Particleboard: the dimensions and thickness of the sheet, price, features, manufacturers

products from Particleboard It is in every house. This material is made furniture, It take for the manufacture of wall partitions and arrangement of the rough floor. To make rational use of plates, you should know all about the CPD: the size and thickness of the sheet material price and features of its application.

Particleboard: the dimensions and thickness of the sheet, the price
A variety of DSP processing allows to use this material in various fields

Read article

  • 1 Where applicable chipboard and its characteristics
  • 2 Types of chipboard sheets
  • 3 The different sheets of particleboard and MDF
  • 4 Pros and cons of using DSP
  • 5 Different Particleboard: the dimensions and thickness of the sheet, the price, the manufacturers
    • 5.1 The main producers of laminated chipboard: the price of materials
    • 5.2 Standard size chipboard and sheet price
  • 6 Tips for working with boards
  • 7 results

Where applicable chipboard and its characteristics

Sheet building material widely used in various construction projects. Produce it from the usual chips, hot extruding press. For bonding the chips used phenol formaldehyde resin composition.

Price per sheet of chipboard is relatively low. This is due to the fact that the product is produced from waste wood processing plants.

Important! The amount of formaldehyde in the sheets is regulated at the legislative level. The percentage of this substance harmful to human health should be indicated on the packaging or in the technical data sheet.

Another advantage of chipboard - light weight
Another advantage of chipboard - light weight

Plates vary in density (low, medium and high) and the number of layers (from one to five).

Important! Derevoplitny material is used in areas of high humidity. For such a task suitable hydrophobized particular product, the coating composition is water-repellent.

A distinction is also polished and laminate. Polished products look the same on both sides, and laminated on the one hand tightened a special film.

The film is monochromatic or simulates the texture of wood
The film is monochromatic or simulates the texture of wood

most of these boards are used in furniture production. Products uncoated - building material. Dimensions of laminated chipboard are somewhat different from polished.

Grade chipboard:

  1. Grade №1. It has a smooth surface without dents, irregularities and violations of color. The edge of the product is smooth, without any damage. Allowed three small chips up to three millimeters.
  2. Grade №2. It has a small polishing defects, to one-tenth the area. The plates of this variety are large shavings and pieces of bark.
  3. Grade №3. This defective sheets with a plurality of chips and defects. They can only be used as shields when pouring concrete products and for the manufacture of packaging.
Plates are of different thickness from one to several centimeters
Plates are of different thickness from one to several centimeters

There are standard sizes and thickness of the chipboard sheet. The price of the product depends on the type and characteristics of the coating.

Where plates are used? It turns out that the scope of this material is extremely broad. Here are the main areas:

  • as the shield material in the construction work: the zalike foundation and overlap;
  • as panels for roughing cladding walls and ceilings;
  • as backing on the floor;
  • for the manufacture of interior and exterior doors;
  • for the manufacture of roof;
  • for production furniture, Stand and shelving.
For construction works using the product of Class II
For construction works using the product of Class II

Plates are universal, and if not for their susceptibility to moisture, they would become the number one building material. Upon contact with water derevoplitny material swells and deforms, becoming friable and brittle.

Tip! If you want to cut a piece of a plate or a shaped form, contact the service to the seller. In shops that implement these products tend to have professional equipment for cutting slabs. High-quality cutting can guarantee the lack of chips. This tip is especially important if you plan to buy laminated chipboard.

Furniture industry makes extensive use of polished and laminated chipboard sheets. Price of the material makes it possible to produce low-cost kitchen sets, the living room wall and baby furniture.

Important! Specificity pressed particleboard layer prevents repeatedly screwed fasteners in the same place. So if you have collected the wall once, the second time is unlikely to succeed to achieve the same reliability fixtures.

Types of chipboard sheets

In addition to grades, particle board and is divided into types, each of which has its own characteristics. Let us examine them in detail.

Forms / ImageDescription
laminatedlaminatedThey have different patterns on the side coated paper - resin film. The coating is very durable, resistant to mechanical damage and high temperatures. Glossy imitation wood picture is used in the furniture industry.
laminatedlaminatedThese products are similar to laminate, but their coverage is less stable and may eventually peel off from the base.
rabbetrabbetSuch articles have grooves and protrusions (tongues) on the side sections. The joints of sheets almost invisible joints. Such panels sewn up walls and ceilings, with this work does not require professional skills. To connect and dismantle such structures can be repeatedly without affecting the material. Products with the grooves have good thermal insulation and soundproofing qualities.
moistureproofmoistureproofFor the production of these products does not use formaldehyde and urea-melamine resin material. They give the DSP high strength. Even in direct contact with water, the material does not swell and does not crumble.
veneeredveneeredOn the surface of these sheets is located veneerSimulating the valuable wood. Top veneer covered with several layers of lacquer. Such sheets retain their original appearance of the decade.

Note! tubular chipboard is used for the production of doors. They are quite light, but differ in heat and sound insulating properties and fire resistance.

The different sheets of particleboard and MDF

Lacking detailed information, it is difficult to understand the difference of the chipboard MDF panels. It seems that they look exactly the same. But in reality the differences are fundamental:

Unlike the first: chipboard made of small chips, and MDF - practically from wood dust.

On the cut MDF and particleboard differ
On the cut MDF and particleboard differ

second difference: Particleboard binder acts formaldehyde resin and MDF - paraffinic compounds. MDF is considered to be more environmentally friendly and safe for human material.

Tip! When it comes to the manufacture of furniture in the nursery, it is necessary to prefer MDF technology.

Another significant difference between MDF and particleboard - price per sheet. Buy high-quality MDF panels more difficult than chipboard. MDF domestic manufacturers are not many, and imported products worth much more expensive than particleboard.

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All you need to know about the CPD: the size and thickness of the sheet, price, types of materialMDF: what it is.This article will consider what it represents MDF, as well as where it is used. Standard size and thickness of the sheet, the estimated cost and the secrets of proper installation of wall panels.

Pros and cons of using DSP

Advantages and disadvantages of wood-based panels - important information that will help in their correct use:


  • low cost;
  • good toughness and resistance to deformation;
  • many uses.


  • the presence of formaldehyde in the composition of the compounds;
  • susceptibility to moisture;
  • difficulty in processing (the material is too hard, because it is not easy to cut complex parts).
Using DSP for rough sex
Using DSP for rough sex

Different Particleboard: the dimensions and thickness of the sheet, the price, the manufacturers

Before purchasing a plate, you should decide on their appointment and quality requirements. Which vendor to choose?

The main producers of laminated chipboard: the price of materials

Domestic derevoplitny material different from European counterparts great weight and high density. It is composed in the cut, but the high density can significantly extend the service life. Imported sheets light and comfortable handling. Loose structure makes them relatively fragile. It is difficult to say which of the most significant shortcomings.

For the manufacturer, it is more convenient to use the European material, as you can save considerably on the cutting of furniture, but the consumer is more profitable to buy furniture from domestic raw materials. It will last longer
For the manufacturer, it is more convenient to use the European material, as you can save considerably on the cutting of furniture, but the consumer is more profitable to buy furniture from domestic raw materials. It will last longer

The main producers of chipboard sheets presented in our market.

ManufacturerA countryFeaturesThe average value of the sheet, rub
EGGERAustriaThe sheets have a wide range of colors, suitable for the manufacture of kitchen furniture2700
KRONOSTARSwedenEnvironmentally friendly lightweight material made according to modern technologies. Suitable for manufacturing children's furniture.1600
SHEKSNARussiaThe optimal combination of quality and value of products750
GFZRussiaGagarin plywood plant uses modern materials technology1300
MUROMRussiaIt produces most of such products in the north of the country. Products factory in constant high demand.800

What influences the choice of the manufacturer? Before this - purpose products. that sheathe the walls in a building is better to use high-density particle board. For furniture - more loose and light material (it will have to rearrange from time to time).

In the children's room should be selected boards made from domestic raw materials using modern technologies, ensuring environmental safety
In the children's room should be selected boards made from domestic raw materials using modern technologies, ensuring environmental safety

It makes no sense to buy expensive material for the manufacture of formwork or rough flooring. But for the furniture, which plan to use long-term, it is better not stingy and choose the foundation is more expensive.

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All you need to know about the CPD: the size and thickness of the sheet, price, types of materialOSB: size and price. In this article, OSB discussed in detail, size and price, the methods of application, especially its production, current market offers additional tips. This information is useful in the preparation and implementation of construction projects.

Standard size chipboard and sheet price

In Russia derevoplitnogo material production cycle is regulated by the state standard under the number 10632 - 2007.

Standard sizes chipboard sheet most popular in various fields of application: the sheet size chipboard 16 mm - 183 x 275 x 183 centimeters and 244 centimeters. The sheet thickness ranges from 10 to 38 millimeters. Plates may have a length of more than five and a half meters and a width of up to two and a half meters.

Table standard material parameters
Table standard material parameters

Note! State standard plate dimensions allowed deviation from the standard one-third of a millimeter in thickness and five millimeters in width and length.

Dimensions of the laminated chipboard sheet are somewhat different from polished. This material can have a thickness of 18 and 22 millimeters and the size and 280h207 262h183 centimeter. The coated sheet price starts from 1000 rubles for domestic products and comes to three thousand for the import.

Tips for working with boards

  • To securely fasten the sheets, use special fasteners for wood-base materials, epoxy glue or carpenter PVA.
  • To coat the laminated sheet does not crumble when cut, saw cut to cut a line or knife seal the incision by adhesive tape.
During the cut is not making significant efforts. The saw must move slowly. Pick up for her the smallest teeth
During the cut is not making significant efforts. The saw must move slowly. Pick up for her the smallest teeth
  • Drevoplitny material can be cut by hand. hacksaw while kept under the most acute angle.
  • When drilling, use only sharp drills. Dumb crush pad of the screw.
  • When cutting, use a mask. Plates contain formaldehyde compounds that can be inhaled with the dust. If possible, use an additional ventilation.
  • Laminated chipboard better cut on professional equipment. It sawing two disc set. One is used to trim the laminate, the second - for cutting slabs. If furniture can be sawn sheet carefully and accurately using this complicated system.
Store sheets on a flat surface in a dry place at room temperature
Store sheets on a flat surface in a dry place at room temperature


We reviewed the information on standard sizes and thickness chipboard sheets. on product prices depend on the characteristics of the coating sheet and producer. Imported material is more expensive, but domestic counterparts do not yield to him the qualities and strength. When buying children's furniture should pay attention to the environmental friendliness used chipboard.