👷 Application of expanded clay and cinder in the building: Features of materials

Not always make sense erect buildings of silica brick or the panel plates. Quite often, for the construction of low-rise homes or outbuildings It used a material having a lower weight and cost. Of course, the strength of it below, but it is enough to House 2 floors turned out quite strong and not fall apart like a fairy tale about three pigs. Today there is talk about the use in the construction of expanded clay and cinder block. Such material has long been used for different purposes, so it is necessary to understand how it is durable and in which areas most applicable.

Blocks of expanded clay and cinder - a beautiful building material
Blocks of expanded clay and cinder - a beautiful building material

Read article

  • 1 Building blocks of expanded clay: particular material
  • 2 Cinder blocks: Advantages and disadvantages of the material
  • 3 Applications lightweight concretes
  • 4 Expanded clay or slag: it is better to opt for building
  • 5 Comparison of materials in performance
  • 6 Monolithic claydite: Features of the building material
  • 7 Further areas of applicability keramsit
  • 8 Formwork for pouring monolithic: some tips HouseChief.ru edition
  • 9 Summing up

Building blocks of expanded clay: particular material

Called porous expanded clay granules obtained by firing clay at high temperatures. His strength is quite high, so the blocks, made of expanded clay, mixed with concrete, ideal for construction. In this case, due to its structure, this material retains heat well, allowing you to save on the thickness of the wall.

If we compare blocks of conventional concrete and mortar, mixed with expanded clay, the second weight is several times less, which greatly facilitates the process of erecting walls and partitions. The material practically does not shrink, its frost resistance is high, that at low moisture absorption makes the material resistant to atmospheric agents and various natural phenomena.

Claydite perfectly retains heat
Claydite perfectly retains heat

A disadvantage compared to the foamed concrete cinder block and can be called a greater weight and high cost, but the strength of the material and significantly higher.

Cinder blocks: Advantages and disadvantages of the material

This building material is much cheaper, because for its production uses waste coal-fired boilers. feature of shlakoblokov It is a direct correlation of weight and strength of the magnitude of fractions. Than they are larger, the smaller weight, and therefore the strength of the material.

Important information! Cinder blocks of concrete to be mixed with larger particles, is not suitable for erecting buildings higher than one floor. Such blocks may be susceptible to damage, resulting in a fairly dire consequences.

cinder block production has fallen sharply in recent years
cinder block production has fallen sharply in recent years

Slag is not resistant to moisture, which entails the need for mandatory waterproofing walls. He also has high thermal conductivity, which is the additional cost of insulation. As a result, the cost of construction increases significantly. However, subject to the production of such material technology and proper construction of the wall are obtained strong and quite durable.

Applications lightweight concretes

It is light weight and ease of use like blocks provided them with a lot of popularity in the construction of private buildings. However, according to experts, cinder blocks are not as environmentally friendly, and therefore it is recommended to use them only for the construction of facilities for household purposes.

Characterized by increased fragility of cinder blocks, made in violation of the technology
Characterized by increased fragility of cinder blocks, made in violation of the technology

In contrast, expanded clay lightweight concrete suitable for the construction of residential buildings, baths. In the second case, you need quality waterproofing both inside and out, with a huge range of different surface and penetrating compositions on Russian shelves today is not a problem.

Expanded clay or slag: it is better to opt for building

Popularity cinder blocks decreases with each year, but the percentage of use of expanded clay on the contrary increased, despite the higher weight and cost. This material can also be selected to fill the granules. When fewer keramzita unit weight will increase, but at the same time it will increase and strength. Sometimes it is necessary for the construction of basement and lower levels of a two- or even three-storey buildings.

Mikhail Starostin


Mikhail Starostin

Team leader repair and construction company "Home Premium"

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"Walls cinder not involve sharp changes in temperature, which contributes to comfortable living. Along with this durability overrides a negative side as higher than cinder blocks, the value ".

Lightweight aggregate blocks are suitable for the construction of two-storey houses
Lightweight aggregate blocks are suitable for the construction of two-storey houses

Comparison of materials in performance

To dear readers it easier to perceive the information, we offer to make comparisons cinder block and concrete at a tabular form. And that comparison was not as one-sided, it is enabled with another lightweight building material - opilkobeton.

Parameterexpanded clay lightweight concreteslag concreteopilkobeton
Score Strength, kg / cm²50-15025-7520-50
Weight, kg / m³700-1500500-1000500-900
The level of thermal conductivity, W / m °0.15-0.450.3-0.50.2-0.3
Frost, loop502025
Moisture absorption,%507560-80
shrinkage rate of walls, mm / m000.5-1
full cooling time, h75-906565

As you can see, claydite out of competition in all respects. Even opilkobeton he is second to none on the level thermal conductivityNor in time of cooling the wall.

Opilkobeton - still one of the building materials
Opilkobeton - still one of the building materials

Monolithic claydite: Features of the building material

Molded walls much stronger collected from regular units, it will tell you any builder. From keramsit also can not only produce the blocks, but also use it for monolithic construction. Cast wall of the same material can significantly save on building insulation. Also, considerable savings will be and foundationWalls will be lightweight, and therefore too strong foundation for a home is not required.

There are three types of expanded clay, used for the construction of buildings:

  • structural - the most durable material makes the M100-M300. It is used for construction of bearing walls and partitions;
  • Heat-insulating-structural - has a lower strength at the expense of adding more LECA (marks M50-M75) and is used for the construction of interior partitions, small verandas or outbuildings;
  • heat-insulating. On the strength not to speak here, but because of the construction of this type can not be applied. Used for thermal insulation of buildings, organization soundproofing.
floor screed keramsit contributes to excellent heat and sound insulation
floor screed keramsit contributes to excellent heat and sound insulation

Further areas of applicability keramsit

In addition to the erection of walls and partitions of buildings, similar to the material well-proven mounting screed floors, arrangement foundations. In this case, experts say, that his longevity is at least 300 years, but check it out in practice is not yet possible. However, the life of any building material in the first place will depend on the technology of manufacturing, construction and subsequent protection. Indeed, despite the low percentage of moisture absorption, expanded clay as well as any other mixture, it requires quality waterproofing. At the same time, experts advise to use for this purpose mastic bitumen-based. Penetrating compositions can not cope with the task.

The foundation of expanded clay brick with nonremovable shuttering very durable
The foundation of expanded clay brick with nonremovable shuttering very durable

Formwork for pouring monolithic: some tips HouseChief.ru edition

formwork construction - a very important stage of construction. It should be strong enough, because the pressure is on it will be provided, it is sufficiently large. Do not just build formwork great height - its lower part can not withstand. Experts recommend withstand step 0.5-1 m.

Important! Formwork device should use edged board or laminated particle board, specifically designed for such purposes. The use of waste and slabs is not allowed. In this case, the solution will seep through the cracks.

The use of expanded clay and cinder in the building: Features of materials
Formwork must be very reliable and do not have slits

It must be remembered that the quality of the formwork device depends on how smooth happens in the end wall, and thus the extent to which the complex will be finishing as internalAnd external.

Summing up

Analyzing today's article, it becomes clear that the cinder block is gradually disappearing. But claydite firmly established position in the building and they is not going to concede. The main thing - is the choice of quality materials and the construction of buildings according to the technology. Only then can we expect to build a warm home with a comfortable microclimate.

Subject to any rules in the construction of the house gained a strong, warm and durable enough
Subject to any rules in the construction of the house gained a strong, warm and durable enough

We hope that today's article will help dear readers make the right decision when choosing a building material. All questions if they arise in the course of acquaintance with the article, you can specify in the discussions below. Editorial HouseChief.ru sure to answer them as soon as possible. If you have experience of this building, please share it with novice handyman. And finally, we offer to view a short but very informative video on the topic today.