Company air: which ionizer is better to buy

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To choose an ionizer among a variety of models and firms is not an easy task. To make it easier for you to navigate in the abundance of the assortment, we'll look at several manufacturing companies, pay attention to the details, the principle of operation and the productivity of ionizers.

Air Comfort

This firm offers ionizer models for every taste and purse. You can choose a model for a small room, which can clean the air in the room up to 7 square meters.meters, but you can look at a more powerful model, which is suitable for large rooms up to 80 square meters.meters. By the way, all devices consume a small amount of electricity, and their power is 10-16 watts. The ionizers of this company will be pleased with a few more details:

  • An electrostatic grating that will retain the tiniest dust particles;
  • A static filter that will "collect" all dust and contaminants. It is located inside the case, and to clean it, it is enough to remove the filter and rinse with water. The ionizer does not require a constant replacement of the filter material;
  • With several modes of operation. The model can be equipped with the ability to work in two modes - for example, the "Hi" mode will allow the ionizer to work continuously and clean more than 25 square meters.meters of area. In many models, you can find the "Lo" mode at which the device will work at intervals in time;
  • The presence of an ultraviolet lamp. Some models are equipped with a lamp that helps to neutralize and remove harmful microbes from the air and improve air quality;
  • Noiseless operation, since ionizers work by mixing air masses with ionized air flows.


This German company offers a wide range of budget models of ionizers and devices that can bring the concentration of ions to a high level - close to fresh air near waterfalls. Low-cost models have a low power of 5-8 W and small dimensions - they are perfect for a bedroom, a children's room or an office.

Ionizers are equipped with a fan, a static filter, which will only need to be washed underwater, and a UV lamp that will sterilize the air. More expensive fan models are not completed, but work by mixing the streams of ionized air and air masses.

Also, the ionizer can have two modes - cyclic and constant, so you can independently adjust the degree of cleaning the room. If you need a reliable device that will please with an effective work and a pleasant price, it is better to buy an ionizer from Zenet.

Super Plus Turbo

Separately it is necessary to tell about these ionizers, which are made in Russia. They refer to models of the middle price category and can freshen up air in the premises up to 43 square meters.meters. The devices are economical in power consumption - the power will not exceed 10 W, and the dimensions of the models will allow them to be placed in the room as conveniently as possible.

  • Ionizers are equipped with a special cassette that collects all the dust and plates - these parts are enough to wipe with a damp cloth and you do not need to replace the filter with
  • . The models work based on the principle of "ion wind" - air flows through the cassette and is saturated with ozone.
  • The device can havefour modes of operation with different time intervals - you will be comfortable to adjust the degree of cleaning depending on the area of ​​the room