Washing machine knocks during the spin cycle: causes and repair

Since appliances may experience technical problems. If the washing machine during the spin cycle knocks, you need to find out cause of the problem and eliminate it.

If the unit is new and pre-acquainted with the owner's instructions, the likelihood of such a problem is reduced. But even if used over time stiralka may fail.

Common causes knocking during the spin cycle:

  • Washing machine installed incorrectly;
  • the laundry is distributed unevenly;
  • spring breakage;
  • shock absorber has failed;
  • spoiled counterweight.

Improperly installed unit

A new washing machine is usually already included with the special transit bolts. They are intended to ensure that the elements of the device have not deteriorated during transportation. When the product launch of the bolts must be removed, or the unit will start making noise, banging, or jumping on an apartment sanitary during washing.

This is not the only problem that may arise during installation. The machine can be supplied smoothly and during spinning will occur vibration and knocks. Check how exactly should the device, you can use level. After a smooth installation position you can use silicone stand. They will prevent the emergence of problems in the future.

The uneven distribution of the laundry

If pounding the drum of a washing machine, perhaps a simple
solution. The next time you wash do not put things in one size. This will prevent the formation of lumps and the tank will not be knocking on the wall when the car is pressing.

The new typewriters such problems should not be, because they are self-distribute the laundry evenly.

broken springs

The spring and damper may also be the cause of knocking during rotation of the drum. Spring eventually wears out and fails. Due to poor spring tank poorly retained from above, so warping a metal drum and has other parts of the machine. Strokes may eventually lead to more serious problems if you do not change the spring

To correct the problem, deal with a washing machine, following the algorithm. To begin, prepare the tools with insulating handle. You will also need to do this:

  • Set carob keys;
  • pliers;
  • Phillips and slotted screwdrivers;
  • insulating gloves.

Disassemble the device for changing the spring with extreme care to avoid damaging parts.

  1. Isolate the machine, drain all the water and close the valve responsible for feeding / water flow overlap into the device.
  2. Remove the top of the housing: loosen a couple of screws on the rear wall and pull the cover onto itself. Now you can remove the spring and a counterweight.
  3. Change the spring back and collect the washer.
    Spring washer

Faulty shock absorber

Buck begins to warp due to the lack of adequate support from the bottom. Especially when the engine picks up speed during the spin cycle. In the case of such a problem may appear to flow. We'll have to make a change of two shock absorbers to load them was uniform and one of the elements is not corrupted.

To change the shock absorber: remove the top cover, control panel and remove the front panel. Now you can get to the shock absorbers. Unscrew the bolts and drill bottom latches that hold the shock absorber. Install the new, where already included will latch and assemble the device.

broke counterweight

At the bottom of the washing machine is weighting - counterweight performing vibration damping. If you long to use the machine, fastening can become loose. Weighting starts beating on the body and rattle during the spin cycle.

Check the fit and tighten the screws securing the counterweight, if needed. Then the beating disappears. If counterbalance broken, purchase a new weighting.

Other problems

There are other reasons knock and rattle in the washing machine during the spin cycle. Inside the drum might get a coin or button, which interferes with the normal rotation. You just need to remove the obstacle, dismantling the machine.

It may also move the surge protector. Screw it back fastening replacing if necessary.

Self-repair washing machines is real and does not take much time. But in the case of serious damage, and no experience is better to consult a specialist.