when planning food creation of individual functional space It is of great importance. It is necessary to take into account many aspects.

The modern interior design, no kitchen is complete without a cabinet.
The choice of variety, you can get lost, and often have many questions, namely, — what and where it will be located? What is the number of cabinets you need? What materials do you choose? Simply put, kitchen — It is a separate part of the dwelling, which must be thoroughly thought through.

Lovers of refinement and comfort preference for this kind of furniture, as a buffet.
Today, more and more often in the interior cooking common spaces buffet. And this is no coincidence. It will give not only the originality and functionality of the room, but also emphasize the comfort and warmth that is so inherent in the dining areas.

Popular headsets do not go with them to any comparison.
Trapeznichaya the whole family, you want to feel comfortable atmosphere. Pouring tea and slicing the bread, it would be desirable not to seek the necessary utensils in a deeply hidden bins and take tea set or a wooden bread box, which so elegantly complement the decor foodIs located in buffet. Of course, this "little things", but they allow you to feel the harmony and ease the owners apartments, private homes.

The presence of the cupboard in your kitchen will bring a touch of home comfort and simplicity of soul.
Buffet in a modern style It is significantly different from its parent, which has been used even in the villages of our grandparents. Now he has a distinctive design, which can be ordered for any project, depending on the preferences and the required size. It does not matter exactly where it becomes an element of decor - in the kitchen or living room.

Advantages and disadvantages, which has a kitchen cupboard, few in number, but are important in creating the interior.
- 1 pros
- 2 Minuses
- 3 Versatile piece of furniture
- 4 VIDEO: kitchen cupboard - stylish, practical, modern.
- 5 50 photo ideas kitchen cupboards in the interior:
The large selection of various decors and sizes of the element furniture.
Use of environmentally friendly materials for the manufacture of furniture decoration.
The most popular models - are the traditional options buffets "antique", made of precious woods.
The large capacity of the various accessories foodStarting with the exhibition set and ending with beaters that successfully will hide in the locker behind the door.
Roominess, no fanciful elements, a large number of drawers creates a special comfort at the time of continuous operation.
The ability to "write" buffet in any style interior, Giving the space elegance and extraordinary.
Aristocracy models will add special glamor of classic interiors, although other areas are no exception.
Despite the many advantages, there is a drawback. Insofar as buffet It intended as a stand-alone element furniture in the interior, spacious rooms are needed for its harmonious arrangement.

However, there are more modest in size buffets. You can also compact and harmoniously fit into the interior of the corner cupboard, sideboard model.
Versatile piece of furniture
During its long history of being in a residential area buffet has undergone significant changes.

As a result, there have been several species of the piece of furniture, which are presented in the consumer market.
Closed form implies the presence of the shelves, which are covered doors (deaf or glass).
Cupboards may have a small transparent window, through which is visible a part of the contents of shelves.
Open view does not imply doors.
Between the upper and the lower portion may also be open worktop.
Very popular is the classic look buffetWhich comprises three layers. The top is displayed in the form of shelves, which are closed with glass or blind doors. Mid formed as an open recess, which may be single or divided in several compartments.
In the lower level of the internal shelves are covered with blind doors.
This buffet allows you to hide unnecessary accessories food on the lower level, using the top to represent the eyes of pleasant things, such as tea sets, souvenirs.
Excellent buffet for the kitchen can accommodate all that you need a good hostess.
In modern society, achieved process allows the use of different materials for the manufacture of furnitureWhich are not inferior to each other in quality.

Therefore, everyone can find a "middle ground".
So what kind of materials will give a special unique kitchen cupboards?
Furniture from a natural file wood valuable breeds, always noted for its noble appearance and durability.
The facades of the decor elements often carved.
but the wood have flaws — It is an expensive material and a design change, which is deformed due to humidity, dryness, temperature extremes. Material may lose color, crack from dryness or swell.
But, nevertheless, natural wood has always been the basis of the manufacture of furniture.
Currently, there are many methods for manufacturing and processing of this material, which will help to avoid these shortcomings. Therefore, fans wood will be able to fully enjoy its aesthetic and decorative properties.
Very popular particleboard and MDF.
Buffets of these materials are in a more affordable price point.
There are lots of methods for processing these materials, which will allow furniture to give the effect of aged board simulation for various species of trees and other things.
In this case, the kitchen cupboard will carry identity and reflect the nature of the customer.
Feature kitchen cupboard is that his versatility allows to adapt perfectly to different styles of interior space.
Classic style interior successfully emphasize the natural wood with carved facades, giving the room a touch of nobility and elegance.
Such models have aristocratic views.
Style "Provence" naturally complements the white color, possibly with carved decoration, or with the effect of "blinds", so characteristic of the French direction.
An important detail to be used accessories, such as small pens with the decor.
Style "Country" successful display individuality lacquered outer cover. As for external decoration, it is quite modest without a carved elements.
Configuration necessarily consist of a large number of shelves and cabinets.
Modern style interior suggests buffetsMade of MDF and chipboard. Buffets may have a matte finish and a variety of colors.
This style does not imply unnecessary pretentiousness, on the contrary, there should be a concise and functional furniture.
Of course, in order to select in his house buffet for foodWhich will fully meet the requirements of the owners, — quite troublesome task because of the large variety of proposals. What are the main elements should be paid when selecting kitchen cupboard?

It is necessary that the buffet looked harmoniously in the background of the room environment.
First, the style in which the active element is formed furniture. Taking into account the size and shape required for the implementation of the design project, Manufacturing material furniture, functionality that will carry buffet. It depends on it, and its configuration, namely, — a number of shelves, doors, furniture and decorative items will be present in buffet.

With these uncomplicated steps, you can select a piece of furniture based on personal preferences and the requirements of the design space, which will suit all family members.
Currently, the buffet is not only seen as a roomy closet for various kitchen stuff, but also as a separate subject furniture at interiorWhich allows us to give a certain character of your room and highlight the originality of the design solution.

Kitchen cupboard migrated to the modern kitchen from the distant past, carrying for a whole historical epoch.
VIDEO: kitchen cupboard - stylish, practical, modern.
50 photo ideas kitchen cupboards in the interior: