Recycling garden waste - a problem for every gardener. Someone gets expensive shreddersTo use branches and leaves in the compost, someone takes out everything in the landfill, and most simply burnt to ash and then used as fertilizer. Burning - it's not very safe, especially in light of recent global fires in the country. Karina Kempf from Vologda for this task has built a garden center and shared her experience with the editorial HouseChief.
I am pleased to welcome all my colleagues in the gardening! I live outside the city, on a large fruit and vegetable garden. Always something cut off and tearing. Usually a bunch of grass and twigs lying in the backyard, waiting for their fate. We burn all this stuff and then there. But last time happened a real disaster when a fire burned, burned dry grass. Wind blew in seconds fire blazed barn. Until firefighters arrived, the barn was finished, thanks to neighbors who helped defend the house. They watered the wall across the street. After this incident, I became afraid just make a fire in the yard. But garbage accumulates, and where to go?
Why do I need a garden center
That you did not happen the same trouble as me, you need to properly prepare. Burn the leaves and branches can only be on the court, where there is dry grass, away from the buildings in calm weather. And at the same time, just in case you need to have on hand a water or sand for emergency extinguish. And most importantly - not to plant, as we have a huge "pioneer" fire, which then so hard to handle. All these rules, alas, you begin to understand that befall trouble.
My phobia in relation to the fire began to progress, garden waste accumulated, a machine that collects waste in our village, branches and leaves to take refuse. What to do? I thought my husband and I decided to build a garden center. Not too big, but safe, which can be used frequently to grass and twigs from accumulating.
We built it in one day
For the base took a large metal barrel. Previously, we recruited her water glazeBut it has long been leaked. Water is not suitable, and for the hearth - just right.

By itself, the barrel had a sad look. She rusted and sometimes hesitated. In addition, if the burn in her branch, the metal is heated. You had something to impose it to the hearth had a decent view, and they were easy to use.

Barrel obkladyvat decided not to most walls and tilted. So focus will look better, and besides, there is no risk of burn legs at the approach to it.

It only remained to draw ash pit so that everything looked neat. They placed stones and sealed over him solution.

Fireplace and BBQ - useful construction for portion
Now we do not hoard hill branches before burning. By itself, such a pile - it's a big risk. It may catch fire by accident, even on the abandoned cigarette butts, or refraction of sunlight through a shard of bottle. We cut into the branch and immediately throws them into the hearth. When the barrel is filled with - we burn. Despite the fact that the design is completely safe, always at hand a bucket of water just in case.
Thrust in the hearth of a good due to holes in the bottom barrel. Through it and extract the ash. Now I ask her husband to do more for the hearth and cover. And he thought about how to adapt to it and use as a liner brazier. Height comfortable, that's just too big depth. But if the truth is to invest in it something like the old basin with holes for air access from below - can get.
All the work on the creation of this design have gone only one day. In the morning they cut the barrel and brought the stones - in the afternoon it all came together. Two weeks did not use the fireplace until concrete gaining the fortress. I even think that when the metal is completely disintegrate inside, nothing terrible will happen: we can invest to get a new barrel or even use the fireplace from stones without the liner.
Do not risk burning branches in the yard without such or similar device!
Thank you Karine for good advice! Indeed, in the country of fires become catastrophic scale. You have to be extremely careful with a fire. This design, as in the photo Karina, allow a fire without risk and keep your garden in perfect purity. Remember that such devices should be installed away from any buildings: their own and neighbors'. You need to use them in calm weather, to avoid sparks and smoke did not go into your or someone else's house.
On the rules of garden waste incineration tell a small video clip of the fire:
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PHOTO: Karina Kempf
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