💎 Luxury furniture old mattress for a stylish boudoir

Exclusive furniture - very expensive. This is not surprising, because the furniture stores are filled up consumer goods, which is not easy to find a real gem. Upholstery, forms, ideas - all of this is not striking diversity. A handmade furniture fantastically expensive. But Tatiana Shirokova from Omsk has a secret - she can do a special thing out of nothing. An example of this - elegant banquette from old mattresses and broken chair. You do not believe that it can look decent? Then just read this stuff!

Good day to all craftswomen and craftsmen! I also love spending handmade experiments, and especially - in the interior region. I admit, I love the glamor, glitter and beauty, even more so if it all turns out of nothing. So this time I had on hand was an old mattress and a backless chair. As soon as I saw them, I immediately understood: this is a masterpiece!

And who would believe that it is they
And who would believe that it is they

Materials and preparation for assembly

So, I turned to hand the old mattress. Normal consisting of the cover, and the foam layer syntepon approximately seven centimeters thick.

Lightning on the cover has long burst, and the mattress itself was at the same nobody needs. But the foam was quite possible to use
Lightning on the cover has long burst, and the mattress itself was at the same nobody needs. But the foam was quite possible to use
More in my possession was here a half-meter thick piece of plywood. In a past life it was a piece of double beds: part of her bottom
More in my possession was here a half-meter thick piece of plywood. In a past life it was a piece of double beds: part of her bottom
So, what's left of a broken chair. Feet - the only thing that was safe and could somehow be useful
So, what's left of a broken chair. Feet - the only thing that was safe and could somehow be useful
I bought a couple of jars of silver paint and painted the legs on all sides. If you do like, do not forget to hide the splash, not only sex, but also the wall. I've failed to do so, but the wall was still prepared everything for repair, so that's okay
I bought a couple of jars of silver paint and painted the legs on all sides. If you do like, do not forget to hide the splash, not only sex, but also the wall. I've failed to do so, but the wall was still prepared everything for repair, so that's okay

a base assembly benches

According to my idea, the stool will be prostozhku. That is, it will take me through her quilt, together with the base.

That's why I made the markup directly on the plywood. On it, I noted the places where they will through punctures
That's why I made the markup directly on the plywood. On it, I noted the places where they will through punctures
For the future I needed bench frame. To it are attached the legs and bottom. For her, I used timber Pyaterochka, it took me only two pieces of 2 m
For the future I needed bench frame. To it are attached the legs and bottom. For her, I used timber Pyaterochka, it took me only two pieces of 2 m
Make a frame is not difficult: just need to cut out parts and screw them to the base with screws
Make a frame is not difficult: just need to cut out parts and screw them to the base with screws
In the marked locations puncture holes I made a hand drill. It would be great if I was electric, but, alas, such was not at hand
In the marked locations puncture holes I made a hand drill. It would be great if I was electric, but, alas, such was not at hand

At this assembly the base is finished. The fun begins - upholstery.

Upholstery foam banquettes and drapery fabric

I wanted to get a very soft bench, on which it would sit comfortably. Therefore, a single layer of foam I was little.

At first I pasted one and cut it exactly along the contour of the base of a sharp knife construction
At first I pasted one and cut it exactly along the contour of the base of a sharp knife construction
The outer edge of the foam I'm a little cut on the bias, to trim the edges turned round
The outer edge of the foam I'm a little cut on the bias, to trim the edges turned round
To easily find the puncture site, I slipped through a hole in the ground and foam needle. Then scissors cut in these places square holes
To easily find the puncture site, I slipped through a hole in the ground and foam needle. Then scissors cut in these places square holes
The next stage - a second layer of foam rubber. This time I had to make allowance to bend the edges of the upholstery on a base frame
The next stage - a second layer of foam rubber. This time I had to make allowance to bend the edges of the upholstery on a base frame
I arrived a second layer of polyurethane foam staple gun and staples with long legs
I arrived a second layer of polyurethane foam staple gun and staples with long legs
On the second layer of the upholstery I in the same manner to make a hole for further prostozhki
On the second layer of the upholstery I in the same manner to make a hole for further prostozhki

Thus, the foundation was ready for final processing. What do you think, what kind of fabric I bought for the upholstery? It is this, about whom Ellochka-cannibal said to: "Shine!"

Here is my fabric and buttons for harvested prostozhki
Here is my fabric and buttons for harvested prostozhki

A little bit about buttons: you just need to pick up a few pieces of the same size with the leg. These buttons must be obtyanut the same cloth that you will use for upholstery, and a leg thread a strong thread, or, even better, a nylon cord. He definitely will not burst during operation.

Since we have already made in foam rubber holes, you need to find them through the fabric and thick needle to thread the cord through the upholstery and plywood. It is not difficult, since the cord does not need to extend through the foam, but only through the fabric
Since we have already made in foam rubber holes, you need to find them through the fabric and thick needle to thread the cord through the upholstery and plywood. It is not difficult, since the cord does not need to extend through the foam, but only through the fabric
An important point: the need to carefully shape the folds of drapery that they are symmetrical and look the same
An important point: the need to carefully shape the folds of drapery that they are symmetrical and look the same
From the side of the plywood base of the cord tightened and fix the bracket using the staple gun
From the side of the plywood base of the cord tightened and fix the bracket using the staple gun
The same stapler under tension and fix the fabric edge
The same stapler under tension and fix the fabric edge
Last step - installing legs. I attach them on the one hand to the base frame and on the other - the metal area to the most plywood
Last step - installing legs. I attach them on the one hand to the base frame and on the other - the metal area to the most plywood

On the banquette, I used all the foam. Without false modesty to say that it turned out very well, and most importantly - convenient. I do not tell anyone, from which it is made and, in general, what is done with their own hands.

Author's work, kid, this is not a strainer to tea
Author's work, kid, this is not a strainer to tea

If you like - try to do it yourself. It's not that hard! Good luck in your homemade products!

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Tatiana, you really managed to achieve gorgeous results! This stool complements any boudoir and will become a bright accent in the interior. It is difficult to supplement your content with such detailed pictures of something worthwhile, but here's a short video with the recommendations of the upholstery can be useful to our readers:

Do not forget to leave your comments on the article and share their own experiences in the category "not a woman's business." And what can you do? Maybe you have the original product, or unusual experiences? We are waiting for your pictures with a detailed description!

PHOTO: Tatyana Shirokova