Even a very tidy person is safe from nasty accidents - sometimes brought pour red or white wine in the pants, skirt, blouse or dress. Immediately the question arises, how to remove wine stains from your favorite clothes. Do not immediately get upset and start to say goodbye to her dress.
- Recommendations to eliminate stains
- unusual way
- Rules and Tips
- home remedies
- Cleaning carpets
Recommendations to eliminate stains
Here are some tips:
- It is to start at least wash the fabric in the water, always cold. This trick will not allow the spot to dry, that in the future will make it easier removal.
- If there is a means for removing stains from fabric, you should check it out on the clothes section, which is not very noticeable. It in most cases concerns brightly colored fabrics. This procedure is necessary to verify whether the fabric sheds or not - if not, it is possible to carry out the operation for the removal of dirt from the items.
- As strange as it may sound, but it does not wash out the stain and wash it with soap. It is, on the contrary, will exacerbate the situation.
unusual way
Red wine to wash the fabric - not a problem for the Spanish people. In this country it is customary to traces of red wine poured white. It sounds absurd, but such working method.
The whole point is that, according to the Spaniards, traces of white wine will wash out much easier than from the red. Thus, they came up with this method and abundantly pour red spot on the material of white wine. From above, they pour fabric and mineral water washes conventional sposobm tissue.
Rules and Tips
To wash off the red wine, if there was not white, you can resort to the help of chemicalsThat there is practically in every home. And otstiryvaniya red wine will not seem such a big problem.
The home medicine cabinet there really is such a means as hydrogen peroxide. It can be used for removing spots from wine with material. To mix soap and peroxide in a proportion of one to one. You will also need a small patch of tissue, the amount of which will correspond to the amount of contamination on the clothes. It is necessary to wet the sponge in the solution and wipe the place neat movements pollution. Then you need to put on top of pre-prepared piece of material for a few minutes. After that contaminated sites should be cleaned with water.
- It is easy to wash off stains from clothes can be, using ammonia. It is necessary to prepare a solution of soap and add one teaspoon of ammonia, then moisten the stain and wash item in the washing machine. This method is one of the most effective.
- If damaged clothing from wool, it is possible to mix in equal proportions glycerol and alcohol, Wet the mixture and wash the stain.
Do not forget about the already commercially available stain removersWhich can be purchased in the store.
home remedies
If the stain has had time to dry, it should be use vodka - you just need to wet a cloth and wash with vodka.
You can also mix to remove contaminants lemon juice and salt. The resulting material must be applied on the stained spot and then simply wash the thing. To easily wash out port wine stain, you can use the most ordinary vinegar. Moisten soiled place and keep about fifteen minutes, after this procedure to wash stains very easily.
You can use the conventional boiling water. It is necessary to place a large amount of pollution pour hot water and wait until the stain is gone completely.
Cleaning carpets
There are situations when the beverage is poured in carpeting.
Take advantage of machine washing in this situation does not, in this case, the most convenient option is to use baking soda. Need to do solution of soda and water at a ratio of one to three. The resulting solution moisten a proper place and leave for some time. If the desired result is not obtained after the first time, then repeat the procedure.
In today's world there is a lot of dry-cleaners, which can quickly solve the problem, and will not have to part with a favorite thing. But in this case it is better not to make attempts to bring the stain yourself, because you can either damage the material, or make it so that on the spot will be impossible to get rid of. These things are already difficult to save even professionals.