The project is a single-storey house with three bedrooms: the location of the rooms to the ideas of space optimization

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Dreaming of your own home, you are sure to draw in its portrayal of the many options for layout and design. When it comes to the direct preparation of documents for the construction, of course, better to turn to professionals, but also to the order should define the basic requirements. The better you consider their desires, the more ideal to get the project. The theme of this material - the project one-storey house with three bedrooms. This is one of the most popular options for families with children. How to select it, you should pay attention and possible - in our article.

House with three bedrooms - the optimal choice of a family with two children
House with three bedrooms - the optimal choice of a family with two children

Read article

  • 1 A bit about the general design principles
  • 2 What are the design features of the house with three bedrooms
    • 2.1 Plan one-storey house with 3 bedrooms along one wall
    • 2.2 Disposition of the one-storey house with three bedrooms with a private location
  • 3 How to optimize the space of a small one-story house
  • 4 How to adapt the design of the house to the climatic characteristics of the region
  • 5 Pros and cons of single-storey houses with three bedrooms with the compared with houses in two levels
  • 6 How to choose the right project?
  • 7 A collection of popular designs homes with three bedrooms
    • 7.1 Projects one-storey house with 3 bedrooms brick
    • 7.2 Draft block a village house 10 × 12 three-bedroom
    • 7.3 Disposition of the wooden one-story house with 3 bedrooms
    • 7.4 Project frame one-story house with three bedrooms for a family of 4
    • 7.5 The project is a single-storey house with 3 bedrooms and garage
    • 7.6 The project is a single-storey house of three bedrooms with veranda

A bit about the general design principles

Whatever the design of the house you choose, it is important to follow a few basic principles by which your property is guaranteed to be comfortable and safe:

  • for regions with severe climatic conditions should be selected with the input layout group - corridor or vestibule;
  • premises, which must be equipped with communications, should be placed near;
  • for a family of 5 or more people should be provided for at least two bathrooms;
  • it is important to pay careful attention to the design of the room boiler room - there are special regulations that must be strictly observed;
  • it is not necessary to sacrifice comfort in favor of aesthetics. Over time, any architectural delights pall, and discomfort will last forever.
In the rest - rely on your imagination and taste, as well as the scope of the construction budget
In the rest - rely on your imagination and taste, as well as the scope of the construction budget

What are the design features of the house with three bedrooms

Before proceeding to the design process, it is necessary to decide on the appointment of all rooms. They may be children, Facilities for the elderly guest or marital Bedroom. Each of these destinations has its own peculiarities: it is necessary to understand exactly how they will be linked to a common area as lit and the feature.

Bedrooms should not be passing
Bedrooms should not be passing

An important point - the organization of the natural ventilation and lighting. The last rule means that at least one wall of the room to be a carrier of the building wall.

Rooms arrangement - a significant moment, and there are several solutions:

Plan one-storey house with 3 bedrooms along one wall

You'll find plenty of standard layouts, in which all three bedrooms are located in one of the sides of the house. Living room and kitchen It is separate, and is a kind of a good solution, because nothing prevents sleep: no music in the living room, or the roar of dishes and flavors of the food.

There are a planning a caveat - the master bedroom is located too close to the children's room, which is not the best option
There are a planning a caveat - the master bedroom is located too close to the children's room, which is not the best option

Another drawback - the bathroom is located far away from the bedroom, so it will have to travel at night on a dark long hallway. Yes, and the corridor - inefficient use of space, you will agree.

However, this arrangement has a right to exist, and this is another example of such a project:

For the future: how to choose the perfect design one-storey house with three bedrooms

Disposition of the one-storey house with three bedrooms with a private location

Separation from the parents' bedroom, children's bedroom dictates the space allocation conditions. You can completely abandon the corridor of the third section houses a children's bedroom, placed in the center of the living room and plan the rest of the space, the parents' bedroom and bathroom.

In this case, you get a spacious living-through
In this case, you get a spacious living-through

Not a bad plan 1 floor house with 3 bedrooms, without taking into account the need to give up late partying.

Note! If there is a need to allocate a separate room for the boiler, it is possible to organize due to the area of ​​separation from the parents' bedroom.

Another idea is to plan - separation of a living room with kitchenIn the house of a square shape. In this case, the living room will not pass: it borders on the parents' bedroom and is separated from the child. Lack only need to think carefully about the wiring of utilities. Examples of such placement:

For the future: how to choose the perfect design one-storey house with three bedrooms
For the future: how to choose the perfect design one-storey house with three bedrooms
For the future: how to choose the perfect design one-storey house with three bedrooms
For the future: how to choose the perfect design one-storey house with three bedrooms

How to optimize the space of a small one-story house

There are standards that ensure the comfort of living. So, each family member must be at least 9 square meters of space. If for some reason there is a need to do this minimum, you can consider options for space optimization. To do this, you can combine the functionality of the rooms. For example, in the bedroom place studyOr divide the children's room to the playing area and recreation area:

For the future: how to choose the perfect design one-storey house with three bedrooms
For the future: how to choose the perfect design one-storey house with three bedrooms
For the future: how to choose the perfect design one-storey house with three bedrooms
For the future: how to choose the perfect design one-storey house with three bedrooms

In this task, you can get help manufacturers transforming furniture. Especially a lot of options children's furnitureWhich is easily converted into a table or cabinet.

For the future: how to choose the perfect design one-storey house with three bedrooms
You can use the mobile partitions for temporary zoning, install podiums

Since you can allocate space for an additional bathroom easily using competent planning.

The country house a good idea - to make an additional exit from the bedroom to the garden or on the terrace.

For the future: how to choose the perfect design one-storey house with three bedrooms
Greatly save space built-in appliances

How to adapt the design of the house to the climatic characteristics of the region

Considering the typical projects, keep in mind that they are designed without taking into account the climatic characteristics of your region. Agree, there is a significant difference, your house is located in the north of Karelia or near Sochi? Adapt the standard version you can help in the design office. Experts will provide for special protection foundation, wall and roof, Pick up the appropriate window sizes, relate the location of windows and doorways with portion landscape.

Adapting the model project, should take into account the passage of communications by land area
Adapting the model project, should take into account the passage of communications by land area

If all this is not to provide - in the process of construction you will encounter many difficulties, which not only spoil your mood, but also lead to unplanned spending.

Pros and cons of single-storey houses with three bedrooms with the compared with houses in two levels

From a financial point of view, the construction of house on two levels or with attic - a more profitable option. Main article savings - for the resettlement expenses foundation and roof. And in terms of comfort? One-storey house still plays a two-story? It turns out there!

The main disadvantage of the two-level plan is the need to move the ladder
The main disadvantage of the two-level plan is the need to move the ladder

On ladder you need to allocate space, but still think its security: what if your small child at night want to use the toilet?

Yes, it is convenient that the living room and kitchen are on a separate floor, but in a one-story structure, you can make several exits to the garden
Yes, it is convenient that the living room and kitchen are on a separate floor, but in a one-story structure, you can make several exits to the garden

If we ignore the aesthetic component, and to think about practicality - and here have the advantage of single-storey houses. All repair work is carried out much easier, does not need wood or lifts. Another nuance - a two-level house is more difficult to heat in winterThan a sibling. The area here is much less heat loss.

So if plot size allows you to select a site for a full one-storey house - act boldly.

To build a multi-level structure only makes sense to save the area put on if necessary
To build a multi-level structure only makes sense to save the area put on if necessary

How to choose the right project?

There are a few rules of selecting a model project 1 storey house with 3 bedrooms that will help you make the best choice:

  • start with the permissible area of ​​the house - for this study section sizes. It is unlikely that you will be able to build a full house of 200 square meters, you have in the presence of only three hundred square meters of land. Building codes dictate the need to withdraw from the border area to the walls of the house and 3 meters from the road - 5. Think about how much space you need for the garden, where there will be CombiningAnd not too close to you is wooden house neighbor - suddenly a fire? If you dare to build a house in spite of the existing fire and health standards, it is possible that after a quarrel with neighbors you get a court order to demolish the structure;
If there is a body of water - the right to know if the water is bottled in the fishing season. Do not risk building a house is too close to the shore: should withdraw at least 50 meters
If there is a body of water - the right to know if the water is bottled in the fishing season. Do not risk building a house is too close to the shore: should withdraw at least 50 meters
  • After calculating the free space for the construction defined with the necessary quantity of premises and their purpose. Think about which way better place for children and kitchen;
Explore the place of passage of utilities at the site and the ability to connect to them
Explore the place of passage of utilities at the site and the ability to connect to them
  • and only after the previous two stages of beginning to consider catalogs of standard designs. And attracting the right customers the most out of them as unsuitable for your needs, you can unleash the imagination. But do not forget about comfort!

A collection of popular designs homes with three bedrooms

We have written a small collection of popular types of projects that can be adapted to the climatic characteristics of the region. Look, perhaps among them - the home of your dreams.

Projects one-storey house with 3 bedrooms brick

Brick - the most reliable and durable material for construction. From it you can build a house of any shape. Here are a few typical designs of houses with 3 bedrooms and a living room:

For the future: how to choose the perfect design one-storey house with three bedrooms
For the future: how to choose the perfect design one-storey house with three bedrooms
For the future: how to choose the perfect design one-storey house with three bedrooms
For the future: how to choose the perfect design one-storey house with three bedrooms

Draft block a village house 10 × 12 three-bedroom

Here is an interesting option Plan one-story house 10x12 with three bedrooms, which is suitable for families with children:

For the future: how to choose the perfect design one-storey house with three bedrooms

Disposition of the wooden one-story house with 3 bedrooms

The fashion for eco-friendly wooden houses - at the peak. We offer you an interesting project wooden one-story house with three bedrooms:

For the future: how to choose the perfect design one-storey house with three bedrooms

Project frame one-story house with three bedrooms for a family of 4

If space is limited for the construction and budget - choose frame technology. All for a million and a half, you can build a Mighty warm house for the whole family. For example, the project 10x10 floor house with three bedrooms:

For the future: how to choose the perfect design one-storey house with three bedrooms

The project is a single-storey house with 3 bedrooms and garage

Country house must have garage for auto. You can place it separately, or in order to save, to provide one-storey house with three bedrooms and built-in garage:

For the future: how to choose the perfect design one-storey house with three bedrooms

The project is a single-storey house of three bedrooms with veranda

Veranda in a country house - an indispensable attribute. That's good Plan 1 floor house with 3 bedrooms and a veranda:

For the future: how to choose the perfect design one-storey house with three bedrooms

Whether you are staying at one of these types of projects, or develop your own - most importantly, to the wishes of all family members have been taken into account. Own house - is not only comfort, but also a great responsibility, so that the approach to the selection of the best design one-storey house with three bedrooms with all seriousness.

A few more nuances selection house project in this footage:

If you have experience in such a case - share them in the comments!