How to choose stylish and beautiful wallpaper for a girl's room

Down with patterns and standards! Who said a girl's room has to be pink? Stylish and beautiful wallpaper in the modern sense is something completely different, carrying a modern concept and fashionable design. So turn your back on the floral display and see what amazing results can be achieved with a little imagination and the right choice of wallpaper. Shall we start?

Read in the article

  • 1 How to choose safe wallpaper for a child's room
    • 1.1 Wallpaper on non-woven and vinyl coated
    • 1.2 Paper-based and fabric wallpapers
    • 1.3 Wallpapers from natural materials and liquid
    • 1.4 Wall mural and wallpaper for drawing
  • 2 What color suits your child? Choosing solutions for a girl
  • 3 Design + decor for a girl's room

How to choose safe wallpaper for a child's room

Every parent cares about the safety of their child. This is right and natural, it is inherent in us by nature. We try to ensure that our children are fed, warm and nothing threatens them. And in modern life, threats can be not only obvious, but also hidden. Food products often carry a lot of harmful substances, and what can we say about building finishing materials, which are dangerous for adults in an apartment, not to mention for children. Today we will talk about wallpaper, and we will see what manufacturers offer us.

Wallpaper on non-woven and vinyl coated

Let's start from the most demanded material on the market. Now it is non-woven wallpaper. And their popularity is understandable. Interlining is a non-woven fabric consisting of many fine fibers.

Beautiful wallpaper in the girl's room
Thanks to this structure, the flieseline gently fits any surface, without forming folds, because he does not have a dolk and transverse thread as in the fabric

But at the same time, it has all the advantages of a fabric, i.e. softness and elasticity. Wallpaper can be non-woven, non-woven and vinyl.

The non-woven structure has good vapor permeability. Wallpaper on this basis fits well even on problematic walls. That is, if the wall is a little uneven, it can definitely be glued with non-woven fabric. The only trouble is that too thin wallpapers do not hide the flaws of the walls, but on the contrary, they only emphasize them. So it is worth carefully choosing such a coating in thickness. In addition, non-woven fabric is an absolutely environmentally friendly material.

Vinyl is a completely different matter. Here, a layer of PVC is applied to the non-woven base.

Elasticity suffers from this unequivocally: such wallpapers are dense, hard, and if you have a slight unevenness on your wall, the wallpaper will remain in this area as a bubble
Elasticity suffers from this unequivocally: such wallpapers are dense, hard, and if you have a slight unevenness on your wall, the wallpaper will remain in this area as a bubble

In addition, the vapor permeability of this material is practically zero. A room covered with such wallpaper needs forced ventilation. But such wallpaper also has an advantage - they can be washed. Not just wipe with a damp cloth, but in the literal sense to wash - a sponge and with a detergent. Of course, without abrasive. This is an excellent indicator, especially since in modern conditions of a constant threat of diseases, it is necessary to wash and periodically sanitize living rooms.

Paper-based and fabric wallpapers

Paper wallpaper is the cheapest option of all possible. In the simplest version, this is a roll of single-layer thick paper with a pattern. How to glue them, our grandmothers also knew perfectly, including those who were familiar with the difficulties of such pasting. Paper wallpapers are easy to rush, burn out and imagine to any climate change in the room. Their full service life is from one to three years.

But they definitely belong to the category of breathable and, as already mentioned, the most affordablePHOTO:
But they definitely belong to the category of breathable and, as already mentioned, the most affordable

If we consider this option, then you need to pay attention to the improved models of such wallpapers. They are called duplex or triplex and, respectively, consist of 2 or 3 layers of paper. Such wallpapers are more dense, of high quality, fit better on the walls and are more tolerant of all sorts of surprises. But of course you can't wash them. The exception is paper wallpaper with PVC film, which is usually bought for the kitchen, but among them you are unlikely to find a color suitable for a girl's room.

Fabric wallpapers are the exact opposite of paper wallpapers in every way. The price for them has never been democratic, because natural fabrics and materials are used for production.

Fabric wallpapers always look impeccable and stylishPHOTO:
Fabric wallpapers always look impeccable and stylish

They are elastic, perfectly lay on the walls, cope with any geometrically complex tasks. But if we consider them through the prism of the children's room, then there is some difficulty: it very respectable material, and you will cost tremendous work to find something with the appropriate print.

Wallpapers from natural materials and liquid

There are a lot of options for finishing walls, and these are not only popular paper and non-woven wallpapers. There is, for example, from bamboo or cork. Bamboo in the truest sense of the word consist of thin bamboo plates - an interesting solution for an interior in an oriental style.

Cork wallpaper cannot be called beautiful in the sense that girls put into it. They are pressed cork chips.PHOTO:
Cork wallpaper cannot be called beautiful in the sense that girls put into it. They are pressed cork chips.

Soft to the touch, pleasant surface also remarkably absorbs noise. This is their main advantage. If your little princess is fond of music, such protection for the walls is fully justified.

Now about whether liquid wallpaper is suitable for a girl's room. Of course they do, and liquid wallpaper has its undeniable advantages. Most importantly, they are ideal for uneven surfaces. This material is applied with a trowel like plaster, so in fact you are plastering the walls with soaked paper. Yes, these walls wash and treat the antiseptic will not work, but it is possible to make a combination of different shades in the shape of a picture on the wall.

The most popular in this design are various flowers. Stencils can be used for easier applicationPHOTO:
The most popular in this design are various flowers. Stencils can be used for easier application

Wall mural and wallpaper for drawing

Wall mural for a girl's room is a great idea that will definitely fit into the interior. Now manufacturers offer a huge range of different images, and you can find something to your liking. If not, that is, the ability to print your own drawing in any specialized printing house on vinyl, phlizelin and even paper wallpaper.

For the girl's room perfectly fit beautiful floral landscapes, images of the favorite heroes of cinema and cartoons, different funny animalsPHOTO:
For the girl's room perfectly fit beautiful floral landscapes, images of the favorite heroes of cinema and cartoons, different funny animals

It's no secret that all children love to draw, and the younger they are, the more likely it is that the drawings will appear in the most unexpected places. Painted wallpaper is a classic of children's pranks. And if this cannot be fought, it must be led. Why not make a wall for drawing in the nursery? It is very simple in fact: it is enough to dry the surface of the wall with wallpaper under painting and cover a special paint that is suitable for drawing.

There are graphite paints - they are dark, but you can draw on them with chalk. Tired of the " masterpiece" - erased with a damp sponge and painted a new onePHOTO:
There are graphite paints - they are dark, but you can draw on them with chalk. Tired of the "masterpiece" - erased with a damp sponge and painted a new one

Another option for drawing wallpaper is dry marker material. They are more expensive, usually have a self-adhesive basis and a PVC coating that can be wiped with a special sponge to remove marker paint.

And finally, there are wallpapers that are made in themselves, like coloring books. They already have a drawing, but in the form of black and white contours. And your child can gradually paint his room.

This option is, of course, suitable for older children up to 11-13 years old.PHOTO:
This option is, of course, suitable for older children up to 11-13 years old.

What color suits your child? Choosing solutions for a girl

First of all, psychologists do not recommend using too bright, aggressive colors in children's rooms. This is understandable, because their influence on the immature child's psyche can be negative. So for a girl's room, the best choice is soft pastel shades.

Pink is a formulaic choice for a girly bedroom. Yes, this color is associated with the castle of fabulous princess, bows, ruffles and teddy bear. And if you choose such a color, the only advice is not to overdo it.

Pair it with something neutral, like beige or light gray, for a stylish and more modern look than Barbie's all-pink room.PHOTO:
Pair it with something neutral, like beige or light gray, for a stylish and more modern look than Barbie's all-pink room.

Blue, although associated with something boyish, is also a good option. This range has many shades: pay attention to calm turquoise, aquamarine, celestial tones.

For dreamy nature, such a background in combination with maidial accents will be as the wayPHOTO:
For dreamy nature, such a background in combination with maidial accents will be as the way

Universal choice - sand and beige motifs. Perfectly combined with the design in the style of Provence. In addition, such a background does not irritate and calms the psyche of an excitable child.

Beige shades go well with any otherPHOTO:
Beige shades go well with any other

Green also has a very positive effect on mood, especially in combination with sunny yellow. These are the colors of nature, and children feel confident and comfortable among them.

This design is great for a quiet girl who needs to learn to be more sociable.PHOTO:
This design is great for a quiet girl who needs to learn to be more sociable.

Life-affirming orange is a good choice, but only on the condition that there will be very little bright orange, and the predominant place will be occupied by a soft shade, which will give a lot of solar heat in the children's room, where there is little natural lighting.

Very cozy and cheerful - this is exactly the feeling of this designPHOTO:
Very cozy and cheerful - this is exactly the feeling of this design

Lilac is a complex color, but it is also acceptable for a girl's room. Delicate shades of lilac look very fresh.

Dilute them with beige and white for a natural and stylish combination for a little fairy's room.PHOTO:
Dilute them with beige and white for a natural and stylish combination for a little fairy's room.

Design + decor for a girl's room

It is conditionally possible to distinguish several stylistic directions for a girl's room:

  • Peas, Ryushy, hearts are an interesting design that is universally suitable for girls of the younger (from 7 years old) and mid-school age;
Hearts are a very popular motif.PHOTO:
Hearts are a very popular motif.
  • the theme with plants, flowers, butterflies and cute little animals is a great solution for a baby and an older girl, 10 years old;
Since this decor involves an abundance of green with bright details, this is good from a psychological point of view.PHOTO:
Since this decor involves an abundance of green with bright details, this is good from a psychological point of view.
  • fairy-tale castles, princesses, unicorns and fairies are popular motifs that will perfectly fit into the room of a girl with a dreamy character;
All children love fairy tales, so you won’t find a better themePHOTO:
All children love fairy tales, so you won’t find a better theme
  • Graffiti, computer games, cool musical themes - this is what you like the teenage girl.
She has already outgrown the children's theme, but the time has not yet come for an adult. Therefore, you need to listen to the desires of the young lady, give her the opportunity to dream up and develop a design herself.PHOTO:
She has already outgrown the children's theme, but the time has not yet come for an adult. Therefore, you need to listen to the desires of the young lady, give her the opportunity to dream up and develop a design herself.

In conclusion, a few more words about the age choice of room design for a girl. If a baby has just appeared in your house, and so far she is just getting to know the world, surround her with light, gentle tones. The decor is not so important here as the maximum functionality and comfort for the mother, which will have to spend most of the time in this room.

In addition - 100 girl's room design ideas in this popular video:

What design and color do you like personally? Maybe you have already tried some interesting wallpapers or experimented with decoration? Share your experience in the comments!


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