What is hammer paint, how is it different and where is it used

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Although now there are a lot of paints with different bases and properties, paints and varnishes are still out of competition. They are strong, covering, durable and versatile. Among them, hammer paint occupies a special place. What is it, where is this composition used and in what cases it is simply irreplaceable - let's talk in this material. And first of all, let's talk about what leads to the unusual hammer effect.

Read in the article

  • 1 What is the secret of hammer paint
    • 1.1 What in the composition of hammer paint gives such an effect
    • 1.2 Features of hammer paint
  • 2 Strengths and weaknesses of hammer paint
  • 3 Where is hammer paint used?
  • 4 Types of hammer paint
  • 5 How to choose the right hammer enamel for quality painting
    • 5.1 Reliable manufacturers
    • 5.2 Hammer paint colors
  • 6 How to paint with hammer enamel correctly
    • 6.1 Hammer Paint Tools
    • 6.2 Nuances of surface preparation
    • 6.3 Application technology
  • 7 Is it possible to make hammer enamel yourself

What is the secret of hammer paint

Hammer paint cannot be confused with any other. Its appearance is so different from other enamels that it is impossible to miss the definition. The painted surface has dot marks that resemble hammer marks. Hence the name - hammer paint.

Hammer paint, what is it, where is it used
PHOTO: farpost.ru
Something like this looks like a metal, originally forged by hand by the method of chasing.

What in the composition of hammer paint gives such an effect

The hammer structure of the dye is given by the content in the composition of defatted aluminum powder mixed with organic matter: rubber, petroleum jelly, silicone. This mixture does not allow the powder to easily float to the surface of the film. The ascent process is slowed down, and as a result, small rings are formed, which form the embossing pattern.

The surface tension of the film is uneven, and, in addition to the pattern, the entire painted surface has a characteristic tuberosity. This effect is clearly visible in the photo.
PHOTO: aura.if.ua
The surface tension of the film is uneven, and, in addition to the pattern, the entire painted surface has a characteristic tuberosity. This effect is clearly visible in the photo.

If you are interested and look at the hardened paint in section, you will see that the aluminum flakes are close to the bottom layer, and the surface is completely solid.

The base of hammer paint can be nitrocellulose, epoxy resin, acrylic or alkyd enamel. The most popular options on sale are with an alkyd base. In addition to aluminum powder, the paint contains organic-based pigment dyes.

Features of hammer paint

Since the hammer paint contains aluminum powder, it differs from other paintwork materials in many ways. It is heat-resistant, gas and waterproof, excellent rust resistance and weatherproof. But it is not worth overestimating the aluminum content, nevertheless, for the most part, it performs a decorative function.

If we consider the characteristics of a layer of hammer paint, then they may differ slightly depending on the place of production, but they have common features. This paint is diluted with white spirit, and alkyd resin is used as a binder. Such paints dry from 2 to 4 hours.

Hammer paint is resistant to temperatures up to 80 ° CPHOTO: waysi.ru
Hammer paint is resistant to temperatures up to 80 ° C

The shelf life of enamel in a hermetically sealed package is 2 years. Consumption approx. 1 liter per 10 m².

Strengths and weaknesses of hammer paint

Ideal coatings have not yet been invented, so hammer paint has various advantages and disadvantages. Let's start with the strong factors:

  • paint with aluminum powder in the composition can be applied directly on rust and at the same time not be afraid that stains will appear on the outside;
  • the dye layer is not destroyed by vibration, temperature changes and the influence of atmospheric precipitation;
  • the coating preserves metal objects and completely protects them from corrosion caused by contact with water;
  • the resistance of the coating to high-temperature exposure allows it to be used for painting safes;
  • the composition of the paint - natural ingredients that are not released into the air after the layer has solidified and do not contain toxic substances;
  • hammer paint has a specific odor, but not as harsh chemical as most alkyd enamels. Can be painted indoors without creating a draft (a slightly open window is enough);
  • the use of organic pigments provides a wide variety of tones;
  • hammer paint practically does not fade in the sun and is a good protection against UV rays;
  • the presence of metallic powder makes hammer paint shiny, it looks very "rich" and looks advantageous on any surfaces.

Of course, hammer paint has its weaknesses, and the most important is its high cost.

A liter can of such paint costs from 800 to 1000 rubles. This is an order of magnitude higher than ordinary enamelPHOTO: colourshop.it
A liter can of such paint costs from 800 to 1000 rubles. This is an order of magnitude higher than ordinary enamel

And one more nuance that must be remembered before applying hammer paint - it is almost impossible to remove it. Conventional washes and solvents do not take it, you will have to use mechanical removal, that is, tear off the layer with a metal brush, and this is a very laborious task.

Where is hammer paint used?

As you already understood, paint is quite expensive, but if you want high quality, aesthetics and amazing durability, then you probably won't find it better. Such a coating will look great on gates and fences, in the design of the metal frame of a gazebo or canopy.

Hammer enamel looks great on forged products, in which it will favorably emphasize their individualityPHOTO: zincor-paints.ru
Hammer enamel looks great on forged products, in which it will favorably emphasize their individuality

But not only decorative use is characteristic of this dye. The strength characteristics of hammer paint make it popular for painting production machines, electrical appliances and other equipment. In addition, this composition is used to paint metal structures at construction sites.

The heat resistance of hammer enamel makes it the best choice for covering non-combustible furniture - cabinets and safes.

The protective coating is used in the processing of vehicles, including machinery with agricultural equipmentPHOTO: yaplakal.com
The protective coating is used in the processing of vehicles, including machinery with agricultural equipment

Hammer paint is used for painting pipes, internal and external, drains, garden tools. By the way, this paint is used to paint not only metal, but also solid-plastic pipes for wastewater - so they look like metal.

You can paint glass and tiles with this enamel, if necessary.

Types of hammer paint

There are two main varieties of hammer paint: it can be supplied in liquid or powder form.

It is easier, of course, to use liquid paint: it is already ready, and for work you only need to stir it slightly.

Powder paint is diluted with an alkyd base and mixed until all components are evenly distributedPHOTO: kraskaok.ru
Powder paint is diluted with an alkyd base and mixed until all components are evenly distributed

If we consider the most popular types of hammer enamels, then the following are good choices:

  1. From nitrocellulose enamels - NTs-221. It is notable for its affordable price, but, unfortunately, it is not waterproof. It can only be used indoors.
  2. From alkyd enamels - ML-165. Not afraid of temperatures up to 130 ° C and very firmly adhered to the substrate. Contains a rust converter, so it can be applied directly to rusty substrates.
  3. Epoxy-based - EP-1323ME. This paint is suitable for both indoor and outdoor use, it is characterized by high strength and heat resistance.

How to choose the right hammer enamel for quality painting

The selection of hammer paints is not as large as we would like, so it is not difficult to highlight a quality product.

Reliable manufacturers

DALI can be safely included in the list of the most reliable manufacturers. Their products have received excellent reviews for their high strength coating. DALI paints can be used for work on galvanized metal, stainless steel, non-ferrous metals and cast iron products.

Another good manufacturer is Molotex. With the help of its paints, you can give an aesthetic appearance to surfaces with small defects.

The most inexpensive paints from this category are from Prestige; they have excellent decorative properties and a wide palette.

And finally, beyond any competition - Hammerayt. The colors of these paints are basic: silver, bronze, gold.

This is the most expensive, but also the highest quality hammer paint, which will definitely delight you with its properties. It can even be applied to rust, and the warranty period of the coating is 8 years!PHOTO: kuzmich24.ru
This is the most expensive, but also the highest quality hammer paint, which will definitely delight you with its properties. It can even be applied to rust, and the warranty period of the coating is 8 years!

Hammer paint colors

Whichever color of hammer enamel you choose, the term "metallic" is suitable for each of them. This is not surprising, because it contains aluminum powder.

The hammer paint palette includes black, white, shades of red, brown, copper, lavender, green and blue.PHOTO: bouw.ru
The hammer paint palette includes black, white, shades of red, brown, copper, lavender, green and blue.

How to paint with hammer enamel correctly

The special properties of hammer enamels dictate some of the nuances of application. To show all the advantages of this paint, you need to choose the right tools and prepare the surface well.

Hammer Paint Tools

There are three paint tool options - brush, roller and spray. The worst choice would be a brush. The fact is that it leaves streaks and cannot apply paint in a thin layer, and this gives smudges.

It is best to choose a roller, and use a brush only in hard-to-reach places.PHOTO: kazan.pulscen.ru
It is best to choose a roller, and use a brush only in hard-to-reach places.

A spray gun is also not the best choice. It only makes sense to use it if you need to cover a large area, such as a fence or gate.

Nuances of surface preparation

As with any enamel, the surface to be painted should be cleaned of dirt, dust and grease. You can check the quality of cleaning the base with a clean sheet of paper: it should not remain stained after wiping.

If the surface has been painted earlier and the paint has peeled off in places, it is better to grind it with a metal brushPHOTO: lori.ru
If the surface has been painted earlier and the paint has peeled off in places, it is better to grind it with a metal brush

Application technology

If you are going to work with a roller, it is better to thin the paint a little with white spirit and apply in 2 layers.

There are paints that are sold in aerosol cans. Before use, the balloon must be shaken vigorously for 2-3 minutes.

The first coat is applied very thinly. To dry it, you need to wait 5 hours and only then apply the second one.

Is it possible to make hammer enamel yourself

The composition of hammer enamel is not that complicated, the main components are available, so you can try to make a semblance of such a paint yourself.

To do this, you need an alkyd varnish, aluminum powder, wood black and silicone oil.

At the factory, all these ingredients are mixed in an airtight container for 2 to 3 hours until the aluminum powder stops floating to the surface.

At home, you can do the same mixing using a drill with a mixer attachment.

If you need to get a colored paint, up to 30 percent of alkyd enamel with pigment is added to the base. After mixing the powder, base and carbon black at the very end, add a few drops of silicone to the mixture.

You can clearly study the process of making hammer paint in this video:

As you can see, nothing is impossible. Both the composition and preparation of such a paint is not a very complicated process, and the effect is quite obvious.

Summing up, we can say that hammer paint, due to the content of aluminum powder and epoxy resin, is the most durable paintwork material that can be applied directly to rust. You just need to remember that if you want to get rid of this coating in the future, it will be very difficult.

Have you already used hammer enamels? What impression did this paint make on you? Share your feedback on her in the comments!


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