👷 ways to create holes in the tile: drilling, milling, Bulgarian, diamond saw

Ceramic and tile tile as a lining material is deservedly popular among the population. This is not surprising, because it has many advantages: durability, moisture resistance, a variety of shapes and colors. During lining often have to drill holes in the material different, and one wrong move or illiterate work can damage the tiles. In this review online magazine HouseChief.ru experts will talk about how to drill tile without chipping.

When laying the tiles need to constantly trim material and drilling holes
When laying the tiles need to constantly trim material and drilling holes

Read article

  • 1 What is the complexity of drilling tiles
  • 2 Why you need to drill the tile, and what tools can be used
  • 3 What you need to remember before drilling tile
  • 4 Drilling of holes of small diameter
  • 5 Make a hole sockets, switches, plumbing appliances
  • 6 How to make a hole large diameter, if there is no crown
    • 6.1 Using a grinder
    • 6.2 Drill and pliers
    • 6.3 Glass cutter and pliers
    • 6.4 Making a hole saw-string
  • 7 A few words in conclusion

What is the complexity of drilling tiles

Facing ceramic tile and tile amenable burnt at a high temperature, thereby achieving high strength and density of the material. However, this advantage becomes both disadvantage since low breaking strength and lack of ductility significantly complicates drilling. Illiterate handling of tools and materials, or strong pressure will lead to the appearance of chips, cracks or fault tiles.

The front surface of the tile tiles covered with a decorative layer of glaze. Often due to incorrect drilling material on the wall there are chips that spoil the appearance. How to avoid trouble and not to spoil the expensive lining material? Below we look at how to drill and using a tool to avoid chips and cracks.

👷 very clean tile drill tear-free
When drilling tiles can not apply excessive force, so that it does not split

Why you need to drill the tile, and what tools can be used

During tiling constantly need trimming and drilling the material. The reasons for this vary:

  1. Necessary holes sanitary devices and communication.
  2. Construction of electrical outlets and fixtures.
  3. Mounting shelves, Decorative items, hooks, shower head holder and so on.
Tiler is often necessary to make holes in the tile under the outlet pipes and plumbing appliances
Tiler is often necessary to make holes in the tile under the outlet pipes and plumbing appliances

In order to drill a hole in the tile or tiles, in addition to the skills and experience needed appropriate tool. So, we list the tools that you may need to create holes in the cladding materials:

  • electric drill with soft start and speed control;
  • Cordless (A small amount of drilling holes);
  • hand drill (forgotten and little-used instrument);
  • Bulgarian;
  • spear-shaped drill bits for drilling tiles (feathers);
  • crown with a diamond or carbide-tungsten deposition;
  • hacksaw blade with a diamond-string sputtering or tungsten;
  • Ballerina (not recommended by most tilers);
  • Diamond drill or pobeditovye.
Drills and cutters for use on tile and ceramic tile
Drills and cutters for use on tile and ceramic tile

What you need to remember before drilling tile

Before making a hole in the lining needed, it should be to practice on a piece of tile that is no longer required.

  1. Be careful when doing layout. a few millimeters error - and the tiles have to be disposed. Label is easiest to put the marker and stake the drilling location. Experienced tilers usually glued to the tile a small piece of masking tape and put a mark on it directly. In addition, due to the Masking tape drill center or crown slips from the glazed surface of the liner.
  2. Using a power drill, you must make sure that disabled stroke mode, or you just crack the tile.
  3. Drilling should start with a low speed, and after the passage of the glaze layer can gradually increase.
  4. When drilling tile drill bits start to get hot and "burn." Therefore, if you have to make a lot of holes, cutting elements must be cooled in water or a special liquid, and to give the instrument a rest every 10-15 minutes.
  5. Tips and crowns should be placed strictly perpendicular to the surface of the tile. The only way to get a smooth and beautiful hole.
  6. Drilling tiles to be performed from the front side only.
  7. During drilling or ceramic tiles need necessarily comply with the safety rules and use safety equipment.
Before drilling tile must be switched off on the drill hammer mode
Before drilling tile must be switched off on the drill hammer mode

Drilling of holes of small diameter

If you need to hang a shelf, watering holder for a shower, mirror, Water heater etc., is used with a diamond drill pobeditovym or sputtering. Drilling is performed on the already glued tiles. Before drilling the lining is necessary to stick to it the masking tape (prevents slipping of the drill), to make an exact layout and stake the center. It should be remembered that not recommended to drill at the edge of the tile, because of the high probability that it will burst from the pressure, or will be chipped. It is therefore necessary to derogate from the edge of at least 15 mm. Drill diameter is sized dowels used. Drilling begins at low speed, and after the passage of the decorative layer increases them. After passing the tile is better to replace the expensive drill to another, intended for drilling concrete or brick. After making the desired hole depth, clean it from dust, insert the dowels and screw hook, screw or other fasteners.

On-site drilling is recommended to stick a piece of masking tape to the drill bit does not jump off
On-site drilling is recommended to stick a piece of masking tape to the drill bit does not jump off

Make a hole sockets, switches, plumbing appliances

holes sockets, switches etc. mainly made by a special circular saws (crown) of the desired diameter. The tool is a structure of the cutting blade, the shank and the centering drill. To drill a large hole in the tile, act according to the following algorithm:

  • tile soak in water for 30 minutes;
  • make an exact layout and stake the Center, as described in the previous case;
  • tile placed on a flat surface and make using the drill a small hole in the center;
  • crown pick the desired diameter and to fix it in the drill mode to set the speed of rotation of 500 rev / min .;
  • pilot drill bit inserted into pre-drilled, and you can start drilling at a low speed, which then gradually increased. Drill with a crown must be set strictly perpendicular to the tile surface. Drilling is carried out without greater effort;
  • if after drilling were burrs and chips, it is necessary to treat the inside of the circle by using sandpaper.
Drilling holes using bits outlet
Drilling holes using bits outlet

Attention! Cutting circular saw blade edges have unpleasant property quickly overheat, so it is recommended regularly to cool them with water or a special liquid. "Rest" is also necessary to give the instrument a little bit.

Mills must be constantly cooled
Mills must be constantly cooled

How to make a hole large diameter, if there is no crown

What if in the tile need to make a big cut, but there are no special crowns and buy a set for a couple of holes does not make sense? It does not matter, in this case, you can use the popular ways: Bulgarian, Saw-string, a glass cutter or pliers. Consider these ways to create holes in the tile.

Using a grinder

To make a hole in the tile or ceramic tile using the grinder, proceed as follows:

  • with the back of the tiles mark up a square and divide it into 8 pieces;
  • We do grinder slits around the perimeter and the intended axis;
  • delineating front side circumference required diameter;
  • ordinary pliers begin to gently twist off slotted sector;
  • the inner surface of the circle carefully handle with sandpaper.
In some skill and slowly can make a hole in the tile using grinders
In some skill and slowly can make a hole in the tile using grinders

Drill and pliers

The most common option among home handyman for which only need a drill with a drill and pliers. On the tile draw a circle and a line must be clearly visible. Further, the entire circumference is necessary to drill close to each other a small diameter hole (the larger the number, the better). Gently with a rubber hammer to knock the inner circle. Sticking fragments break down inside a circle with pliers, wire cutters or chisels. To get smooth and beautiful inner edge, must be carefully sanded them with an abrasive. The advantage of this method is that it is possible to make a hole of virtually any diameter.

Creating circumference by a plurality of holes
Creating circumference by a plurality of holes
The inside of the circle need to carefully handle a file or sandpaper
The inside of the circle need to carefully handle a file or sandpaper

Glass cutter and pliers

Another proven way to make a hole of any size - it is to use an ordinary glass cutter and pliers. To do this on the front side tiles you need to mark a circle and divide it into at least 8 sectors. However, their accuracy is not important. Draw a glass cutter inside several times axis. Next, make a hole inside the circle and gently break the first piece. Then gently and slowly to the back of the tile nippers begin to break off a piece. Once the hole is ready, carefully handle the inside edge using sandpaper.

👷 very clean tile drill tear-free
Work on the glass cutter Tile

Making a hole saw-string

Make a cutout in the ceramic or tile can be and with the help of diamond saw blades or tungsten-string, which is used with a conventional jigsaw or hacksaw. This method is good if you want to make a semi-circle on the edge of the tile, the foramen ovale and generally cut any shape. When the required hole in the tiles, you must first draw a circle and drill a hole. Next string threaded through into the resulting hole, and fix it in a hacksaw or jigsaw and propyl do on the planned path. With this method it saw cut obtained even without chipping. The lack of just one, lies in the fact that you need a lot of effort.

👷 very clean tile drill tear-free

In conclusion, we offer watch a video of 5 simple ways how to make a hole in the tile

A few words in conclusion

Make a hole in the ceramic tile, or maybe even a novice tiler. For this you need a tool, a bit of practice and following the above instructions. We hope our article has been useful to you, and if necessary, you can make a hole in the tile, following our recommendations.