Penetrating waterproofing for concrete relevant for those who are tired of dampness and wants to create a comfortable environment in your home. Qualitative compositions are offered by many manufacturers. We offer to meet with existing types, leading producers, particularly the selection and application procedures.
Easy to form a reliable gidrobarer
Read article
1 Applications penetrating waterproofing concrete
2 The principle of operation of penetrating waterproofing concrete
3.1 Liquid penetration for concrete waterproofing: basic properties
3.2 Obmazochnaya penetrating waterproofing: distinctive features
4 Penetrating Concrete Waterproofing: advantages and disadvantages
5 Leading manufacturers penetrating waterproofing
6 Best penetrating concrete waterproofing: Tips for choosing
7 Application for penetrating waterproofing concrete example dry mixes trademark "Penetron"
7.1 Average consumption of "Penetron" per 1 m2 waterproofing
7.2 Preparation of dry mixtures capillary penetrating waterproofing mark "Penetron"
7.3 Application Instructions waterproofing of deep penetration for concrete
8 Compare prices to penetrating waterproofing "Penetron" and the products of other brands
9 Consumer reviews of the penetrating waterproofing concrete
Applications penetrating waterproofing concrete
If the job become wet walls and decided to reconstruct, for penetrating waterproofing foundation It will be the best choice. The composition is applied to the wet surface, which is not always possible when using other waterproofing materials. This method can form a high quality gidrobarer reliably protecting the substrate from moisture.
The composition is applied on a wet basis
Attention! Compositions penetrating widely used for protection of residential and industrial buildings.
More often than not using waterproofing material this type of protection is provided by the cellars, bathrooms, pools, wells, saunas, Walls and foundations single- and multi-storey buildings. The composition is used to protect surfaces exposed to dirt, waste, sea water. It is used for the processing elements of the onshore facilities, piers, river ports, subways, mines, warehouses, underground communications.
Possible protection of different objects
The principle of operation of penetrating waterproofing concrete
After applying onto the surface structure begins to actively penetrate into existing micro-cracks and pores. After contact with water, the mixture crystallizes, gradually filling the capillaries. As a result, crystals are formed which prevent the penetration of moisture and do not dissolve in water. This operating principle makes concrete Compacted high film thickness to 3 mm, capable of resisting water pressure to strong.
Molded crystals clog crack
Attention! base Paropronitsemost maintained.
waterproofing penetrating, reducing the permeability of concrete, increase its strength characteristics. As a result of increased service life of the structure, prevents mold and mildew.
Attention! The composition is capable of penetrating to a depth of 0.4 m.
Composition able to penetrate to a significant depth
Form of the composition proposed by manufacturers may be different. By choosing the appropriate option, consider the features and benefits of each type.
The performance characteristics of protection depends on many factors
Liquid penetration for concrete waterproofing: basic properties
Manufacturers offer not only the dry mixture, which should be prepared shortly before application, but also liquid penetration waterproofing Concrete. These compositions are ready for use. Easy to apply, even on uneven collecting surface with a brush or roller. According to the viscosity of the composition is close to the PVA glue. In the process of applying a thin layer is formed, requiring additional protection. As a result, the building structure is virtually invulnerable to water. However, to ensure uniformity throughout the data protection waterproofing material sufficiently hard surface.
The liquid formulation is easy to apply
Obmazochnaya penetrating waterproofing: distinctive features
According to its characteristics this type waterproofing materials similar impregnation. Obmazochnaya penetrating waterproofing penetrates into the ground relatively shallow, but provides effective protection - with the proviso that during the formation of the protective layer was not a mistake. Qualitative composition enables reliable form a coating having good adhesion, water resistance and elasticity. The latter property allows it to preserve the properties of the appearance in the monolithic basis of new cracks.
Lubricative material allows to generate a high quality layer
Penetrating Concrete Waterproofing: advantages and disadvantages
The advantages of this type of waterproof protection should include:
Inside the possibility of applying a wet basis, which is particularly important when processing long exploited basement and basement premises;
longer life of the treated structure;
versatility. It can be used in the construction of various buildings;
The concrete base has higher strength characteristics
reduce the time of repair work;
environmental security;
protection of reinforced concrete structures against corrosion;
resistance to mechanical and chemical attack;
possibility of application in a wide temperature range.
Waterproofing work is done in a limited time frame
The disadvantage is:
not be processed brick walls, Foam and aerated. In the first case will not leak the necessary chemical reaction. Only possible treatment cement seams. In porous materials, the composition will not be able to completely fill the cell;
At masonry joints are protected only
the complexity of the preparatory work prior to application of the composition;
mixtures of high cost.
It requires careful preparation base
Leading manufacturers penetrating waterproofing
Quality products are offered by many manufacturers. Choosing a suitable option, you should pay attention to the rating of penetrating waterproofing manufacturers for concrete:
"Penetron". 8/10. This composition is most prevalent. It has long been used in many countries by making a special patented technology. If we talk about what it is - "Penetron" that is based on the composition of quartz sand, which introduced a number of dietary supplements;
Production of "Penetron" is presented in a large assortment
"Lahti". 9/10. The manufacturer offers a variety of options;
"Kalmatron." 9/10. Universal composition used to protect many bases;
"Osmosis". 10/10. The Italian manufacturer offers ready-mix, which is based osmotic waterproofing cement;
"Hydrotex". 9/10. It consists of sand, cement and special additives. The manufacturer offers formulations for external and internal processing;
"Kristallizol". 9/10. It consists of sand, cement and special additives.
A suitable grade is selected individually
Best penetrating concrete waterproofing: Tips for choosing
To purchase composition, it should be noted:
Use specifics. Manufacturers offer compositions focused on continuous treatment of the concrete surface, joints, as well as for prevention. For each treatment the best will have a penetrating concrete waterproofing;
application method;
condition of the substrate and its preparation requirements;
material of which it holds a base;
restrictions on the use of a particular composition.
Composition selected according to purpose
Application for penetrating waterproofing concrete example dry mixes trademark "Penetron"
Pot trademark "Penetron" produced a whole range of penetrating waterproofing concrete. The material can be used for protecting horizontal and vertical substrates. We offer to meet with the feature of use of the composition and formation of Gidrobarer.
The penetration depth depends upon the characteristics of the mixture
Average consumption of "Penetron" 1m2 waterproofing
The cost of waterproofing materials depends on the flow rate. 1 m2 base takes an average of 0.95 kg waterproofing "Penetron" if the insulation is applied in two layers. If the surface is rough or there are a large number of defects - consumption increases. In concrete additives "Penetron Admix" consumption for 1m3 It reaches 4 kg.
Flow rate depends on the application technology
Preparation of dry mixtures capillary penetrating waterproofing mark "Penetron"
To qualitatively prepare a solution, you should carefully read the instructions, applied to the waterproofing "Penetron". As a rule, do it in the following sequence:
Measure out the mixture and water in a ratio of 2 to 1 for the preparation of a sufficient amount of solution. The volume of the solution has selected so that it can be applied to the base for half an hour;
pouring water into the dry preform capillary penetrating waterproofing mixture "Penetron" mark and thoroughly mix all to obtain a homogeneous system;
controlled plasticity and fluidity of the prepared solution.
Mikhail Starostin
Team leader repair and construction company "Home Premium"
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"If instead of" Penetron "will be used composition" Penekrit ", the contents of the instructions for use may be different."
The mixture should be mixed thoroughly
Application Instructions waterproofing of deep penetration for concrete
Prepare the base. Remove from the surface of the old paint, dirt and dust. Apply waterproofing penetration depth should be the concrete with a brush or special equipment to generate a first quality layer. When the layer is caused to securely grab with a base, a second layer is applied.
Instructions are on each package
We offer watch a video, which contains detailed instructions on the use of "Penetron":
Compare prices to penetrating waterproofing "Penetron" and the products of other brands
Price penetrating waterproofing concrete depends on the manufacturer, the volume of the package and destination.
For the treatment of surfaces with cracks having transverse dimensions up to 0.4 mm. W18 water permeability. Hardy.
"Penetron Admix"
Admixture for concrete. Water permeability W4. Frost resistance of 100 cycles.
MasterSeal 501
The prepared composition may be used for 20 minutes. Suitable for the protection of various bases, including drinking water reservoirs. Hard.
INDASTRO Smartskrin HC31 Pt
The prepared composition may be used for an hour. Apply 2 coats.
Operation at temperatures of from -30 ° C to + 90 ° C.
Environmentally-friendly composition.
waterproofing Penetron Admix
waterproofing osmosis
Attention! In terms of value for money is preferable penetrating waterproofing "Penetron".
Consumer reviews of the penetrating waterproofing concrete
If you decide to purchase penetrating waterproofing concrete, consumer feedback can have a significant influence on the selection of a suitable variant. We offer to get acquainted with the views of those who have already used similar formulations to protect his home.
Review of the penetrating waterproofing "Kristallizol" from "GidroStroyKomplekt":
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Review waterproofing "penetrants" from JSC "Parade":
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Share in the comments, what was better penetrating waterproofing for your home, and why do you prefer this particular product manufacturer.