πŸ›Ž net entrance and no problems: 5 practical advice for housewives

Autumn, winter and spring - a perennial problem for the hostess. All pets are in the house on boots and shoes slush and mud, and shaggy pets and did trample each time the hall after the walk so that I have to clean the floor again and again. What to do to cleaning It does not become a permanent service - in this material from HouseChief.ru.

Life should not be transformed into an eternal washing of floors. Follow these simple rules and you will not have to endlessly waving cloth
Life should not be transformed into an eternal washing of floors. Follow these simple rules and you will not have to endlessly waving cloth

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  • 1 Idea 1: teach a dog
  • 2 Idea 2: create barriers for dirt
  • 3 Idea 3: sump for shoes
  • 4 Idea 4: create the conditions for cleaning shoes and clothing
  • 5 Idea 5: Keep a handy tool for cleaning

Idea 1: teach a dog

Now that you have decided to have a pet, please deal with his upbringing. Rude dog with dirty paws after a walk welcome hosts, dirtying their clothes. And sometimes they even manage to break with such legs in the room and there heritage. If you do not want the typical footprints of your favorite flaunted everywhere, start with his upbringing. Get in the hallway for a dog mat and accustom it after a walk on the team to sit on it until you wipe her paws. It's not as difficult as it seems.

A little love and goodies - and will succeed
A little love and goodies - and will succeed

Keep a special towel to wipe his feet quickly. And each time not to drag the dog in bathroomUse a small bowl or a bucket of water. Wash your legs by turns - and no problems. By the way, bath scares many dogs, and besides, they do not like when they take on the hands and feet on the ground. Large dogs perceive it as a threat and violence. On the mat, a towel and a basin you quickly and without nerves solve all problems.

On sale there are even special facilities for washing feet, similar to a glass with a soft brush inside
On sale there are even special facilities for washing feet, similar to a glass with a soft brush inside

Idea 2: create barriers for dirt

Dirt remains after each step, so you need to create barriers that would maximize detained her to the entrance of the house. The first hurdle - a carpet with high pile tough front. Such mats can be made of hard plastic or rubber. They are convenient to shake off his feet and rubbed the soles.

When the mud dries and osypetsya, it is easy to clean with a broom
When the mud dries and osypetsya, it is easy to clean with a broom

The second barrier - mat beyond the threshold. On it potopchutsya your guests while not remove shoes. If the rug is not, all the dirt will remain on the floor - then it exactly We have to wipe. Inside the apartment, lay down matThrough which also wakes up the sand.

Which can be spread, and an absorbent pad, which is easy to wash
Which can be spread, and an absorbent pad, which is easy to wash

Idea 3: sump for shoes

Your kids ran after playing in the snow, put the shoes in the hallway, and it natekla entire pool. Familiar? The problem can be solved very simply.

Put the tray in the hallway, even put wet shoes in it
Put the tray in the hallway, even put wet shoes in it

Pour water from the tray is easier than again to mop the floor. Community Network offer two original life hacking for these trays.

πŸ›Ž 5 simple tips on how to maintain cleanliness in the hallway
You can fill the capacity of pebbles - so she will look stylish

And if the image for you anything, put on the bottom of the absorbent diaper - and then the water will not have to pour out.

And definitely do not delay washing and drying wet boots. The longer they remain in the form of wet and dirty, the harder they then put in order.

Set up an Electric driers, it is very speed up the process
Set up an Electric driers, it is very speed up the process

Idea 4: create the conditions for cleaning shoes and clothing

As long as your spouse is jumping on one leg in the hallway, trying to take off shoes, mud splashes will fly everywhere.

Put in the hallway convenient ottoman or bench, so you can immediately sit down at the door and undressed
Put in the hallway convenient ottoman or bench, so you can immediately sit down at the door and undressed

Under shop We must stand slippers. A jacket with adhering to the snow was not in cabinet, In front of the brush, hang clothes and taught his household to use it. And yet - put in the hallway stand for umbrellas with capacity for runoff water.

And do not listen to counselors, who say that the umbrellas need to dry only in the clear. This is not necessarily
And do not listen to counselors, who say that the umbrellas need to dry only in the clear. This is not necessarily

Idea 5: Keep a handy tool for cleaning

Assuming that floors in the hallway usually made of wear-resistant and does not absorb water material, you need to have a means for cleaning, which quickly removes excess moisture. Washing vacuum cleaner - it is certainly good, but for him to go, plug it in, and then wash the tank. It takes a lot of time.

A good and very simple solution - an absorbent mop with a mechanical spin
A good and very simple solution - an absorbent mop with a mechanical spin

Soft sponge to quickly absorb water and will collect dirt. You do not even have to get your hands dirty, because such mop It rinses easily and is pushed by a lever. The whole procedure takes a couple of minutes, no more.

And finally - a small observation. The more crowded the vestibule - the harder it cleaning. Superfluous things clutter the space, and the treacherous mud and tries to hide behind a mountain of shoes. Hide extra shoesLeave on the mind only, which is now in use. Think of where it is convenient to store small items.

Be sure to hang in the hallway a large well-lit mirror to your home could instantly see the dirt on the clothes, if it is
Be sure to hang in the hallway a large well-lit mirror to your home could instantly see the dirt on the clothes, if it is

And in any case, do not turn your life into manic fight for purity. It is better to give the mud to dry, so it is easier to clean. It makes no sense to go with a rag every household. Recruit your home to wash their own clothes and shoes cleaned.

πŸ›Ž 5 simple tips on how to maintain cleanliness in the hallway
There are an infinite number of other, more pleasant and useful lessons that can be given free time

Maybe you know more any secrets cleanliness in the hallway? Write about it in the comments!