Washing machine: characteristics, how to choose

washing machinePurchase washing machine or not? This issue does not occur in any family. It has become part of life in the home affairs assistant.

Home appliances market is saturated with a variety of models, so when you purchase it is important to know what you want. Think about where the machine will be, how many kilos of laundry to wash at a time, what functions it performs. There are many questions, and it is important to buy one that will meet all your requirements.

Tip! Do not buy the goods in the first store, was caught on the way to visit several. Ask the price, ask about the cost of delivery and installation, ask about the warranty is provided. If you have decided to shop, it's time to choose a model.

Automatic washing machines and know how much to the scheduled event program.
"Route" the standard work on the specific for them. Multifunction - themselves determine the temperature of the spin cycle, the amount of water and detergent powder.


  • installation
  • Features and functions of the washing machine
  • How to choose


washing machine type downloadBuying a car, determine the place in the house for the installation. If it is to stand under the sink in the kitchen, select the embedded. There was a place in the bathroom, hallway - buy a free-standing. models are developed, in which the top cover is removed, which makes it smaller. Under the sink unit will rise 50-70 cm high.

Machine-gun download different way.

Front loading

  • Luke front, so you can observe the work, to stop the process if necessary;
  • Cover in a circle surrounded by a sealed sleeve. If the technique handled carefully, the O-ring is not leaking;
  • Roomy drum is mounted on the same axis;
  • Acceptable price;
  • The upper part may be used as a shelf or work surface.

vertical load

  • Luke is at the top;
  • It is convenient to get the laundry through the top cover and report, if necessary;
  • Suitable for small apartments;
  • The drum is attached to the two axes, roomy;
  • Luke is recommended to keep ajar so that moisture is not formed fungus.

These characteristics are considered to be virtues. But there are drawbacks that can not be discounted.

So, for the front model in the room need more space, and for loading have to bend that is not very convenient.

In vertical washing machine the price is much higher than that of the front. Its structure is complex, so the repair will be expensive. The machine during operation strongly shakes. This is due to the fact that not all manufacturers manage to balance the bivalve drum. Suddenly the opened themselves leaf hatch will lead to failure.

Plastic or metal housing

The market of home appliances for the house had long been offering machines with steel tanks and stainless steel, as it was before the producers of Asia. They were replaced by plastic models.

They have a number of advantages:

  1. Retain heat and save energy;
  2. Absorb noise.

Disadvantages: Plastic afraid of fire, shock. But the technique you choose not to experience the effect of fire on it, so do not think of the machine with a stainless steel tank.

Features and functions of the washing machine

washing machine sizesIn automatic washing machines there are the so-called range of sizes. Your choice will depend on the quadrature space, frequency and volume of laundry.

  • For areas with a large area became well. Their height is 60 cm and above, and laundry to wash up to 5.5 kg.
  • Standard - for bathrooms, the area of ​​which exceeds 3kv.m., under the countertop in the kitchen. Size of 0.4 - 0.6 m 3.5 kg.. dry clothes - it's the norm.
  • Narrow washing machines- for small kitchen or bathroom. Depth - 0.45 meters and dirty linen placed up to 4.5 kg.

Conclusion: The average family of four will be enough machines - automatic loading of 5 kg. if the children are small - choose a model with a spacious bowl.

You should know it!

The specifications indicated loading items made of cotton, for example, bed linen. But they weigh far less than products made of synthetics or wool. By studying the table in the instructions for use, it should definitely be considered.

Not always buyers pay attention to the information about the minimum load of laundry into the drum. And in vain! To fulfill this condition depends on the duration of "life" of household appliances. The smallest amount is 1-1.5 kg. When filling the drum small number of things, this will lead to the fact that the machine starts to vibrate strongly. This has a negative impact on the mechanism. To protect against premature failure of modern mechanisms are designed so as not to spin the clothes in the drum if it is low.

More economical to buy a machine with a large amount of the drum, it is possible to even wash mattress covers. But in a small apartment it is hardly possible. It is necessary to compromise and choose the best option, while taking into account that the laundry would have to be carried out in several stages, spending a greater amount of water, electricity and powder.

Selecting the spin

washing machine spinThe obvious advantage of automatic equipment is that it not only washes and rinses, but the press underwear. This is due to the rotation of the drum. The faster it spins, the drier things. At maximum speed with the water removed, and the remnants of detergent. Spin is adjustable, allowing you not to spoil things of delicate fabric or heavy squeeze dry at maximum speed.

multi-spin mode. For most ordinary things quite 800 rpm. 1000 revolutions do things almost dry, but the thin fabric can be deformed. At low speeds (400-600) squeezed delicate things.

there is very seldom a need to increase the number of turns to 1600, so do not spend money on the purchase of models with higher speeds. Washing at home is enough average speed.

Pay attention to the minimum number of revolutions performed by the drum. This is an indication of how to handle the machine to spin thin products.

A class of washing, spinning, power consumption

washing classEuropean alphabetic characters taken for washing performance class from A to G. Such designations tell the customer how to successfully remove the dirt after the first wash. "A" - the greatest efficiency, "the G" - the smallest.

Spin class is characterized by the same symbols. The letters show the degree of humidity of the laundry at the end of the wash.

Class of energy saving will determine whether the washing machine is economical. Example: a model class A + 13% consumes less electricity than a model class A.

The "Drying clothes" in a washing machine

Washing machine with dryerChoosing the automatic machine, the hostess increasingly prefer models with the function of drying laundry. Very convenient - I took things out of the drum, and immediately under the iron. But do not forget that the thermal fan located inside, consumes a lot of energy. So immediately determine what is more important - to save electricity and to dry laundry in a natural way or comfort. Many housewives prefer modern supplement for the proposed function.

How does this happen?
It passes through the wet laundry hot air. He turns water into steam. Things become dry, and the pairs in the form of condensate, are deposited in the container.

Depending on the model, drying is carried out in two ways:

  1. Drying time is set on the timer, and the ability to check the quality is not possible.
  2. A sensor itself determines the amount of remaining moisture and provides, if necessary, additional time for final drying.

Important addition: "laundry drying" device function has one disadvantage: the drum filled to the top of the laundry can be dried only half the things. This means that the operation will have to be repeated again.

Mechanics and electronics to operate the washing machine

washing machine controlMan who wants to control the process from start to finish, the taste will fall model with mechanical control. With a simple switch or a given desired program is determined by the washing.

Special pictures (icons) will help you select the operating mode. The switch turns slowly, pointing to the next stage. Such control is convenient for people, poorly versed in the sensory systems.

Electronic control more completely. Commands are given from a brain center. To get started, just click the appropriate button on the dashboard. All parameters are selected manually, and you can see their screen.

For machines with "intelligence", is subject to a great deal. It will determine the temperature and spin speed for the rinse, pick the right amount of water. The machine will weigh things prepared for washing, check the degree of contamination, determine the type of tissue. If the laundry is uneven, the unit of this report and will not allow the drum to spin at maximum speed, and it will not allow excessive vibration.

Sensors signaled on water hardness, temperature, of a gargle. If water does not flow, electronics will shut off the machine. As it goes, if the drum accumulate an excessive amount of foam or flow occur. All parameters are visible on the color screen. Such control will save water and electricity.

Important! If the area where the buyer lives, frequent power outages, the machine can make mistakes or burn.

Digital monitor.

Automatic machine with a monitor is much more convenient. The display shows information about the time the end of the work on the speed, temperature and other parameters. In some models, the monitor is completely illuminated from the inside, in other - only the necessary icons. But we must admit that washing machines are not equipped with a display, no worse.

How to choose

washing machine purchase (2)Everyone wants to buy the product affordable, but is equipped with many features. Here are the inventors and upgrade existing models or create something completely new. Typically, such machines are expensive. Therefore, before purchasing should think twice, what options are necessary, and no one can do without.

For example, in a family with small children needs equipment with a program that erases the children's clothes, underwear, towels and toys. A solitary man can do without it, so why overpay.

However, there is a set of sample programs that will satisfy any customer:

  • Laundry products made of cotton;
  • Wash colored linen with temperature control;
  • Delicate wash;
  • Express - washing.

Not everyone is aware that there are programs that can clean sports shoes.

This feature is useful in every family, because sneakers and shoes have become an integral part of everyday life. You only need to ask the store from a consultant, is there a mode you selected model. If not, you should not be washed in a normal mode - spoil shoes.

premium equipment is equipped with a variety of programs and modes, some are even capable podkrahmalit underwear.

programs are designed for those who do not like to iron. After washing on things almost no creases.

A nice addition was the introduction of functions "Child Protection", "Protection against leaks", "Surge protection".

So, here are the basic steps, guided by which you can accurately choose the right model machine machine:

  • Decide on a functional household washing machine;
  • Think about where it will stand;
  • Select 2-3 mark, read the reviews about them, ask your friends;
  • Visit online stores and pick the right;
  • Compare selected models;
  • Stop your choice on one and go to the store for purchase.