- Than clear furniture from stains of fat?
- How to clean furniture from greasy tracks?
- Remove stains from the leather cover
- Remove fat from the fabric upholstery
- How to remove old grease stains?
Fat stains on furniture are one of the most unpleasant and difficult to remove types of contaminants on the surfaces of objects of our interior. Mistresses remove them, relying on their own experience. In this article, we have selected the most effective and simple methods to combat this problem. You will learn what effective tools you will need and how to apply them.
to the contents ↑How to clear furniture from stains of fat?
Removing fat from surfaces is not so easy, therefore such impurities are considered to be the most difficult to process. Our tools and tips will help you do it yourself and do not spoil the furniture.
Important! Remove all dirt as soon as you find them. This will help to get rid of it qualitatively and keep the surface in its original form. Proceeding from this rule, neutralize fresh pollution at home. This will not penetrate the contamination in the fiber coating and save on delivery to dry cleaning and payment for its services.
To clean greasy stains on furniture, you will need:
- vinegar;
- petrol;
- liquid ammonia;
- lemon juice;
- salt;
- starch;
- alcohol;
- glycerin.
In addition, you will find useful tools such as:
- container for the preparation of solutions;
- sponges;
- cloth;
- swipe.
Prepare everything you need and get to work.
to the contents ↑How to clean furniture from greasy tracks?
Never try to remove grease stains on furniture with any coating using water. This will only aggravate the situation and bring additional problems. When choosing a tool, pay attention to the material from which the interior is made, because each coating needs its own special approach. Most often it is:
- wood - natural or polished;
- fabric upholstery;
- leather;
- plastic.
Remove stains from the leather coating
First of all, blot the remainder of fatty matter with a dry cloth. Should remain a small footprints. Clean them with egg white. Follow these instructions:
- Whisk egg white with a whisk.
- Apply to the problem area.
- Leave for 5 minutes.
- Remove residues with a damp cloth.
If the contamination on the skin is longer, remove it with vinegar. In this case, proceed as follows:
- Dissolve a small amount of vinegar in warm water.
- Take a sponge and moisten with a solution.
- Wipe the dirt.
Important! This method removes greasy dirt from wooden surfaces.
to the contents ↑We remove fat from the fabric upholstery
There are several ways to remove fresh greasy soiling from the fabric coverings.
Method number 1
Starch has excellent suction properties, and it will help you cope with the problem if there are greasy stains on the furniture. The method of its application is quite simple, and besides, the tool itself is certainly found in any home. Remove this type of soiling as follows:
- Fill the traces of fat with starch.
- Take a clean dry rag.
- Rub the problem area.
- Repeat the procedure if necessary.
Method number 2
Salt and alcohol are very effective in coping with fresh oil drops. Apply them by following these instructions:
- Sprinkle the right places on the furniture with salt.
- Leave for a few minutes to absorb the salt.
- Dampen the napkin with alcohol and treat the contamination.
- Leave the alcohol to dry.
Method №3
Simple salt without other agents also effectively corrodes fat of any origin. To clean the interior items in this way, do this:
- Prepare the mixture: 1 tbsp.water - 1.5 tsp.salt.
- Apply the mixture to the soiling.
- Leave for three hours.
- Wash off with a damp cloth.
How to remove old grease spots?
Fresh traces to remove special labor is not. It is much more troublesome to do this when they are already several hours or days old. For such situations, we have several methods that effectively and quickly, without using special means, will help you destroy such substances.
Method No. 1
Prepare a universal solution and use it if necessary. You will need:
- water;
- ammonia;
- lemon juice;
- glycerin.
How to use:
- Take 1L of water.
- Add: 1 tsp.ammonia, 2 teaspoonslemon juice and 1 tsp.glycerin.
- Stir well until smooth.
- Apply the product to the desired surface.
- Leave to act for 5 hours.
- Wipe with a brush.
- Remove stains and remnants of the stain with a damp sponge.
Important! You can prepare such a solution in greater volume and save some time to solve similar problems, if you have to deal with them often.
Method number 2
An excellent tool against oily substances on the fabric is gasoline. Instructions for use:
- Mix 1 tbsp.gasoline with 2 tbsp.cleaning powder( any).
- Place the mixture on the desired area for several hours.
- Rinse with hot water.
- Repeat the procedure if necessary.
Using such simple tools, you can easily remove even the complex fat spots on the furniture and keep all the interior items clean.