The correct choice of roof window: Tips professionalov💯

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Attic - it is almost a full additional floor in the house. Too many owners of suburban areas prefer houses with attics, since the cost of their construction is less than full dvuhetazhki. FROM roof and warming Wall of problems usually do not occur, but the window - a sore subject for many. It is with them the most problems. The theme of this material in - the right choice of roof window. What to look for and how to avoid mistakes?

To the attic window openings are special requirements for the size and isolation
To the attic window openings are special requirements for the size and isolation

Read article

  • 1 Why are the sizes of roof windows
  • 2 How many windows should be in the attic
  • 3 What materials do dormers and how to choose
  • 4 opening options - which is more convenient?
  • 5 Insulating salaries and value
  • 6 Mounting accessories and window kit
  • 7 Types of roof windows control
  • 8 installation and maintenance features
  • 9 Summing up: the right choice of roof window

Why are the sizes of roof windows

Many prefer the house big windows. They give more natural light, and convenient to enjoy views of the landscaped area, especially with the height of the second floor. So that large openings are now set even bedrooms, not speaking about children and the offices. Commonly used standard for the ground floor dimensions 94 × 114 cm or more so far as the design loft.

Large window openings - a great opportunity to enjoy the surroundings
Large window openings - a great opportunity to enjoy the surroundings

Basically, there are generally accepted norms, according to which the bedroom 10 m² area should be one meter of the window opening, and for other rooms - the ratio of 1 to 8. Another important point - a window in the attic can be only one, but it must necessarily be opened for ventilation.

The width of the aperture depends on the distance between the rafters roof, The maximum it can be two to four centimeters less: at a distance of 90 centimeters, you can set the window width of 88 centimeters. If you need to have - is put sheathing.

The window size is dependent on the design of the attic
The window size is dependent on the design of the attic

The next important parameter for determining the size - the distance from the floor to windowsill. The optimal rate - 120 centimeters. The last parameter that affects the dimensions - the angle of inclination of the roof. The smaller, the better you can put a box.

How many windows should be in the attic

The optimum ratio of the total area of ​​the attic and windows - 1 to 10, which means that if your attic covers, for example, 40 meters, the total area of ​​window openings should be not less than 4 meters. And how to share these 4 square - you decide. This largely depends on the number of internal partitions.

In every room must have its own light source
In every room must have its own light source

What materials do dormers and how to choose

Window frames can be wood or plastic. Those who are skeptical of the tree, one could argue that modern methods of treatment of wood make it extremely robust and resistant to external influences. Yes, for wooden frames have to periodically take care of, but they are - the ideal choice for children's room and bedrooms.

Wooden frame - the best material for children's rooms
Wooden frame - the best material for children's rooms

Wooden frames allow to maintain in-house natural ventilationAnd this is very important. But for areas that have a humid microclimate, are more suitable plastic frames. They are very durable and do not require your attention. In the literal sense - set and forget. So if your loft is located on the winter Garden, gym, swimming pool or maybe, kitchen - safely stop on the plastic.

Mansard roof can be entirely made of double-glazed windows
Mansard roof can be entirely made of double-glazed windows

opening options - which is more convenient?

There are a few flaps of management options, consider them in detail:

  • srednepovorotny - one of the most popular options for the attic. Clutches in the central part of the frame allow it to tilt and rotate it 180 °, which is very convenient for the periodic washing of glasses;
  • High rotation axis - This design is suitable for non-standard high roof windows, whose vertical size exceeds 250 cm. With such a mechanism casement can be locked by 160 °;
  • combined mechanisms combine both previous embodiment and is very convenient in operation and cleaning;
  • window for Service - a large structure, which are used not only as a window, but also as a way to the roof. They are used when you need repairs roof or her clean of snow and leaves. They may serve as an emergency exit. They may be in the form of the hatch or be swinging.
The windows in the attic have to wash more often than usual because of their special position
The windows in the attic have to wash more often than usual because of their special position
You can use the emergency window for emergency evacuation
You can use the emergency window for emergency evacuation

Insulating salaries and value

Salary should be selected according to the type roof. Its main task - to reliably connect the roofing material with a window unit and protect the room from the wind and rain.

The most common are standard salaries. For a flat roof material using ESV stamp for the profile - EZV-P, and for highly embossed coating - EHN-P.

For the special coating on the windows and custom size using special salaries. They help to fit into the ridge sets and broken roof
For the special coating on the windows and custom size using special salaries. They help to fit into the ridge sets and broken roof

Mounting accessories and window kit

If you do not want to set their own frame, it is possible, mounting accessories are not so important to you, take care of them workers. But, for example, if you order a window set in one place, and its setting - in the other, it is necessary to see to it that the kit includes:

  • outer parts salary sealing joint with roof;
  • frame itself with glass;
  • steam, hydro, and insulating layers;
  • drain trough to drain condensate;
  • interior finishing soffits and sill.
When planning the purchase of roof windows, just think about their design. Whether to use curtains or blinds can be, you need shutters or grilles
When planning the purchase of roof windows, just think about their design. Whether to use curtains or blinds can be, you need shutters or grilles

Types of roof windows control

Manage roof window can be manually or by automation. Manual control is carried out by means of movable handle or, for highly placed windows Strezhneva telescopic device.

Automation greatly simplifies the task
Automation greatly simplifies the task

Automatic control method involves the use of the remote control or wall unit. Automatic roof windows can be integrated into the system "Smart House" and equipped with sensors that control humidity and wind power.

installation and maintenance features

When choosing a roof window, ask reputable manufacturer, it guarantees and reviews of service. Installation of windows should be entrusted only to skilled craftsmen. It is important that they also took over the maintenance and seasonal designs.

Some firms as a bonus for purchasing a guarantee to ensure customer parts to windows, regardless of the reasons for their failure
Some firms as a bonus for purchasing a guarantee to ensure customer parts to windows, regardless of the reasons for their failure

Summing up: the right choice of roof window

So, a simple algorithm to adjust to the attic window construction:

  • Select the type of opening and management for your design;
  • examine customer reviews and suggestions from different manufacturers, choose a company that can service your windows and after their installation;
  • ask the manufacturer's capabilities, its product range and guarantees;
  • examine the price list of the company, if it is possible - to select the highest quality hardware, it is usually more expensive than the rest;
  • Ask to see samples of the products you rate the quality of plastic or wood, check the absence of foreign odors and defects;
  • if there is a need to order custom designs, negotiate with the manufacturer of their settings and accessories.

If you are something added to the list of those recommendations - write about it in the comments! And in conclusion, we offer a small video on the topic, which will give you additional information.