Why when you turn on the washing machine knocks Machine

Electrical appliances simplify our lives. But there is that old wiring can not withstand the work of all household appliances. Very often you can find a situation where when you turn on the washing machine knocks automatic breakers or cork. Sometimes even an ordinary wash turns into a complicated and dangerous process. Consider how to identify and correct the causes of switching off the light when using the washing machine.

Knocking congestion and blackout during operation of the washing machine - it is a problem that occurs even among the newly purchased equipment. you can not ignore this phenomenon, because it indicates an overvoltage power supply or serious faults in the network.

There are two versions of why the washing machine knocks in traffic jams apartment:

  • Household appliance is faulty.
  • Disruptions to the power supply.

Before you try to solve the problem, you need to figure out the cause. This does not necessarily call the professionals - simple diagnostics can be carried out independently.

Knocks out traffic jams: faulty equipment

Faulty washing machine

Before carrying out diagnosis, unplug the appliance and drain the remaining water.

The most common faults technology, due to which there is knocking out traffic jams:

  • damage to the power cable machine or plug;
  • circuit in the heating element or the engine;
  • mechanical damage to the wires;
  • failure of electrical noise filter or filter network;
  • fault in the control button.

Many models have a built-in display. It is displayed when the error code. If there is a technical passport appliance, define the complexity of the damage and the possibility of self-help.

If you do not have experience with the technique, and you do not understand the causes of failure, do not try to disassemble the drum or the motor cars alone. Call the master.

Knocks out traffic jams: faulty wiring

Machine in panel

A wiring problem detected is even easier than the failure of the machine itself. If stiralka new and doubt in the wiring, check the grid at knocking tubes under different conditions of the devices.

Possible reasons for knocking RCD when you turn on the washing machine

  • Low quality or not appropriate for the RCD power. The device can be switched off at once when you turn on the machine, but only under a regime of increased power consumption. For example, in the extraction mode. It needs a complete replacement of the equipment better, or call the specialists on its setting.
  • Simultaneous operation of multiple high-power devices that are connected to the same circuit. This is the most common cause of shutdown counter. To avoid problems during the washing turn off the microwave, electric stove and electric heaters.
  • Spoiled wiring. If you try to connect to a network other similar power tool and it also causes a power outage, a problem in the wiring system itself. Disconnect the room and call an electrician.

If the network does not help unloading and cork continue to periodically take off, do not try to repair the machine yourself tripping. An improper action may cause an electric shock or fire.

Proper power supply pad

Smooth operation of the washing machine and other appliances can be provided. Competently enough to pave the electricity network in an apartment or house.

Tips for connecting a powerful household appliance:

  1. All wiring must be new and meet the standards of fire safety. For bathrooms and other rooms with high humidity, the outlet must have a protective case or shutter on the water.
  2. The washing machine is better connected to individual insulated protective devices.
  3. Do not use the socket for connecting machines with adapters, extensions and general network for kitchen appliances.

In the repair and replacement of electrical wiring in every room, set your automatic batchfile.

Common Problems

If you realize that the cause of network performance disruptions associated with the device, it is possible to conduct a more profound its diagnosis and repair. Yourself you can do it, if you are confident in their skills working with electrical appliances and follow all safety rules.

Damage to the plug - Power Cord

Very often it helps and ordinary cleaning pin plug. Search a failure should begin with the diagnosis wire. For this you need a multimeter. Upon detection of the damaged portion, the power cord is replaced.


  1. Unplug the machine from the network.
  2. From the drum with a hose drain the remaining water.
  3. Remove the back cover.
  4. Turn off the fixing screw and unplug the filter.
    a line filter in stiralka
  5. Pushing the latch, remove the plastic stopper.
  6. Gently move the wire, disconnect the mains interference filter.
  7. Remove the power cord is damaged, in its place a new one.
    New wires into the power strip washer

After installing a new wire, all these steps should be repeated in the reverse order, carefully collecting the car in the original form.

Short circuit PETN

Heating element can overheat or become damaged due to the settling on the metal sludge, which causes a short circuit element. Check the operation of this part of the machine can be a multimeter. Disconnected power cable should show resistance of 20-50 ohms at maximum around 200 ohms.

Check the circuit on the heater. To do this, check the multimeter indicators at all outputs and grounding bolts. If the device indicates at least minimal activity it can be closure.

To replace a heating element:

  1. Depending on the arrangement of parts, or remove the back panel or the control unit and the front cover.
  2. Unscrew the nut of the grounding bolt by 5-6 turns.
  3. Heating element gently remove from the machine.

Now you need to repair or home heater or buy a new one. Proceed carefully, do not pinch nut to heater is not fallen out of the tank. To avoid the buildup of scale on the details, carry out cleaning of metal parts by means of the special machine once a month.

Defective filter network

Mains filter in the machine is intended to stabilize the voltage in the device. In sharp fluctuations in the mains voltage, it can simply burn out. On closing, it is possible to see the melted areas.

In this case, the filter must be replaced and the power cord to connect it. This job is better to entrust the maintenance staff as competent wiring will ensure safe operation of the machine.

broken engine

The engine can "fly" because of the long and frequent use stiralki any leakage of the tank and drain hose. To identify the damage, it is necessary prozvanivat the entire surface of the machine and wiring of the engine itself.

Paying engine repair or installing a new one, make sure that all possible leakage and damage to the wires removed. Replace the engine alone - not an easy task, so it is also best left to specialists.

Faulty filter noise

This filter is located in the very beginning of electrical circuit. To extract it is necessary to use jumpers phase "earth". Faults in the RFI will be seen by the naked eye of melted contacts.

Faulty contacts and control buttons

If the diagnosis of a multimeter figure out the problem in the control button, or contacts, they have to be completely replaced. To do this, you need to disassemble the control panel and carefully install a new button. The main thing - to properly connect all the wiring.

Broken and frayed electrical wires

Another reason why the protective apparatus may operate when the machine - Damage at its electrical wires. They can be seen during the inspection. If you see melting, cuts, abrasions or breaks, these defects must be removed by means of soldering or the complete replacement of the wire. With self-repair remember to re-isolation.

Any malfunction of the washing machines and other appliances may indicate serious problems with the wiring and voltage of the apartment. The sooner the cause is identified, the less chance that they will lead to serious consequences.