Overview of infrared furnaces for saunas, how to choose an effective IR oven sauna

To properly understand what is in question, we should recall the basics of what the infrared rays.

We will understand the terminology in

IR is called a kind of electromagnetic radiation, described by the laws of optics. That is the nature of the IR radiation is similar to ordinary light. These rays in the spectrum occupied by the range between the visible (red), with L = 0.74 microns (where L is a wavelength) on the one hand, and HF radio waves, L = (1-2) mm, on the other.

This region of the spectrum is divided into three groups:

  • ET - The long-wavelength (50,0≤L≤2000) microns;
  • SV - medium wave (2,5≤L≤50) microns;
  • HF - shortwave (0,74≤L≤2,5) microns.

This radiation occurs in any heated body. Moreover, the greater the temperature of the source, the shorter L, and intense IR radiation.

With minor temperatures almost the entire range of such radiation is in the infrared range. Visually similar body looks dark. With increasing temperature, the wavelength emitted by the body, are shifted in the direction of the visible spectrum, passing sequentially, red, yellow and, when the high temperature value, the white color.
On the one hand, this information is not relevant to the topic of this article, but on the other hand, applies directly. It allows you to understand the terminological confusion, which afford producers IR ovens, describing their products:

  • Some call it the infrared;
  • Others - long wave;
  • The third - the dark;
  • Fourth - light.

But all of the furnace - Infrared. A discrepancy in the names because the ET have a lower temperature of the external surface, so the infrared radiation lies in the longwave range. Such transmitters are often referred to as dark, as virtually no light when the body such temperatures. CB furnace called gray. Their outdoor temperature is higher. A HF characterized max temperatures and are called light or white. In numbers, it looks like this:

  • Supertomnye body - (200≤t≤400) ° C;
  • Dark - (400≤t≤600) ° C;
  • catalytic low temperature
  • (600≤t≤800) ° C;
  • Medium-Light - (800≤t≤1000) ° C;
  • High light - of more than 1000 ° C.

Structure infrared oven

IR furnace for sauna heaters is more correct to call, since the principle of their operation is similar to the heaters.

These devices are:
  • a heat-resistant metallic or ceramic body of rectangular shape having an appropriate strength;
  • it is set infrared light, like a fluorescent lamp (daylight);
  • The housing accommodates the heat reflective shield and thermal insulation layer, which protects the body from overheating;
  • a reflector that radiates heat;
  • panel, on which the heating elements are mounted.

When connected to the mains, the latter are heated. Heat is transferred to the reflector - emitter. The room is warmed gradually. At first. radiation area. Then, the air in the room. This ensures uniform heating.

In current products in the following items can be used as a heater:

  • ceramic. Plate of ceramic material, which is embedded in high-impedance conductor:
  • (Nichrome), designed for heating up to thousands of degrees;
  • Fechral (with very high resistance) - up to 800 ° C, respectively.

Because of the specific design features are only used in ceiling and wall models. In devices such as a floor not apply. The average time of operation - up to 4 years;

  • Quartz. They are made of tubes of quartz glass executed. Have insulation formed yl Al profile that allows for heat radiation of the entire wafer surface. In many models, it is somewhat similar to TEN.

Products are designed for a seven-year operation;

  • Carbon. The tube is made of quartz, which is mounted in carbon fiber having a spiral shape. Vacuum Flask. Carbon filament heated to 3000 ° C (retaining strength). Heating element type defines a heating temperature of the reflector plate. Usually it (200-600) ° C. But max heating housing temperature ≤ 60 ° C.
  • Film emitters. Fixed to the entire inner surface of the cab (walls, ceilings). working temperature of the surface of such a radiator (25-50) ° C. Often used in conjunction with ceramic.

Average dimensions of such a device: (1000-1500) * 160 * 40. Mass, depending on the model, (3.5 - 5.0) kg.

Client IR heaters include the following items:
  • The heater assembly;
  • Fasteners included (here included brackets and hardware).

Everything else is needed to acquire further:

  • Automatic switches;
  • Cable and plug, matched to the existing load;
  • thermostat;
  • Other components.

Installation IR ovens

Such heaters can be mounted:

  • On the floor. Less options - take a lot of space. There is a high likelihood of inadvertently tipping. device so make sure you are equipped with automatic shutdown if the heater falls;
  • On the walls. Attach harder. But this is fully compensated by the security of this embodiment, its compactness and visual appeal;
  • On the ceiling. It requires the most complex installation and adjustment.

There are variations of infrared furnaces designed for corner installation. They emit in the sector (90-120) °.

special thermostats are used to maintain the desired temperature.

Zone heaters maximum efficiency is approximately 150 mm from the body of bathers. With this in mind, the best is a vertical wall installation option in the immediate vicinity of the shelves.

For the feet warm in the calf muscles level set one or two heaters.

IR heaters, working on the chest, are mounted at the corners of the sauna cabin.

The optimum power for infrared sauna value is considered to 350W (at the location at a distance of 150 mm from the body). not recommended to install more power heaters. At that distance, they can cause burns. And at a greater distance reduces the effectiveness of the infrared radiation.

Surface mounted emitters requires cooling. This explains the recommendation about leaving between them the rear wall and the enclosing structure sauna cabin 30-50 mm for the formation of convective currents. This allows the cooling devices and reduces warm-up time total volume of air in the cabin sauna.

Stoves are connected to a standard power supply network (230V / 50Hz) at a current of 15A. special sockets for connecting infrared sauna cabin is not required.

Control IR ovens

There are two control options:
  • Providing adjustment of the temperature values. Turning on and off heaters carried out automatically by commands formed VCT sensor (temperature control). This option does not fully warm up the body of a person in the steam room;
  • Designed to adjust the power consumption. These models are designed to change the intensity of infrared radiation, which allows to select the parameter that is optimal for a particular person. In this case, the whole human body is uniformly warmed gradually and smoothly. For maximum therapeutic effect.

To control the IR ovens can be used:

  • External control panel that is located outside the sauna cabin. It allows you to set the radiation power and duration of the procedure. At the end of the exposed time, the system is disconnected from the network automatically;
  • Built-in automation unit to adjust the operation of all heating elements. When the average power consumption of 1.1 kW the product 6 is intended to control the IR heaters. Therefore, they are equipped with a mini steam room, for one or two users. For large saunas recommended more powerful (1.5 kW) for 8 block heaters;
  • Internal control for adjusting microclimate parameters to optimal values.

Advantages of IR ovens

Among the main advantages of these heaters for saunas should be noted:

  • Their compact size that makes it possible to complete them even a small apartment saunas;
  • Simplicity and ease of installation and removal;
  • Autonomy. Such ovens do not require constant monitoring by the person and do not require periodic fuel addition;
  • Minimum warm-up time. Classical warm up the furnace to a desired temperature steam bath for 1.5 - 2 h. IR furnace, this requires ≤ 20 minutes. In this case the air oxygen not burned;
  • The low temperature of the body can mount such heaters on the surfaces decorated with any materials;
  • High efficiency. Opting for IR ovens gives a double savings:
  • They are cheaper than the classic electric;
  • It consumes 80% less power.

The choice of infrared saunas allows fans visiting paired build them even in his own apartment.