If you have never been to the abandoned houses, it is unlikely to be able to imagine what an unusual atmosphere reigns in them. Time slowly devours environment and interior, inexorably destroying what used to be pleasing to the eye. HouseChief.ru with you today looks in such places.

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- 1 little minx bike in the mansion Brimming
- 2 Creepers, Entangling house in Mississippi
- 3 Mysterious house music in France
- 4 Medical doctor's office in Germany
- 5 The mysterious disappearance of the house owners in Canada
- 6 Ghosts town Sanchzhi
- 7 These walls have seen Hitler
- 8 Restless soul hotel "Diplomat"
- 9 Ladies' College of Heath Hall
- 10 Baby Tears Miranda Castle
little minx bike in the mansion Brimming
In the west, there is a prosperous Belgium Brimming mansion that the owners left in the 50-ies of the last century. A feeling that they were leaving the house in a hurry, because many things were left untouched. If you walk through the halls of the mansion, it seems that somewhere heard children's laughter, and tricycle bicycle I left the room the little mischievous child.
The nine rooms of a huge house is still standing antique furnitureAnd the situation eventually decays, making the interior more and more eerie. But once there was very cozy: light stairs, Cute colorful wallpaper, soft comfortable furniture. It is strange that no one wants to rebuild the mansion. Perhaps the owners think it is unprofitable. As long as they are interested in except that the lovers do lurid pictures.

Creepers, Entangling house in Mississippi
House in Mississippi, built just after the Civil War between North and South, was sold to its owner for $ 5,300. After he repeatedly passed from hand to hand, while in the 80s of last century, the last tenants have not left him for good. Leaving the house, the owners did not care about how to clean up the mess, and now on his example, we can clearly see how nature gradually absorbs all the things left without human supervision. Mold in the kitchen, rust on metal parts, crumbling plaster - all these are signs of dilapidation. Outside the house is gradually vines entwine. And only old photos with faces of people long since left this world, watch the slow death of the once family nest.
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Mysterious house music in France
In the French outback is this abandoned house. There is quite clean and neat, this seldom happens in such places. One gets the feeling that the mansion for someone watching, although it window and doors boarded up long ago. Neighbors recognized that sometimes the site as if heard the sound of music. Indeed, in hall worth a musical instrument, but the layer of dust on it so that it becomes obvious that no one played on it for decades. This interior can be described as sweet, given the soft colors and skilfully picked up a semitone, but corruption is already printed on the whole, what to look down. And this is not alone.
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Medical doctor's office in Germany
This house once belonged to the German doctor in private practice. The house has a medical office with equipment and rich library. What made the doctor to leave this building is so sudden that he dropped all the property is not known, but the thought of the possible options make the hair on the head to move. Eerie surroundings complement the vintage photo, X-rays and weird pictures on the walls. Obviously, once this house looked very prestigious and expensive, but now it can safely shoot horror movies.
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The mysterious disappearance of the house owners in Canada
In a small village in Canada, there is a house, which goes bad fame. Rumor has it that the owners have suddenly disappeared, and the search has not led to any results. Indeed, the whole situation here looks as if the hosts took just a minute. Things are in their seats in the hall gathering dust instrument, and in the dining room chairs face as if someone had just got up from the table. Only in bathroom some confusion, as if someone was looking for in a hurry here medications or bandages. No one knows what happened here, witness the terrible disappearance were only photographs and perfectly placed the book on the shelves.
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Ghosts town Sanchzhi
Ghost town Sanchzhi in Taiwan was built as a resort town. Local rich to invest big money in the original idea of ββarchitects with a completely futuristic houses. The house looked like a flying saucer, which seem to have landed here at the spaceport. The builders did not take into account only one: at this point the Japanese concentration camp was located, and the curse of this place was literally require blood. Workers on a construction site died a few people on the day of the accident. Despite the obvious evil tayascheesya in this place, construction completed and officially opened the city. But no one wanted to settle there. Now here carry daring tourists who are not afraid of ghosts and want to wander among the houses of the country, which does not look fantastic, but ominous.
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These walls have seen Hitler
Sanatorium Beelitz-Haylshtetten in Germany was once a very popular place where many wealthy Germans have been treated. Incidentally, there was treated and Adolf Hitler in 1916. Place it flourished before the Second World War, and then became a hospital for the wounded. After the war the GDR again turned in Beelitz sanatorium, which served the contingent of Soviet troops. After the destruction of the Berlin Wall and the resort was empty now slowly decaying into something apocalyptic and very gloomy. In 2000, an attempt was made to rebuild the buildings, but for unknown reasons, it hastily turned and left the place alone.
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Restless soul hotel "Diplomat"
Not far from the Dominican hill in Baguio City, Philippines, is an abandoned hotel with the sonorous name "Diplomat". It was originally built as a seminary, but during the war was used as a hospital and shelter. The building was repeatedly bombarded and the entire medical staff was killed by Japanese soldiers. None of the refugees and the wounded are not survived. Despite the notoriety, in 1973 it was restored and made hotel. But the guests began to complain about the moans and cries that bothered them at night. People have seen some terrible figures that roamed the corridors and hid behind curtains. The last straw was the mysterious death of the manager, after which the hotel is closed. Now he rarely showed eager for mystery tour.
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Ladies' College of Heath Hall
In 1890 Halsey Hall was built as a luxury hotel, but after 10 years the owner has given an exquisite building in the use of women's colleges. Until 1978, the school flourished until it became a popular cooperative education. After wanting to keep the institution diminished and it was closed. Since then, the house is empty. The old-timers can not recall any specific incidents gloomy associated with the building, but now there reigns inexorable time, which destroys the once luxurious interiors.
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Baby Tears Miranda Castle
Ancestral home of the family-Lidkerk Bufort castle Miranda, after the Second World War has been turned by the Belgians in the orphanage. There lived an orphan, lost their parents because of the bombings. It is hard to imagine how many children's tears Mark these walls. After some time, the local authorities to find shelter somewhere else, and the castle itself was offered to take over the care of the Municipality. but the owners castle They refused to give it, and since then it is empty and destroyed slowly.
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These places hold many secrets and attract tourists and photographers from around the world. It is amazing to see how the once luxurious interiors and inhabited possession destroys time. Describe your experience in the comments - perhaps you could visit these homes?