Natural wood - the material does not come cheap. It requires special handling. Each master has its own secrets of working with wood. Whether done stool or sheathed wall paneling. Experts HouseChief edition gathered the recommendations of professionals who will help to avoid mistakes when working with wood.

Wood requires skillful handling.
Read article
- 1 Determine the purpose of
- 2 Selection of a suitable wood
- 2.1 The main coniferous
- 2.2 Hardwood
- 3 discovered defect
- 4 How to determine the moisture content of wood
- 5 Tool
- 6 Selection textured wood
- 7 A small allowance does not hurt
- 8 Check the dry assembly
- 9 Smooth surface - a guarantee of high-quality gluing
- 10 There should be no chipping in cutting timber
- 11 Getting rid of dents on lumber
Determine the purpose of
Before you buy wood, it is necessary to determine the order, for which it will be used: Housing construction, bath, fence, The production of moldings furniture or crafts. Because what is suitable for fencing, it is not appropriate to create table or doors. So what determines the purposes for which the material is necessary, and in accordance with this, make a choice the most suitable species.

It is necessary to determine in advance what you are buying wood.
Selection of a suitable wood
Different species of wood have certain properties. Wood is divided into two main groups: coniferous and deciduous. Having dealt with them, you can easily understand, for what works or products will approach one or another timber.

Of wood depends on the area of ​​its application.
The main coniferous
Virtually any traditional construction market offers the consumer lumber from pine and spruce. Let's briefly look at these rocks, finding out what and where they are used.
Pine. Structural material widely used for the construction of private houses, manufacturing window, doors and furniture. Due to its structure, pine wood resistant to rot. It has a high air permeability. Qualitatively, the dried material is perfectly amenable to sawing, cutting, planing, gluing and coloring. The wood has a pronounced texture, thus, it is widely used for the manufacture of various articles. The disadvantage is soft and highly resinous.

Pine wood.
Spruce. Different knotty or less pronounced texture, as compared to pine. This makes such material is of little use for the manufacture of furniture and millwork, and use as a floor covering. This timber has low thermal conductivity, flexibility, and resistant to warpage and breaks under load. Timber used in the manufacture of roof systems, came down, floor beams, Shingles and musical instruments.

Fir board.
Very popular oak, which has high strength, hardness, resistance to decay and highly textured. Oak wood is well cut and bends. This material is quite expensive, it is used to make furniture, parquet, doors, Carvings and supporting structures that can withstand heavy loads.

Oak wood is very popular.
No less popular is the ash, whose structure is similar to oak, but slightly lighter. This wood has high strength, toughness, easily bends and responds well to the finish, but at elevated humidity rot. Ash wood is often used in the creation of furniture, stair railing, Sports and a variety of craft projects.

Board made of ash.
Beech wood strength is not inferior to oak. She bends well after steaming, amenable to processing with cutting tools and drilling. Beech has a softly pronounced, but quite a nice texture and a delicate, slightly pinkish color. The wood of this species is used for the manufacture of furniture, musical instruments, veneer, as well as construction.

Beech has a beautiful texture and color.
discovered defect
When buying wood you need to carefully inspect it for defects subject. Minor imperfections can be corrected during the treatment, but the material with wormholes, large cracks and knots should be abandoned. Loading the purchased material to better control their own to unscrupulous sellers with a good product is not slipped defective, that is quite a common practice.

When buying wood, inspect it for defects subject.
How to determine the moisture content of wood
One of the important parameters of wood - the degree of humidity. Dry material is strong, does not warp, almost does not rot, it is well treated and is distinguished by a long service life. Wood product intended living quarters should have a moisture content in the range 10-12%.

Work only with well-dried wood.
Production of wood humidity is determined using a special instrument - elektrovlagomera. However, such a device for the home workshop expensive. How do you check the humidity of the material without a special device? There are some fairly simple ways:
- with the help of the planer. You need to remove the thin chips and mash it in his hand. If the strip is easily crumbled, the wood is dry;
- indelible ink. Dry lumber will remain a clear trail of violet color;
- the sound. Knock on wood, and if it is dry, you will hear a clear ringing sound.

Determine the dry timber can knock on.
Instruments for your workshop should be of impeccable quality and well-sharpened. It is better to spend money on planer, chisel, chisels, etc. from trusted manufacturers than to suffer with poor quality tools. well as read the instructions for electrical equipment. Many newcomers, having only a general idea of ​​working with one or another machine toolOften make mistakes that lead to the fact that either the workpiece deteriorates or equipment fails.

Joiner's tools must be not only quality, but also a well-sharpened.
Selection textured wood
Novice woodworkers often pay no attention to the texture pattern, mistakenly believing that the same board. And in vain, because of this depends largely on the appearance of the product. Material with an interesting pattern can be used for the manufacture of filonok or cover the box and straight grained boards are ideal for frame components and shield billets. When the board set spend some time trying to figure on the same parts the same as another. Since the product will look more attractive, and the joints become less noticeable.

Properly selected texture pattern will make the finished product more attractive.
A small allowance does not hurt
When cutting boards into separate parts, make allowance 1-2 mm in width. In order to display the item in the finishing size, will be done only on planer several lung passages, removing traces of sawing.

When cutting, always leave a small allowance.
Check the dry assembly
Often during assembly it appears that two or more unit structures are not joined with each other. It is therefore necessary to check each compound immediately after its production. At the end should collect the whole structure "to dry", fixing details with the help of clamps and adjusting them, if necessary, to complete compliance. If everything is in order, you can make out the product and have reassembled with glue and all of the same clamps.

Before gluing the product, check the assembly of the "dry" method.
Smooth surface - a guarantee of high-quality gluing
It used to be that for a good bonding mating parts must have a rough surface, but this is not true. Smooth components are connected to each other much better than the roughly processed. Therefore it is better to spend a little time and make the surface of the abutting parts as much as possible smooth, tight to each other.

Bonding surfaces must be clean and smooth.
There should be no chipping in cutting timber
When cutting wood in place of cut on one side often appear chips and burrs, especially if you use a tool with blunted teeth. But there is a fairly simple way to solve this problem. Firstly, you need to take urgent hacksaw, Cutter or fretsaw with a well-sharpened sawing. Second, stick to the place of cutting the masking tape can be on both sides. Next, perform the layout and cut along the marked lines.

Masking tape pasted on the place of cut, will prevent chipping.
Getting rid of dents on lumber
Very often in the lumber for various reasons, there are dents received during transport, loading, careless storage fastener clamps, etc. It's pretty easy to fix with a damp cloth and a conventional household iron. On the deformed surface is necessary to drip a little water, wait a few minutes before its complete absorption. Put a damp cloth on the defect, and apply a hot iron on top. By heating, the moisture will evaporate straightening swollen wood fibers and giving the original appearance of the surface.

Hot iron and a damp cloth can help to get rid of small dents on the wood.

View board with a dent and after treatment.