It has long been noticed that even if all your family, only two people, the shoes in the hall will be as much as if the apartment is home to at least five. And the more you have the more the more serious the situation is. Scattered in disarray shoes do not decorate interiorSo, if you order is important, you need a shelf for shoes. The best ideas and recommendations for the design - in this material from

Read article
- 1 Before you select a shelf
- 2 Types of shoe shelves on the principle of storage and allocation
- 2.1 Fixed shelves, cupboards
- 2.2 Folding shelves - Slim
- 2.3 Corner shelves for shoes
- 2.4 wall obuvnitsy
- 2.5 Shoe storage under the stairs
- 2.6 Obuvnitsy with seat
- 2.7 Boxes for storing shoes
- 3 Select obuvnitsu for interior
- 3.1 The minimalist approach
- 3.2 the loft design
- 3.3 Stylish high-tech
- 3.4 Trim Shabby-chic
- 3.5 Rustic country style
- 3.6 Charming Provence
- 4 Rules shoe storage
Before you select a shelf
Do not rush to buy the first available in the near whatnot shop. Before making a choice, decide on the scope and requirements for this piece of furniture. What do I need to do:
- sort existing shoes for the season and the owner;
- dispose of all torn, and to communicate and out of fashion shoes;
- attributed to a shelter or a church shoes or boots in good condition that you have just will not be worn. Someone such shoes are very rescue. This is especially true of children's clothes;
- postpone the shoes that you wear infrequently, for example, to return to the theater or a restaurant. She is not necessarily to be constantly at hand;
- cook in the corridor a place where you can just put the dirty boots. It should be a pallet, whereby, dirt and water will not spread on your hall. You can easily change clothes, and then take up the cleaning;
- clean in dressing or on the mezzanine things that do not match the season. them better store with outerwear for a particular time of the year;
- Think how often in your house guests come, and how much space is needed for their shoes.

Types of shoe shelves on the principle of storage and allocation
Once you have decided on a capacity furnitureIt is time to decide what type of obuvnits suits you. Quite a few options:
Fixed shelves, cupboards

These cupboards do not take up much space, but can hold at least 20 pairs of shoes. Pencil case should be selected on the size of your hallway and the tone of the main furniture.
Folding shelves - Slim

They are flat in appearance. The thickness of such furniture is only 20-25 cm. Shoes are loaded into the folding shelves. The only disadvantage is that here you can not put boots. For them, have to find a place in cabinet.
Corner shelves for shoes

No exception and obuvnitsy. The only caveat is that, due to the placement of the specifics, many couples in this regiment will not put much more fit in the usual rectangular canisters.
wall obuvnitsy

They attach directly to the wall at different heights. There are shelves that hold the boots and shoes, only socks. Choosing these, remember that shoes on a shelf have to be dry and clean, otherwise the dirt is inside the shoes, which are at the bottom.
Shoe storage under the stairs
If you have a private house or duplex, very convenient to use the space under the stairway Storage business details and footwear.

Obuvnitsy with seat
Comfortable furniture for storing everyday shoes - obuvnitsa with upholstered seat. It is set to hall so that you can immediately, at the door, sit down and take off our shoes. In such furniture often have small drawers for cream, brushes and blades.

Boxes for storing shoes
Seasonal shoes that you remove in cupboard, It is better to put in the box, pre-processed cream.

If there is no transparent - sign or affix the ends of the boxes to them for identification stickers. Shoes can leave and baskets with lids. But in any case, long-term storage it is important to put shoes only clean, dry and well-treated.
Select obuvnitsu for interior
You thoroughly thought out the design of your hall? In this case, it must necessarily obuvnitsa match, otherwise all your work will be in vain. Consider a few options, with examples:
The minimalist approach
The popular and simple style requires a minimum of decoration and maximum practicality. Every centimeter of the area must be fully involved. This approach gives excellent results even in the smallest spaces. If you have such an entrance - note the wall racking and shelves, Connected with closets - a compartment.

the loft design
For such an option is best suited hardware. This may be what-welded from usual tubes or a specially bent steel strip.

for modern loft You do not even need to dwell on painting products. You just need to remember that the metal can from the wet shoes fast rust throughTherefore, it is better to paint.
Stylish high-tech
it Fashionable style megacities, which is great for a city apartment. Preference is given to simple and concise manner, using plastic, glass and metal. This option is very similar to minimalism. It differs only in gloss fronts.

Trim Shabby-chic
Shabby chic is a bit like ProvenceBut surpasses it in the decoration. The abundance of details from a bright textile, lace, floral ornaments, unusual Shabby furniture with traces of time - all this Shabby.

Rustic country style
Country - very organic style of a country house. Everything in it breathes rustic simplicity. The color scheme - very natural. Line a little rough. All furniture It gives the impression of solidity and exceptional strength.

Charming Provence
Another one comfortable style for a country house. However, if you miss city life in nature - why not make the hall in this style? Here, too, is dominated by natural gamma and the effect of aged. Colors - pastel and muted.

Rules shoe storage
There are some simple and important rules that allow you to permanently save your favorite things:
- Keep shoes in a dry state, otherwise it will mold;
- before laying on seasonal storage, Repair the shoes from the master, so you do not spend this precious time;
- Do not store near Shoes radiatorsIt can crack from dryness and cracked;
- If your shoes get wet - dry it using crumpled newspaper or special dryers;
- keep boots and shoes in a well-ventilated place, protected from direct sunlight.

If you have other ideas for the organization obuvnitsy - write about it in the comments. And in conclusion you will offer a small video of the device convenient storage system for the hall: