Magnesite glass sheet: what it is made of and where it is used, the pros and cons of the material

It turns out that the glass-magnesium material was declared the official material of the Beijing Olympics and was used to build the Olympic village in Sochi. What is it about this LSU that makes it in demand at such a high level and can it be useful in your home?

Read in the article

  • 1 Why LSU causes a wave of negativity
  • 2 What is LSU made of
  • 3 Where are glass magnesite sheets used?
  • 4 Advantages and disadvantages of glass-magnesium sheets

Why LSU causes a wave of negativity

Everything new at first causes rejection, especially (oddly enough) among professionals. Why? Yes, everything is simple: you need to be responsible for the use of innovative materials, but who knows how they will behave in the future? Negative reviews, which are not always objective, add fuel to the fire. Indeed, in a competitive struggle, all means are good, including active pouring with mud. Why not listen to enough and read about glass-magnesium sheets. And how to choose a useful grain from all this stream of information?

What is a glass-magnesium sheet, what is it made of and where is it used
The conservative construction market is just beginning to slowly sway to turn its face to LSU, and the efforts of the Olympic builders have not been in vain.

Modern finishers are already actively learning to use LSU correctly. There are many complaints about the quality of Chinese products, which are produced in violation of technology. And I must admit that since the material is supernova, there is still no uniform requirement for its production.

But domestic manufacturers (we must pay tribute to them) offer materials of decent quality. LSU is now produced in the Moscow region, in Volgograd and Tyumen
But domestic manufacturers (we must pay tribute to them) offer materials of decent quality. LSU is now produced in the Moscow region, in Volgograd and Tyumen

What is LSU made of

And now about what this innovative material is. The ratio of ingredients may vary, but their list is general: this is a non-woven fabric for a substrate, reinforcing fiberglass, perlite sand and, most importantly, magnesium chloride and oxide. When forming the sheet, modifiers can be included in its composition. In some cases, magnesium chloride is exchanged for caustic dolomite.

LSU is subdivided into several varieties. The grade is the higher, the more magnesium oxide is in the content of the sheet.

This material has different sides: one is rough, the other is smooth. When finishing work, the master chooses the finishing method and, depending on this, the sheet is attached either with a smooth (for painting) or rough (for plastering) sidePHOTO:
This material has different sides: one is rough, the other is smooth. When finishing work, the master chooses the finishing method and, depending on this, the sheet is attached either with a smooth (for painting) or rough (for plastering) side

Where are glass magnesite sheets used?

As already mentioned, LSU sheets are divided into varieties depending on their quality. The "Standard" grade is a kind of analogue of drywall. It can be used in interior decoration of rooms with normal humidity. In second place is the "Premium" variety, but in terms of popularity and price / quality ratio, this is perhaps the most profitable option.

This material is highly durable and moisture resistant, so it can be used for damp rooms, installing under-roof carpet and even cladding building facades.PHOTO:
This material is highly durable and moisture resistant, so it can be used for damp rooms, installing under-roof carpet and even cladding building facades.

There is also a special kind of facade panels with the same name. "Facade" is an analogue of fiber cement materials. And finally, panels of the "Interior" grade are intended for finishing dry rooms with the help of an omega profile.

It should be noted that the versatile Premium grade panels can be used not only for wall decoration. They are used to create multilevel ceilings, spread on floors, make partitions and fireproof structures. Sheets are also used for the installation of fixed formwork.

Since there are no toxic substances in the composition of this material, LSU are recommended for construction and repair work in children's and medical institutions.PHOTO:
Since there are no toxic substances in the composition of this material, LSU are recommended for construction and repair work in children's and medical institutions.

Advantages and disadvantages of glass-magnesium sheets

LSU has advantages that make it a very profitable material for decoration and construction: LSU is not combustible, moisture-resistant and quite plastic, which makes it possible to manufacture structures with complex geometry.

Sheets "Premium" in facade finishing are not afraid of wind, snow and rain, therefore they are willingly used in roofing works. But be careful: other varieties of LSU are not so resistant to external influences and can deform due to high humidity.

When buying a material, pay attention to its color. Good quality is indicated by a yellowish tint - these are traces of magnesium oxidePHOTO:
When buying a material, pay attention to its color. Good quality is indicated by a yellowish tint - these are traces of magnesium oxide

You can check the quality of LSU in a glass of water. You need to dip a piece of material into it for a couple of hours. If the water becomes cloudy, it is better to look for another option.

And some more information about LSU from practitioners:

Have you ever worked with LSU? Share your experience in the comments!


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