OSB: size and price, the choice of secrets and tips

Today's consumers prefer to use in housing construction natural materials. They are especially valued for impeccable environmental performance, an exclusive appearance. But it must be stressed that some artificial analogues of the amount of their characteristics better. Particularly interesting products by using the latest technologies. This article discussed in detail OSB, sizes and prices, methods of application. This information is useful in the preparation and implementation of construction projects.

OSB: Sizes and prices
OSB plate in the interior

Read article

  • 1 OSB: What it is
    • 1.1 production Features
    • 1.2 Standard sheet sizes OSB, and other characteristics
    • 1.3 application
  • 2 OSB: size and price, current market offers
  • 3 For more tips and general conclusions

OSB: What it is

This material is formed from a wood chip which is bonded using a resin adhesive compositions is formed into a plate. The main feature is the special focus of chips in the products. It allows you to get the specifications required for different kinds of subsequent application. Simply find out what the OSB, comparing them with similar products.

OSB (OSB) - Oriented Strand Board
OSB (OSB) - Oriented Strand Board
Chipboard (particleboard)
Chipboard (particleboard)

The figure clearly shows the differences of materials. In order to estimate them, it should be noted that the strength is close to CAP plywood, Although it should be cheaper. The lowest specification has Particleboard. The following table is useful for the convenience of comparison. Here we show the data by tensile strength in MPa for plates with a thickness different from 9 mm to 12 mm. The columns specify the types of laboratory tests with regard to the manner of application of force.

MaterialPictureBending (static)Strained plate in a direction perpendicular to the plateStretching in the longitudinal direction
ParticleboardParticleboard 11-160,32-0,52,1-2,8

Important! Data in the table are only suitable for a rough comparison. To determine the suitability of the project for the OSB plate, size and price, and other characteristics are taken from the manufacturer's documentation on the relevant product.

Plywood can be complex curved parts
Plywood can be complex curved parts
DSP is not destroyed by static loads. From these plates collect cabinet furniture
DSP is not destroyed by static loads. From these plates collect cabinet furniture
OSB panels are used not only for interior decoration. They are used in the construction of frame houses, as the basic elements of the sheathing
OSB panels are used not only for interior decoration. They are used in the construction of frame houses, as the basic elements of the sheathing

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production Features

It is necessary to determine whether the health damage will occur if OSB plate installed inside the building. Also useful knowledge about what kinds of products in this class, there are at the moment.

board production process
board production process

To this end, a closer look at the standard production process:

  • In the first stage are selected and delivered to the feed. Typically, using the standard logsNot stripped of bark. These external layers were separated after steaming in large containers. This simplifies the pre-treatment process, reduces tool wear.
  • For the making of chips used a specialized machine. The most productive models are able to process whole logs.
  • Chips with increased humidity accumulate in storage. From there it is fed in batches dosed in portions in the drying section. The modern equipment of this class is created with the use of conveyor techniques. It performs its functions with relatively low temperatures, with the use of a long cycle. This gradual removal of water does not damage the structure of wood, provides strength and integrity preforms elasticity.
Drying equipment
Drying equipment
  • At the output of the sorting is performed. Leave the chips that are suitable in size to a specific technology error. Some products use different types of formation of the individual layers. For example, the orientation is used only for the outer surfaces. These pieces are created with the larger chips.
  • Sorted accumulate billets in other containers where supported optimum (small) moisture level.
  • The basic process consists of several stages. In modern internal plates and external layers are created using various types of adhesives.
  • Special guiding elements in the form of discs provide drop chips in the desired direction. Other mechanical devices are aligned side portions according to a predetermined plate width. The layers are formed sequentially delayed for partial solidification resins.
  • Created by "carpet" neat moves under press. It uses high temperature in addition to pressure (from + 165 ° C to + 220 ° C). The process is controlled carefully, with strict observance of technological parameters. As a result - of loose blanks create dense slab with a uniform distribution of ingredients in each layer.
  • Further product fed to the cutting station. Here excess saws are cut automatically in width and length. Via special machinesWhere the plate is installed in a fan, cooling the slabs. This procedure takes about 20 minutes.
  • To complete the polymerisation the connecting plate components is maintained from 18 to 52 hours at an intermediate stock. After - control the quality of products, check the absence of bundles, and other defects.
  • OSB sheets in standard sizes to create cutting- machines. At the same location can be made-to-order products. For fast and accurate connection plates (during installation work) at the ends make the grooves and ridges.
Specialized line
Specialized line

Modern production is characterized by high level of automation. A small number of staff makes it possible to reduce unnecessary costs. New, well-equipped enterprise ensure the high quality of each consignment and the reasonable cost of the finished product.

Separately, various finishing options to consider:

  • The simplest technology - grinding.
  • In some models, make smooth surface on one side only. Another - is pressed against the press to the mesh base. Created by corrugation in handy during installation roofWhen you have to move on an inclined plane.
  • Cheap cellulose-based film is used where strong external influences are excluded.
  • Polymer laminates expensive. But they can provide Superior One aesthetic parameters and protection.
  • If necessary, apply a film, particularly resistant to high temperatures, direct sunlight, humidity.
Lamination allows to create clever imitations of slices of precious wood
Lamination allows to create clever imitations of slices of precious wood
The application of lacquer and ink layers at the factory ensures high quality surfaces
The application of lacquer and ink layers at the factory ensures high quality surfaces

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Standard sheet sizes OSB, and other characteristics

To simplify the choice of the following groups of products distribution system, which was established on the principles of purpose. Below are the main differences between the different classes:

  • 1 - designed to perform painting and decorating inside buildings. It is assumed that during transport, storage, installation and subsequent operation will be provided with a normal humidity level. In the selection of products is necessary to monitor the integrity of the hermetically sealed package, to monitor the implementation of other precautions.
  • 2 - These products are also designed for interior applications. They possess high strength, they are suitable for the manufacture of skeletons of cabinet furniture.
  • 3 - the plate resistant to moisture. They can also be used for exterior trim.
  • 4 - the most expensive but also the most resistant to external influences the product. They have better performance, longer life.

Note! Statisticians prefer to use OSB 3 with the characteristics of a universal type. They are suitable for indoor and outdoor use, and the cost - quite reasonable.

Different manufacturers offer a wide range of sizes (in mm):

  • thickness - from 9 to 24;
  • width - from 590 to 1250;
  • length - from 2440 to 2500.

When selecting other than size and price OSB take into account:

  • product class;
  • method of treating edges (straight or shplintovogo compound);
  • type outdoor coatings.
It should take into account the purpose of the sheets of this material
It should take into account the purpose of the sheets of this material

Important! Some adhesive compositions, phenol-formaldehyde components used. With their help enhance wood resistance to moisture, biological attack. If you intend to install tiles indoors, it is better to exclude such components. In the evaporation they worsen the healthy state of the atmosphere in the room.


Specifications OSB, dimensions and rates are based on the broad scope of the use of these versatile materials.

They are suitable for the creation of formwork
They are suitable for the creation of formwork

Strength enough even during the manufacture of large structures. If desired (as shown) the individual places via spacers reinforce.

1 of 6

Installation of a roof on a metal frame

Installation of a roof on a metal frame

A good basis for soft tiles and other types of surface finishes

A good basis for soft tiles and other types of surface finishes

floor decks

floor decks

Mounting partitions

Mounting partitions

Interior finish, niches and shelves OSB

Interior finish, niches and shelves OSB

Furniture and other ideas the application tiles

Furniture and other ideas the application tiles

The following profile experts recommendations will help to eliminate or minimize errors in handling this material:

  • OSB sheet size of 9 mm is selected with the exact calculation of future loads. This - minimum thickness, therefore flexural strength will not be high.
If necessary, further strengthening ribs stiffening structure
If necessary, further strengthening ribs stiffening structure
  • it is necessary to withstand the products liberated from the packaging condition for about 24 hours before performing the installation operations. This technique will help to align the parameters of atmospheric humidity room and board.
Preliminary counting blanks
Preliminary counting blanks
  • These plates, as well as other wooden blanks are handled without much effort. It is necessary to use saw blades and other instrumentsCorresponding material.
Hacksaw on wood
Hacksaw on wood
  • Similarly, with the hardness and strength of the plates, picked screws, staples, other fasteners.
Suitable thickness nails do not form a crack in sheet
Suitable thickness nails do not form a crack in sheet
  • During assembly it is necessary to take into account the peculiarities of specific designs. Thus, if the sheets are placed on the floor and leave a gap between the edges of the walls and to compensate for thermal expansion.
  • These solutions are used for cladding walls. Only in this case the gap created between the plates and the floor / ceiling surface.
  • Necessarily need to install layer waterproofing when installing OSB basement, on roofIn other places the alleged contact with moisture.
The ends of the "tongue and groove". Installation of such sheets is fast and accurate
The ends of the "tongue and groove". Installation of such sheets is fast and accurate

OSB: size and price, current market offers

Name / BrandLength x width x sheet thickness in mmprice, rub.notes
OSB-31250 x 2500 x 8520-540
HBS-31220 x 1440 x 9538-560Smooth ends.
OSB-3 / Kronospan1220 x 1440 x 9525-540
OSB / Kalevala1250 x 2500 x 9545 — 560The area of ​​one plate - 3.125 m..
OSB-3 / Taleon1250 x 2500 x 12670-720Weight - 22 kg.
OSB-4 / Kronospan1250 x 2500 x 18940-980It meets environmental standards E1 standards.

For more tips and general conclusions

From the above data it is clear that the size and price of OSB offers various commercial enterprises. Not all customers provide complete product information, sometimes there is no manufacturer's name, and other important information. In order not to make mistakes, it is necessary to use a comparison of a single form, with pre-established criteria. If you want to - make a written request to store additional parameters.