Select the headphones are not always easy, especially ordinary consumers, not versed in the technical intricacies of today's digital devices. Variety reproducing apparatus with different technical parameters requires appropriate gadgets. Even more complicated by the individual characteristics of the business users.
Clarify and choose the right headphones for the player will help at least a superficial understanding of their performance properties, affecting comfort and listening experience.
It is necessary to immediately make a reservation, that the headphones purchased bundled with the player not provide a decent sound quality and usually need to be replaced. We should not seek to attach to a standard player with disabilities sound engineering expensive and sensitive monitors for the powerful stationary acoustics.
It suffices to select good quality and comfortable to wear headphones that are able to broadcast from the source and a pleasant rich sound without loss throughout the frequency range.
You should not rely only on these technical parameters. Their influence on the sound transmission conditional and relative in most cases. The best way is to select the practice. Bring a sound source and try the selected model in the work and in terms of comfort.
headphones type
Among the variety of models to choose the best player popular intracanal insert or compact overhead "ears". In terms of comfort, the use of them combine a relatively small size, light weight. Acoustics can provide transmission of sound at a high level, depending on the technical characteristics and fabrication quality.
insertion intracanal
Drivers of such devices provided with elastic attachments which are tightly inserted into the auditory canal. Deciding to buy a model of this type, the user can count on a number of advantages. They:
- do not fall in the movement;
- save space in your pocket or purse;
- promise good acoustic characteristics;
- provide excellent noise isolation.
However, they are not without drawbacks. Most mentioned among them:
- physical discomfort during prolonged wearing;
- the likelihood of hearing loss due to the proximity of the driver to the membrane;
- insufficient level of security when using the street with active movement.

A great variety. You can pick up a closed or open model with a traditional headband and comfortable occipital darling. Regardless of the design features:
- fixing the working position provides resistance;
- larger diameter speakers, creates the best opportunities for high-quality sound.
Plug and cable
For ease of use is not superfluous to pay attention to the size of the plug, the shape and length of the cable. Most mobile devices have a 3.5 mm jack, which should match the plug "ears".
The shape of the cables may be of circular cross section and flat. It is believed that the flat cable is more convenient because there is less confused and slides in use. Cord length selected by the owner of growth, and should provide freedom of movement.
Deciding what headphones to select the audio player, we can not ignore the technical parameters that are responsible for the sound quality:
- frequency,
- resistance,
- power and sensitivity,
- the amplitude-frequency characteristics,
- harmonic distortion.
frequency range
Typically, manufacturers specify the extreme frequency beyond the human audible sound chapels. It is unlikely that they can be heard or felt, but an extended range, for example, from 5 to 22,000 Hz allows us to hope that the audible frequencies are played without a loss. For the player that plays MP3 files, will be sufficient frequencies from 20Hz to 16kHz.
This figure for the standard audio player is 16OM. With him in the pair must work the same low-resistance gadgets. Possibly with a small excess of from 16 to 25OM. The higher the impedance will not provide a sufficient level of volume and complicate perception.

Power and sensitivity
For low-power mobile devices are recommended models with a high level of sensitivity in a 100 - 110dB. less than the specified parameters will distort the sound, more than impose on the music noises.
The amplitude-frequency characteristics
Not always indicated by the manufacturer, especially cheap, budget or substandard products. Most closely reflects the sound reproducing device capabilities. It allows you to find a balance in the whole range and to determine the headphones with minimal failures. Tolerance ideally in the range of +/- 3dB frequencies, in practice +/- 6dB and manufacturers specify all 12.
Usually it depicted graphically. Good characteristics correspond to the curve with a minimum of sharp drops at the top of the chart.
For connoisseurs of bass is an important presence of the phrase "hump" on the bottoms.
Coefficient of harmonic distortion (THD) is important when there is an opportunity to purchase brand-name, expensive devices. It must not exceed 0.5%. Higher scores indicate a mediocre sound quality, which is typical for cheap gadgets.
The optimal choice
Regardless of which brands will be selected for mobile devices will be the best headphones intracanal insert or compact overhead model open.

Despite the relative relationship between these parameters and the level of sound, you can specify the characteristics for which the headphones are likely to give:
- sufficient volume,
- pleasant and harmonious sound with minimal losses on the bottoms and tops.
Frequency band (Hz) | Resistance (Ohm) | Sensitivity (dB) | Frequency response (dB) | CGR (%) |
20 – 16000 | 16 – 25 | 100 – 110 | +/- 6 | not more than 0.5 |
Chance to choose good "ears" to the harmonious sound quality are increasing, if you focus on well-known brands with good reputation. Among them:
- Dutch Philips,
- Austrian AKG,
- German Sennheiser,
In exchange for their characteristic relatively high cost, the user will get really high-quality, durable products with good acoustics. An example may be some models showing the optimal parameters for working in tandem with the music player.
Philips SHE9501 / 00 | AKG K27I | sennheiser IE4 | KOSS KSC / 55 | |
Type of | open with silicone inserts | Closed vertical overhead shackle | closed with vacuum inserts | Open invoices with occipital headband |
Frequency band (Hz) | 6 – 23500 | 11 – 28500 | 40 – 20000 | 15 – 25000 |
Resistance (Ohm) | 16 | 32 | 16 | 60 |
Sensitivity (dB) | 102 | 106 | 125 | 101 |