covered container in the refrigerator.

  • With its indisputable advantages, silk liquid wall suitable for use in all areas - residential apartment (bedroom, living room, Kitchen, bathroom and toilet), exhibition, concert halls, offices, commercial premises.

Due to the hypoallergenic liquid silk, it is advisable to use it in medical, children and sports facilities.

The disadvantages of liquid silk wallpaper

  • It is undesirable to allow contact walls coated liquid silk wallpaper, water;
  • complete drying time is 12 hours to three days. liquid wallpaper drying technology is fundamentally different from working with paper. Since the applied aqueous solution for drying is required circulation of air, sufficient ventilation premises, so the windows can be opened, at low temperatures appropriate to use artificial heating;
  • Despite the simplicity of maintenance (can be a little "walk" them with a vacuum cleaner, wipe with a soft sponge or cloth, but in any case not use a stiff brush and cleaning products), in the kitchen and some other rooms they accumulate hard washable unwanted plaque;
  • High quality requires the proper value of the material and work with it. Liquid wallpaper have a different price, which depends on the composition.

On the composition of distinguished liquid silk wallpaper, cellulose, silk and cellulose.

Recognized as the highest quality silk. The cost is higher (the higher quality silk threads than their specific composition is more, the product is more expensive) It is due to the practicality of goods, durability, lack of response to sunlight and preservation predetermined color. Even the shortcomings of this material is converted into benefits.

How to choose silk liquid wallpaper


In which areas do you want to use them?

It depends on this color scheme. In munitsypalnyh, government agencies choose calm, neutral color. In offices, to emphasize originality, specificity of activity, create an optimistic mood, perhaps the contrast solution, the use of bright, but it poses, annoying tone.

The apartments, houses all depends on the lifestyle of the owners, their interests, hobbies, temperament, room destination. Bedroom do not use paint, which activate the human urge to activity, wakefulness.

Experts advise to choose the color tone lighter than you think he is, because usually on the walls, they look slightly darker. The same color on the ceiling looks lighter than the walls.

What material are made and what the quality of the walls and ceilings to be plastered?

The answer to this question will help decide whether you want to pre-preparatory work, whether the primer is required, what kind and what quality it should be. The state of the walls, as well as room humidity depends on whether or not coated with dried paint the walls.

Should this be the wallpaper, ready to use, or you want to bring them in their texture, color or other changes?

This question is particularly important if the customer wishes to give the room an original design, to harmonize texture finish to the shape of the room, lamps, furniture, flooring, wall and other decorations.

You are buying the material for painting or not?

If you plan to paint, think through in advance the form of dyes, a number of dyes have to buy.

What are pasted over the volume of the space? How bright the room?

This will help to make a calculation of the materials, to adjust color (for small spaces or areas with insufficient penetration of daylight dark wallpaper undesirable), select additional textural elements, tool work.