After finishing and repair work on the floor covering can remain characteristic spots and dust. We offer to learn how to wash linoleum, after repair, so that not only it was possible to remove the dirt, but also to maintain a presentable appearance of the material to be cleaned.
Wash the floor after renovation can be very difficult
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1 How to clean up after the repair of linoleum stubborn dirt: professional and folk remedies
1.1 The linoleum wash dirt from household chemicals: reviews of experienced hostesses
1.2 How to clean linoleum from stubborn dirt: folk recipes
2 How to wash linoleum after the repair of specific pollutants
2.1 As wash vinyl apartment renovated from lime and cement: tested formulations
2.2 The scrub primer: several effective formulations
2.3 How to remove the mounting foam: options
2.4 How to get rid of whitewash: remove stains with their hands
2.5 The wash of paint stains on the linoleum: learn in advance
2.6 How to derive linoleum adhesive patches: two ways
How to clean up after the repair of linoleum stubborn dirt: professional and folk remedies
Even if repairs are carried out very carefully and correctly, the floor may be stained. Get rid of them can be difficult. It is important to not only know how to wash linoleum, but also what compounds should be used after repairs. The wrong choice can worsen the appearance of the flooring. We offer to learn how to wash linoleum from stubborn dirt after repairs, not to disturb the washing instructions.
Not all agents are equally effective after repair
The linoleum wash dirt from household chemicals: reviews of experienced hostesses
Manufacturers offer a wide range, so it is difficult to define than to wash linoleum dirt. The most popular are:
taff Stuss - foam cleaner that allows you to perform the dry cleaning the floor, including after repair;
Taff Stuss easy to wash the floor
White Spirit. Powerful solvent, sufficiently coping with challenging soils. Work should be performed wearing gloves and open space;
White spirit - a powerful tool
646. The multi-component composition, which allows even remove the remaining paint after repairs. However, quite toxic and can be ignited;
646 cope with paint
Mister proper. By adding the water the cap means can be rid of traces and plaster whitewash.
Mr. Proper quickly will remove stains
If you think, than to wash linoleum in the kitchen, we offer to get acquainted with reviews of housewives who have already managed to take advantage of a variety of ready-made formulations.
Review of the gel Clean Home
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A review of cleaning and polishing Anti-HG
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How to clean linoleum from stubborn dirt: folk recipes
If you buy a ready structure fails, offer to find out how to clean linoleum from stubborn dirt using folk remedies:
water and milkMixed in equal proportions, able to remove the dirt and add luster;
elderberry help get rid of even stubborn dirt and grease;
potato starch relevant for stains of iodine. We only need to wet mush cause pollution;
school eraser It allows you to deal with the dirt, left over from a rubber shoe;
matches cope with a ballpoint pen. It is only necessary to wet and rub the sulfur pollution;
sauerkraut juice. Its constituent acid is able to penetrate the stains and remove heavy contamination.
Choosing what to clean linoleum flooring from dirt, should take into account the specificity of the resulting pollution. Consider how to deal with each kind.
Folk remedies may be effective
How to wash linoleum after the repair of specific pollutants
It can be difficult to understand how to wash very dirty linoleum. Especially if the coating is formed on the specific contaminants. We offer to meet with reliable methods of disposal of difficult stains that have already eaten into the base.
Specific stains require the use of special tools
As wash vinyl apartment renovated from lime and cement: tested formulations
Get rid of the traces left behind by the cement or lime, it is quite difficult. From the use of corrosive compounds should be abandoned, since the coating may become darker because of the pop-flight. It is advisable to use ekopreparaty, the composition of which is focused on the execution of such works. Many housewives will be wondering how to wash the apartment renovated folk ways. You can do this:
soap solution, containing 100 g of soap, mixed with 3-4 tablespoons coarse salt, dissolved in a bucket of warm water;
solution of potassium permanganate;
water mixed in a ratio of 1: 1 with milk. Such a composition will not only help get rid of the divorce, but also return the lost luster.
Attention! When deciding what to wash linoleum, it should be remembered that the use of hot water is unacceptable: tarnish coating.
Soapy water to help cope with divorce
The scrub primer: several effective formulations
Think about how you wash linoleum in the kitchen, will have after curing primer. Prior to this, it is possible to erase the usual cloth. If the composition has stiffened, it will require other means to clean linoleum. After the repair, you can use:
nail polish remover to clean a small piece. Means applied to the floor by means of a rigid washcloths;
solution consisting of water and acetone, mixed in a ratio of 3: 1.
The solution will help to remove the acetone primer
How to remove the mounting foam: options
Often, the hostess will learn how to clean up the old linoleum from the remnants of foam. If it still is not completely frozen, you need to arm themselves with a spatula or sharp knife. Cutting off the foam, the purified part of a home floor covering to be processed or other solvent compositions for this purpose.
Removing the foam after repair
How to get rid of whitewash: remove stains with their hands
First, the entire surface must be washed in warm water to which is added soap and salt. From what can be a light wash linoleum in the kitchen, this solution can be quite efficient. If stains still remain, you can clean the floor with a solution of potassium permanganate. As a rule, then divorce manage to completely remove. If they still remain, it is necessary to wash the floor with water, to which two tablespoons of kerosene added. This method is quite effective, however, will further ventilate flat and clean smell weak acetic solution.
Tip! Prior to the start of construction to be protected floor with newspapers or plastic wrap.
Soap solution is effective renovated
The wash of paint stains on the linoleum: learn in advance
When carelessly staining the floor can get paint. Not to think about how to clean up stains on the linoleum in the future, should delete them immediately. Remove dried paint is much more difficult. Not completely dried in stains can be softened with vegetable oil and then good to clean hard brush or solid matter.
How to wash linoleum in the kitchen, if the ink stain has dried up? With solvent. It is possible to use White Spirit and its analogs, after checking the possible reaction in an inconspicuous place.
Mikhail Starostin
Team leader repair and construction company "Home Premium"
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«Stop using alkali and soda: the flooring will be fragile. "
Paint stains require the use of special funds
How to derive linoleum adhesive patches: two ways
If the floor covering with wallpaper pasting walls appeared glue droplets, a simple washing with clean water the floor will not give the desired result. Consider how to bring the stain with linoleum, in this case, and by what means better use. Fresh glue can be washed off with soap and water. a special tool is required to remove stubborn stains. Also soap solution may be used kerosene, gasoline, mineral spirits.
The glue should be immediately scrape
Mikhail Starostin
Team leader repair and construction company "Home Premium"
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«From the use of corrosive substances should be avoided, as they will damage the appearance of the floor. "
Knowing how to clean up the dirty linoleum, and how to take advantage of the compositions, it is possible to take up the cleaning. Share in the comments, on what you have already got rid of spots and in what way benefited.