If you plan to replace plumbing note the acrylic liner in the bath. This product allows to hide defects available, giving beautiful surface appearance. We offer to meet with the advantages and disadvantages of such inserts, their distinctive features and installation procedure.
Recover the cup can be of any size and configuration
Read article
1 What you need to know about acrylic lining on the tub: main features
2 Advantages and disadvantages of acrylic liner for the bath
3 Materials used for the manufacture of acrylic tabs in an iron and steel bath
4 Operational characteristics acrylic inserts of type
4.1 Cast liners
4.2 composite liners
5 Manufacturers acrylic liners Restoration of bathtubs
6 The procedure for determining the size of the insert, if you decide to buy an acrylic liner in the bath without installation
7 Acrylic inserting or replacing the bath: Select the appropriate option
8 How to choose the acrylic liner in the bath - the recommendations of our editorial
9 How to install an acrylic liner in the bath: a sequence of actions
9.1 Preparing the bath
9.2 Prepare liner
9.3 Installation of acrylic liner
10 care Regulations
11 Restoration of bathtubs with acrylic liquid: the advantages and disadvantages of the method
12 What determines the price of the acrylic liner in the bath and reviews of real customers
What you need to know about acrylic lining on the tub: main features
Abroad, similar products appeared a few decades ago. We are using a little more than 20 years, allowing for relatively little money to restore the old plumbing.
Restoration will be cheaper to buy a new sanitary ware
Acrylic plate is used to restore the state of the inner surface of an old bath. It is a case to be inserted from above into the container. Just a few hours it can help to restore the performance of the product.
Restored the surface is difficult to distinguish from the new
Advantages and disadvantages of acrylic liner for the bath
The benefits of using this product should include:
Ease of maintenance and installation. The entire complex work can be done with your hands in just 1 - 2 hours;
The possibility of correcting defects such as improper inclination or PERMANENT water stagnation;
The repair without damage wall covering or other surfaces;
Economy. Price with installation of acrylic insert is always less than the cost of a new bathroom;
Low thermal conductivity characteristics of the material, thereby reducing the outflow of heat from the water, and it slowly cools;
Increasing the bath-life is not less than 15 years;
Ease of care. Dirt and plaque easily removed;
Reconstruction of a surface integrity.
A wide choice of colors
According to reviews from acrylic inserts in the bath, there are some disadvantages:
For the care of the surface is necessary to use special means;
Damaged renovated changed entirely, as its recovery becomes impossible;
Low mechanical strength. Various damage on the surface can occur after an accidental fall of objects or the claws of pets;
Improper installation can impair the tightness of the liner and under his bottom will begin to accumulate moisture, and eventually appear fungus.
High requirements for assembly work
Materials used for the manufacture of acrylic tabs in an iron and steel bath
acrylic inlays production technology in a cast-iron bath involves laying on a special acrylic sheet molding machine. After heating to the desired temperature of the preform becomes plastic and give it the desired shape. We offer watch a video describing the production process:
What is worth acrylic insert into the bath depends on the material used for its manufacturing. Inserts for production use:
Polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA). This thermoplastic plastic, which is also called organic glass, has a smooth, snow-white surface. No fear of exposure to chemicals and is resistant to abrasion;
ABS plastic It is impact resistant thermoplastic engineering resin. Characterized by resistance to shock.
The correct choice of material - a guarantee of long-term operation
Operational characteristics acrylic inserts of type
As and how long an operational characteristics will possess insertion depends on the properties of the material used for its manufacturing. We offer to meet with the existing species and their distinctive features.
The performance characteristics depend on the type of insert
Cast liners
Such inserts have a flat, smooth surface, which greatly simplifies the maintenance process. Small pores prevent deep penetration of dirt and contamination because all appear fairly easily washed off. cast products service life can exceed 10 years, if the installation was carried out by all the rules.
Mikhail Starostin
Team leader repair and construction company "Home Premium"
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"The cost of the cast liner sanitary acrylic is about 30% of the cost of a new bathroom."
Some manufacturers offer cheap castings. However, their manufacturing thin sheets of acrylic, which may provoke damage or abrasion of the surface. It is also the cause of the low cost of the product may be the use of low-quality acrylic. This is evidenced by a large pore size and the presence of color.
composite liners
These products are made of two materials: ABS plastic and acrylic. The first acts as a base, and the second thin layer is applied. Externally, such products do not differ from the cast. If you plan to buy inexpensive acrylic liner to the cast-iron bath, pay attention to them in the first place. The price of similar products is always lower than what the cast, as well as life. Usually after 5 - 6 years, even in high-quality composite products rubbed acrylic layer.
Restore the integrity of the damaged layer is difficult. Polishing due to the small thickness of the layer is not used. The use of a special technology does not always give good results. Sometimes due to a violation of manufacturing technology in the operation of the process can be observed peeling of acrylic
Manufacturers acrylic liners Restoration of bathtubs
If you decide to perform the restoration of the bath by means of acrylic liner note for the products of the following companies:
LLC "ISKomp". The manufacturer uses its own patented method of manufacture and provide quality certified products. You can select colors and sizes of the product;
Plastall. The company's catalog includes materials for restoration of steel and cast-iron bowls. It has several branches in the territory of Russia, CIS countries and far abroad. The manufacturer offers liners and liquid acrylics;
Seven Lux. Release of products is carried out in Togliatti on high-tech German equipment. Originality applied technology confirmed by appropriate certificates;
"Multiplast". Quality products fully comply with the regulatory requirements.
Quality products is certified
The procedure for determining the size of the insert, if you decide to buy an acrylic liner in the bath without installation
If the price of the acrylic liner in the tub with the installation seems to be too large, it can be purchased separately and insert to perform the installation yourself. To do this, choose a model with the right dimensions. By the required parameters are:
The length of the bowl on the outer edge;
Inner length. This parameter is measured without the length of the flanges. It is assumed greater importance;
A depth of about drain. The size is removed in a plane perpendicular to the floor;
The width of the drain or at the head excluding skirting parameters;
Shooting range to be accurately
Attention! Knowing all of the above options, you can buy acrylic liner in the bath without installation.
Without having to install the product is cheaper
Acrylic inserting or replacing the bath: Select the appropriate option
If the bath surface is damaged, ensure safe conditions plumbing operation is possible by the installation:
New products;
Acrylic inserts.
In the presence of financial opportunities first option is preferred. However, in this case, often it changes not only plumbing, but also to perform indoor repair.
Insert cheaper new plumbing
If you execute room finishing not planned to install an additional element is the optimal solution. You can always choose the desired color acrylic insert and carry out installation work in the home.
Tip! To become an alternative to insert a new bathroom, you should choose high-quality product made in the factory.
The thickness of the insert should be maximized
How to choose the acrylic liner in the bath - the recommendations of our editorial
To purchase a quality product that can last for many years, at the time of purchase is recommended to pay attention to:
The color of the material. It should be white. The presence of any shade is not allowed;
Better to choose a white product
The surface condition. Insert should be smooth and even, a little silky to the touch. The presence of any defects or damage, sagging is unacceptable;
The wall thickness. Evaluation usually performs on board products. The thicker the better. I push a small acrylic can bend a little, but the deflection should not exceed a few millimeters. The material has to restore its shape completely.
Mikhail Starostin
Team leader repair and construction company "Home Premium"
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"If the external product meets the requirements listed above, check with the seller, the material from which it is made, and what is the thickness of the wall."
The presence of defects is unacceptable
How to install an acrylic liner in the bath: a sequence of actions
If you decide to carry out installation work with their hands, we offer to deal with how to properly install an acrylic liner in the bath. All work is done in a certain sequence to meet a number of requirements.
Compliance with technical requirements - the main requirement
Preparing the bath
Works are carried out in the following sequence:
Description of the action
The bath is thoroughly cleaned. Repel the rim and clear its existing contamination.
Removing the harness using Bulgarian. Remove all accumulated dirt.
Thoroughly wash and degreasing the surface of the bowl. To wash use special formulations intended for wash plumbing. Rinse off detergent, surface dried.
Prepare liner
Before you install the insert into the container, it is necessary to prepare. For this:
Description of the action
Around the perimeter of the product cut by the edge process, which was intended to protect the main surface from damage.
By means of special nozzles formed hole drain and overflow. Their spatial position should align with the utmost care.
Before you install the insert into the container, it is necessary to prepare. For this:
Description of the action
At the bottom of the old bathroom smeared with a special three-component foam. Composition distribute uniformly over the entire surface.
Install tab, paying particular attention to the sides and bottom.
Remove the excess sealant and install metal grating drain and overflow. Fill water bath to check the quality of the work performed
Set on the perimeter of the plastic cup border. All seams are processing a waterproof sealant.
care Regulations
The service life of acrylic liner largely depends on how well executed the manufacturer's recommendations for the care of such products. We offer watch a video, which will allow to understand the intricacies of care:
Restoration of bathtubs with acrylic liquid: the advantages and disadvantages of the method
If the standard-sized bathtub, to find a suitable rate will not be difficult. Manufacturers offer products of various sizes and colors. For non-standard insert designs are made to order, that some of their cost increases.
An alternative method is the restoration of the bath liquid acrylic. Used to restore the surface stakril has higher performance than the epoxy paint. On its surface the cup is poured, rather than applied valikoi or brush.
Ability to handle any configuration surface
The advantages of the filling method should include:
Ability to restore the bowl of any size and configuration;
Negligible reduction of the inner volume;
There is no need to dismantle the coating materials with a side bathroom. To protect the decorative coating using construction scotch tape;
Opportunity to correct minor defects.
Among the shortcomings of the method should be noted:
Negative impact acrylic fumes on human health. When drying the composition is in the bathroom is only in the PPE;
The need to dismantle the siphon on the processing time to prevent it from clogging;
Inability to recover deep defects;
The high cost of the material, since during the application it has to be poured, not applied with a brush.
What determines the price of the acrylic liner in the bath and reviews of real customers
If you decide to buy an acrylic liner in the bath, the price of these products depends on their size, configuration, material used and the manufacturer. We offer to meet with an average cost:
Characteristics of the acrylic liner
Price without installation, rubles
Prices installation, rubles
White, 150 cm
3 800 – 3950
5 500 – 6 500
White, 170 cm
3 950 – 4 100
5 700 – 7 000
Color, 150 cm
3 500 – 4 100
5 500 – 6 500
Color, 170 cm
3 95 – 4 400
5 700 – 7 000
We think you will be interested in not only price, but also reviews of acrylic bathtub liners:
More on Otzovik: http://otzovik.com/review_184330.html
acrylic liner in the bath
Comments on the bath acrylic liner ISKomp:
More on Otzovik: https://otzovik.com/review_5038870.html
acrylic liner in the bath ISKomp
Share in the comments why you have decided to buy an acrylic box into the bath and what kind preferred.