Rating of the best books of 2013 "Book Award of Runet"

"Book Award Runet" - the most famous among folk literary competitions, because in the selection of winners are involved hundreds of thousands of Internet users.

Together with Russian readers, the expert council makes its choice, in which cultural figures, actors, journalists were elected.

This year, for the first time, the best book blogger was awarded according to the voting results, Ksenia Lukina won this category.

And we propose to study the rating of the books that formed on the basis of voting results, which included the best books of 2013.


  • Nomination "Choice of Runet Users"
    • 4. J. Rowling "Random Vacancy"
    • 3. V. Gibert "Modeling the Future"
    • 2. A. Nikolskaya "About Babaku Kostochkin"
    • 1. R. Ghandapas "Leaders Charisma"
  • Nomination" Selection of the Expert Council "
    • 4. Archpriest A. Tkachev" The Land of Wonders and Other Stories "
    • 3. Stank Khankishiyev" Mangal "
    • 2. Gr. Oster "Young Peoples Rights: Conversion of the Convention on the Rights of the Child to the Children's Language"
    • 1. A. Koch and P. Aven - "Gaidar's Revolution: First Hand History of Reforms"
  • Nomination "Bestseller Ozon.ru"
    • 4. E.James trilogy "Fifty shades of gray"
    • 3. E. Komarovsky "Medications: A Handbook of Sense Parents"
    • 2. K. Benko, N. Mrochkovsky, K. Belevich, A. Parabellum "How to write selling texts." Commercial offers that millions"
    • 1. P.Drukerman" French children do not spit food: secrets of education from Paris "

Nomination" Choice of users of the Runet "

4. J. Rowling" Random vacancy "

This book is the first work of the writer focused on the adult audience. During the first week of sales, 375,000 copies of Vacancy were sold. In 2014, the release of the screen version of the novel from the company BBC is scheduled.

3. V. Gibert "Modeling the future"

The best book in the category Non-fiction is intended for those readers who want to achieve their most cherished goals. The author offers his own unique view of fate, based on personal experience.

2. A. Nikolskaya "About Babaku Kostochkin"

The dog named Babak turned the life of the Kostochkin family into a real adventure. The book is written with humor and it is read with pleasure by people of all ages.

1. R. Gandapas "Leader charisma"

This book has become a leader in the category "Business Literature".The author explores the phenomenon of charisma, the possibility of its development and even the transfer of inheritance. The book will be of interest to all who are interested in issues of leadership, leadership, influence.

Nomination "Selection of the Expert Council"

4. Archpriest A. Tkachev "Wonderland and Other Stories"

This collection of stories touches on such important topics as the way of man to God, the love of others, the infinity of the world of God. The author is a well-known missionary and preacher in Russia and abroad.

3. Khankishiyev stove "Mangal"

This magnificent cookbook was awarded the title of the best book about national cuisine in the world last year."Mangal" contains detailed descriptions of the preparation process with the application of photographs of excellent quality.

2. Gr. Oster "Young people's rights: Conversion of the Convention on the Rights of the Child to the Children's Language"

Adopting the Convention on the Rights of the Child, adults did not take care to present it in a simple and understandable language. This task was brilliantly performed by the famous writer Grigory Oster.

1. A. Koch and P. Aven - "The Gaidar Revolution: The History of First Hand Reforms"

The reforms of the first Russian government headed by Gaidar will be of interest to a wide range of readers. The book presents interviews with many prominent politicians of the 1990s.

Nomination "Best seller Ozon.ru"

4. E.L.James trilogy "Fifty shades of gray"

All 3 parts of the novel contain quite frank scenes of a sexual nature. In 37 countries around the world, more than 30 million copies were sold. Several scandals are associated with the book, which led to its withdrawal from the collections of some libraries in the US and Europe.

3. E. Komarovsky "Medications: A Handbook of Sense Parents"

Dr. Komarovsky's books are invariably popular among parents. This edition teaches to compose a family medicine kit competently and tells about the properties of various medications and the rules for their use.

2. K. Benko, N. Mrochkovsky, K. Belevich, A. Parabellum "How to write selling texts: Commercial proposals that bring millions"

The book is of interest to marketers, copywriters, sales staff and a wide range of entrepreneurs and business executives-structures. The rules for compiling marketing texts are set out in simple and understandable language.

1. P. Drukerman "French children do not spit food: secrets of education from Paris"

An American journalist living in Paris shares her observations on the phenomena of the French system of education. The book is both fascinating and practical.